Unrefined Square Dance Caller Ideas

Rich Reel   2024 Aug 3

I carry a little electronic voice recorder with me at all times.  (I use Voice-It VT-300 but it's no longer available)  When I get an idea, be it at a dance, while driving, or in bed at night, I reach for my recorder and make a note of the idea.  Eventually the ideas get transferred to this page.  As I find time, I sort the ideas, decide which to keep, and work them into something meaningful to show on ALL8.com.  Not every idea is "tested" but each has something unique to offer.


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Caution: Choreo here has not been fully tested for errors or dancer success

-- First 1 or 2 characters indicate earliest "legal" Callerlab program, however no guarantee it's "level appropriate"
     I=Intro(SSD)  B=Basic(SSD)  B-=Basic but not SSD  S=Mainstream(SSD)  M=Mainstream not SSD
     P=Plus  X=Any  NOL=Not on any list  !=Hard

  Explanation of Website Notation  

Just In...

(sorted for convenience)
I   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 SqTh3 "outsides"-CtsyT,C-PasTh Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SqTh3 "outsides"-CtsyT,C-StrTh-StrTh-PasTh Sw-Pr  (C B hand-use issue)

B   ...Swing CirL "and you're home" (avoid 7/8 Prom)
B   4LCh3 (Cir.L) RollA "ptr!" RLG (surprisingly nice flow)
B   4LCh3 ALIAS = 4LChn G-RunL-Alamo
B   4LCh3 ALIAS SwThr "her by the L" RolPr
B   4LCh3 ALIAS SwThr B-RunR "first part twice"-SwThr WlkAC (DoPas etc.)
B   4LCh3 ALIAS SwThr G-RunL CirL
B   4LCh3 ALIAS SwThr G-RunL WlkAC (DoPas etc.)
B   4LChn Cir.L RollA Cir.L RollA "ptr!" RLG (surprisingly nice flow)
B   4LChn RollA "and square your set like this" H-PasTh SepA2 FwdBk [0L]
B   [0L] PsOcn G-FaceL B-FaceR (like Roll as if you could, watch timing so everyone's action is smooth)
B   [0P] (C-SqT@3-SldTh at home) C-PsOcn-RLT at home
B   [0W]/[0B] SwThr G-UTurn [0L.F]
B   [1L] PasTh E-"only"-BendL E-StrTh DivTh (like XFold)
B   [5W] SwThr B-FaceR G-FaceL (like Roll)
B   [B2p] SqTh3 1/3of-Zoom RLG (= SqTh3 AL)
B   [P] (C-PasTh to cnr) C-T1/4 AL
B   [SS] 4LCh3 CirR LyIMS AL "w cnr"
B   [SS] B-Run Alamo L.SwThr-1-1/2 DoPaS
B   [SS] G-Run Alamo SwThr-1-1/2 RLG
B   [SS] H-RLT-HSash-PasTh AL (call AL before they PasTh to avoid awkward backing up)
B   ALIAS = G-UTurn Alamo
B   break (middle break): 4LChn ALIAS (original ptr and cnr) "Circle clockwise" LyIMS "Circle clockwise" LyIMS AL Sw-Pr (fun if this was introduced earlier)
B   break: 4LChn HSash Cir.L RollA Cir.L AL Weave Sw-Pr
B   break: Cir.L AL TPtrR G-LStar WlkAC TPtrL RolPr  ??
B   fig, shortened: H-StrTh-PasTh RLT VeerL Cpl.C WhlDl DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C ChDTL FltWh SqTh4 (or StrTh SqTh3) Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh2 ("TWO!") "make a wave" SwThr B-Run WhlDl (or Feris C-PasTh) Sw-Pr  (mix WhlDl / Feris to test differentiating these 2 calls)
B   fig: H-PsOcn Ext SwThr G-Cir SwThr B-Cir SwThr B-Run WhlDl Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh2 RLT "arch in"-DivTh C-PasTh T-1/4 Scoot Scoot Sw-Pr  (easy timing after learning Scoot)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr SwThr G-Run BendL PasTh Sw-Pr
B   H-LyCh3 SB-"roll her away" "lines of 3" = H-Ldy-"only"-LeadR "circle up 3 break out make a line of 3" FwdBk "lines of 3"-PasTh HB-PasTh-"stay looking out" "lines of 3"-G-Trd Alamo DoPaS
B   H-LyCh3 SB-"roll her away" SB-"roll NEW girl away" "lines of 3"-FwdBk "lines of 3"-E-PasTh "waves of 3"-SwThr "waves of 3"-SpTop "and the B move up"...
B   H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 PasTh FaceI "make a line" StrTh "arch"-DivTh C-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   H-RLT-RollA FwdBk S-RLT-RollA-PasTh SepA2 FwdBk [0L]
B   H-SqTh3, S-UTurn-Clovr L...  (edge of overflow for some)
B   JoinH Cir.L "just the H, you're together"-RollA A-Cir.L (BBGG, G-FwdBk, etc.)
B   Teach A8Cir: "a hard thing about this call, you have to think about your position in the entire 8 dancer formation" (not just the one person that you're next to, or facing directly)

B   [2P] Zoom SFile-2LChn ("G R.PBy CtsyT, we'll call that a Single File 2LChn")
B   [2P] Zoom SFile-4LChn
B   [2P] Zoom SFile-4LCh3

B-  WlkAC SeSaw G-RStar "look quick for cnr" TCnrL FullT RLG
B-  WlkAC SeSaw G-StarR "corner" AL "full turn" RLG

S   ! [0M] CtrIn Ca1/4 WhlDl [2P]
S   [5W2p] (out of seq) E-XFold C-Trd RLG  (like XFire)
S   ALIAS SwThr "w R hand"-SHing B-"w L hand"-SHing "all w R hand"-SHing "all w L hand, turn her by the L, keep her"-Prom
S   fig: ! H-SqTh4 A-SqTh2 Ca3/4 SqTh2 TrdBy PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
S   fig: . . . Scoot("B go") Scoot("G go") StrTh Prom
S   fig: . . . SHing SpltC SHing C-Trd (repeat) Scoot Sw-Pr  -Vic Ceder
S   fig: H-SldTh DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 (FwdBk) SldTh DPT "leaders" PtTrd Sw-Pr  (short fig)
S   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh-PasTh (or SqTh2) Tag.I PasTh Tag LrUTurn Sw-Pr  (shortened timing)
S   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 C-Trd SwThr G-Run (Cpl.C) BendL PasTh (G-Fold) Sw-Pr
S   H-Pr1/2-RLT-HSash SldTh "facing outside 2" SldTh SldTh PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
S   H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd SwThr B-Run Tag G-UTurn Sw-Pr
S   H-SqThr, S-Face-SldTh CtrIn Ca3/4 ...
S   pre-cue [0LO] "in the C, B goes 1st"-C-XRun

M   [0L] DixiS B-Hinge, G-"Face the Bs" (like 1/4 Tag) Ext B-Run [0L]
M   [5LO] C-CalTw A-SHing C-CalTw [5L]
M   [B1c] (AL) SldTh PasTh Tag Clovr C-TrnTh AL 'Keep Her!" Prom
M   [P] (instead of Zoom) C-SldTh-PasTh-Cover  -Mike Pogue
M   [P] (instead of Zoom) C-SqThr-Clover (watch C don't stop at 3)
M   Fig: H-FltWh-Sweep-PasTh RLT DoSaD ToWav G-Trd Recyc Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SHing Scoot B-Run RLT DixiS B-XRun Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-SqTh2 A-SldTh PasTh Tag Clovr C-AL Sw-Pr
M   Fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd Recyc RLT Sw-Pr
M   Fig: H-SqTh4 RLT DoSaD ToWav G-Trd Recyc Sw-Pr
M   fig: S-BxGnt BackA H-SqTh2 A-SldTh E-PasTh A-BendL SldTh (=PasTh) ZERO Sw-Pr  (Same sex SldTh)  -Chuck Clay
M   fig: WlkAC SeSaw G-LStar TPtrR-FullT AL Weave Sw-Pr
M   getout: [B] (across the street) LSwTh B-Cir Recyc RLG
M   getout: [B] (across the street) SCirW AcDcy Recyc RLG
M   H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext Ca3/4 A8Cir A8Cir Sw-Pr (half dancers sashayed A8Cir)
M   H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext SHing A8Cir A8Cir Sw-Pr  (half dancers sashayed A8Cir)
M   H-Pr1/2-PsOcn Ext SwThr SpTop SqTh3 "finish up with a"-CtsyT SldTh Sw-Pr

M   H-SqTh4 SldTh RvFlt DixiS B-XRun Recyc Sw-Pr
M   H-SqTh4 T1/4 Scoot B-Run RvFlt DixiS B-XRun Recyc Sw-Pr (longer, a lot of R-ward flow)

P   ! [0F] ChDTL-Roll [5C]  (surprisingly difficult)
P   (after Col.C 1-1/2) 'Sausage' -> 'Cucumber' (for vegetarians) -Ryan Robertson
P   [0L] DixiS AcDcy-1-1/2 C6-L.GrSwT C6-("L-H")-SHing C-"diamond"-D.Cir (left)
P   [0L] DixiS AcDcy-1-1/2 C6-L.GrSwT C6-("L-H")-SHing O4-"big diamond"-D.Cir (left) C6-("L-H")-SHing C6-Col.C C4-Ca3/4,E-Trd-Roll [L] (FwdBk)
P   [0L] DixiS AcDcy-1-1/2 C6-L.GrSwT C6-("L-H")-SHing O4-"big diamond"-D.Cir (left) C6-("L-H")-SHing C6-Col.C C6-DoubleScoot (like TripleScoot)
P   [0L] DixiS AcDcy-1-1/2 C6-L.GrSwT C6-("L-H")-SHing O4-"big diamond"-D.Cir (left) C6-("L-H")-SHing C6-Col.C VC-Run C6-Col.C C-ExpWv, E-PtrTg [LO]
P   [D] "C by the R"-AcDcy (still hard, but easier)
P   [SS] 4LChn H-PsOcn PingP PingP-Roll "original ptr by the R"-A8SpT A8SpT B-Run "lines"-FwdBk
P   [SS] H-MovIn H-Trd-Roll A-DPT [0P]
P   [SS] S-PasTh ... S-Trd-Roll ("S already facing")-GrSqr
P   [SS] S-Trd-Roll GrSqr (S end sashayed at home)
P   [TH]/[L.TH] AcDcy (= SlipC 3x)
P   A8SpT TPtR WWThar Shoot SL  --Chuck Clay
P   AL A8SpT A8SpT Ca3/4 "to the cnr" AL
P   BBGG [LO] "at the same time" B-LChas,G-ChasR [O.L]  (converse w GGBB [LO])
P   break: (48 beats for 12 bar blues) 4LChn H-TeaCC 4LChn (at home)
P   fig: H-FltWh-Sweep-PasTh RLT SCirW B-Trd SwThr Sw-Pr (short or add a ZERO)
P   fig: H-LeadL VeerR AcDcy BendL DixiS AcDcy ReCyc SqTh3 Sw-Pr (1-1/8) (or short!) (G on the end L-H wave Recyc)
P   fig: H-Pr1/2-PsOcn PingP Ext A8Cir Sw-Pr (short, flow B=R,G=L)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT T/14 (Scoot 2x) G-Run PasTh PtTrd-Roll Sw-Pr  (skip both Scoot for short fig)
P   H-LyCh3 SB-"roll her away" "lines of 3" = H-Ldy-"only"-LeadR "circle up 3 break out make a line of 3" FwdBk "lines of 3"-PasTh HB-PasTh-"stay looking out" "lines of 3"-G-Trd Alamo SwThr SwThr-Roll RLG
P   H-PsOcn-SwThr PingP-Roll A8SpT A8SpT RLG ?
P   H-RollA A-Cir.L "same sex"-AL "original ptr"-A8SpT "ptr"-A8SpT B-Run "lines"-FwdBk
P   stir: H-FanTp PingP C-FanTp-RLT
P   WlkAC LRG "meet ptr by the L"-DoPaS H-TeaCC Prom (TeaCC across from home and maybe not perfectly lined up)

A1  ! Mix 1-1/2
A1  (2 couples) [R-H box] AndCross LeftRollToAWave -or- [L-H box] AndCross RightRollToAWave -then- Hinge (+ Circulate) allows either to alternate (Selectively use Circulate to change leaders' and trailers' parts)
A1  2-couple: [0L] or [5L] Lockit (w crash) ends symmetric
A1  2-couple: BGBG or GBGB, [I.L] or [O.L] Lockit (w crash) ends symmetric
A1  2-couple: GBBG or BGGB [L] StepAndSlide HorseshoeTurn ends symmetric
A1  2-couple: GBBG or BGGB [L],[F],[W],[3-1L] Trd-&Roll PassAndRoll ends symmetric
A1  [0B] (across the street): CrossTrailThru (or DoubleStarThru) TrdBy PasTh RLG
A1  [0P] C-BxGnt "let go" A-Zoom TripleStarThru
A1  [3-1L] (depending on Es) LeadsRight(or Left)RollToAWave [TW]
A1  [B1c]+RLT (best after PasTh TrdBy): "meet your cnr" LTrnT PtrTg PtrTg RLG
A1  [B] across the street: PasTh TrdBy XTrail RLG
A1  [C] Col.C-1-1/2 "center column of 6 circulate" "it's a sausage, 8 dancer positions" "sausage circulate" Double-Scoot "sausage circulate" TripleTrade "sausage circulate" VC-Trd "outside triangles circulate" C6-Col.C-1-1/2 "outside couples..."
A1  [F] AsCouples-Circ-1-1/2 AsCouples-D.Cir AsCouples-QuarterIn C-"start"-Split...
A1  [F] AsCouples-Circ-1-1/2 AsCouples-D.Cir C-D.Cir A-Ca3/4 "four"-C-"start"-Split...
A1  [F]/[L.F] Feris C-VeerL (or R) F-PasTh 6-2-AcDcy F-PasTh CloverAnd-Ca3/4 [P]  (from L-H, CrossCloverAnd... is nice)  (CloverAnd TurnAndDeal Split...)
A1  [L.W] AnyHand-1/4Thru / 3/4Thru
A1  [LO] E-Bend T-1/4-AndCross (unusual 3-1 box) (Cross)CloverAnd (any box call for centers) or HorseshoeTurn
A1  [M] UTurn-Roll StepAndSlide
A1  [SS] H-T1/4 "EVERYONE"-QuarterIn [2L] (GGBB)
A1  [SS] WlkAC (DoPas) TPtrL AThar A8SpT 5/4TheTop "and you move up, oh, I lost count" AL
A1  at home: [B] PassIn PassIn PassIn.  Setup: C w Ptr facing home, E not w ptr out of seq, as if PsTTC C-PassIn-3×
A1  break: 4LChn Cir.L A8-SpTop 3/4Top A8-SpTop 3/4Top Sw-Pr  (fun - must concentrate)
A1  CtrIn AsCouplesQuarterOut AsCouples-QuarterIn AsCouples-QuarterIn
A1  cue Mix: "I'm going to call a Mix. E pause for a moment; let the C get started first"
A1  fig: H-PasTh CrossCloverAnd-SCirW ChainReaction ("G meet G to Cast") C-Run TurnAndDeal SqT@3 Sw-Pr  (sashayed ChainReaction)
A1  fig: H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext SwThr ExpWv TurnAndDeal DPT Trak2 Sw-Pr  --ceder.net
A1  fig: H-PsOcn ChainReaction SpTop RLT DixiS Mix Recyc Sw-Pr (1/2)  --ceder.net
A1  fig: H-RLT BackA S-WheelThru VeerL XOverCirc Feris C-Sweep C-WheelThru SwThr Ext Sw-Pr
A1  fig: H-WheelThru VeerL CrossOverCirc CastAShadow Mix Recyc ZERO Sw-Pr (1/4 short!)
A1  GBBG [L] "Both Bs in the C are a couple, B work"-AsCouples-B-RunR "around 1 G" B-AsCouples-SwThr
A1  getin: H-PairOff A-PassIn "Heads will Roll" Split...
A1  Getout idea: [0L] E-PasTh E-Bend RLG "everybody!"
A1  H-WheelThru Recyc Twice! (2nd is sashayed wave Recyc)
A1  idea: Feris C-AsCouples-PasTh
A1  pre-cue [SS] H-PasTh "she goes first"-CrossCloverAnd...
A1  stir: H-RLT-1/4Mr S-AsCouples-T1/4 AsCouples-D.Cir AsCouples-QuarterIn
A1  T1/4-AndCross 1/4In  (2-couple, at home, nice flow)
A1  teach AsCouples: "We each become 'hands' of a single 'dance entity' of which there are now only 4 in the square."

A2  ! 4LChn A4C-SqTh1 A8-ZigZag (... long pause ... "hint you're holding ptr by R hand") Alamo Balnc AL
A2  ! [HG] VC-Hinge C-BendL (or C-1/2Tg) (or from R-H formation C-TurnAndDeal-Roll [W] amazing if to a RLG!)
A2  ! A4C-PasTh "this is mean" A8-RightRollToAWave ("B RH star") A8-FanTp RLG
A2  ! A4C-SqTh1 A4C-PtrTrd A4C-QuarterIn(!) ("no where near your ptr") A8-HSash A4C-QuarterIn "at home"
A2  (break, stir) 4LChn A8-HSash-1-1/2 ("B in the lead") A8-DPT A8-RightRollToAWave Alamo LSwTh AL (Sw-Pr)
A2  (H-CrossTrailThru CloverAnd) TripleStarThru QuarterIn TripleStarThru (*) "pay attention if you end as a center" (everyone ends facing out) CloverAnd-ChasR (or RightRollToAWave, for the C etc.)
A2  (start at (*) above w everyone facing out) A-QuarterIn Split... (e.g. SplitSquareChainThru)
A2  (wave of 4 or 2-face line) C-"half of"-Slip [F.D]/[D]
A2  4LCh3 A-RollA A4C-T1/4 A8-Wk.Dg PtTag RLG
A2  4LCh3 A4C-T1/4 A8-Wk.Dg AL
A2  4LChn A-RollA A4C-T1/4 A8-Wk.Dg A8-PtTag RLG (contrast w/o A8 PtrTg)
A2  4LChn A4C-SqTh3 AL
A2  4LChn A8-DixiS (AThar) "Right"-Remake "Left"-Remake RolPr "home"
A2  [0L2p] (all w ptr out of seq) XTrail ZigZag (Leads)RightRoll(ToAWave) RLG
A2  [0L] DixiS SwThr "right!" B-UTurn C-1/2-Circ [HG] (C=G)
A2  [0L] T1/4 Col.C-1-1/2 G-Trd-Sprd [HG]  -Darren Gallina
A2  [0W2p] 1/2of-Mix C-Slither Prom
A2  [0W2p] Mix SingleWheel RLG
A2  [3-1] SingleWheel (A-Hinge or maybe TripleCross)
A2  [B] across the street: 8Chn2 DoubleStarThru RLG
A2  [C] TransfarAnd-BoxTransfer TrippleCross [L.C]  (replace Box-Transfer w BoxCounterRotate 1/4 or 3/4)
A2  [couples]/[R-H miniwaves]/[R-H 3-1] SingleWheel ZagZig (= Roll)
A2  [D] D.Cir C-"wave"-SwitchToADiamond [HG]
A2  [L-H miniwaves] SingleWheel ZigZag (= Roll)
A2  [L.5F] (B on the E) CastAShadow ([0W]) Motivate (nice flow)
A2  [L.W] AnyHand-Remake
A2  [LO] WhlDl (or Feris) C-VeerR (or L) F-PasTh 6-2AcDcy C-Slide (TripleTrade) C6-Circ (DublScoot) C-SwitchTheWave 6-2AcDcy
A2  [SS] "all"-4LChn A4C-SCirW A8-FanTp RLG
A2  [SS] (A4C-RLT) A8-FltWh A4C-SCirW A8-FanTp RLG
A2  [SS] 4LCh1 (A4C-RLT) A4C-SwThr A8-TrnTh AL
A2  [SS] 4LCh3 A4C-SqTh3 (or PasTh) A8-LChase AL
A2  [SS] 4LCh3 ALIAS A8-3/4Thru 3/4TheTop RLG
A2  [SS] 4LChn "start w original ptr"-A4C-SwThr A8-SwThr-1-1/4 AL
A2  [SS] A4C-RLT A4C-SCirW A8-Lockit RLG
A2  [SS] A4C-RLT A4C-SwThr TrnTh AL
A2  [SS] A4C-RLT A8-RollA (or HSash) A8-VeerL A8-TurnAndDeal at home
A2  [SS] A4C-SqTh2  A4C-PtTag ("up w ptr") "Hinge twice Alamo style" AL  (at home)
A2  [SS] A4C-SqTh2 "Hinge twice in the Alamo style" LSwTh LA  (at home)
A2  [SS] A8-HSash A4C-SqTh3 (or PasTh) A8-ChasR ("chase HIM!") Alamo AL
A2  [SS] ALIAS "reverse order"-Remake (Balnc) "reverse order"-L.Remake RLG (G in star both times)
A2  [SS] ALIAS Remake (Balnc) L.Remake RLG A8SpT A8-Recyc (at home) (B in star both times)
A2  [SS] H-T1/4 TripleCross C.Cir ("circulate") AndCross (not triple!) PartnerHinge TripleTrade [TW]
A2  [SS] H-T1/4-Sprd S-AsCouples-T1/4-"half a"-Slip [HG] (or VC-Hinge)
A2  [TH] SlipC A8-Recyc Cir.R
A2  [TH]/[L.TH] "C only"-A8-FanTp (= SlipC 3x)
A2  [TL] TripleTrade Swing TripleTrade Slide TripleTrade [L.TL]
A2  [Various 3-1] A-QuarterIn
A2  [W]/[L.W]/[F]/[L.F] E-CastAShadow, C-(if Cs in R-H box) Box.C PartnerTag [3-1L]
A2  [W]/[L.W]/[F]/[L.F] E-CastAShadow, C-(in either order) Box.C + BoxCounterRotate (AndCross or WlkDg or ScootAndDodge) [3-1L]
A2  [W]/[L.W]/[F]/[L.F] E-CastAShadow, C-(left)Remake-Roll [3-1L]
A2  [W]/[L.W]/[F]/[L.F] E-CastAShadow, C-BoxCounterRotate Box.C-1-1/2 [HG]
A2  [W]/[L.W]/[F]/[L.F] E-CastAShadow, C-BoxTransfer
A2  A4C-PassIn A4C-PassOut PtrHinge A8-FanTp RLG
A2  A4C-RLT A4C-BxGnt "you'll have to let go (and back up)" A4C-RLT (sashayed) A8-VeerL A8-TurnAndDeal (at home)
A2  A4C-RLT A4C-SqTh1 "keep going, with ptr?" A8-PtTrd A4C-SqTh2 "... L pull by ptr, keep going, couples facing out" A8-PtTrd A4C-SqTh3 "... L pull by ptr ... ... L pull by ptr ..." A8-PtTrd "ok, this is for the gold" A4C-SqTh4 A8-PtTrd "at home!" (1, 2, 3, 4)
A2  A4C-RLT A4C-T1/4 A8-WlkDg A8-SingleWheel A8-DPT "G-RStar straight ahead, B-RStar straight ahead, B behind G" A8-"LeadsLeftRoll to Alamo Wave", SwThr 2x Roll RLG.
A2  A4C-RLT A4C-T1/4 A8-WlkDg A8-SingleWheel A8-DPT "G-RStar straight ahead, B-RStar straight ahead, B behind G" A8-"LeadsRightRoll to an Alamo Wave" Balnc L.SwThr L.SwThr-Roll DoPaS (Prom), or PasTh AL
A2  A4C-SCirW A8-Lockit TurnT AL (at home)
A2  A4C-SqTh1 Sw-Pr
A2  A4C-SqTh2 A4C-PtTag Sw-Pr
A2  A4C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
A2  A4C-SqTh4 A4C-PtTag Sw-Pr
A2  A4C-TurnT AL  (pass ptr by!)
A2  A8-B-Fold A8-PassAndRoll A8-SingleWheel A8-PassAndRoll Alamo-AL RLG at home
A2  A8-FltWh A4C-SqTh2 (or SqTh4) Sw-Pr
A2  A8-Hinge-"twice .... Alamo style" L.SwThr L.SwThr-Roll [PasTh AL RLG) or [WWGnd PassIn] (at home)
A2  A8-RvFlt A4C-SqTh1 (or SqTh3) A4C-PtTag Sw-Pr
A2  A8-TrnTh AL (pass by 1)
A2  AsCouples-D.Cir AsCouples-QuarterIn Split...
A2  at home: A4C-RLT A4C-PassTheSea SingleWheel RLG A8SpT A8-Recyc
A2  at home: A4C-RLT A4C-T1/4 A8-ScootAndWeave A8-Recyc
A2  break: A4C-RLT HSash A4C-SqTh3 A8-SingleWheel A8-DPT LeadsRightRollToAWave AL (at home)
A2  break: A4C-RLT JoinH Cir.L ALIAS Remake L.Remake RLG Sw-Pr
A2  break: A8-SingleWheel-Roll "B in a R-H star hold on" A8-FanTp "G move up to your ptr" 1/2TheTop "move up two" 3/4TheTop AL Sw-Pr
A2  break: AL A8SpT A8SpT A8-Recyc Cir.L LyIMS AL Sw-Pr  (good timing) (doesn't work?)
A2  cue: [Q] "everybody plays" ScootChainThru
A2  fig: ! H-PassTheSea Ext Motivate CastAShadow Beaus-Fold Sw-Pr  (Motivate left and B in C, mixed gender CastAShadow)  --Lloyd Lewis + edit
A2  fig: ALIAS Balnc SwThr Balnc SwThr TPtrR AL A8SpTop A8-Recyc "and you should be home"
A2  fig: H-HSash H-PassIn-&Sprd A-PassIn DPT TrailOff A-T1/4 Col.C TrailOff 1/2g ScootAndWeave Ext Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-HSash,S-Face A-T1/4 TrSct TransferAnd-3/4Thru ChainReaction SpltC Expl&-SqTh2 (or ExplW PtTag) Sw-Pr (short!)
A2  fig: H-PassIn-&Sprd A-PassIn DPT TrailOff L.T1/4 Col.C TrialOff G-"only"-CrossOverCirculate G-Fold Sw-Pr (B-standing)
A2  fig: H-PassIn-&Sprd A-PassIn DPT TrailOff T1/4 Col.C TrialOff 1/2Tg ScootAndWeave PtTag Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-PassIn-&Sprd T-1/4 TransferAnd-3/4Thru ChainReaction SpltC Expl&-SqTh2 (or ExplW PtTag) Sw-Pr (3/4 Prom)
A2  fig: H-SquareChainThru RLT SCirW Motivate Sw-Pr  (sash Motivate)
A2  H-HSaah H-T1/4 "all"B-Run "around a G" SpinTheWindmillRight (= SpinTheWindmillIn) "and E are facing . . . (in!)"
A2  H-RLT-HSash-SCirW-Recyc (home) S-RLT-HSash-SCirW-Recyc (home) A4C-RLT A8-HSash A4C-SCirW A8-Recyc "and you should ... be ... home!"
A2  H-T1/4 "everyone"-PtrTg [2LO]
A2  H-T1/4 F-PasTh SpinTheWindmillRight (= SpinTheWindmillIn) "and E are facing . . . (in!)"
A2  pre-cue [0M] "she goes first"-TrailOff
A2  Slither "and" Mix
A2  stir: A4C-Beau-Wlk,Belle-Dodge, A8-SHing A4C-RLT
A2  stir: A4C-PassIn A4C-T1/4 Alamo "L to your cnr" Balnc L.SwThr L.Remake RLG "bow to ptr"
A2  stir: A4C-RLT G-Fold A8-PassAndRoll Alamo-L.SwThr AL bow to ptr
A2  stir: A4C-T1/4 A8-Box.C A8-B-Run
A2  stir: A8-RollA A8-VeerL A8-Cpl.H A8-TurnAndDeal
A2  stir: A8-WheelThru "R-H star B" A8-PtrTrd
A2  TransferAnd-BoxCounterRotate TrippleCross
A2  TripleStarThru-Roll (or QuarterIn) DoubleStarThru
A2  VC-"one half"-6-2-AcDcy [interlocked diamonds]
A2  WlkAC SeSaw A4C-RLT (remember to skip the first)

A2  stir: H-RLT-1/4Mr(*) S-AsCouples-T1/4 AsCouples-D.Cir(**) AsCouples-QuarterIn
    (*) 1/2of-WhlAr
    (*) AsCouples-ZigZag
    (**) AsCouples-CounterRotate
    (also have B/G D.Cir separately, set up flow for Ca3/4 etc., have LdyCh some number of quarters first etc.)

(previous new material condensed and sorted for convenience)
X   "Baby Grand" = 2 hands = RLG@3
X   "bow to him and bow to her"
X   "fun raiser"
X   "half it again"
X   "just do it automatically" (at just the right time, replace Sw-Pr)
X   "Mini Grand" = 2 hands = RLG@3
X   "odd couples" (= H), "not heads" (= S)  -Ed Foote
X   "shake it to the middle and back"
X   "stack some good lookin' wood"
X   "take a walk and don't be slow, Prom home with the one you know"
X   "up to the middle and away"
X   "we're looking for H (or S) walls" (after a disorienting call)
X   "you've tried the rest now Swing the best" (for 4th fig of singing call)
X   (square does a lot of fixing after reaching home) "happy to end in (city name)"  -Bronc Wise
X   (variation on gay R over L style thankyou) start L over R, spin all the way around to end R over L
X   [0L] (caller lost and asking for help) "where's your corner?" (if in sequence) RLG  -Bronc Wise
X   assign a reassuring angel to attend a new dancers' first dance with them
X   filling square: "Don't make me tell jokes!"
X   filling square: "We need a mayen!"  (southern accent for 'man')
X   H "watch the sides watch you watch them..."
X   have dancers cross hands and dance that way (R hand used as L and visa versa)
X   patter: LA .. Swing "with your date" .. JoinH CirL "all 8"
X   pre-cue: "here it comes" (for recently taught call)
X   RLG PromH: "take a walk and don't be slow Prom home w the one you know"
X   SF-Grand Prix!  -Deborah Carrol Jones
X   squaring up: "one girl one guy, don't be shy"
X   stir idea: 4LChn ZERO finish the creative stir that begins with 4LChn (more surprise if ZERO is long)
X   Swing "your ptr, get her on your good side"
X   DPT "first cpl" PtTrd  (like 1L.2R)  -Darren Gallina

I   4LCh3 H-Pr1/2-StrTh-PasTh-StrTh 2LChn 2LChn 4LChn "on a diagonal to original ptr, keep her" Prom
I   4LChn 4LChn AL flows nicely if timed well (a lot of L flow)
I   [0F0p] Teach Cpl.C: B-Circ "you're standing next to your corner facing the same way she is".
I   avoid having to teach Prom: "ptr" DoSaD B-LStar StrPr "home" G-RStar StrPr "back out" CirL etc.
I   cue AL: "Allemeande left arm turn"
I   cue DoSaD: "back-to-back slide around 'em"
I   cue GrSqr: "think think think TURN!"  (think about which way you'll turn)
I   equiv: [SS] H-SqTh4 = H-"step into the middle face your cnr" DoSaD
I   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 StrTh PasTh StrTh 2LChn 2LChn 4LChn "keep her" Prom
I   fig: 4LChn H-Prom H-LyChn S-LeadR Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 SqTh3 "outsides"-CtsyT,C-PasTh Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SqTh3 "outsides"-CtsyT,C-StrTh-StrTh-PasTh Sw-Pr  (C B hand use issue)
I   H-2LChn Pr1/2 LeadR 4Cir4 "ALL the way around to where you started" AL
I   Sicilian Circle: "you have a cpl in front of you and a cpl behind you. everyone w the cpl in front"-RStar "look for the cpl behind you"-LStar "back to the couple in front"-...  -Bob Elling
I   stir: H-LdyCh S-LeadR 4Cir2 "bow cnr"

B   ! [0L] RP.By BendL LP.By BendL RP.By BendL LP.By BendL
B   ! [5L] 4LChn (works like Brace Thru)
B   ! [C] SldTh (from various arragements)  -Rob French
B   ! [LO] E-XRun (with ends same sex, use B/G)  -Rob French
B   "arch in"-DivTh
B   "weave by 2" = RLG@3  (much easier and more successful)
B   #3-RollA, #4-"with a"-HSash H-LeadR Cir2L "don't fix anything" A-PsOcn B-Run (all facing front) ... BendL (normal, symmetric, out of seq)
B   (after walk through fig for singing call) Prom DontS G-"R face whirl back to the B behind" Prom  -Bill Eyler
B   (H-FwdBk) H-SepA1 [0L]
B   4BPromI "inside the square" and Swing "the G that's standing there"
B   4BPromI StrTh CalTw  -Jet Roberts
B   4GPromI BxGnt 4BPromI BxGnt PulBy ("pull her by") AL Sw-Pr
B   4LCh3 (CirL) RollA "ptr!" RLG  (call RLG early!)
B   4LCh3 H-RollA CirL "who are the original Hs!" "Hs in and the Ss shashy"
B   4LChn "H lady make it 5 quarters" SB-"after your CtsyT, CtsyT a 2nd G coming at you"  -Al Stevens
B   4LChn RollA "and square your set like this" H-PasTh SepA2 MkLin [0L]
B   ? 2 couple: 1-VeerL-BendL (or 1-LeadL WhlAr) 3-LeadR Cir2L [0L]  (facing side walls)
B   ? H-SqThr T1/4 C-Trd SwThr G-Run PasTh (G-Fold) Sw-Pr
B   [0B] StrTh 2LChn  (unusual but dancer-pleasing flow)
B   [0B] T1/4 C-Trd "R hand"-B-Trd (B-Run, etc.)  (help when dancers not dancing gender assigned roles)
B   [0F1p] G-XRun WhlDl RLG
B   [0F] G-Circ CtsyT
B   [0L] B-FwdBk B-Ext "to a wave" SwThr B-"back up" 2LChn HSash G-FwdBk G-Ext "to a wave" G-SwThr G="back up"
B   [0L] FltWh B-Run C-Trd SwThr B-Run [0L]
B   [0L] FltWh PasTh WhlDl C-PasTh SldTh (rotates formation CW 90deg reverse stir the bucket)
B   [0L] LT1/4 Col.C "face your L hand" RLT
B   [0L] PsOch G-FaceL, B-FaceR (like Roll, watch timing so everyone's action is smooth)
B   [0L] RvFlt G-Run C-Trd LSwTh G-Run [0L]
B   [0LO] CalTw 2LChn  (unusual but dancer-pleasing flow)
B   [0LO] WhlDl C-VeerL, E-VeerL "you're offset"  -Jet Roberts
B   [0P in order] DPT A-Prom (= 1L.2L Prom)  -Vicky Woods
B   [0P] C-RLT B-Zoom
B   [0W1p] "point to your cnr" AL  (from R-H waves)  -Doug Davis
B   [0W] B-Run B-Trd CalTw ChDTL (= LnCyc)
B   [0W]/[0B] SwThr G-UTurn [0L.F]
B   [1L] A-StrTh C-Twice then: C-PasTh SepA1 or: C-PsOcn
B   [1L] C-PasTh-C-SepA1, E-SldTh "and let 'em in" (timing critical)
B   [2P] Zoom SFile-2LChn ("G R.PBy CtsyT, we'll call that a Single File 2LChn")
B   [2P] Zoom SFile-4LCh3
B   [2P] Zoom SFile-4LChn "on a diagonal"
B   [3L] (E=B) PsOcn SlitC B-Run [0L]  (nice flow)
B   [5B] (SqT@3 RLG): SqTh6 RLG (more practice in sashayed position)
B   [5B] BxGnt AL
B   [5C] B-Run "and make a L-H wave"
B   [5F] Cpl.C BendL "put lady in the lead"
B   [5L] UTurn BendL  (flow not so bad - good after BendL 2x sometime before)
B   [5W1p] SwThr G-Run Feris C-PasTh RLG
B   [5W] SwThr B-FaceR G-FaceL (somehow like Roll)
B   [?L] use 2LChn as BraceThru [0L]
B   [B] A-PasTh E-Pr1/4,C-SqTh2 [B]   (C-SqTh2 = C-StrTh PasTh - Use until the E's learn Pr1/4)
B   [B] A-PasTh E-Pr3/4,C-SqTh4 A-VeerR Cpl.C ...
B   [B] H-SqTh4 RStar H-LStar RLT RStar S-LStar (RLT...) (both parts without resolve)
B   [B] SqTh3 E-Pr1/2 C-LSqT3 VeerR Cpl.C [L.0F] (watch timing - a lot to say)
B   [BB-GG circle] CirL "put the ladies in and the B circle left behind them" A-DPT
B   [C]/[W] SpltC = "each box Circulate"
B   [L.0F] VeerR Cpl.C G-Circ B-Trd BendL 2LChn  (nice flow, tho' all to the L)
B   [L.5F] WhlDl BW.GD FaceR ChasR  (last 2 calls sound similar)
B   [L.5F] WhlDl L.PasTh RLG
B   [L1c] (corner line): BxGnt SqTh2 RLG
B   [L1c] (corner line): PasTh BendL RLT HSash RLG  (smooth w good timing)  -Tom Miller
B   [L1c] (corner line): RLT HSash SqTh2 RLG  -Tom Miller
B   [L2p] PasTh B-Run "face your ptr" RLG  -Dale Hodges
B   [L] "up to the middle and back away, everyone with a"-HSash  (rhyme)
B   [L] FwdBk UTurn BendL  (interesting flow - not as bad as you might think)
B   [L] RLT "and if you're not a normal couple make it so" (= BraceThru)
B   [L] RollA-1-1/2 [B]  ...then later in tbhe tip...  HSash-1-1/2 [P]  -Rob French
B   [LO] "to your L" WhlAr 1-1/2 [F]
B   [P] (C-PasTh to cnr) C-T1/4 AL
B   [P] Zoom LrTrd "in the middle"  (= DixiG)
B   [SS] "#1 cpl, remeber who you are" CirL "reverse" SFPrm "#1G-BkTrk "everyone else follow" #1B-BkTrk "everyone else follow" G-FaceR-Twice RLG  -Bronc Wise
B   [SS] "ptr by the R" RLG
B   [SS] "up to the middle and then ... back away and a" RLG
B   [SS] 4LChn HSash "B in, the G sashay" CirL AL  (unusual, side to side weaving)
B   [SS] 4LChn RollA "and square your set like this" H-PasTh SepA2 MkLin [0L]
B   [SS] A-HSash H-PasTh SepA2 BendL [0L]
B   [SS] CirL "reverse" SFPrm G-FaceR-Twice RLG  -Bronc Wise
B   [SS] CirL LyIMS LyIMS 4LChn Prom  -Ted Schmalz
B   [SS] G-StarR StrPr B-BkTrk TPtrL CnrR TPtrL RolPr
B   [SS] H-"reverse"-Pr1/2 ... (later)... [SS] H-RvFlt  -Dave Wilson
B   [SS] H-LeadR RStar H-LStar ...
B   [SS] H-LeadR VeerL BendL RLT = Cir2L [1pL]
B   [SS] H-Pr3/4 S-WhlAr A-VeerR
B   [SS] H-RLT-RollA-PasTh AL (call AL before they PasTh to avoid awkward backing up)
B   [SS] H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Feris C-RPlBy LSwThr G-Run Feris C-LPlBy (repeat or AL)
B   [SS] H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Feris C-SqTh3 LSwThr G-Run Feris C-LSqT3 (repeat for a ZERO)
B   [SS] JoinH CirL "just the H, you're together"-RollA A-CirL (BBGG, G-FwdBk, etc.)
B   [TW]/[TF]/[TL] E-"of each line/wave"-Run  (nice after C6-Trd)
B   [WWTH] Shoot Slip RLG
B   AL "ptr"-AR "L and R Grand" AL  -Bob Elling
B   AL (nice way to fill 8 extra beats)
B   AL DoSaD B-StarL "w ptr"-AR Alamo Balnc LSwTh LSwTh AL -Bob Elling
B   AL TPtrR G-StarL TPtrR FullT AL
B   ALIAS SwThr SwThr Ca3/4 G-StarL TPtrR B-StarL TPtrR AL
B   ALTAT Shoot FullT "to ptr" WWGnd  -Hal Barnes
B   at home: "sides face" for C-FaceI
B   at home: [0F] (just past home) Ldr-BendL A-"slide to your R" (at home)
B   at home: [0L] JoinH CirL (or CirR) ... "that's enough!"  (time just ahead of them getting there)
B   at home: [1L] C-RLT, E-SldTh
B   at home: [LO] E-"only do 1/2",C-"do the whole thing" UTurn
B   B-LStar "meet ptr" StrTh CalTw AL  -Jet Roberts
B   break: 4LChn CirL RollA CirL RollA "ptr!" RLG  (call RLG early!)
B   break: CirR (12 beats) B-StarL TPtrR AL Weave  (if you prompt CirR ahead of beat 1, prompt B-StarL ahead of beat 17)
B   break: CirR (8 beats) G-StarL TCnrR TPrtL AThar SlipC AL Sw-Pr  (timing flexibility: time CirR vs time in Thar)
B   break: CirR G-LStar TPtrR FullT AL Weave
B   C-SqTh3 = C-StrTh-"no hands"-SqTh2
B   CirL "reverse" SFPrm G-UTurn BxGnt ...
B   CirR (8 beats) G-StarL TCnrR TPrtL "keep her" Prom
B   cnr swing put her on the R and CirL
B   comment after teaching using "righty-tighty, lefty loosey" "<dancer's name> wants to be Lucy!"
B   comment: 4LChn "foward and back"  -Vicky Woods
B   comment: FltWh "you go there and you get him when you got him you can bring him"
B   comment: RLG "take the 5th" Prom
B   cue CalTw, PtTrd, UTurn, etc.: "toward the partner beside you" (to help distinguish local ptr from original ptr)
B   cue PtTrd: [0L] PasTh "ptr hand goes up"-CalTw PasTh "ptr hand goes down"-PtTrd
B   cue SqT@3: ([SS] H-LeadR Cir2L SldTh BxGnt) "Square Thru GO! on your 3rd hand..." RLG
B   cue: "to the next" SlipC
B   cue: "who are you going to follow?" A8Cir
B   cue: [0L] "back up a little bit" WhlDl  -Ted Schmalz
B   cue: [F] C-Trd "straight ahead" Cpl.C  (helps prevent CstyT as it feels like ChDTL)
B   cue: [LO] G-Run "around his front"
B   equiv H-SqTh4: H-FltWh LeadR  (hard for some groups)
B   equiv H-SqTh4: H-RvFlt LeadL
B   equiv: [0P] DixiG AL = DPT LrTrd AL
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-RLT-HSash-SldTh
B   FaceR-Twice = UTurn  -Bronc Wise
B   fig idea: H-PasTh Pr1/4,S-SqTh3 "are you looking at someone?!"
B   fig: ...Scoot(B go) Scoot(G go) StrTh Prom
B   fig: 4LChn H-FltWh Sweep PasTh RLG VeerL Feris Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 DoSaD RLT Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-2LChn H-Pr1/2 LeadR 4Cir2 DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR 4Cir3 RLT T1/4 Col.C B-Run [RLT PasTh TrdBy] Sw-Pr   [] = half chicken plucker
B   fig: H-LeadR 4Cir3 RLT T1/4 ColC B-Run RLT PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L RvFlt Sweep SldTh SqTh4 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L RvFlt Sweep SldTh T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr (excess R-H flow)
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C 2x BendL RLT T1/4 Col.C B-Run PasTh TrdBy PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 RLT S-SqTh4 RLT RollA Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh2 ("TWO!") "make a wave" SwThr B-Run WhlDl (or Feris C-PasTh) Sw-Pr  (mix WhlDl / Feris to test differentiating these 2 calls)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 RLT VeerL Cpl.C ChDTL FltWh Sweep Sw-Pr  (slightly long)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 StrTh PasTh RLT VeerL Cpl.C 2x WhlDl PasTh TrdBy PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2-StrTh PasTh RLT VeerL Feris C4-T1/4-"AND"-RStar "full turn from where you are" LA "keep her" Prom
B   fig: H-Pr1/2-StrTh-PasTh StrTh StrTh DivThr C-StrTh-StrTh-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh2 RLT DivTh C-PasTh T-1/4 Scoot Scoot Sw-Pr  (easy timing after learning Scoot)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 A-SqTh4 BendL StrTh DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD RLT RollA Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd SwThr B-Run BendL RLT FltWh Sweep Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT Cir2L RLT PasTh WhlDl Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT SwThr B-Run C-Trd Cpl.C Feris DPT 1L.2L Prom  (1L.2L = "all to your L")
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT SwThr B-Run WhlDl DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL Cpl.C BendL RLT FltWh PsOcn A8Cir Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh BxGnt PasTh BendL BxGnt SldTh Sw-Pr  (sashayed BendL tough after close focus of BxGnt)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 Sp2A1 (BendL) PasTh BendL UTurn PasTh BendL StrTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr SwThr G-Run BendL PasTh Sw-Pr  (easy after learning G-Run)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 C-Trd SwThr G-Run (Cpl.C) BendL PasTh (G-Fold) Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-UTurn SepA1 ComIn BxGnt C-PasTh ZERO Sw-Pr  (ex ZERO = DoSaD RStar G-UTurn)
B   G-LStar "meet ptr" StrTh B-"turn back" AL  (untested)
B   G-LStar "meet ptr" T1/4 G-"turn back" AL  (untested)
B   getin: H-PasTh Pr1/4,S-SqTh3 "are you looking at someone?!"
B   getin: H-SqTh3-Pr1/2, S-SqTh4 (= S-SqTh4 + 8 beats)
B   getout idea BxGnt AL
B   getout idea: 1/2of-Trd 1/2of-Circ 1/2of-RLG
B   getout idea: [0B] G-PasTh B-PasTh RLG
B   getout idea: [0L] RvFlt AL  -Gary Monday
B   getout idea: [1P] (G in C) G-SqTh3,B-HSash Prom "this G"
B   getout idea: [3LO] (Bs are Cs) WhlDl C-AL RLG  (or C-LSqTh-@3 AL)
B   getout idea: across the street  Sp2A1
B   getout: [B1c] T1/4 Scoot (pause / Balnc) FaceR AL
B   getout: [B2r] (across the street) C-"reverse order"-RLT AL
B   getout: [B2r] (across the street) SldTh PsOcn A8Cir Balnc-&Sprd AL
B   getout: [L1p] T1/4 G-Run SwThr G-Run Feris SqTh3 LSwTh C-Run Feris C-LSqTh3 RLG  (L and sahsayed)  -Bob Elling
B   getout: [L1p]/[TW1p] C-DoSaD E-AL RLG  (tricky from TW)
B   getout: [P](C-SqTh3 to cnr): C-T1/4, O-FaceR A8Cir AL
B   getout: [P](C-SqTh3 to cnr): C-T1/4-Box.C-2x AL
B   gimick: [BGGB L] 4LChn
B   gimick: [SS] ALIAS SwThr SwThr G-"don't move" B-Weave RLG  -Bronc Wise
B   goodnight: CirR "make a conga line" ..."stay with your ptr, join into one big conga line"... B-UTurn AL "good night"-RLG
B   H-"up to the middle and come way back" Pr1/2 "on the outside track"
B   H-"up to the middle and come way back" SepA1 [0L]
B   H-FltWh S-LeadR (flow for many next calls)
B   H-LChn3 "S man roll her away" "lines of 3"-FwdBk-PasTh SB-"take the G on your L with you"-CalTw HB-"dance forward and steal the 2 Gs" "lines of 3"-FwdBk-PasTh HB-"take the G on your L with you"-CalTw  -Al Stevens
B   H-LdCh3 SB-"Roll her away, lines of 3"-FwdBk HB-"sumo belly bounce" "lines of 3"-PasTh HB-PasTh "and stay looking out" G-"take a peek"-Trd "with each other" Alamo (make sure they see it, holding hands) SwThr SwThr AR TPtrL RolPr
B   H-PasTh Pr1/4 (DPT 1L.2R)
B   H-PasTh SepA1 C-HSash [0L]
B   H-PasTh SepA2 "where's the corner?" AL
B   H-PasTh SepA2 (BendL) SqTh4 RLG
B   H-Pr1/2 H-WhlAr-Pr1/2 ("I changed my mind!") S-...
B   H-Pr1/2-PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run Cpl.C BendL RvFlt StrTh DivTh C-PasTh Sw-Pr "short!"
B   H-Pr1/2-PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run Feris C-RLT C-WhlAr Sw-Pr
B   H-Pr1/2-PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run WhlDl RLT RollA Sw-Pr
B   H-PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run Cpl.C 2x BendL PasTh WhlDl C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   H-PsOcn Ext SwThr G-Circ SwThr B-Circ SwThr B-Run WhlDl Sw-Pr
B   H-RLT RollA FwdBk S-RLT RollA PasTh SepA2 MkLin [0L]
B   H-SqTh4 T1/4 G-Run PasTh B-Run-(left) G-Run-(left) StrTh Sw-Pr
B   H-SqTh4 T1/4 Scoot B-Run RvFlt 2LChn "keep her" Prom
B   H-T1/4 G-DoSaD B-"face the G" G-PasTh G-"face the B"
B   H-UTurn-SepA1 [0L]
B   HB,SG-"face your corner"-StrTh "square your set like that" G-FwdBk, B-T1/4-Box.C F-PasTh OB-Run [0P]
B   HB-"only"-Pr1/2 4LChn HG-"make it FltWh, bring your ptr back with you"  -Al Stevens
B   patter: Shoot "to the heaven's world hold on tight to the second G"  -Mike Luna
B   pre cue BendL: "take hands and" BendL
B   pre-cue 1/2Tg: "think about Tag The Line, but I'm not going to call that" 1/2Tg ("and" Balnc)
B   pre-cue BendL: "take hands" BendL
B   pre-cue Tag: "(before I call Tag The Line) think about the middle of your line" Tag
B   pre-cue Tag: "take hands" Tag
B   pre-cue: "ahead one person" SlipC
B   Prom DontS A-HSash Prom DontS H-WhlAr
B   Prom DontS H-"make a wide arch and stop", S-Prom-"under" A-PromH
B   ring: [SS] AL BxGnt WWGrd TPtrR WWThr "back it up Bs" Shoot AL RLG
B   ring: CirL LyIMS LyIMS AL Fwd3 BxGnt PulBy AL  -Gary Monday
B   ring: RLG TPtrR G-LStar TPtrR FullT AL
B   RLG@3 = RLG "go 6 hands"
B   RLT "and if you're not normal make it so"
B   SFGSq ("half way") AL Weave
B   singing call middle break: 4LChn ALIAS (original cnr and ptr) "circle clockwise" LyIMS "circle clockwise" LyIMS AL Sw-Pr (fun if this was introduced earlier)
B   singing call, substitute C-PasTh w C-DoSaD-1-1/2 -Vic Ceder
B   stir: #3-"stand pat",O-Pr-1/2 S-2LChn H-ComIn-1R.2L Arnd1 A-FwdBk E-BendL  -Vicky Woods
B   stir: 4LChn "I start the call, you finish it (and do it too!)" H-"Star... Pass... Dive... C-Square... TWO! Partner Trade and you're...
B   stir: 4LChn ALIAS SwThr "bow ptr, bow cnr" (G-UTurn)
B   stir: H-LdyCh S-LeadR DivTh C-StrTh  (nice flow for H after PromH)
B   stir: H-LeadR VeerL Feris C-4Cir1 ("C circle up 4 ONE quarter")  (similar to C-Sweep)
B   stir: H-LeadR VeerL Feris C-VeerL-BendL  (similar to C-Sweep)
B   tag: 4LCh4 ("all 4 quarters")  (for timing)
B   tag: AL DoSaD "bow to your ptr"
B   teach A8Cir Sw-Pr: H-LeadR Cir2L RLT PsOcn A8Cir "you're going to Swing your prt when you see them" A8Cir Sw-Pr
B   teach ChDTL: set up initial teach so CtsyT original ptr
B   teach Ext: "each person in the C wave, as you Ext, reach your (wave) partner hand out ahead of your body  -Puck
B   teach Ext: "VC remain Cs"
B   teach FltWh: "B start moving"
B   teach HSash: [SS] H-RollA "note she goes in front" H-"roll HIM away" "note he goes in front" repeat for S "ok let's learn HSash. HSash is a RollA without any rolling. Everyone do it... B step back, G side step over, B step up beside her. end of the call HSash. let's do another HSash:  G step back, B side step over, G step up beside him. is everyone home?!  H-RLT HSash StrTh (= H-SqTh4)
B   teach LoadB: C "barely" PasTh "it's a small boat, don't go overboard"
B   teach PtTrd: (especially from sashayed) "think righty-tighty, lefty loosey" "R-H dancer makes a tight turn, L-H dancer makes a wider looser turn"
B   teach SpChG / SpChX: "Gs take 8 beats to walk out and walk back to join the gear just as it begins to turn"
B   teach Star Fig: "we're going to learn a call that accomplishes absolutely nothing" DoSaD (now explain Stars)
B   teach StrTh: tilt joined hand (outward) to indicate direction of the turn  Scott Byars
B   teach UTurn: "about face"
B   teach UTurn: "you're holding your ptr's hand, change hands with your ptr, and turn around"  -Bob Elling
B   teach WhlDl: "think righty-tighty, lefty loosey" "R-H cpl makes a tight turn, L-H cpl makes a wider looser turn"
B   teach XRun: only designated gets the "cross" of cross run
B   timing: 1 . & . 2 . & . 3 . & . 4 . & . 1 four LA-A-dy gonna CHAIN THAT RING  (LA- is pickup to beat 2)
B   Weave: "weave that thing"

B-  ! stir: H-LdyCh S-LeadR DivTh C-LSqT3 "skip the first part"-DoPas "corner by the R! ... CtsyT"
B-  "w your cnr" Bow, "w your ptr" DoPas
B-  [0L1p] DoPas TPtrL RolPr  (especially after using DoPas not after WlkAC before)
B-  [SS] "ptr by the L" DoPas (just enough help to make it successful)  -Ted Schmalz
B-  [SS] AL BxGnt WWGrd BxGnt Chg.H DoPas
B-  [SS] WlkAC TPtrL "4BChn (by the R)" "turn him by the L" "4BChn" Prom  -Mike Seastrom
B-  break: 4LChn WlkAC DoPas AThar G-Run ("B slide out!") 4LChn Prom
B-  break: CirL (16 beats) DoPas ALTAT SlipC AL Sw-Pr
B-  break: CirL AL TPtrR G-LStar WlkAC TPtrL RolPr  ??
B-  cue DoPas: "when the caller calls DoPas someone may yell 'ptr by the L!'"
B-  ring: [SS] B-RStar TPtrL WlkAC TPtrL-RolPr
B-  stir: 4LChn H-Pr1/2,S-RLT WlkAC SeSaw "shake R hand w cnr" RLT "CtsyT original ptr"
B-  stir: H-RvFlt S-LeadR BxGnt SqTh3 DoPas
B-  teach WlkAC SeSaw: "B stand still" G-WlkAC G-SeSaw-ptr" (for those having trouble: perhaps demo it first)
B-  WlkAC 4BPromI (nice way to kill 16 extra beats)
B-  WlkAC DoPas TPtrL SlipC AL
B-  WlkAC SeSaw 4GPromI (nice if 8 extra beats)
B-  WlkAC SeSaw B-RStar TPtrL FullT WlkAC ...
B-  WlkAC SeSaw G-RStar "look quick for cnr" TCnrL FullT RLG
B-  WlkAC SeSaw G-StarR "corner" AL "full turn" RLG
B-  WlkAC SeSaw StrTh CirL "new cnr" AL Fwd2 AThar SlipC AL  -Darren Gallina
B-  WlkAC Weave (same timing, different sholder)

S   ![L]/[LO] BendL WhlDl-CtrIn Ca3/4
S   [0F] Cpl.C B-Circ B-Fold A-StrTh A-CalTw RvFlt
S   [0P] DPT CtrIn G-UTurn Cpl.C [2F]  -Jet Roberts
S   [0TF] Cpl.H B-Run [5W]
S   [0TW] Recyc "lookin' for the cnr" AL
S   [0W2p]/[0B2p] SwThr Recyc RLG  (sashayed Recyc)
S   [5L] C-PsOcn-Recyc E-FaceI DPT [0R]
S   [5L] C-SqTh2 E-SldTh CtrIn Ca3/4
S   [5L] StrTh FaceI [0L]  (self correcting)
S   [L.TF] Cpl.H Ldr-WhlAr  [L]
S   [L] PasTh Ca3/4 PasTh BendL PasTh Ca3/4 PasTh BendL
S   [lines of 3 facing out] E-XFold Circle up 3 to a line
S   [LO] Ca3/4 Ca3/4 [L]  (for Ca3/4 workshop - hard to count 6 quarters)
S   [many kinds of lines] E-XRun Ca3/4
S   [O.L] E-Fold Zoom
S   [SS] H-SqTh4 CtrIn Ca3/4 C-PasTh Ca3/4 [1L]
S   [SS] H-SqTh4, (brief pause) S-CalTw CtrIn Ca3/4 [1L]
S   [SS] H-SqThr, S-Face-SldTh CtrIn Ca3/4 ...
S   ALIAS SwThr "w R hand"-SHing B-"w L hand"-SHing "all w R hand"-SHing "all w L hand, turn her by the L, keep her"-Prom
S   cue Ca3/4: "notice you're facing a H wall" Ca3/4 "looking for a S wall"
S   cue: [0.LW]/[5W] "G Lead" Recyc
S   equiv: Ca3/4 = SHing Scoot
S   fig idea: 1/2Tg A8Cir Sw-Pr
S   fig: ...SHing SpltC SHing C-Trd (repeat) Scoot Sw-Pr  -Vic Ceder
S   fig: H-FltWh-Sweep-PasTh RLT DoSaD ToWav G-Trd Recyc Sw-Pr
S   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-PasTh SepA1 FwdBk A-PasTh 1/2Tg A8Cir Sw-Pr
S   fig: H-SqTh2 SwThr B-Run Tag.R Cpl.C "men"-ChDTL "CtsyT him, roll him away, new cnr" AL Prom  -Hal Barnes
S   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd Recyc RLT Sw-Pr
S   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT DoSaD ToWav G-Trd Recyc Sw-Pr
S   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT DoSaD ToWav G-Trd Recyc Sw-Pr
S   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT T1/4 Scoot 2x G-Run PasTh Sw-Pr
S   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT T1/4 Scoot 2x G-Run StrTh(or SldTh) UTurn Sw-Pr
S   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 Scoot Scoot G-Run PasTh UTurn SldTh
S   getout idea: [5W] SwThr C-Run (pause) E-Fold RLG  (surprise C then E are same people)
S   getout: [0B2p]/[0W2p] (all facing ptr out seq) SwThr Recyc RLG
S   getout: [0B2p]/[L.0W2p] (all facing ptr out seq) LSwTh Recyc RLG
S   getout: [5L2p] PasTh C-Fold RLG
S   getout: [B1c] E-CalTw CtrIn Ca3/4 C-SqTh4 E-SldTh AL  (better if you anticipate E-CalTw while C-SqTh3, etc.)
S   getout: [B1c] SldTh RLT HSash PasTh E-Fold AL
S   getout: [B] (across the street) LSwTh B-Circ Recyc RLG
S   H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext Ca3/4 A8Cir A8Cir Sw-Pr (half dancers sashayed A8Cir)
S   H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext SHing A8Cir A8Cir Sw-Pr (half dancers sashayed A8Cir)
S   H-SldTh DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 (FwdBk) SldTh DPT "leaders" PtTrd Sw-Pr  (short fig)
S   H-SqTh4 A-SqTh2 Ca3/4 SqTh2 TrdBy PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
S   H-SqTh4 BxGnt SldTh B-Run Scoot  (unusual flow, not sure it's good)
S   pre cue Tag: [LO] "take hands and" Tag
S   SldTh 3x (more fun than most callers realize)
S   teach Ca3/4: "instead of bending the line in, we're going to cast the line OUT 3/4"
S   teach Scoot: "magic hand"  Scott Byars
S   teach Scoot: "put your L H behind your back"  -Roger Havessy
S   teach SldTh: "turn first" (before PasTh)
S   teach/cue Ca3/4: "push from the inside out"

S   [1Q] G-SwThr VC-Run C-Tag "both go L behind the men, first around 2, second around 1 to a line" [0L]  -Hal Barnes
S   [2Q] B-SwThr VC-Run C-Tag "both go R behind the women, first around 2, second around 1 to a line" [0L]  -Hal Barnes

next 3 figures, move the RLT around:
S   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh RLT PsOcn Recyc Sweep SldTh Sw-Pr
S   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh PsOcn Recyc Sweep RLT SldTh Sw-Pr
S   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT SldTh PsOcn Recyc Sweep SldTh Sw-Pr

M   ! fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh RvFlt DixiS G-XRun Recyc Sw-Pr  (hard, poor flow)
M   ! H-SqTh4 T1/4 C-Trd SwThr SpTop B-Run WhlDl Twice Sweep SldTh Sw-Pr  (WhlDl from [TL])
M   "do an" 8ChnT "in Spanish!" (or other language)
M   (H-FwdBk) H-HSash-Sep ("not around 1, E meet") A-StrTh TrdBy Clovr [0P]  (be very clear and precise)
M   1/2of-SpChT [L.D]  ([L.W] -> [D])
M   4BPromI BxGnt 4GPromI BxGnt TrnTh AL Sw-Pr
M   [0F] BendL BW.GD WlkDg G-Run B-Run [0L]  -Bronc Wise
M   [0L] B-"step ahead"-MkWav-SwThr, G-"dodge L" Ext B-Run [0L] (nice after FltWh)
M   [0L] DixiS B-Hinge, G-"Face the Bs" (like 1/4 Tag) Ext B-Run [0L]
M   [0L] RLT DixiS B-WlkDg B-Run ChDTL [0L]  -Bob Elling
M   [0L] RLT GW.BD WlkDg B-Run G-Run [0L]  -Bronc Wise
M   [AW] SwThr-"hang on by the L 3/4"-AThar
M   [B1c] (all facing cnr) SldTh PasTh Tag Clovr C-TrnTh AL 'Keep Her!" Prom
M   [B] 8Chn3 E-Pr1/2,C-LSqT3 [B] (R-H available)
M   [Q] C-TrnTh A-TrnTh [T] (maybe ok hand use?)  -Rob French
M   [SS] AL DixiS Alamo SwThr ...  -Vicky Woods
M   [SS] H-2LChn-Pr1/2-LeadR TrnTh DoPas
M   ALTAT SlipC L.Hing WlkAC ...
M   cue Clovr: "new ptr, the 1st one's mine, the 2nd one's yours"
M   cue SpTop: [5W] SpTop G-"go wee-wee-wee in the middle"
M   cue: [AW] SHing "and leave her there" ...  -Jet Roberts
M   cue: PsTTC "and you owe me something on the outside"
M   fig: (S-FwdBk) H-SqTh4 SldTh RLT DixiS B-XFold A-PasTh AL Sw-Pr  (wind in the face)
M   fig: ... SpTop RLT StrTh RvFlt VeerR Prom  -Bob Elling
M   fig: 4LChn H-RollA A-CirL (4 beats, 1/4 around) G-FwdBk B-FltWh-PasTh-Clovr ("G with G") G-AL Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-HSash A-CirL (16 beats, full time around) B-FwdBk G-FltWh-PasTh-Clovr ("B with B") B-AL Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-SqTh2 A-SldTh PasTh Tag Clovr C-AL Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh2 RLT T1/4 SpltC B-Fold DPT Clovr "straight ahead" 2LChn "keep her" Prom  -Hal Barnes
M   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL 1/2Tg WlkDg RvFlt "keep her" Prom
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh RvFlt DixiS B-XRun Recyc Sw-Pr  (lot of R flow at end)
M   fig: S-BxGnt BackA H-SqTh2 A-SldTh E-PasTh A-BendL SldTh (=PasTh) ZERO Sw-Pr  (Same sex SldTh)  -Chuck Clay
M   getout idea: [TW]/[L] GrSwT C-SpTop "all the"-B-Run BendL
M   getout idea: C-WlkDg AL
M   getout idea: LTrnT TrdBy RLG  -Dave Decot
M   getout idea: SpChT E-UTurn-Circ1 Prom (setup H-LeadR VeerL BendL PsOcn A8Cir)
M   getout idea: SpChT E-Zoom TrnTh AL
M   getout: (corner line out seq) rather than SldTh AL, PasTh UTurn RLG
M   getout: [5W2p] (out of seq) E-XFold C-Trd RLG (same as XFire)
M   getout: [5W2p] Ca3/4(*) SpltC WlkDg RLG   (*) same as FYNbr-&Sprd
M   getout: [L1p] PsOcn B-Circ,G-Trd SpChT G-UTurn-Zoom Prom (somewhat self-correcting)
M   H-PasTh-Clovr Zoom DPT Zoom LrTrd AL  (practice Zoom)
M   H-Pr1/2-PsOcn Ext SwThr SpTop SqTh3 "finish up with a"-CtsyT SldTh Sw-Pr
M   H-SqTh3, S-UTurn-Clovr L...  (watch overflow for some)
M   H-SqTh4 H-"get ready to SqTh4 again while the S-8Chn4 GO!"  (accurate timing critical)
M   H-SqTh4 SldTh RvFlt DixiS B-XRun Recyc Sw-Pr
M   H-SqTh4 T1/4 Scoot B-Run RvFlt DixiS B-XRun Recyc Sw-Pr (longer, a lot of R-ward flow)
M   H-T1/4 "all"-B-Run G-PasTh C-WlkDg CtrIn Ca3/4 [0L]
M   singing call: SpTop RLT TrnTh Sw-Pr
M   SpChT checker cheat: [W] E-Circ A-Trd  -Bob Elling
M   stir: H-FltWh S-LeadR PsTTC SldTh-"in the C"  (nice flow for H after PromH)
M   stir: H-LdyCh S-LeadR RLT A-TrnTh DoPas
M   stir: H-LeadR VeerL Feris C-BW.GD C-FaceI  (similar to C-Sweep)
M   stir: H-LeadR VeerL Feris C-BW.GD F-AL "bow"  (similar to C-Sweep)
M   stir: H-RLT DixiS Ext B-"in the middle!"-Trd,G-Circ AL
M   stir: H-T1/4 F-PasTh F-PasTh F-PasTh G-Trd F-PasTh B-Run C-FaceI  -inspired by Dale Hodges
M   teach Clovr: [SS] H-PasTh-Sep-"go stand behind" C-SldTh-PasTh-Sep "go stand behind" C-SldTh-PasTh "New call! Clovr it's like Sep go stand behind"
M   teach Scoot: "is a stretched trade"
M   WlkAC SeSaw "w your cnr" StrTh CirL "new cnr" AL Fwd2 AThar SlipC AL  -Darren Gallina

M   [P] (instead of Zoom) C-SldTh-PasTh-Cover  -Mike Pogue
M   [P] (instead of Zoom) C-SqThr-Clovr (watch C don't stop at 3)

P   ! [0L] DixiS B-Trd SpTop-&Roll DixiS [L.0TW] (GrSwT)  (very smooth)
P   ! [1L] XFire Trak2 [0W]
P   ! [SS] WlkAC "left"-DoSaD DoPas  (setup for TeaCC)
P   ! getout idea: [5TF] XFire Twice RLG
P   ! getout: [TW1p] C-DoSaD E-TrnTh (pause) RLG  (hand use)
P   ! SpltC-&Roll 1/2-SpltC  (a new call?)
P   ! stir: H-FltWh S-LeadR DivTh C-SldTh-SqTh4 "skip the first part"-DoPas "corner by the R! ... CtsyT"
P   ![L]/[LO] BendL WhlDl-&Sprd Ca3/4
P   ...DoPas TPtrL-&Roll "give her a" Sw-Pr
P   4LChn AL A8SpT DixiG AL Sw-Pr
P   [0B] RLT VeerL VeerR ChasR [5C]
P   [0B] SCirW G-Circ,B-Trd,G-Fold,B-UTurn A-StrTh [0L]-offset 2LChn [0L]  (call quickly for timing)
P   [0B] T-1/4 Scoot G-UTurn ChasR  (unexpected, overflow)
P   [0B]/[0W] SwThr G-Fold B-PeelO, G-"step up and trade"  -Jet Roberts
P   [0F] ChDTL PasTh ChasR
P   [0F] getout idea: C-Trd-UTurn &Sprd AL
P   [0L] DixiS C-Ca3/4 C-XRun [X.D]  (different meanings of C)
P   [0L] DixiS FanTp-&Sprd RLT
P   [0L] DixiS-&Roll Prom
P   [0L] L.T1/4 Col.C 2x (puts B as leaders) "look at your box of 4" PeelT [0TW] GrSwT G-Fold PeelT [0W]
P   [0L] RLT DixiS AcDcy G-Fold PeelT L.SHing-&Roll [0L] (fun to use R hand next)
P   [0L]/[0TW] GrSwT (or SwThr) SHing-&Roll RvFlt [0L]  (fun hand change, must reevaluate)
P   [0M] B-Clovr,G-PeelO-&Roll [0P]
P   [0M] G-Clovr,B-PeelO-&Roll [0P]
P   [0P] C-SCirW DPT PeelO [0L]
P   [0P] C-SCirW-LSwTh PingP [0Q]
P   [0P] DPT G-Clovr B-PeelO-BendL DixiS  (unusual, not standard position)
P   [0Q] B-PingP-2-1/2, G-PeelT [0D]  -Bob Elling
P   [0TW] GrSwT C4SwThr B-Run [0TL]
P   [0W] SwThr SpTop-&Roll DixiS [L.0TW] (GrSwT)  (maybe not the smoothest choreo)
P   [0W] SwThr-&Sprd "B in G out"  -Mike Kellogg
P   [0W] TrdWv G-Circ
P   [0W]/[0B] SwThr G-Fold B-Trd-&Sprd G-Ext G-LHing [L.D]
P   [0W]/[0B] SwThr G-Run G-Hinge [F.D]
P   [1L] C-PasTh-Clovr, E-SldTh-&Sprd "and let 'em in" (timing critical)
P   [1L] StrTh-&Roll Ca3/4 [1L]
P   [2B] (B in C) SCirW G-UTurn [0L]
P   [2L] StrTh-&Roll BendL [2L]
P   [2LO] BendL-&Roll "and" Zoom
P   [3-1L] A-Trd-&Roll
P   [3C] B-Scoot, G-Trd (like TripleScoot)
P   [5D] D.Cir-&Roll (G-"single"-PasTh "single"-TrdBy) G-T1/4 StrTh "with a B" (B-Trd Cpl.C) [L.0F]
P   [5F] BendL=&Roll PeelT [0TW]  (standard PeelT)
P   [5L] PasTh C-"arch",E-XFold DivTh DPT PeelO [0L]
P   [5L] SqTh3 C-CtsyT-&Sprd C-Trd [0L]
P   [5LO] BendL BendL=&Roll PeelO [0L]
P   [5W] B-Run &Roll G-Hinge PingP
P   [5W] B-Run-&Roll ChDTL (from t bone)
P   [5W] Ext RLG  -or-  Expl-&Roll AL
P   [B1c] SCirW Scoot-&Sprd AL
P   [B] PsThr "double" Trak2
P   [D] C-ExpWv "use the definition" AcDcy
P   [D] C-SwThr C-XRun
P   [F.D]/[X.D] C-Ca3/4-&Sprd AcDcy  (from [D] have C-TrdWv first. ending wave handedness save as C-Ca3/4)
P   [F] WhlDl C-ChasR
P   [F] WhlDl C-ChasR-WlkDg LT1/4
P   [H-SldTh-&Sprd Ca3/4 [2L]
P   [I] Expl& &Sprd [L]
P   [I] Expl& UTurn [B]
P   [L.W] WlkDg C-Hinge Cut.D [3-1]
P   [L1c] (corner line): L.T1/4-&Roll SqTh2 RLG
P   [L] T1/4 ExpWv G-Fold (or B-Fold)  (also use for asymmetry when B and G in each quadrant
P   [Q] C-Recyc &Sprd
P   [SS] "w your cnr" BxGnt (RLG) A8SpT-&Sprd AL
P   [SS] 4BChn (4 boys chain)  -Jet Roberts
P   [SS] AL TrnTh PasTh DixiG AL
P   [SS] H-"step into the middle, Face your ptr" DPT PeelO [0L]  (unexpected)
P   [SS] H-PasTh ChasR Hing [0Q]  -Mike Pogue
P   [SS] H-PasTh SepA1 A-PasTh WhlDl C-SwThr-&Roll F-SldTh-9x C-1/2Tg AL  -Al Rouff
P   [SS] H-RollA S-"pass all the way though" S-Face [0L] A-LoadB [0B]
P   [SS] H-RollA S-Face A-LoadB (ends facing same sex) SwThr B-Run [0L]
P   [SS] H-SldTh UTurn &Sprd E-Fold [P]  (lot of thinking, nice flow)
P   [SS] H-Trd-&Roll S-RollA [0L] A-LoadB [0B]
P   [SS] WlkAC "left"-DoSaD DoPas H-TeaCC
P   [SS] WlkAC LRG LRG DoPas H-TeaCC  (no cuing makes it intense)
P   [SS] WlkAC LRG SeSaw DixiG
P   [SS] WlkAC SeSaw "with cnr R-H" A8SpT "meet cnr" A8SpT-&Sprd AL
P   [T] PasTh Trak2  (implying C)
P   [TD] C6Trd FlipD C6Trd
P   [TH] AcDcy
P   [TW] GrSwT-&Roll VC-TrnTh A-DixiS (be very clear saying VERY centers and ALL-DixiS)
P   [TW] PasTh ChasR (very unexpected)
P   [W1p]/[B1p] DixiG AL FullT Sw-Pr
P   [W] AcDcy-1-1/2 A-Trd (or C6Trd)  -Rob French
P   [W] Ca3/4 AcDcy Ca3/4 AcDcy maintain arrangement, change sequence, outer actives no chg (Ca3/4 = FYNbr-&Sprd)
P   [W] SHing AcDcy SHing AcDcy maintain arrangement and sequence, stir twice (across)
P   [W] SHing ExpWv G-Fold (or B-Fold)
P   [W] SwThr AcDcy SwThr AcDcy maintain arrangement and sequence, reverse stir
P   after HB-TeaCC, "fix yourseves" (gets around any messy CtsyT)
P   AL A8SpT A8SpT Ca3/4 Alamo LSwTh LSwTh LA
P   AL A8SpT-&Sprd SlipC AL
P   asymmetric gimmick: [SS] S-SldTh DPT "far box"-PeelO, "near box"-CtrIn (line facing caller)
P   at corner: PasTh DixiG or TrdBy DixiG
P   at home idea: [2LO] (GGBB) BendL-&Roll "and" Zoon "and" SldTh
P   at home idea: [TW] Expl& H-Roll  -Dave Stevens
P   at home: [TW] GrSwT C-SpTop "all"-B-Run BendL
P   at home: DixiG LP.By PasTh "the next and you're home"
P   at home: WhlDl C-SldTh = WhlDl-&Sprd E-SldTh or if E out of seq E-LoadB, if C out of seq C-RLT
P   break: 4LChn A8-FltWh "bring your ptr back" A8-RvFlt A-RollA CirL A-RollA CirL-"until you're home"
P   break: WlkAC DoPas AThar "w L" A8SpT "meet ptr" A8SpT SlipC AL Sw-Pr
P   break: WlkAC LRG DoPas H-TeaCC Prom  (also a nice opener)
P   closer: G(or B)-PromI Sw-Pr H-TeaCC
P   Column w G as C: A-Trd-&Roll 4LChn
P   comment: [5L] RLT "you figure it out"
P   cue AcDcy: "little one" AcDcy  ("little one" AcDcy "big one" ReDcy)
P   cue FYNbr: "B are still in the middle"  (from typical arrangement)
P   cue: [0B/0W] SwThr G-Fold "no hands" PeelO
P   cue: Cir2L "all 4" (helps confusion with SCirW)
P   cue: G-Fold "G L hand is twitching" PeelT  -Tork Clark
P   equiv H-SqTh4: H-RollA (or HSash) "C part"-LoadB  -Ted Lizotte
P   equiv PasTh Tag: [0L] StrTh C-UTurn DPT [3P] PeelO (or Trd-&Roll) [0L]
P   equiv: [0W] LnCyc = SwThr-&Sprd-ChDTL
P   equiv: [SS] H-SqTh4 = H-UTurn-&Roll
P   Equiv: LnCyc = G-Trd SwThr B-Run BendL (a bit hard but good timing after Trak2)
P   fig idea: Trak2 A8Cir Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-BxGnt PasTh Clovr DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 LoadB Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-HeadR Cir2L "looking for S walls" RvFlt T1/4 Coord Ferris C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-HeadR Cir2L FwdBk LoadB SldTh LoadB PasTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-LeadR SwThr AcDcy B-Run 1/2Tg AcDcy B-Run PasTh ChasR AcDcy Sw-Pr  -Tony Collingwood
P   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C XFire Col.C B-Run RLT PasTh TrdBy (also a stir)
P   fig: H-LeadR VeerL XFire Col.C B-Run [RLT PasTh TrdBy] Sw-Pr   [] = half chicken plucker
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR SwThr SpTop GrSwT SHing-&Roll RvFlt PasTh ChasR Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SHing FYNbr TrdWv G-Run BendL SldTh AL Sw-Pr or SldTh-&Roll-Twice Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SwThr AcDcy B-Run BendL T1/4 Col.C A-Trd PeelO Prom
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SwThr AcDcy SwThr AcDcy SHing AcDcy SHing AcDcy Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn PingP PingP Ext ExpWv BendL LoadB Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run Feris Zoom DixiG CtsyT Prom
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 SldTh DPT Trak2 A8Cir SHing Scoot SHing A8Cir Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-PsOcn Ext LnCyc RLT DixiS B-Trd LnCyc SldTh PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr  (R-H and L-H LnCyc)
P   fig: H-PsOcn PingP Ext SpChX AcDcy (ZERO) Sw-Pr  (skip ZERO for short figure)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD T1/4 FYNbr Sprd G-Trd Recyc RvFlt VeerR A-Prom
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD T1/4 Scoot B-Fold SFile DixiS B-Trd B-Run G-Hinge Cut.D Prom  -Bob Elling  (B Cut L-H diamond)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav AcDcy SHing Scoot AcDcy SHing AcDcy Ca3/4 AcDcy Sw-Pr  (maybe long?)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SCirW AcDcy B-Run XFire Coord WhlDl Sw-Pr  (excess R flow)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SCirW B-Trd B-Run G-SHing D.Cir 3x Cut BendL SldTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SCirW FanTop SpTop 3x Sw-Pr  -Romney Tannehill
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Cpl.C-2x Feris Zoom DixiG CtsyT Prom
P   fig: H-T1/4 WlkDg LSwTh L.ReDcy G-Run BendL PsOcn [B-Circ or 1/2of-A8Cir or Ext] Sw-Pr
P   getout idea: 3/4 Tag "lead cpl"-PromH, C-Recyc
P   getout idea: 3/4 Tag C-ExpWv A-PtTrd
P   getout idea: [0L.W] AcDcy AL
P   getout idea: [5B] T1/4-&Roll AL
P   getout idea: [TH] PingP (to end at home)
P   getout idea: [W] Ext TrdBy AL
P   getout idea: ChasR FaceR AL
P   getout idea: ChasR FaceR DixiG
P   getout idea: Ext Twice RLG
P   getout idea: FYNbr-&Roll AL
P   getout idea: PeelO 3/4Tg RLG
P   getout idea: PeelO C-Roll AL (or RLG)  -Kurt Gollhardt
P   getout idea: R-H Trd-&Roll AL
P   getout idea: Recyc &Roll AL
P   getout idea: SpChX "don't make the wave, keep going single file" G-UTurn AL  -Jon Jones
P   getout idea: SwThr &Roll-Twice AL  (avoid confusion: not [SwThr-&Roll]-Twice )
P   getout idea: Trak2 RLG
P   getout: ([SS] H-SqTh4 SldTh RLT) BxGnt C-Roll RLG
P   getout: ([SS] H-SqTh4 SldTh RLT) BxGnt-&Roll DoPas  (fun hand change)
P   getout: (corner line out seq) rather than SldTh AL, PasTh UTurn C-&Roll RLG
P   getout: [0L] SldTh AL = PasTh UTurn-&Roll RLG = SldTh-&Roll-&Roll RLG  -Eric Henerlau
P   getout: [0P] (DixiG) HSash-&Sprd PasTh 3/4Tg RLG
P   getout: [0W1p] SHing FYNbr Ext LA
P   getout: [0W2p] TrdWv(=Mix) Ext LA
P   getout: [B1C] L.PulBy cnr DixiG (instead of AL)
P   getout: [B1c](AL) Cir2L PasTh WhlDl DixiG AL  (at home if just AL would have ended at home)
P   getout: [B1c](AL) SldTh SqTh4 DixiG AL
P   getout: [B] (across the street) SCirW AcDcy Recyc RLG
P   getout: [L1p] RLT DixiS SwThr-Twice Roll-Twice "Circulate"-Twice RLG
P   getout: [W1p] A8Cir LnCyc 3/4of-LoadB AL
P   getout: [W52p] Ca3/4 AcDcy Ca3/4 AcDcy RLG (or TrnTh AL)
P   gimmick: [0W] SpChX "that 1st B lead the exchange ... to a line" [0L]  -Lee Kopman
P   H-4 DoSaD 1-1/2 "are you ready to TrdBy?!" TrdBy DixiG AL
P   H-CalTw, S-StrTh "everyone" &Roll [0L]  (timing is critical)
P   H-PasTh S-LeadR Trak2
P   H-PasTh SepA1-&Roll Split...  -Vic Ceder
P   H-Pr1/2 S-SqTh2 SldTh LoadB RLT Sw-Pr
P   H-Pr1/2-PsOcn Ext SwThr SpTop SHing-&Roll SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (sashayed SqTh3)
P   H-RLT FullT S-LeadR CtrIn Ca3/4 StrTh DPT Trak2 Recyc PasTh Sw-Pr  -Bob Elling
P   H-RollA S-LeadR DivTh DPT PeelO [0L]
P   H-SldTh-&Sprd C-PasTh A-XFire
P   H-SqTh4 DixiG Sw-Pr
P   H-SqTh4 DoSaD FanTp RLT ("G turn a B") SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav ExpWv LChas G-Run G-Fold (brief pause) Sw-Pr
P   H-SqTh4 S-HSash "same sex"-AL A8SpT A8SpT B-Run FwdBk [0L]
P   H-SqTh4 SldTh PasTh Ca3/4 LoadB  (push cast wo CtrIn)
P   H-SqTh4 T1/4 G-Run LoadB T1/4 B-UTurn LoadB Sw-Pr  (sashayed, E & C parts)
P   H-SqThr SldTh LoadB RLT Sw-Pr (shortened figure)
P   PeelO-&Roll (= Clovr Zoom)
P   PingP &Roll RLG  -Kurt Gollhardt
P   pre-cue FYNbr: "this is the three-quarter-y thing" FYNbr
P   Prom DontS (out of sequence) A-RollA "continue to" Prom "G inside B outside" H-WhlAr (FwdBk) LoadB RLG
P   Prom DontS (out of sequence) H-WhlAr A-HSash (FwdBk) LoadB RLG
P   ring: H-SqTh4 "R arm ready" AR LRG "meet ptr" L.A8SpT L.A8SpT &Sprd Sw-Pr
P   RLG (if ptrs meet past home) A8SpT "meet ptr" SldTh (at home) or Sw-Pr (short)
P   S-2LCh3 G-"as a couple" H-TeaCC  -Bronc Wise
P   SCirW "rear back" StrTh-&Roll  (like swing dancing)  -Rock This Town
P   setup L.ReDcy: H-RLT-DixiS Ext LSwTh  (all w ptr, Bs on the E)
P   stir:  AL BxGnt WWGrd A8SpT B-Run BendL  (works if at home at start)
P   stir: H-BW.GD Hing PingP  C-Recyc SldTh
P   stir: H-LdyCh S-LeadR RLT C-Roll-Twice "bow ptr"
P   SwThr G-Fold Zoom G-Trd-&Sprd B-Ext A-Ca3/4
P   SwThr SwThr &Sprd AL
P   teach &Roll: "finish the call on a spot and Roll on that spot"
P   teach &Roll: SldTh "end on a spot"&Roll on that spot, exactly on that spot"
P   teach ChasR: [LO] "remember ChasR goes behind you but I'm not going to call it" BendL PasTh ChasR
P   teach ChasR: ChasR WlkDg UTurn PasTh ready to try other position
P   teach ChasR: G-UTurn ready to try again (overflow)
P   teach ChasR: WlkDg ChasR SpltC = SpltC 4x  (a ZERO, good for resetting for teach)
P   teach Coord: "move out and up" (rather than "up and out")
P   teach Coord: Original #2 doesn't Trd  -Ted Schmalz
P   teach Cut.D: "slide touch and Trade"
P   teach Cut.D: think "cut across"  -Ted Schmalz
P   teach DixiG: [SS] 4LChn CirL (or equiv) "this cnr"-AL BxGnt DixiG "R L R to the cnr" AL
P   teach FYNbr: "super woman" spins around out there  Scott Byars
P   teach LoadB: "there's an imaginary line splitting your lines into two boxes. C-PasTh "turn away from the line" Trd "step over the line"  -Karl
P   teach LoadB: after teaching [5B] PassO-PtTrd-PasTh, [0L] E-SldTh, C-PassO-PtTrd-PasTh
P   teach ReDcy: "C facing IN does SHORT walk, C facing OUT does LONG walk"
P   teach ReDcy: if you see your ptr right a way grab them, otherwise keep walking till you see them then grab them.
P   teach SpChG: teach "Spin Chain" and "Chain Thru" as the two halves of SpChT. Then use Chain Thru to describe the last part for Cs.
P   teach SpChX: SpChX 2x = ZERO
P   teach/cue ChasR: "it ends R handed"
P   teach: LoadB "the hard part of the C part of LoadB is facing out. What does 'out' mean? (explain!)
P   Teach: SpChX "looking out and looking in is preserved"
P   theme: [SS] SFGrSqr..., then later [SS] "sides face"-GrSwT... then later [SS] "sides face grand R and L"
P   use DixiS B-Trd G-Hinge in singing call
P   use FlipD AcDcy in singing call
P   use FlipD FanTp SHing Coord in singing call
P   use FYNbr-&Sprd FanTp in singing call
P   WlkAC L.A8SpT L.A8SpT TPtrL AThar SlipC AL
P   WlkAC SeSaw "cnr by the R" A8SpT A8SpT-&Sprd AL
P   WlkAC SeSaw 4LChn 4LChn RollA (CirL) AL DixiG DoPas (at home w careful timing)  -Bob Elling

P   [0F] 3/4Tg G-FaceR D.Cir B-FaceR (or B-Roll) [1Q] DPT Clovr (G coming into the C)
P   [0F] 3/4Tg G-FaceR D.Cir B-FaceR [1Q] DPT Clovr (G coming into the C)

P   WlkAC SeSaw B-StarR "to cnr by the L" A8SpT ("G StarR") "to cnr by the L" A8SpT ("B-StarR") "to cnr by the L" AL
P   WlkAC SeSaw B-StarR "to cnr by the L" A8SpT ("G StarR") "to cnr by the L" AL FullT RLG

A1  "Tag your ptr"
A1  "zero"-QuarterTheTop: [SS] AL A8SpT 3/4Top 1/2Top 1/4Top 0/4Top DixiG AL
A1  (Cross)CloverAnd UTurn-&Roll
A1  3/4-LoadB A8Cir Split...
A1  3/4Tg C-SpTop, E-PHing
A1  3/4Tg CloverAnd-Expl&-DPT
A1  ? [SS] WlkAC SeSaw B-StarR "to cnr by the L" A8SpT ("G StarR") "to cnr by the L" A8SpT ("B-StarR") "to cnr by the L" AL
A1  ? [SS] WlkAC SeSaw B-StarR "to cnr by the L" A8SpT ("G StarR") "to cnr by the L" AL FullT RLG
A1  [0B] TripleStarThru CloverAnd (the hard one!)
A1  [0D] D.Cir VCB-Trd VCB-Run VCB-Hinge [5HG]
A1  [0F] G-1/4Thru TradeCirculate B-L1/4Thru  -Tom Miller
A1  [0L2p] PasTh PtTrd 1/4In RLG
A1  [0L] E-LoadB C-BxGnt "C start" Split...  (careful timing)
A1  [0LO] 3/4Tg G-Run 6-2AceDeucy
A1  [0P] C-BxGnt "let go" A-Zoom TripleStarThru
A1  [3-1] (C facing out) StepAndSlide CloverAnd ...
A1  [3-1] E-T1/4, C-BoxCounterRotate [C]
A1  [3-1] LeadsRightRoll [TW]
A1  [3L] (BGGB) PassIn G-PasTh (self correcting)  Romny T.
A1  [[F] x [W] thar] A8-Cycle&Wheel
A1  [B1c] T1/4 ScootAndDodge QuaterIn AL
A1  [B] across the street: 8Chn2 DoubleStarThru RLG
A1  [B] across the street: PasTh TrdBy CrossTrailThru RLG
A1  [B] T1/4-AndCross 1/4In  (nice flow)
A1  [C]/[L.C] TripleScoot-1-1/2  -Rob French
A1  [D]/[L.D] VC-SingleWheel-&Roll [HG]/[L.HG]
A1  [F.HG] HGCir C-FlipD Split...
A1  [F] AsCouples-WlkDg ChasR  -Rob French
A1  [F] C-WlkDg Expl& [L]  (partial skew makes R-H or R shoulder pass easy)
A1  [F] E-UTurn CastAShadow
A1  [HG] "big box"-Circ "while the diamond" D.Cir
A1  [L.F] Belles-Fold Ext FaceR ChasR
A1  [L.W] SwThr-&Roll BellesCross [C]
A1  [L] "C work AsCouples, all"-T1/4 (from [3L]/[4L] "B (or G) work AsCouples...")
A1  [L] Beaus-Cross B-Trd / Belles-Cross G-Trd
A1  [L] Beaus-Cross TrdWv  (or Bells-Cross...)
A1  [L] C-T1/4-WlkDg Split...
A1  [L] T1/4 AndCross "and" CrossCloverAnd CrossTrailThru
A1  [LO] Beaus-Run Leaders-Run  -Rob French
A1  [LO] ChasR E-Circ,C-WlkDg [3-1]
A1  [M] AsCouples-RightRollToAWave (Cpl.C) AsCouples-LeftRollToAWave
A1  [M] CloverAnd-RightRollToAWave Split...  (C can start while E get into position)
A1  [Q]  C-SwitchToADiamond O-"working through the diamond" T1/4-&Sprd [HG]
A1  [Q] C6Trd CrossCloverAnd...  -Rob French
A1  [R] CloverAnd-Expl&-Roll  (be careful to avoid parsing problems)
A1  [R] CloverAnd-Expl&-Sprd [L]
A1  [SS] "w your cnr" BxGnt A8SpT-&Sprd AL
A1  [SS] ALIAS 3/4Thru 3/4TheTop  (nice contrast)  -Kurt Gollhardt
A1  [SS] H-AsCouples T1/4 VC-Hinge S-"work through the diamond"-T1/4-&Sprd [HG]
A1  [SS] H-BeauWalkBelleDodge WlkDg (and visa-versa) CloverAnd-TripleStarThru
A1  [SS] H-PassOut S-UTurn HorseshoeTurn
A1  [SS] H-RLT 1/4Mr VC-Hinge S-"work through the diamond"-T1/4-&Sprd [HG]
A1  [SS] H-T1/4 &Sprd CycleAndWheel
A1  [SS] H-T1/4 A-1/4In [2L] (GGBB)
A1  [SS] WlkAC (DoPas) TPtrL AThar A8SpT 5/4TheTop "don't loose count!" AL
A1  [T] CloverAnd-PairOff
A1  [W] AcDcy-1-1/2 TripleTrade  -Rob French
A1  [W] C-WlkDg ExplodeTheLine (or Expl&)  -Bronc Wise
A1  [W] CastAShadow Ca3/4 (push)
A1  [W] Expl&-PassIn  -Rob French
A1  [W] Motivate "turn the star half as far as normal" (perfect timing for best effect)
A1  [W]/[C]/[L.W]/[L.C] WlkDg RightRollToAWave  (unusual flow from L-H setups)
A1  AL A8SpT-&Sprd SlipC AL
A1  AsCouples (several calls) CrossOverCirculate AsCouples (enjoy the 'other side')
A1  AsCouples-WlkDg Tag
A1  AsCouples-WlkDg TurnAndDeal
A1  at home idea: [B] PasIn 3x
A1  at home idea: PsTTC SqThr-"in the C" ClovrAnd-PassIn
A1  at home idea: PtTag C-Twice A-1/4In  -Romney Tannehill
A1  at home: [B] PassIn PassIn PassIn.  Setup: C w Ptr facing home, E not w ptr out of seq, as if PsTTC C-PassIn-3× ends at home.
A1  at home: C-"Un"-PairOff
A1  Beaus (or Belles) Zoom (for resolve)
A1  break: AL A8SpT 1/2TheTop A8-SwTh-&Roll A8-C-TrnTh TPtrL RolPr
A1  break: WlkAC LRG "ptr L" A8SpT "B Star, G move up to ptr by the L" A8SpT "to ptr" DoPas RolPr
A1  CloverAnd-WheelThru RLG
A1  comment: TransferTheColumn "the whole hookin' thing"
A1  Convert 3-1 line: C-Run
A1  Convert 3-1 line: CrossOverCirculate
A1  cue Mix: "I'm going to call a Mix. E pause for a moment; let the C get started first"
A1  cue: "think step and slide" ExplodeTheLine
A1  cue: [L.W] "R hand"-SwThr "correct hand"-1/4Thru (or 3/4Thru, etc.)
A1  cue: [R] "ctr don't move" (Cross)CloverAnd...
A1  equiv: [SS] H-SqTh4 = H-FltWh-&Roll B-Cross = H-FltWh WheelThru
A1  fig ZERO: [0B1c] T1/4 ScootAndDodge PtTag AL Sw-Pr
A1  fig: H-CrossTrailThru CloverAnd-TripleStarThru PtTag PtTag StepAndSlide 1/4In (pause) SpTop SpTop TrnTh "w a courtesy"-Prom
A1  fig: H-FltWh WheelThru SwThr SwitchTheWave BendL RLT FltWh AsCouples-Roll B-Trd Prom
A1  fig: H-PairOff PassIn PasTh BendL PasTh TurnAndDeal C-MkWav ChainReaction (sashayed) Expl& SqTh3 Sw-Pr
A1  fig: H-PasTh CrossCloverAnd-SCirW ChainReaction ("G meet G to Cast") C-Run TurnAndDeal SqT@3 Sw-Pr  (sashayed ChainReaction)
A1  fig: H-RLT BackA S-WheelThru VeerL XOverCirc Feris C-Sweep C-WheelThru SwThr Ext Sw-Pr
A1  fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr SwitchDiamond DCir 62AcDcy Cut.D Feris G-PasTh "left"-BoxGnt-&-Roll A-Prom  -Bob Elling
A1  fig: H-WheelThru Cir2L SquareChainThru TrdBy SquareChainThru PtTag Sw-Pr
A1  fig: H-WheelThru VeerL CrossOverCirc CastAShadow Mix Recyc ZERO Sw-Pr (1/4 short!)
A1  GBBG lines B-AsCouples A-SwThr
A1  getin: H-LT1/4 F-SldTh,O-PeelO  (3-1)
A1  getin: H-PairOff A-PassIn "H will Roll" Split...
A1  getout idea: [0F] AsCouples-TurnT AL
A1  getout idea: [0L1p] E-Bend RLG
A1  getout idea: [B] CtrIn Hing E-Bend RLG
A1  getout idea: [B] TripleStarThru RLG
A1  getout idea: [I.L] A8Cir 1-1/2 RLG  -Kurt Gollhardt
A1  getout idea: [L] BeausCross AL
A1  getout idea: [O.L] E-Bend RLG / AL
A1  getout idea: [P] (C-SqTh3 AL) C-PtTag AL
A1  getout idea: [W] Lockit, S-Lockit RLG (S were C)  -Dave Stevens
A1  getout idea: CastAShadow AL
A1  getout idea: CastAShadow AL
A1  getout idea: Cpl.C AsCouples-&Roll Feris [at home]  -Micheal Kellogg
A1  getout idea: DPT C-RightRoll RLG
A1  getout: [0Bic](A facing cnr) SldTh-"double (that's twice)" DoubleStarThru RLG
A1  getout: [5L1p] PassIn C-AL RLG
A1  getout: [5W2p] Mix DoPas (or Mix LRG DoPas)
A1  getout: [L1p] PasTh Expl&-PsOcn RLG
A1  gimick: StrTh Twice  (not DoubleStarThru)
A1  H-CrossTrailThru CloverAnd-TripleStarThru PtTag PtTag StepAndSlide 1/4In (pause) SpTop SpTop TrnTh "w a courtesy"-Prom
A1  H-PairOff [CrossTrailThru HorseshoeTurn] 4x
A1  H-PassOut &Sprd XFire
A1  H-T1/4-&Sprd CycleAndWheel
A1  idea: CastAShadow AL
A1  idea: Feris C-AsCouples-PasTh
A1  mix and match: B-Run, B-Trd, G-Run, G-Trd, Beaus-Run, Beaus-Trd, Belles-Run, Belles-Trd  -Tom Miller
A1  opener: H-HSash S-SplitSqTh4 RLG  -Dave Decot
A1  ScootAndWeave = 3/4Thru
A1  set up again: (H-PassIn-&Sprd A-T1/4) TransferTheColumn (B hookers) B-Run (RLT) PasTh WhlDl &Sprd T1/4 Transfer..  w RLT G have same part again; w/o RLT B have same part again. If G hookers, substitute B-Run w G-Run.
A1  singing call: ScootAndDodge 1/4In
A1  stir: H-SwapAround CloverAnd-SwapAround AL (or bow to cnr)
A1  substitute: 3/4Thru = ScootAndWeave
A1  T1/4-AndCross 1/4In  (at home /nice flow)
A1  teach AsCouples: "We each become 'hands' of a single 'dance entity' of which there are now only 4 in the square."
A1  teach ChainReaction: describe E-of-the-wave's part first
A1  teach SquareChainThru: if it starts facing head walls, after the first hand, it's all oriented to side walls for the rest of the call.
A1  WlkAC DoPas "ptr by the L"-AThar "w L" A8SpT "meet ptr" A8SpT SlipC AL Sw-Pr
A1  WlkAC SeSaw "cnr by the R" A8SpT A8SpT-&Sprd AL
A1  Practice ChainReaction: ChainReaction Ext CloverAnd-Lockit (repeat for all parts)

A2  ! [C] Col.C ZagZig LeftRollToAWave [L.TW]
A2  ! [L.C] Col.C ZigZag RightRollToAWave
A2  ! [L.W] WlkDg C-ChasR-BoxCounterRotate, E-RightRollToAWave-Hinge [C]  (interesting flow)
A2  ! [L] ZigZag LeftRollToAWave (no one Zigs, e.g. after RLT)
A2  ! [LO] ZigZag RightRollToAWave (no one Zags)
A2  ! [P] DPT ZagZig LeftRollToAWave [L.TW]
A2  ! [P] DPT ZigZag RightRollToAWave [TW]
A2  ! A4C SqTh4 A8-RightRollToAWave RLG
A2  ! A4C-PasTh "this is mean" A8-RightRollToAWave ("B R-H star") A8-FanTp RLG
A2  ! A4C-RLT A8-VeerL A8-1/2Tg A4C-PtTag RLG
A2  ! A4C-RLT A8-VeerL A8-TurnAndDeal (sashayed) A4C-RLT A8-VeerL A8-TurnAndDeal (at home)
A2  ! A4C-SqTh4 (or -SqTh2) A8-RightRollToAWave (A8-FanTp) RLG
A2  ! fig: H-L-WheelThru SCirW TradeCirculate Motivate TradeCirculate SwPr (5/8) (Left Motivate)
A2  ! fig: H-PassTheSea Ext Motivate CastAShadow Beaus-Fold Sw-Pr  (Motivate left and B in C, mixed gender CastAShadow)  --Lloyd Lewis + edit
A2  ! fig: H-Pr1/2 (or H-RLT) -BelleWalkBeauDodge- Hing ChainReaction CastAShadow MiniBusy Ext SwPr (5/8) (Left ChainReaction)
A2  ! fig: H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext SplitTransfer 2x TradeCirc SplitTransfer 2x TradeCirc Sw-Pr  (all parts, R and L)
A2  ! fig: H-RLT S-PsOcn Ext SplitTransfer-2x TradeCirc SplitTransfer-2x TradeCirc Sw-Pr  (all parts, R and L)
A2  ! fig: H-TrnTh S-PaOcn SpinTheWindmillOut Mix CastAShadow CastAShadow C-BeausCross "corner" SwPr (CastAShadow C facing in and out)
A2  ! H-L.SplitSqTh4 Left ("for the centers") SpinTheWindmill Right ("for the outsides")
A2  !! A4C-RLT RollA "square your set like this" A4C-RLT A8-VeerL A8-1/2Tg A8-PtTag PtTrd  (at home)
A2  ! A4C-RLT A8-VeerL A8-1/2Tg A4C-PtTag RLG
A2  "the next 4 calls are circulates" Split All8 Trade CrossOver etc.
A2  (?) [TD] (P-P diamonds) "do your part" SwitchTheWave [D]
A2  (?) [TD] (P-P diamonds) "do your part" SwitchToADiamond [F]
A2  (break, stir) 4LChn A8-HSash-1-1/2 ("B in the lead") A8-DPT A8-RightRollToAWave Alamo LSwTh AL
A2  4LCh3 A-RollA A4C-T1/4 A8-WlkDg PtTag RLG
A2  4LCh3 A4C-T1/4 A8-WlkDg AL
A2  4LChn A-RollA A4C-T1/4 A8-WlkDg A8-PtTag RLG
A2  4LChn A4C-SqTh3 AL
A2  4LChn A4C-T1/4 A8-BxCir A8-RightRollToAWave RLG  (or TrnTh AL)
A2  [0B] T1/4 Slip B-Swing A-Mix
A2  [0D] D.Cir-Twice B-Roll SpinAWindmillRight (say quickly for correct timing)
A2  [0HG] G-"in your diamond"-D.Cir B-"in your big box around the outside"-BoxCounterRotate VCG-Trd "the others look for the outside 6"-O6-Circ "just the C diamond"-C-D.Cir "look for VC 2 and outside 6"-62AcDcy B-"only, in your diamond"-D.Cir B-"only, in your diamond"-CounterRotate "the B points of the diamond spread far apart and look for an HG" [5HG]....   (Note "H" of 6 and [HG] can be converted one into the other by having (preferably same sex) diamond CounterRotate or (preferably same sex) outside box CounterRotate)
A2  [0L.W] SwThr B-UTurn G-1/2-Circ [L.HG]
A2  [0L2p] (all w ptr out of seq) CrossTrailThru ZigZag (Leads)RightRoll(ToAWave) RLG
A2  [0L2p] (all w ptr out of seq) PasTh ZagZig (Leads)LeftRoll(ToAWave) Ext LA
A2  [0P] C-BxGnt (or PasIn-&Roll "let go" A-Zoom TripleStarThru
A2  [0P] DPT B-"your part"-1/4In TransferAnd-TurnAndDeal
A2  [0P] DPT B-1/4In A-TransferAnd-TurnAndDeal
A2  [0P] DPT G-PeelO TransferAnd... (G are in [F])  -Jet Roberts
A2  [0W2p] 1/2of-Mix C-Slither Prom
A2  [0W2p] Mix SingleWheel RLG
A2  [3W],[4W] B-Swing (or G-Swing)
A2  [3W]/[4W] G-Swing / B-Swing
A2  [4L] (B on E) T-1/4 TransferTheColumn [0W] Motivate
A2  [5W2p] SwingAndMix Ext (or SlipC) AL
A2  [5W2p] SwingAndMix-Roll-Roll (or ZigZag) RLG
A2  [Alamo] A8-B-Fold A8-PassAndRoll A8-SingleWheel A8-PassAndRoll Alamo-AL RLG at home
A2  [B] RLT ReverseRecyc
A2  [C??] (not T-bone) F-T1/4 (T-bone) A-SplitCounterRotate C-BoxCounterRotate [W]
A2  [C] Col.C ZagZig LeftRollToAWave [L.TW]
A2  [C] TransferAnd-AndCross "and" CrossCloverAnd-Recyc [Q]  (lots of 'cross' 'and')
A2  [D] DiamondChainThru CrossOverCirculate
A2  [D] VC-SingleWheel-Roll [HG]
A2  [F] CastAShadow Motivate
A2  [F] MiniBusy SpinTheWindmillRight
A2  [H] "C in a diamond, E in a box"-A8Cir
A2  [L.1C] (3 and 4=G) TransferAnd-Trd-Roll "G w your R hand" SingleFile-DixiS
A2  [L.C] Col.C ZigZag RightRollToAWave
A2  [L.C] Col.C ZigZag  (R-H ColC ZagZig)
A2  [L.F] MiniBusy SpinTheWindmillLeft
A2  [L.R]/[L.Q] SpinTheWindmillRight
A2  [L.W] "it's left this time" SwitchTheWave  -Darren Gallina
A2  [L.W] LeftRemake "regular" Remake (whisper "in the center")
A2  [L.W] Swing Remake Swing Remake
A2  [M] SingleWheel-&Roll TripleTrade
A2  [P3p] (s-out) C-Recyc TurnT AL
A2  [Q] PingP SpinTheWindmill-In
A2  [QC] "Put Outsides In"
A2  [SS] 4LCh3 A4C-SqTh3 (or PasTh) A8-LChas AL
A2  [SS] 4LCh3 A8-FltWh A8-Recyc A8-TrnTh AL
A2  [SS] 4LCh3 ALIAS A8-3/4Thru 3/4TheTop RLG
A2  [SS] A4C-DoubleStarThru  -Charles Bridges
A2  [SS] A4C-PasTh (or equiv) A8-SingleWheel "G in front of your B. I'll help you..." A8-DPT "G-RStar PasTh, B follow her RStar PasTh end behind your ptr" LeadsRightRoll (Alamo), ZigZag, etc.
A2  [SS] A4C-RLT 4LChn A4C-SqTh2 (first hand w ptr, end next to ptr)
A2  [SS] A8-HSash A4C-SqTh3 (or PasTh) A8-ChasR ("chase HIM!") Alamo AL
A2  [SS] H-PassTheSea F-PasTh F-PasTh CrossCloverAnd-Ca3/4 [P]
A2  [SS] H-PassTheSea F-PasTh F-PasTh CrossCloverAnd-TurnAndDeal Split...
A2  [SS] H-T1/4-&Sprd S-AsCouples-T1/4 C-"half a"-Slip [HG] (or VC-Hinge)
A2  [SS] S-PassTheSea SpinTheWindmill-"any way you want (as long as it's 2 spots)" C-Run AcDcy C-Roll-"and"-SwThr [D]
A2  [SS] S-PassTheSea SpinTheWindmill-"any way you want (as long as it's 2 spots)" Hinge [W]
A2  [SS] SpinTheWindmill-"any way you want (as long as it's 2 spots)" C-WlkDg Expl&  -Bronc Wise
A2  [SS] SpinTheWindmill-"any way you want (as long as it's 2 spots)" PtTag 1/4In HalfBreadThru
A2  [SS]+PartnerHinge: A4C-RLT "pull one, pass one, turn one"  -Mike Kellogg
A2  [TF] TripleTrade Slip TripleTrade [TF]
A2  [TL] TripleTrade Swing TripleTrade Slide TripleTrade [L.TL]
A2  [TW] "each wave" SwitchTheWave AsCouples-SwitchTheWave [TF]
A2  [TW] GrSwT-Roll VC-TrnTh A-DixiS GrSwThr-Roll PassAndRoll
A2  [TW] GrSwT-Roll VC-TrnTh A-DixiS-Roll PassAndRoll
A2  [WWTH] A8-SwThr-E-Roll A8-ScootAndWeave (working with the "other" group)  -Rob French
A2  A4-RLT A4L-DixiS AThar A8-Slip SingleWheel RLG  (unexpected, a bit tuff, nice hand change)
A2  A4C-PairOff A8-SingleWheel A8-C-PasTh ("RStar") A8-SCirW A8-Scoot "find your cnr waiting there" AL Sw-Pr (1/4)
A2  A4C-RightRollToAWave  -Kurt Gollhardt
A2  A4C-RLT 4LChn A4C-T1/4 A8-Box.C "B-RStar, straight
A2  A4C-RLT A4C-PassIn A4C-SqTh4 PtTrd (at home)
A2  A4C-RLT A4C-PasTh A8-LChas "ptr by the L" DoPas...
A2  A4C-SCirW A8-Lockit RLG
A2  A4C-SqTh1 A8-ZigZag (long pause! "hint you're holding ptr by R hand") Alamo Balnc AL
A2  A4C-SqTh1 Sw-Pr
A2  A4C-SqTh2 A4C-PtTag Sw-Pr
A2  A4C-SqTh2 A8-RightRollToAWave RLG
A2  A4C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
A2  A4C-SqTh4 A4C-PtTag Sw-Pr
A2  A8-B-Fold A8-PassAndRoll A8-SingleWheel A8-PassAndRoll Alamo-AL RLG at home
A2  All8-TrnTh AL  (pass by 1)
A2  ALTAT A8-Slip AL  (not SlipC!)
A2  at home idea: All8 Swing "and we're through"
A2  at home idea: TransferAnd-(BoxCounterRotate-1/4In)
A2  at home idea: TransferAnd-1/4In  -Kurt Gollhardt
A2  at home if across from home: A4C-RLT
A2  at home: All8-Expl&-StrTh
A2  break: (A4C-RLT) A4C-SpTop "move up to the SAME G" A8SpT 3/4Top 1/2Top-&Sprd AL Sw-Pr
A2  break: A4C-RLT "turn the G that's there w you" A4C-PassTheSea (cue: "R-R, L-L") A8-Recyc-CirR (AL DoSaD) AL Sw-Pr
A2  break: A4C-RLT A8-DixiS AThar A8-Slip SlipC AL (RLG) Sw-Pr  (Slip and SlipC are different!)
A2  break: A4C-RLT HSash A4C-SqTh3 A8-SingleWheel A8-DPT LeadsRightRollToAWave AL (at home)
A2  break: A4C-RLT JoinH CirL ALIAS Remake L.Remake RLG Sw-Pr
A2  break: A8-FltWh A4C-SqTh2 (or SqTh4) Sw-Pr
A2  break: A8-RvFlt A4C-SqTh1 (or SqTh3) A4C-PtTag Sw-Pr
A2  break: AL A8SpT A8SpT A8-Recyc CirL LyIMS AL Sw-Pr  (good timing)
A2  break: A4C-RLT A8-DixiS AThar A8-Slip SlipC AL (RLG) Sw-Pr
A2  cue Motivate: "A8Cir, C-Cast 1 - 2 - 3 looking for a star w 4 people in it, everything trades..."
A2  cue Motivate: "A8Cir, C-Cast 1 - 2 - 3 looking for a star..."
A2  cue SplitTransfer: "same person, same hand, different wall"
A2  cue: [L.W] "it's left this time" SwitchTheWave  -Darren Gallina
A2  cue: [L.W] "R hand" Remake (facing diamonds)
A2  cue: [L.W] "R hand" SwThr "regular" Remake (also R hand)
A2  cue: [Q] "everybody plays" ScootChainThru
A2  cue: PassAndRoll "first one in TurnT sesond one in PasTh"  -Charles Bridges
A2  Cue: TradeCirculate "it's a dinger"  -Jet Roberts
A2  do 2 OutRollCirculats, but interrupt after the first with _____  -Tom Miller
A2  DPT Belles-1/4In TransferAnd ...
A2  easy fig: H-PairOff PasIn T1/4 Checkmate Mini Busy ChainReaction Sw-Pr  -Lloyd Lewis via ceder.net
A2  equiv: [W] SwThr = C-Run Slither
A2  fig: 4LChn H-PassOut PsTTC DPT TrailOff T1/4 Col.C TrailOff BendL LT1/4 Col.C TrailOff Prom  (omit 4LChn for shorter R-H lady progression)
A2  fig: 4LChn H-SquareChainThru (from facing cpls) SwingAndMix LSwTh ("left") SwingAndMix Ext Sw-Pr (3/4)
A2  fig: ALIAS Balnc SwThr Balnc SwThr TPtrR AL A8SpT A8-Recyc "and you should be home"
A2  fig: H-BelleWalkBeauDodge Hing Ext Lockit L-GrSwT SHing Checkmate Minibusy Ext TradeCirculate SwPr (left, very short!)
A2  fig: H-FanTp, S-HSash ScootChainThrough SpinTheWindmillLeft TradeCirculate A8Cir Sw-Pr (1-1/8)
A2  fig: H-FltWh H-WheelThru T1/4 ScootAndWeave SwThr B-Run BendL RLT FltWh AsCouples Roll B-Trd A-Prom  -Bob Elling
A2  fig: H-HSash,S-Face A-T1/4 TrSct TransferAnd-3/4Thru ChainReaction SpltC Expl&-SqTh2 (or ExplW PtTag) Sw-Pr (short!)
A2  fig: H-L.WheelThru SCirW TradeCirculate Motivate TradeCirculate SwPr (5/8) (left Motivate)
A2  fig: H-LdyCh H-T1/4-&Sprd, S-PassTheSea D.Cir Remake DiamondChainThru Sw-Pr  -Lloyd Lewis
A2  fig: H-PairOff PasIn T1/4 Checkmate MiniBusy ChainReaction Sw-Pr  -Lloyd Lewis via ceder.net (easy)
A2  fig: H-PairOff PassAndRollYourNeighbor Slide SwingAndMix SwingAndMix SwAndPr
A2  fig: H-PairOff PassIn T1/4 Checkmate TradeCirculate Cpl-C BendL T1/4 Checkmate TradeCirculate PromH (short) (Checkmate norm and sash) (longer: substitute PassIn w RLT SwingAndMix ExplodeAnd)
A2  fig: H-PairOff RLT SwingAndMix ExplodeAnd T1/4 Checkmate TradeCirculate Cpl-C BendL T1/4 Checkmate TradeCirculate PromH (short) (Checkmate norm and sash) (shorter: substitute PassIn for RLT SwingAndMix ExplodeAnd)
A2  fig: H-PairOff T1/4 ScootAndWeave SplitCounterRotate TransferTheColumn AcDcy 1/4Thru TrnTh Sw-Pr  -Vic Ceder
A2  fig: H-PassIn-&Sprd A-PassIn DPT TrailOff L.T1/4 Col.C TrialOff G-"only"-CrossOverCirculate G-Fold Sw-Pr (B-standing)
A2  fig: H-PassIn-&Sprd A-PassIn DPT TrailOff T1/4 Col.C TrialOff 1/2Tg ScootAndWeave PtTag Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-PassIn-&Sprd T-1/4 TransferAnd-3/4Thru ChainReaction SpltC Expl&-SqTh2 (or ExplW PtTag) Sw-Pr (3/4 Prom)
A2  fig: H-Pr1/2 (or H-RLT) -BelleWalkBeauDodge- Hing ChainReaction CastAShadow MiniBusy Ext SwPr (5/8) (left ChainReaction)
A2  fig: H-Pr1/2 WheelThru Cir2L PasTh Tag TrailOff PasTh StepAndSlide TrailOff L.T1/4 Col.C TrailOff Prom
A2  fig: H-PsOcn ChainReaction SwitchToAnHG HG.Cir FlipTheHG Mix LSwTh TradeCirc Sw-Pr "short!"  -Vic Ceder
A2  fig: H-ReverseSwapAround CloverAnd-ReverseSwapAround A-SwapAround CrossCloverAnd-SwapAround CrossCloverAnd-SwapAround ("facing") Recyc SwPr
A2  fig: H-SqChThr T1/4 SplitCounterRotate Coord BendL (*) Choice of: (*) SldTh PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr -Vic Ceder (*) "half"-SqThr TrdBy Sw-Pr (*) PsOcn A8Cir Sw-Pr (*) PassTheSea TrdCirc Sw-Pr (*) SplitCounterRotate PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr (*) PasTh SplitCounterRotate TrdBy Sw-Pr (*) PasTh PtTag TrdBy Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-SquareChainThru RLT SCirW Motivate Sw-Pr  (sash Motivate)
A2  fig: H-T1/4-&Sprd A8Cir CastAShadow CastAShadow CycleAndWheel PassAndRoll PtTag TrdBy PasTh Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-WhlTh VeerL 3/4Tg SpinTheWindmillRight 3/4Tg SpinTheWindmillLeft LTrnT TrdBy PasTh SwPr  (both parts of SpinTheWindmill) (short: substitute 1/2of-TrdCirculate for LTrnT TrdBy PasTh)
A2  fig: S-LyChn H-PsOcn ScootChainThru CrossCloverAnd-SpTop ScootChainThru SpinTheWindmill-Left-"E only ONE spot" AL-"KEEP HER!"-Prom
A2  getout [0W1p] InRollCirc 2x RLG
A2  getout [0W2p] OutRollCirc 2x RLG
A2  getout [0W2p] SplitCounterRotate-&Roll BeauWalkBelleDodge RLG
A2  getout idea: [L.0TL] AsCouples StepAndSlide PromH  -Gary Monday
A2  getout idea: [L.W] InRollCirculate AL  -Dave Decot
A2  getout idea: Slip 1/2of-Slide RLG
A2  getout: [0L 1,2,2,1] T1/4 TransferAnd BoxCounterRotate-Cross RLG
A2  getout: [5W2p] B-Run Tag ZigZag RLG
A2  H-HSash-PassIn-&Sprd A-PassIn DPT TrailOff A-T1/4 Col.C TrailOff 1/2Tg ScootAndWeave Ext Sw-Pr
A2  H-PasTh, S-"Ldy in the lead"-DPT A-FaceR VC-Hinge [H]
A2  H-PasTh, S-PsOcn SpinTheWindmillRight
A2  H-Pr1/2 WheelThru Cir2L PasTh Tag TrailOff PasTh StepAndSlide TrailOff L.T1/4 Col.C TrailOff Prom
A2  H-Pr1/2, S-LdyCh S-LeftSplitSquareChainThru Left("for the G")SpinTheWindmillRight("for the B") Sw-Pr
A2  H-Recyc-Twice-SldTh = PairOff  (SldTh = PassOut)
A2  H-RLT HSash SCirW Recyc (home) S-RLT HSash SCirW Recyc (home) A4C-RLT A8-HSash A4C-SCirW A8-Recyc "and you should ... be ... home!"
A2  H-T14-&Sprd A8Cir CastAShadow CastAShadow CycleAndWheel PassAndRoll PtTag TrdBy PasTh Sw-Pr  (C-facing in and C-facing out CastAShadow)
A2  idea at home: TransferAnd-(BoxCounterRotate-1/4In)
A2  idea: [WW TH] A8-TrnTh AL (further than TrnTh)
A2  idea: A8-TrnTh AL  (pass by 1)
A2  Motivate - Outer actives end up in star
A2  opener: A4C-RLT H-1/4Mr VC-Slither ChainReaction RLG
A2  S-LdyCh H-PsOcn ScootChainThru CrossCloverAnd-SpTop ScootChainThru SpinTheWindmill-Left-"E only ONE spot" AL-"KEEP HER!"-Prom
A2  stir: 4LChn A4C-PairOff PtTrd
A2  stir: A4C-(facing cpl)-SwThr B-Run BendL
A2  stir: A4C-PairOff A8-PtTrd A8-RvFlt
A2  stir: A4C-RLT G-Fold A8-PassAndRoll Alamo-L.SwThr AL bow to ptr
A2  stir: H-Pr1/2 S-PasTh-"and stay in the center" "everyone!"-AsCouples-ZigZag AsCouples-"diamond!"-D.Cir(*) AsCouples-1/4In  (*) or AsCouples-CounterRotate (also have B/G D.Cir separately, set up flow for Ca3/4 etc., have LdyCh some number of quarters first etc.)
A2  stir: H-WheelThru Cir2L LT1/4 TransferAnd-BoxCounterRotate TripleCross TransferAnd-BoxCounterRotate C-1/4In "and back away"
A2  SwThr 1-1/2 Motivate
A2  teach Motivate: identify who will be in the star (Gs, Bs, Hs, Ss) and/or who sill Ca3/4
A2  teach Motivate: outfacers end up in the star
A2  teach ScootChainThru: "it's a fancy Scoot"
A2  teach SpinTheWindmillRight: [0F] 3/4Tg (teach G what to do while B wait) have G do their part. see if they end in diamonds w the B. if not have them circulate twice again.
A2  teach Switch: C-Run while: E-D.Cir / E-HourglassCirculate / E-TrdWv
A2  teach ZigZag: "spot turn to a R-H shake"  -Mike Sikorsky
A2  TransferAnd 1/4In [P]  (sounds like 1/4Thru)
A2  TransferAnd 1/4Out [B] A-Roll [L.F]  (work up to it)
A2  TransferAnd-BoxCounterRotate TripleCross
A2  TransferAnd-BoxCouterRotate-&Sprd (CycleAndWheel, etc.)
A2  WhlDl (or Feris) C-VeerR (or L) F-PasTh 6-2AcDcy C-Slide (TripleTrade) C6-Circ (DoubleScoot) C-SwitchTheWave 6-2AcDcy
A2  [HG] "1 diamond, Flip it! 2 diamonds, Flip 'em!"

A2  fig: H-PsOcn ScootChainThru SpinTheWindowLeft (left)ScootChainThru Mix Sw-Pr (1-1/8)
A2  fig: H-PassTheSea (left)ScootChainThru SpinTheWindmillRight Expl-SldTh Sw-Pr (1-1/8)

A2  4LChn A4C-SqTh3 AL
A2  4LCh3 A4C-T1/4 A8-WlkDg AL

A2  4LCh3 A-RollA "square your set like this" A4C-T1/4 A8-WlkDg PtTag RLG
A2  4LChn A-RollA "square your set like this" A4C-T1/4 A8-WlkDg A8-PtTag RLG

A2  getout: [5W1p] 3/4Thru C-Run Cpl.H SingleWheel SingleWheel RLG
A2  getout: [0W1p] 1/4Thru C-Run Cpl.H SingleWheel SingleWheel RLG
A2  getout: [5W1p] 3/4Thru C-Run Cpl.H SingleWheel SingleWheel SingleWheel LeadsLeftRollToAWave LeadsRightRollToAWave RLG
A2  getout: [0W1p] 1/4Thru C-Run Cpl.H SingleWheel SingleWheel SingleWheel LeadsLeftRollToAWave LeadsRightRollToAWave RLG
A2  fig: H-PsOcn ScootChainThru SpinTheWindmillLeft "left"-ScootChainThru Mix Sw-Pr "short" (1/8)
A2  fig: H-PassTheSea "left"-ScootChainThru SpinTheWindmillRight Expl-SldTh Sw-Pr "short" (1/8)

A2  getout [0W1p] InRollCirc 2x RLG
A2  getout [0W2p] OutRollCirc 2x RLG

C1  1/2of Zoom StepAndFold (= Zoom)
C1  [2F] 1/2of-SpltC Triple...
C1  [B] CircleBy 1/2 by LSwTh  (must step to R-H)  -Michael Kellogg
C1  [C] Grand-FollowThru Concentric-Recyc
C1  [D] C-AlterTheWave-"but don't flip the diamond, flip the hourglass instead"  -Dereck Page
C1  [F] Phantom-MiniBusy RLG  -Ben Rubright
C1  [G] AcDcy  -Mary Gingell
C1  [L1p] SCirW ReverseExplode AL
C1  [M] Tandem RightRollToAWave (tight)
C1  [Q] Recyc  (don't say C, not All8!)
C1  [Q] SwingAndCircle "interrupt after each w" A8-Recyc
C1  [W] C-"work butterfly", E-"workO" -Circ [blocks]  -Dale Hodge
C1  [W] SpChT E-Circ-1-1/2 [G]
C1  blocks, get same sex as ptrs back to back, call to sex furthest out G(or B)-Trd A-PressAhead: blocks (w other diagonal)
C1  O CtrIn
C1  StepAndFlip TheAxel

NOL "(Relay The) Double Deucy": ReDcy but don't stop the 2nd time you meet the one you started with in a wave, stop the 4th time you meet on exactly the same spot on the floor you started (rather than diagonal across as a normal ReDcy)  --Rich Reel
NOL CoastAround [M]: LrWhlAr A-VeerR  (or Ld-"reverse"-WhlAr A-VeerL)  (mirror is ReverseCoastAround)  -Bob Elling
NOL HingeAndFlutter: from [W]/[L.W] of 4: SHing, E-Uturn while C that meet FltWh or RvFlt picking up other E bringing them back. Ends in facing couples. Standard position [0L.W] (like FltWh) or [0W] (like RvFlt)
NOL HingeAndFlutter fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh PsOcn HingeAndFlutter DixiS B-Trd HingeAndFlutter SldTh Sw-Pr
NOL HustlePromenade: get into Swing position, she turns around, Promenade this way  -Bronc Wise
NOL RollAround: from a couple after RollA: she, while spining CCW 1 turn, goes behind the man while he slides L to where she was. butt contact amkes it fun  -Ted Schmalz

Ideas Sorted Alphabetically...


X   "(wouldn't want to) lose your orientation"  (fun to describe mistakes in a gay group)
X   "__name__ grab __name__, I said it's ok"  -Anne Uebelacker
X   "and when you get that done"
X   "and y' walk 'er back home"
X   "and you're gonna do an AL"
X   "B wait untill I tell the G what to do" B-"are going to"-xxxxx, G-yyyyy "GO!"
X   "booger up to the middle and back"  (cute fun after someone sneezes)
X   "bow to the ptr, cnr of the hall, 'twas a delight to call for you all"
X   "bow to your ptr, bow wow wow to your cnr"
X   "bow to your ptr, cnr of the hall, give yourself a big hand, thank you all"
X   "dance UP to the middle and y' C'mon back away"  ("UP" on beat 1)
X   "dance up to the middle with a horrible yell!"  -Keith Ferguson
X   "does two lefts make it right?"
X   "Don't move! I think the hard call was ___. Let's think about this"
X   "Enjoy every mistake to the fullest!"
X   "fun level" Level below full Mainstream
X   "G over here needs a *man*" (say in masculine sexy way)
X   "get (back) to your home with your honey and then..."
X   "get funky with your cnr" (before a Sw-Pr)
X   "gonna meet your lady fair (there), Promenade her, go 'round the square"
X   "gotta meet your G"
X   "grand R and a L y' go 'round"
X   "here's the hard part"  (alert dancers)
X   "hoky doky"
X   "hold hands with your ptr - if you're going to get lost, it's better to get lost together"  -Bob Riggs
X   "home you go like you did a bit ago, now all the way around 'ya Promenade the town"
X   "home-- y'go an' when y'get back here"  -Bronc Wise
X   "I want to take this opportunity to thank you for giving me this opportunity to come and thank you for giving me this opportunity..."
X   "if you're not having fun, you're not dancing!"  -Mearle Adams
X   "Let's find out where the ship hits the sand"  -Ross Howell
X   "let's give it to the heads"
X   "life and death grand"
X   "look for the alley man" AL
X   "meet your honey BxGnt you're gonna Prom right after that"
X   "movin' right along and go"
X   "musical squares"  (people keep moving around until they're happy with where they should be)
X   "not laughing at you, laughing near you"
X   "Old call time"  (play off "new call time" for taking deeper look at a previously taught call)
X   "one of the hardest things in square dancing is standing still"
X   "patter chatter" (term for those filler words)
X   "pile-up square"  (a pilot square gone bad)
X   "Pro-menade home, and when y' get there"
X   "Promen-o"
X   "Promenade right off the floor, that's it, there ain't no more"  -Dave Lightly
X   "R - and - L y' go 'round"
X   "rotten L thru" (= RLT)
X   "shimmy to the middle and shake that stuff"
X   "smile if you know this call"
X   "smiling is nice styling"  -Del Powel
X   "some things I noticed..."   (in class after watching dancers do a call not quite smoothly)
X   "Swing 'em low" (nice for specialty tip)
X   "Swing another new G"
X   "swing your hips and" Prom  (like Sw-Pr)
X   "swing your own, leave mine alone!"
X   "take 'em and you walk 'em back home"
X   "take a little walk and you get on home and then"  -Anne Uebelacker
X   "take your hands and put 'em in a ring, CirL like everything"  -Nasser Shukayr
X   "that's a noisy call"  (when there is a lot of floor discussion)
X   "think about this now" (use before a tricky movement)
X   "this should be an easy call but it gives some dancers a lot of trouble"
X   "walk back home, and when y' get there"
X   "walk out and move-it around y'go"
X   "We need some over here and some over there; please come help us fill out a square."
X   "who's a leader, who's a trailer, who's good lookin'?!"  -Dave Rensberger
X   "Yellow Squeeze"
X   "You didn't make a mistake, you had a learning experience"  -Ruth Riegelhaupt-Herzig
X   (after breakdown) "ok, let's try this one _together_"
X   (after creative choreography interpreted by the square) "...just the way I envisioned it!"
X   (after Cs do t-bone stuff that ends in [F] with Es) "you have a friend" Cpl.C  -Vic Ceder
X   (after mistakes) "let's see that again in slow motion"
X   (end of tip) "bow ptr, cnr too and make some NOISE!"  (after demo or rowdy tip)  -John Jones
X   (if one of your squares breaks down) "looks like a party over there"
X   (if one of your squares breaks down) "which one was the fun call?"
X   (rare case all B dancing G part) [1P] "and we have the *handsome* G's in the middle"
X   (repaeating a card because of caller error) "Let me know which call I left out - like you wouldn't"
X   (squares almost full)  "still a couple loose ones"
X   1/2of-YelRk "the other half later"
X   [LO] BendL was once called "on to the next"
X   [SS] "dance up to the middle with a great big hug"
X   [SS] H-"jump to the middle"
X   [SS] H-"you wiggle to the middle an' y' wiggle on back"
X   [SS] H-..., "while the S wiggle"
X   [TW] "you have a long one"  -Vic Ceder
X   [W] "dos wave-os"  (play on Spanish phrase)
X   adjusting mic volume: don't say "testing" or "is this on?" simply make an announcement such as "the next tip will be Mainstrem" to check volume
X   after breakdown: "That went down well!"  -Steve Turner
X   after compliment in an area you are working on: "Thank you, I do work at that"
X   after sequence that breaks down all squares: "this one's a mixer!"
X   after surprise stir: "if you did well, we'll do a singing call"
X   at home out of sequence: "half off"  -Bill Eyler
X   auction off the last few openings in squares while squaring up
X   call something marginally legal (or not!) then ask: "is that legal?!"  (quells the nay-sayers in the nicest way)
X   filler: "hand over hand, heel over heel, the more you dance, the better you feel"
X   filler: "Promenade 'er go walkin' movin'"
X   for short Prom: "it's a little bitty walk back home"  -Deborah Carrol
X   guest tip: introduce yourself between patter and singing call, even if MC introduced you already. This is when dancers are wanting to know who you are
X   H-"wiggle to the middle with a giggle"  -?
X   H-SqThr "4 hands you go" "forget about the DoSaD" (use on second or later figure when folks have fallen behind)  -Nathan Williams
X   hand out free door-prize tickets between patter and singing call to all dancing in the beginner tip
X   if all squares break down, call several SD-sounding bogus calls and comment "oops, wrong list!"  -Steve Zink
X   if people frequently talk in the square, leave no dead time: fill up all space with calling or comments
X   if you miss singing call start or other mishap, say "sound check!" and start again
X   JoinH "start to circle" (singing call running behind) -Darren Gallina
X   keeping head level helps reduce dizziness
X   last 16 beats of singing call: CirL - sing tag and let music run out
X   last 8 counts of familliar song: invite dancers to sing the last line with you
X   naming for ptr pairings in [0L]: "wheel and Dixi line" "wheel and 1 lines" "wheel and 3 lines"
X   on hard call sequence, drop music level and cut out all patter chatter
X   patter chant: "chick-a-doo"  -Ross Howell
X   patter chant: "hand over hand get around the land, Pro-menade, a lady and a man"
X   patter chant: "meet your G, walk her home, go two by two"  -Ross Howell
X   patter chant: "you gotta meet your G .... you getta Promenade"  -Ben Rubright
X   patter chant: FwdBk = "dance up to the middle and you bring it on back"
X   patter chant: Prom ... "a'when, a'when, a'when y'get back home"
X   patter chant: Prom ... "when'y ... when'y ... a'when you get her back home"  -Andy Shore
X   pool tip: B-"splash around inside"  -Darren Gallina
X   practice for convention: swap heads and sides in your hall for a few tips
X   Prom "...and y' getta' walk home"  -Anne Uebelacker
X   Prom "along, help me sing this song..."
X   Prom "and go Hmmmm"  (if a number of squares are broken)  -John Sybalsky
X   Prom "and you get'a walk home"
X   Prom "get movin' on around y' go"
X   Prom "with her"
X   RLG "and-a when y' gonna meet your ptrs all, you getta Promenade to get around the hall
X   RLG "gimme-a R and-a-L"
X   RLG "when you meet your ptrs all, Promenade go 'round the hall
X   RLG "with whoever you can"
X   Sashayed = "the funny side"
X   sick sing-along: "17 part harmony"
X   singing call comment: (last 8 counts, after bow to your ptr) "bow to your cnr down low"
X   singing call: "4 sexy ones watch the others"-PromI
X   singing call: "those that got lucky this week(weekend)"-PromI  (fun for certain crowds the last day of an event)  -Bill Eyler
X   singing call: (1 or 2 squares) if all dancers break down, stop calling, wait for the music, call Sw-Pr  -Bill Eyler
X   singing call: song with 16 beat fade out ending: CirL (don't say anything - let music fade)
X   spread announcements throughout the evening. better attention. less standing.
X   Square missing two: "We're two shy in this square"
X   square number TWO needs YOU!
X   teach: "thank your square" teaches teamwork (everyone should "thank" at the same time)
X   teach: (standard position) "the way the numbers go, this is where this call is usually done"
X   teach: in class pause every now and then to recognise that everyone is doing a good job (have them applaud)
X   teach: when you teach, remember that learning is fun
X   teaching order: teach calls used in singing calls early
X   timing: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - get back home - head - two - square - thru 4 hands y'do -
X   timing: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - bow to the ptr 7 - 8 - bow to the cnr 3 - 4 - heads square thru four -
X   TPtrL = "turn mother by the L"  -Clark Baker
X   upcoming tip difficulty rating system: "two chili peppers"
X   variety: "hug your opposite" (long pause for hugging) "Twice!" (long pause for more hugging)
X   variety: "reverse your Now!"  ("reverse Now!" may be confused with reverse, as in CirR, with a Now!)
X   variety: [SS] "4 and 2" (unusual designator for sides)
X   variety: Twice = "You did it so well, do it again!"
X   workshop after breakdown: "Earlier I called ___ from here. Lets think about it again"
X   YelRk 1/4Mr  -Bob Elling
X   yodelling: "I deed a lady, Oh da lady"

X   Determine if paired couples (in any formation) are in or out of sequence:  -Clark Baker
        * Notice distance each couple is from their squared-up home
        * If both are far, or both are near home, they're in sequence
        * If one is near and the other is far from home, they're out of sequence
X   teach Swing: With your ptr join hands in 2-person circle, R foot forward, L foot behind.
        Place R foot next to, and outside of, ptr's R foot (not between ptr's feet). CirL
        skating around each other. As you go faster, feel the centrifugal force. While circling
        get into ballroom dance position. Let the man's hand on the lady's back (just under her
        shoulder blade) keep a feeling of connection while you enjoy the centrifugal force.  -Betsy Gotta
X   timing: 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 &
            1 H-SqTh4 & 4 & 1  (gives dancers beat 1)
            1 & H-SqThr & 4 & 1  (gives dancers beat 1)
X   Couple #1 "Split The Atom" from [SS]: Cpl #1 come down the middle split cpl #3 SepA2 to home
      while each dancer from split cpl #3 steps forward and forms a convenient (for Cpl#3) 3-
      handed star with the side cpls (Cpl #2 & man #3 L-H star / Cpl 4 & lady #3 R-H star)
      Stars turn a full turn with everyone ending at home.  Cpl #2 and #4 can step back at the
      beginning to make room.  12 to 16 beats.  -Bob Elling
X   styling: (SB must lead this) [SS] (while H-SqTh4) S-CalTw SB stiffen your R hand, backing it up with
      your L hand, slowly slow, stop, and reverse the lady's twirling direction (preventing her from
      doing a second CalTw) then guide her to twirl CW in front of you. You are now between her and Cs.
      Always facing her, undo (re-trace backward) your CalTw while she finishes 1-1/2 CW twirls to end
      beside you as a normal couple facing in, ready to interact with the H who are finishing their SqTh4.

Intro Level / First Night / One Night Stand / Square Dance Party

I   [0L] "2 G who are on the E of the line, find each other and those" 2LChn "on a diagonal"
I   [0L] 2LChn 4LChn "G R-H star to the diagonal guy"
I   [0L] PasTh-BendL, PasTh-BendL, BendL-PasTh ... "and" BendL FwdBk [0L]  (2 BendL in a row)
I   [L] C-PasTh E-PasTh A-BendL  (teaches C and E)
I   [SS] "all join hands and CirR" with perfect timing. Only rough for those that rush
I   [SS] "on the count of 3, couple #4 say yee-ha! 1-2-3-"  -Andy Shore
I   [SS] (CirL) 4L-RStar-3/4 "turn your cnr by the L a FULL turn to ptr" RLG
I   [SS] (CirL) B-RStar "your ptr" StrPr "G roll back one" AL
I   [SS] (CirL) B-RStar StrPr B-"spread your star out wide, G duck under your B's R side" AL
I   [SS] G-RStar "all the way, B reach in with a L and CtsyT your G"
I   [SS] B-"only"-CirL (or CirR) "inside, all the way around, back out when you get back home"
I   [SS] B-LStar "pick your cnr" StrPr "G roll back one" Prom "your ptr"
I   [SS] H-FwdBk H-Prom (for timing and improved flow)
I   [SS] H-FwdBk S-FwdBk B-FwdBk 4LChn ...
I   [SS] H-PasTh "stay facing out" S-PasTh (CirL "sunny side out") "everybody face your ptr"-PasTh AL
I   [SS] H-PasTh-UTurn S-PasTh-UTurn A-CirL "until B are home"  (all have cnr)  -Bill Eyler
I   [SS] H-Pr1/2 -ComIn -RStar "turn it" 1-1/2 "back out at home"  -Andy Shore
I   [SS] H-Pr1/2 H-2LChn S-2LChn S-Pr1/2 "Face ptr" PasTh Swing (etc.)
I   [SS] H-Pr1/2 H-RStar "half way, back out when you get back home"
I   [SS] H-Pr1/2 H-RStar "look for your cnr" AL
I   [SS] HB-DoSaD SG-DoSaD SB-DoSaD HG-DoSaD  (later in the evening - fast enough there's almost a traffic jam)
I   "face your cnr" DoSaD YelRk AL RLG DoSaD StakW Swing Prom "the ptr"  (give cnr and ptr the full treatment)
I   "H face the couple on your R, S face the couple on your L" "those"-2LChn

I   break: CirL AL DoSaD "still facing ptr" RLG  (timing for beginners - replaces AL DoSaDo AL Weave in singing call)
I   break: CirR B-StarL StrPr G-BkTrk "2nd time you meet" Sw-Pr
I   cue AL: "it's a L arm turn"
I   cue BendL: "NEW line!"-FwdBk
I   cue DoSaD: "it's back to back"
I   cue Prom: "side by side"  (some Bs walk awkwardly behind the G - watch for this)
I   cue RStar: "R hands in and turn it"
I   cue RStar: "walk around it"
I   cue RStar: [SS] B-"let go of your ptr"-RStar
I   cue RStar: [SS] H-"raise your R hands"-RStar
I   cue StrPr: [SS] B-LStar "put an arm around your ptr, she'll walk with you" StrPr "B keep the star"
I   cue StrPr: G-RStar StrPr "this way, it's the wrong way, its ok"
I   cue: [0LO] "CRISPLY face ptr" "CRISPLY" PasTh  (helps make this combination successful)
I   cue: RP.By "all the way through"
I   equiv: 4Cir2 = RLT   (use for singing calls before RLT is taught)
I   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-"with the one you're facing across the set"-Swing "then face the outside couple"  -Heiner Fischle
I   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-2LChn Pr1/2 LeadR  -Heiner Fischle
I   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-2LChn-4Cir3 PasTh  -Heiner Fischle
I   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-LStar "find your cnr" DoSaD  -Heiner Fischle
I   fig: 4LCh3 H-FwdBk S-LeadR 4Cir3 FwdBk 2LChn 2LChn "keep her" Prom  (use before teaching Swing)
I   fig: 4LChn H-2LChn S-4Cir3 "in the middle exactly half way and 1/4 more" S-"when you're lined up"-PasTh (DoSaD) Sw-Pr
I   fig: 4LChn H-2LChn,S-Pr1/2 S-FwdBk S-LeadR (DoSaD) Sw-Pr
I   fig: 4LChn H-2LChn,S-Pr1/2 S-LeadR ZERO Sw-Pr
I   fig: 4LChn H-FwdBk S-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C Cpl.C B-Circ BendL StrTh Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-2LChn "keep her" H-Pr1/2 H-LeadR ZERO Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-2LChn H-Pr1/2 H-LeadR 4Cir2 DivTh C-4Cir2-PasTh Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-2LChn S-2LChn  (2x or even 4x in rapid succession - save for 4th fig)  -Steve Minkin
I   fig: H-2LChn S-Pr1/2 S-"into the middle join hands"-4Cir3-PasTh A-4Cir2(or equiv) Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-FwdBk H-"in to the middle"-DoSaD S-FwdBk S-DoSaD "face your cnr" AL "keep her" Prom  (baby's first ptr change singing call)
I   fig: H-FwdBk H-Pr1/2-PasTh-CtsyT S-PasTh-Pr1/2 "new cnr" Sw-Pr  (nice to Swing after Prom)
I   fig: H-LeadR 4Cir2 VeerL Cpl.C B-Circ BendL PasTh BendL StrTh Sw-Pr  (also a stir)
I   fig: H-PasTh Pr1/2 S-Pr1/2-PasTh-CtsyT "new cnr" DoSaD Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-Pr1/2 FwdBk S-LeadR 4Cir3 FwdBk StrTh PasTh Sw-Pr  (StrTh = PasTh + face ptr)
I   fig: H-Pr1/2 FwdBk S-LeadR 4Cir3 PasTh "face ptr" PasTh Sw-Pr  (3/4 Prom)
I   fig: H-Pr1/2 H-LStar "1/2 way, back out at home" S-Pr1/2 S-LStar "1/2 way, back out at home" "cnr"-Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR 4Cir2(or equiv) VeerL Cpl.C BendL StrTh(or equiv) PasTh Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR VeerL Cpl.C BendL PasTh BendL PasTh "face ptr" PasTh Sw-Pr  (somewhat difficult: work up to it)
I   fig: H-Pr1/2 RLT S-LStar "to your cnr" TCnrR TPtrL "cnr"-Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-Pr1/2 StrTh-PasTh 4Cir2 DivTh C-StrTh-Twice-PasTh "once" Sw-Pr
I   fig: H-RLT S-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C B-Circ BendL RLT StrTh Sw-Pr  (RLT = PasTh CtsyT)
I   fig: JoinH CirL "exactly half way" H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C BendL StrTh PasTh Sw-Pr  (all flow to the R)
I   getout idea: AL "hang on, keep her and Promenade her"
I   getout: [SS] H-SqTh2 (or equiv) 4Cir2 StrTh CirL LyIMS CirL AL RLG
I   getout: [SS] H-SqTh2 (or equiv) StrTh PasTh BendL CirL LyIMS CirL AL
I   getout: H-StrTh-PasTh StrTh ... 2LChn PasTh BendL FwdBk 2LChn PasTh BendL StrTh (resolve wo DivTh)
I   if any G is having trouble knowing which way to go on Prom, avoid using Separate as it has her going counter to Prom
I   opener: [SS] (CirL) B-StarR "find your cnr" StrPr "your cnr this way" G-BkTrk "find the same cnr" AL
I   opener: [SS] H-PasTh S-PasTh (CirL) A-UTurn CirL LyIMS AL
I   opener: CirR SFPrm B-BkTrk "meet ptr" DoSaD 1-1/2 ("once, then another half") AL
I   opener: H/S/B-RStar "keep it turning. first time, wink at your cnr. second time ... AL"
I   teach 4Cir2: "4 join hands and circle L exactly half way"
I   teach Arm Turn: 2 person Star, then Arm Turn  (natural teaching progression)
I   teach BendL: "C let go of hands"
I   teach Cpl.C: "there as a logical next spot either straight ahead or around the cnr"
I   teach CtsyT: "Promenade nowhere"  -Bob Elling
I   teach CtsyT: [SS] H-PasTh CtsyT similar to H-PasTh PromH, "Prom nowhere and you're facing back in"
I   teach CtsyT: count beats aloud after calling it to let dancers know they don't have to rush  -Ron Masker
I   teach DoSaD: "shake hands. this is your R hand. note it's attached to your R shoulder. Pass R shoulders..."
I   teach GrSqr: "find someone in your square off one of your shoulders - turn (90deg) to face them."
I   teach GrSqr: "only one of your shoulders aims toward someone in your square - turn to face them."
I   teach GrSqr: practice turns by alternately facing ptr and opposite on cue "turn!" (while at home)  -Andy Shore
I   teach GrSqr: the turns: "there's someone beside you in your square, they may be far away, turn to face them"
I   teach order: CirL > CirR > SFPrm > "L hands in" LStar > "reverse it R hands in" RStar > (back home) B-LStar StrPr > Prom
I   teach Prom: "Promenade means walk"
I   teach Prom: (after DoSaD) G-UTurn by facing out first so the B can wrap you up  (may be regional styling)
I   teach Prom: CirL "reverse" CirR "drop hands go single file keep moving SFPrm. stop as you are with your L shoulder in toward the center"...
I   teach Prom: CirR "drop hands keep moving" SFPrm "this way. stop. B step in next to your ptr. you are a couple. she's on your R, you're on her L"
I   teach Prom: use return-to-home to delay teaching Prom: [SS] AL RLG DoSaD RLG "and you should be HOME!"
I   teach Prom: use return-to-home to delay teaching Prom: time CirL until across from home AL RLG, etc.
I   teach RLG: "shake R hand walk by, shake L hand walk by, R hand walk by, L hand walk by"  (de-emphasizes "pull" of PulBy and discourages holding too long)
I   teach RLT: PasTh CtsyT -> "shake R-H" PasTh CtsyT -> "pass and L thru" -> "R and L thru"  -Bob Elling
I   teach SqThr: "think about the last hand"  (no turn after last PulBy)
I   teach Swing: "B keep her hand centered over her head while she spins no matter where she goes - chase after her if you need to"
I   teach Swing: "B raise your L hand up, gently guide her hand over her head"
I   timing: (big circle) ('up' on beat 1) "All dance up to the middle with a great big yell 1 2! 3!! ..."
I   visiting couples: 1 then 2 then all 4

I   teach Prom: B-LStar StrPr "B take hands out of the star place it palm up in front of her at waist level."
      "G take your L hand (from behind him) and place it in his L hand - her L hand in his L hand"
      "G take your outside free hand and place it behind your back and he can place his R hand on yours" (regional styling)
I   teach DoSaD: "face ptr, shake hands, introduce yourself ... notice your R hand is connected to your R shoulder"
      4 parts:
        1 step forward to bring R shoulders together
        2 pass by and slide back to back  (call this before they try to touch shoulders)
        3 back up passing L shoulders
        4 and back to where you started facing your ptr
      "now smoothly" DoSaD "R shoulders, slide back to back, back up, you're facing your ptr"
      "turn your back on your ptr. this is your cnr. shake R hands introduce yourself, R hand = R shoulder" DoSaD
I   teach SFGrSqr: [SS] H-"dance forward don't come back. This is your opposite.
      With your opposite"-DoSaD  ("Careful backing up!!")  "Back out to home"
      (Repeat w/ Sides)
      H-DoSaD "your opposite", S-DoSaD "your opposite" (AL RLG Sw-Pr)
      "When I say TURN, everyone turn and face your ptr .... TURN!"
      "When I say TURN, everyone turn and face your opposite .... TURN!"
      (check to make sure EVERYONE is facing their opposite.)
      TURN! .. TURN! .. TURN! .. TURN!  (Make sure turns are crisp.)
      "We are now ready to learn Grand Square" ...

Callerlab Basic

B   "arch in the middle" DivTh
B   [0B] [SqTh2 BendL SqTh2 TrdBy] 2x = 8Chn4
B   [0B] all facing ptr in seq: PasTh 1/2of-Zoom RLG
B   [0B] BxGnt "change hands" L.PulBy  (like AL or L.TrnTh but starting with R hand)
B   [0B] BxGnt MakWv B-Trd (= SwThr) [5W]
B   [0B] Cir2L RvFlt  (nice flow yet surprisingly uncommon)
B   [0B] DivTh-PasTh-SwThr / [0T] TrdBy-PasTh-SwThr  (teaches sometimes only C can do the call)
B   [0B] DoSaD Twice  (dissorienting with highland fling styling)  -Sparky Sparks
B   [0B] DoSaD VeerL (unusual nice flow)  (catch those that make a wave!)
B   [0B] PasTh A-UTurn StrTh CalTw [0L]  (eqiv to StrTh)
B   [0B] PasTh C-TrdBy [0M]
B   [0B] PasTh TrdBy BxGnt PasTh TrdBy BxGnt  -Bob Elling
B   [0B] PsOcn PsOcn  (PsOcn from [TW])
B   [0B] RLT VeerR ("RIGHT!") BendL  (cue VeerR: "B pivot in place and wheel her around")
B   [0B] Sp2A1 BendL [5L]  (same as FaceI)
B   [0B] SqTh4 G-UTurn [2W]
B   [0B]/[0L] FltWh B-Run  [C]/[W]
B   [0C] G-Run A-FaceI [0L]  (like Trd-&Roll)
B   [0F] B-Circ (G-Trd) B-Run (B-Trd)
B   [0F] B-Circ (slight pause) ChDTL  (something like AcDcy)
B   [0F] Cpl.C (G-Trd) B-Run
B   [0F] Cpl.C 1-1/2 C-BendL "those that bent"-...  (clever designator)  -Bill Eyler
B   [0F] FaceR SwThr "Gs!" [1Q]  (use after Tag + FaceR)
B   [0F] Feris C-"same way Reverse"-WhlAr  (use after WhlAr the normal way)
B   [0F] Feris C-Sweep-"2 quarters"  (a little harder than it seems)
B   [0F] Feris G-Zoom
B   [0F] G-Trd B-Run (B-Trd)  [5W]
B   [0F] G-Trd RollA B-Trd B-Run ChDTL [0L]
B   [0F] G-XRun B-Trd B-UTurn B-Run [0F]
B   [0F] Tag 1L.2R Prom DontS B-WhlAr A-StrTh [0P]
B   [0L1p]/[0L2p] H-FwdBk H-2LChn "on the diagonal"  (FwdBk makes it more clear who is working)
B   [0L2p] RLT CtsyT FullT (or WhlAr) "...keep turning..." Prom
B   [0L] 2LChn 4LChn "on a diagonal, diagonal guy will turn you" [0L]
B   [0L] C-BxGnt "let go" A-BendL [2L]
B   [0L] FltWh Sweep Cir2L (RLT) [0L]  (fun overflow)
B   [0L] G-Run C-Trd LSwTh G-Run [0L] (changes sequence)
B   [0L] G-Run SwThr C-Trd G-Run [0L] (changes sequence)
B   [0L] RLT 1/4Mr "Gs touch Rs"
B   [0L] RLT HSash Twice [0L]
B   [0L] RLT WhlAr "keep turning till you're facing out"
B   [0L] SqTh3 G-UTurn [2W]
B   [0L] StrTh-PasTh, TrdBy-StrTh [0L]  (contrast with PasTh-TrdBy, PasTh-TrdBy)
B   [0LO] "talk about it" B-Trd  (if mixed gender square)
B   [0LO] C-Trd C-Run BendL [1L]
B   [0LO] C-Trd C-Run WhlDl [1P]
B   [0LO] C-Trd E-Trd BendL [0L]
B   [0LO] WhlDl B-Zoom
B   [0LO] WhlDl C-HSash-SwThr [0Q]
B   [0LO] WhlDl C-Sweep-"2 quarters"  (a little harder than it seems)
B   [0M] DPT "trailers!"-Trd A-FaceI [0L]
B   [0M] G-UTurn Col.C G-Trd
B   [0M] LrUTurn SwThr B-Run [0L]
B   [0P] "Centers arch" CalTw  (use in place of C-SqTh3)  -Bill Eyler
B   [0P] C-BxGnt-SwThr [0Q]
B   [0P] C-DoSaD-ToWav G-Trd B-Run, O-VeerL A-RLT PasTh C-WhlDl, O-Feris [0P]  (offset formation)
B   [0P] C-RLT HSash Zoom A-FaceI "make a line"  [0L]  (call A-FaceI immediately after Zoom for flow)
B   [0P] C-RLT-LStar  (L hands are together and easily rise into a star)
B   [0P] DPT "drop hands" FaceR Cpl.C "drop hands" FaceR DPT [0M]
B   [0P] DPT FaceR Cpl.C ("drop hands")-FaceR DPT [0M]
B   [0P] Zoom C-LSqT3 -or- DivTh C-LSqT3  (easiest set up for LSqTh)  -Tony O
B   [0P]/[0T] C-VeerR A-Prom
B   [0P]/[4P] C-BxGnt A-Zoom  (unique flow) (twice from [0P] gives [5P])
B   [0Q] F-BxGnt [2Q]
B   [0Q] F-PasTh F-PasTh [0R]  -Andy Shore
B   [0Q] G-Zoom  (cue: "if you're a G and you see a G in front of you, touch her on the back")
B   [0TF] "bend those lines"  (emphasize the plural of lines)
B   [0TF] ChDTL ("chain down each line")
B   [0TF]/[0TL] "on your side"-BendL
B   [0TL] "each side"-BendL C-WhlAr [0P]
B   [0W] B-Run (pause) Feris  (if called accidently, adding pause helps flow)
B   [0W] B-Run B-Trd CalTw G-Trd [0F] Feris  (nice hand use, keeps couples paired)
B   [0W] B-Run B-Trd G-UTurn B-Run [0F]  (fun when called quickly)  -Eric Henerlau
B   [0W] SpltC SwThr [2W]
B   [0W]/[5W] A8Cir SpltC SpltC A8Cir = Recyc Twice (A2)  (changes seq, [0W]<->[5W])
B   [1F] B-PtTrd  (emphasize "partner")
B   [1F] WhlDl G-Sweep B-SqTh4 "with the G" RStar B-StarL "back to the same G" StrTh (or T1/4, BxGnt, etc.)
B   [1L] A-PasTh C-CalTw E-UTurn [0L]  -Dick Henshel
B   [1L] C-BxGnt A-RLT [0L]
B   [1L] C-PsOcn, E-StrTh [0Q]
B   [1L] C-PsOcn-SwThr, E-PasTh-BendL-"find another E"-T1/4, C-SHing [0C]
B   [1L] C-RLT E-PasTh E-Run [0L]  (nice after CtrIn Ca3/4)
B   [1L] E-PasTh E-Run [0L]
B   [1L] E-PasTh E-XFold Zoom
B   [1L] PsOcn SpltC [0W]
B   [1L] T1/4 "just the" B-Zoom  -Saundra Bryant
B   [1L] T1/4 Col.C (B in C) C-FaceI PasTh SepA1 [3-1] C-PsOcn [5D]
B   [1L] T1/4 G-UTurn [0P]  (same as StrTh)
B   [1LO] C-WhlAr E-Run [0L]
B   [1P] G-T1/4-SpltC ChDTL [0L]  (almost legitimate)
B   [1Q] G-SwThr Ext G-Trd [0L]  (easier to track arrangement in mix gender square)
B   [1TW],[2TW] <-> [0TL],[5TL]  "on each side" B-Trd  (or G-Trd)
B   [1W] A8Cir A8Cir G-A8Cir, B-Scoot
B   [1W] C-Trd C-Run B-Trd (or B-PtTrd) [2L]
B   [1W] G-Trd A-RollA [5L] B-Trd B-Run [0L]
B   [1W] SHing B-XRun ChDTL [0L]  (a lot of L flow for B)
B   [2L] BxGnt "let go and" BendL  (unusual backup flow after BxGnt)
B   [2L] StrTh UTurn [5P] (similar to BxGnt-&Roll)
B   [2P](B in front): DPT "B are together" 1L.2R B-WhlAr  [1F]
B   [3L]/[4L] G-PasTh G-Run (or B-PasTh B-Run) (changes to the other arrangement)
B   [3L]/[4L] T1/4 G-UTurn F-PasTh [0T]
B   [3P] C-BxGnt DPT [0M]
B   [3P]/[4P] DPT LrUTurn [0B]/[5B]
B   [3W]/[4W] SwThr E-Circ
B   [3W]/[4W](same sex together) B-"R-H"-Ca3/4, G-Hinge  (times well)  -Dave Rensberger
B   [4L](B in C) B-FwdBk B-FltWh  (show where B are then hard call for B to start)
B   [5B] BxGnt RStar  (nice to keep handhold since both use R-H)
B   [5B] Cir2L [5L]
B   [5B] Fwd2 AThar  -Mike Kellogg
B   [5C] "face your R hand"-RLT [0L]  (encourages dancers to keep the handhold)
B   [5C] FaceR PasTh [0LO]
B   [5C] FaceR RLT [0L]
B   [5C] FaceR RvFlt [0L]
B   [5F] (G-Circ) G-XRun (slight pause) ChDTL [0L] (maintains sequence)
B   [5F] (G-Circ) G-XRun CtsyT [0L]
B   [5F] B-Circ A-HSash ChDTL [0L]
B   [5F] B-Run ChDTL [0L]  (fun L overflow for B)
B   [5F] C-XRun [0F]  (also [L.5F] -> [L.0F])
B   [5F] Cpl.C HSash ChDTL [0L]
B   [5L] "dance forward but don't come back" C-T1/4-WlkDg-"arch" E-FaceI (or "face the center(s)") DivTh [0P]  (timing critical!)
B   [5L] C-BendL RLG
B   [5L] C-SqTh4 E-StrTh-CalTw [0B] (DivTh)
B   [5L] RollA "in the same old way" A-JoinH CirL RollA "in a whole new way" CirL
B   [5L] SqTh3 UTurn
B   [5L] T1/4 FaceI RLT  (Same as T1/4-&Roll)
B   [5LO] G-Run B-Run [0L]
B   [5P] DPT UTurn Zoom [0P]
B   [5P] G-"on a slight diagonal, w the other Gs"-DPT ... B-DPT [0M]
B   [5W1p] SwThr G-Run WhlDl RLG
B   [5W] B-Run (G-Trd) CalTw (B-Trd) [L.0F]
B   [5W] B-XRun ChDTL [0L] (changes sequence) (fun L overflow for B)
B   [B1c] "is this your cnr?" then call a L-H call  (helps get L-H ready)
B   [B1c] BxGnt "LEFT hand Pull By" = AL
B-  [B1c] WlkAC SeSaw ...  (option if R-H rather than L-H was free)
B   [B1p] BxGnt G-UTurn A-Prom  (call quickly)
B   [B2p]/[W2p] SwThr B-Run BendL RvFlt Prom  (for singing call too)
B   [B] "make a circle of 4" "circle to the L half way"
B   [B] BxGnt = DivTh DPT A-UTurn DPT LrTrd  (nice before RLG)  -Bronc Wise
B   [B] BxGnt MakWv (= SCirW)
B   [B] DoDaD PasTh TrdBy  (harder for those that make a wave after DoSaD)
B   [B] DoSaD A-VeerL
B   [B] JoinH 4Cir2 Sweep  ("circle up 4 HALF WAY ... Sweep one quarter get a line")
B   [B] RLT C-WhlAr, E-HSash-Divide A-T1/4 [5C]
B   [B] Sp2A1 CirL
B   [B] VeerL E-Run  [0B]->[5W]  (same as Facing Recyc, use for getouts to RLG)
B   [B] VeerR BendL T1/4  -Kris Jensen
B   [C] C-FaceI-SqTh3 SepA1 [3-1 line]
B   [C] C-Trd  -Fen Tamanaha
B   [C]/[L]/[W]/[3-1L] EBRun
B   [F] C-Circ (A-HSash) A-WhlAr AcDcy  (nice flow)
B   [F] C-XRun  [0F]->[5F], [5F]->[0F]
B   [L.0F] (H facing out) H-WhlAr [0L]
B   [L.0F] A-VeerL [0T]  (unexpected)
B   [L.0F] BendL HSash Twice [0L]
B   [L.0F] Cpl.H C-ChDTL, E-BendL [0P]  (call quckly!)
B   [L.0F] WhlDl Sweep "get a line" FltWh  (nice flow if well timed)
B   [L.0F](out of seq) Feris A-VeerR Prom
B   [L.0W] B-Run HSash (or "Roll him Away") [L.0F]
B   [L.0W](e.g. after DixiS) B-XRun G-Trd-UTurn [0F]
B   [L.5F] Cpl.C HSash Cpl.C BendL [0L]  (2nd Cpl.C smoothes over the roughness)
B   [L.5F]/[LO] HSash WhlAr
B   [L.5W] B-Circ ChDTL  -Michael Kellogg
B   [L.F] "Out facing couple"-WhlAr
B   [L.F] C-Trd A-WhlAr
B   [L.F] Lead Couple WhlAr
B   [L.F] VeerL TrdBy   (could be nice flow with practice)
B   [L.F] WhlDl C-WhlAr [P]
B   [L.QF] C-WhlDl-WhlAr (DoSaD ToWav)
B   [L.TW] "R" GrSwT "R" TrnTh [lines of 3 back to back]
B   [L.W] B-XRun G-Trd .. Twice (very brief pause)  (only the Trd: catch Advanced dancers tempted to do Mix Twice)
B   [L.W] RearB PasTh (R shoulder!)
B   [L.W] SwThr = "centers SwThr with the ends"
B   [L0F] AcDcy G-Run ChDTL [0L]
B   [L1p] LSqT4 LA  (same as StrTh SqTh3 AL)
B   [L2p] LSqT2 LA  (same as StrTh PasTh AL)
B   [L] C-FwdBk A-BendL
B   [L] C-SqT@3 A-T1/4
B   [L] C-SqTh4, E-T1/4 F-YelRk, O-"sneaky"-YelRk  -Scot Byars
B   [L] Reverse Sashay  (to get beau to cross in front)
B   [L] RvFlt Sweep C-WhlAr
B   [LO] FwdBk BendL "back and forward"  (fight all natural tendancies!)
B   [LO] WhlDl C-HSash Zoom  (centers flow like CrossTrailThru)
B   [LO] WhlDl C-HSash Zoom DPT FaceI [0L]
B   [LO] WhlDl C-L.PBy  (then Cir2L, VeerL, or most any R-H call)
B   [LO] WhlDl C-VeerR-VeerL Cir2L
B   [Lor] "find a wave of 3"  (SwThr, etc.)
B   [M] "first couple" as designator
B   [M] A-CalTw FaceI  [2L]
B   [M] LrWhlAr
B   [O.L] "finish a"-DivTh  (like PsTTC from [W])
B   [O.L] E-Trd [L]
B   [P] all with ptr out of order: C-MkWav VC-Trd SHing AL
B   [P] all with ptr out of order: DPT Trak2 LSwTh RLG  -Eric Henerlau
B   [P] DPT A-WhlAr  (one of the better formations to have everyone WhlAr)
B   [P] LrPasTh  (reminder that leaders can be in the center)
B   [Q] Ext DoSaD   (DoSaD from a wave, ends facing)
B   [QF] C-BendL-LeadR [B]
B   [R] "outside couple"  (E of the C wave may consider themselves 'outsides')
B   [SS] "#1 couple" LeadR "those 4" Cir2L FwdBk "if you can"-SqTh2  t-bone visiting couples  -Gaylan Suave
B   [SS] "2 & 4"-FwdBk "odd couples"-LeadR SwThr "evens"-Trd ("with ptr!") B-Run [L1p]
B   [SS] "Face your cnr" PasTh T1/4 "with the next one" [AW]
B   [SS] "H watch the S watch you watch them"-SqTh4 ...  -Tim Marriner
B   [SS] "H watch the S"-LeadL  ("make sure they go L!")
B   [SS] "outside G" G-Prom-"outside"  (pre-cue helps dancers hear "outside")  -Anne Uebelacker
B   [SS] "sides face grand R and L - it's a R and L grand go 'round..."
B   [SS] 1-Pr1/2, 3-RollA 24-RLT 13-"move in, face cnr" AL  -Vic Ceder
B   [SS] 1/2of- GrSqr - call it twice if in a singing call  -Jim Who
B   [SS] 1/2of-AL Alamo Balnc
B   [SS] B- (or G-) "hug your cnr's cnr"  (see if anyone hugs themself)  -Ed Foote
B   [SS] 4BPromI BxGnt G-StarL "once around" "ptr"-BxGnt ("drop hands") Weave  (confusion: "styling" w same person as BxGnt)
B   [SS] 4LChn ALTAT B-RunL A-Prom CirR H-FwdBk [0S]  (changes ptr)
B   [SS] 4LChn G-RStar "back home, B hook her by the arm, B wheel in" AThar (A8DixiS eqiv)
B   [SS] 4LChn RollA (= 4LCh3) ALTAT SlipC AL
B   [SS] 4LChn RollA B-RStar AL (FullT) RLG
B   [SS] 4LChn-CtsyT-FullT "facing out" A-JoinH-CirL ... CirR "4 Ldy"-RollA CirR "4 Ldy"-RollA "to your ptr"-CalTw A-CirL
B   [SS] A-RollA B-RStar
B   [SS] AL "Weave by 2" Sw-Pr
B   [SS] AL BxGnt WWGrd "but don't use hands"  (in place of AL DoSaD AL Weave)
B   [SS] AL TrnTh LRG (anything cnr by the L)
B   [SS] ALIAS SwThr SwThr "R-H"-SHing B-StarL "ptr R" RLG
B   [SS] ALTAT Shoot Fwd2 "to the cnr" AL FullT "to the ptr" RLG
B   [SS] asymetric getin: "#1 couple face your cnr StrTh square your set like that"
B   [SS] B-LStar StrPr A-WhlAr HSash B-RStar "leave her behind"
B   [SS] B-RStar StrPr B-BkOut (FullT!) LyIMS AL
B   [SS] B-Run "yes all of them!" Alamo
B   [SS] B-StarR "pick up your cnr"-StrPr
B   [SS] CirL 4LChn CirL 4LChn "keep her" Prom
B   [SS] CirL G-RStar 3/4 "to your cnr" AL FullT RLG
B   [SS] CirR "with ptr"-HSash
B   [SS] CirR FwdBk "circle ..... LEFT"  -Neil Heather
B   [SS] G-CirL-CirR-SFPrm L-Star StrPr A-WhlAr B-RStar StrPr B-BkOut (FullT!) LyIMS AL
B   [SS] H-2LCh3 "lines of 3"-FwdBk "lines of 3"-RLT "B turn TWO Gs"
B   [SS] H-2LCh3 "those" G-PasTh [waves of 3]
B   [SS] H-2LChn H-PasTh S-2LChn S-PasTh CirR B-RunR LSwTh AL  -Vic Ceder
B   [SS] H-2LChn H-PsOcn HLTrd Ext HLRunR "it was the same one"  (3-1)  -Vic Ceder
B   [SS] H-2LChn-WhlAr-1/4Mr VeerL Cir2L
B   [SS] H-CirL "exactly one full turn", S-Pr1/2  (disorienting)
B   [SS] H-DoSaD ToWav (if things go bad...) "Drop hands, back away 3 steps, you're home!"
B   [SS] H-FwdBk S-...
B   [SS] H-FwdBk-LeadR  (nice flow)
B   [SS] H-LeadR "and smile"  (break anticipation)
B   [SS] H-LeadR RStar ...
B   [SS] H-LSqT4 LStar C-RStar AL
B   [SS] H-LStar "pick up your cnr" StrPr B-Run A-StrTh CirL LyIMS LyIMS AL RLG
B   [SS] H-PasTh C-XFold, O-StrTh [0P]
B   [SS] H-PasTh S-PasTh (CirL) Now-1-1/2! CirL LyIMS AL  (gimmick)
B   [SS] H-PasTh SepA0 (around zero) [1L]
B   [SS] H-PasTh SepA2 S-Face RLG   -Jim Wass
B   [SS] H-PsOcn F-BxGnt (VCTrd) [2Q]
B   [SS] H-RLT -HSash -LeadL
B   [SS] H-RLT-HSash-LeadL [3B]
B   [SS] H-RollA A-CirL (BBGG circle) "face your ptr" StrTh OFCalTw CirL
B   [SS] H-RollA A-CirL B-RStar AL RLG
B   [SS] H-SepA1 [0L]
B   [SS] H-SepA2 BendL  [2L]
B   [SS] H-SepA2, S-RLT  (around something that's moving)
B   [SS] H-SqTh2 Twice "second time with the sides!"
B   [SS] H-SqTh4 A-SqTh4 A-UTurn CirL AL  (use in tip after learning SqThr)
B   [SS] H-SqTh4 RLT T1/4 FYNbr LSwTh "left"-ReDcy LSwTh LTrnT RLG
B   [SS] H-SqTh4 SqTh4 BendL SqTh3 AL  -Vic Ceder
B   [SS] H-SqTh4, S-UTurn- (pause) Twice  (surprisingly disorienting)
B   [SS] H-SqTh4,S-CalTw CtrIn Ca3/4  (play on gay styling where S-CalTw twice while H-SqTh4)
B   [SS] H-SqThr "only" 3
B   [SS] H-StrTh "near column" DPT  (box of G, box of B)  -Vic Ceder
B   [SS] H-StrTh-SqTh3 LStar H-StarR AL
B   [SS] H-T1/4 "if you can"-PasTh 3x  (same as above)
B   [SS] H-T1/4 -BRun RvFlt
B   [SS] H-T1/4 ?-PasTh 3X
B   [SS] H-T1/4 B-Zoom  -Sandra Bryant
B   [SS] H-TrnTh RvPrm
B   [SS] HB-"and your cnr"-DoSaD "same ones"-StrTh-FwdBk, O-FwdBk-SqTh4, O-RollA RLG
B   [SS] HBLeadR "circle up 3 EXACTLY half way" DivTh
B   [SS] HBLeadR Cir2L ("circle up 3") DivTh
B   [SS] HBRun, S-T1/4   [5C]
B   [SS] LyCtr Bk2Bk (pause) A-BxGnt "bow to ptr"  (nice for nude tip)  -Bill Eyler
B   [SS] LyCtr Bk2Bk B-Prom "reach in" CtsyT "your G" Prom
B   [SS] S-Face A-BxGnt  [0L]
B   [SS] S-RLT "2 and 4"-SqThr  (sounds like it's the other couple)
B   [SS] S-RollA S-SqTh3 SFGrSqr
B   [SS] SFGrSqr ... "NOW!" (just ahead of halfway)
B   [TF] VeerR [LO]  -Eric Henerlau
B   [Th] "by the L" Ca3/4 "Alamo style"
B   [Th] B-Fold Pr.SF G-BkTrk Swing (etc.)
B   [Th] B-RunL A-Prom "this way" H-WhlAr [5L]  -Steve Minken
B   [Th] G-Circ B-Circ A8Cir [Th]   (like SlipC 4X)
B   [TL] (after B-Run, etc.) "each line go forWARD... and back"  -Andy Shore
B   [TL] C-WhlDl-Sweep, E-BendL [P]
B   [TW]/[TF]/[TL] VC-Trd  (practice knowing where you are in tidal formation)
B   [W] "work split, circulate"  -Anne Uebelacker
B   [W] A8Cir BxGnt
B   [W] A8Cir SpltC A8Cir SpltC = ZERO
B   [W] Balnc SpltC  (makes it easier to see after difficult choreography)
B   [W] E-Circ A8Cir C-Circ  (smoother transition after SwThr. A8Cir Twice = seq + arrangement unchanged)
B   [W] SpltC A8Cir SpltC A8Cir = ZERO
B   [W] SwThr "3 halves: half. half. half."
B   [W] SwThr "3 turns" = SwThr 1-1/2
B   [W] SwThr "once, then half of another one"
B   [W] SwThr 1-1/2 "make shure its a FULL half"  -Deborah Carrol
B   [W]/[L.W] SpltC UTurn  (sudden formation change)
B   StrPr A-RollA StrPr  (repeat!)
B   "face ptr"  (faster than "face your ptr")
B   "in the lines of 3"-G-Trd
B   (big circle at end of evening) AL BxGnt "do a wrong way good night"-RLG  ("the right way of course")
B   G-"stick your tongues out" (to help dancers in mix gender groups identify each other)  -Bill Eyler
B   LyIMS AL (with no pause between) flows and times well

B   2-couple: [B] Cir2L "facing ME! (the caller)"
B   asymmetric: [L] "near box" BxGnt
B   asymmetric: [SS] "Cpl#1 w your cnrs"-BxGnt "square your set that way" H-RollA H-PasTh SepA1  (line of B, line of G)  -Frank Lescrinier
B   asymmetric: SqThr "Five(5) minus your couple number"
B   at home: "couples UN-Circulate" 1/2 BendL  -Paul Waters
B   at home: (C-StrTh at home) C-PasTh Sp2A1 E-BendL (or E-Clovr)  -Buddy Weaver
B   at home: 3/4-Zoom "bow to ptr"  (self correcting)
B   at home: [0F] B-Circ-1-1/2, G-Circ-1/2 A-BendL
B   at home: [0F] Feris C-4Cir3
B   at home: [0F] G-"backup"-Circ-1/2, B-Circ-1/2 A-BendL
B   at home: [0L] HSash E-"bend in"  -Jet Roberts
B   at home: [0L](if CirL 1/8 = at home) EB-Walk, O6-"Dodge L" E-FaceI  -George Knox
B   at home: [0LO](if WhlDl C-Sweep-3/4 = home) WhlDl C-HSash FaceI
B   at home: [0P] C-StrTh = C-PasTh Sp2A1 "meet your own and bow"
B   at home: [0T] TrdBy C-FaceI
B   at home: [5L] C-"back up", E-FaceI
B   at home: [5L] JoinH CirL "1/4"
B   at home: [5S] CirL "1/8"
B   at home: [F]/[L.F] Cpl.C "two steps" BendL  (equiv 1/2of- Cpl.C)
B   at home: [L.0F] Feris C-Sweep 4LChn
B   at home: [LO] WhlDl C-1/2of-WhlAr (pause) C-WhlDl
B   at home: [LO] WhlDl C-HSash "bow ptr"
B   at home: [LO] WhlDl C-Sweep-HSash-BxGnt
B   at home: [M] LrPr1/4,TrPtTrd
B   at home: [SS] H-SqTh4: RLT(or RLT equiv) RLT(this one is for flow) E-RollA A-SqThr...S-3,H-4 A-UTurn (if S were C, make it H-3,S-4)  -Donna Williams
B   at home: AL (right near home) T1/4 B-Run
B   at home: C-PasTh SepA1 ComIn
B   at home: C-PsOcn-RLT
B   at home: C-RLT-VeerL "on the diagonal" RLT (resolve centers)
B   at home: C-Sp2A1 "to a line" E-BendL
B   at home: diagonal RLT C-1/4Mr
B   at home: Feris O-RevPr 1/4
B   break: "all 4 ladies" RollA A-CirL 4LChn RollA AL Weave  (unusual but familiiar)
B   break: 4GPromI BxGnt 4BPromI Weave
B   break: 4LCh3 JoinH CirL B-RStar AL Weave  -Neil Heather
B   break: 4LCh4 "4 quarters, go all the way - turn your G" CirL AL Weave
B   break: 4LChn 4LChn CirL "face cnr" PasTh StrTh FwdBk "face new cnr" PasTh Sw-Pr
B   break: 4LChn CirL AL Sw-Pr A-WhlAr 4LChn ("across the town") ("keep your own") Prom
B   break: 4LPromI StrTh B-StarL DoSaD Weave   (substitute: T1/4 for StrTh)
B   break: [SS] 4LPromI BxGnt B-StarL "once around" "ptr"-DoSaD ("facing her") Weave
B   break: [SS] H-RollA A-CirL .. B-FwdBk B-SqTh4 "and with the G" RStar B-StarL StrPr "a short trip home"
B   break: AL DoSaD Cnr-Swing CirL RollA Weave
B   break: AL TPtrR B-StarL TPtrR FullT "B back in" WWThr ... Shoot AL RLG Sw-Pr
B   break: ALTAT Shoot Fwd2 AThar Shoot Weave  (call somewhat quickly for timing)
B   break: CirL (16 beats) AL BxGnt 4GPromI TPtrR FullT AL Sw-Pr
B   break: CirL (8 beats) AL Swing 4GPromI BxGnt RLG DoSaD Prom
B   break: CirL (8 beats) G-RStar TPtrL AThar SlipC AL Weave Sw-Pr  (works best if CirL called before beat 1)
B   break: CirR ... AL BxGnt WWGrd PulBy AL Sw-Pr
B   break: H-LeadR 4Cir3 (or Cir2L) FwdBk RLT FltWh Sweep SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   break: instead of AL Weave, AL Sw-Pr (home) 4LChn "over and back"
B   break: SFGrSq-1/2 CirL  (singing call: if you called wrong figure and don't have 32 beats of lyrics)
B   break: SFGrSqr CirR ...16 beats... SFPrm
B   comment RvFlt: "L hand, here we go, pick her up, bring her back, get a line"  (like cowboy hearding cattle)
B   comment: "Don't stop and don't slow down a bit"
B   comment: "join hands and Circle in a L-ward way"
B   comment: "prom-a-lady" (short for "Promenade a lady")
B   comment: "ride the" Feris
B   comment: "Sweep 50 cents" = Sweep 2 quarters  -Andy Shore
B   comment: "that's a popular spot!" (for 5-3 lines or other congestion)  -Anne Uebelacker
B   comment: (after SqThr/TrnTh/etc.) "End one behind the other - back up and check"  -Betsy Gotta
B   comment: 1/4Mr "than you normally would"
B   comment: 4GPromI "you know who to swing"
B   comment: [0F] "Chain down your lion, roar up to the middle and back"   (cute, tacky)
B   comment: [0L] "two teams"-FwdBk
B   comment: [0W] SwThr "and the sinners Run around the saints"
B   comment: [5L] PsOcn "B are hookers"
B   comment: [5W] B-Run "around the ends"  (confusing extra information)
B   comment: [B] MkWav = "give me a wave" (as in wave to the caller)
B   comment: [L.W] SwThr "ya, right"  -Dave Wilson
B   comment: [L] PsOcn "gimme that wave"
B   comment: [SS] PsOcn "sides"  (sounds like oceanside)
B   comment: [SS] S-SqThr "H are makin' noise!"
B   comment: [Th] Shoot Fwd2 "let's star again, the B wheel in"
B   comment: A8Cir = "8 circulate"  (faster to say)
B   comment: ALIAS "with both hands up"
B   comment: B-Run "around 1 G"
B   comment: B-Trd "find 'em"  (B not next to each other)
B   comment: C-"Sweep the floor"  -Randy Dibble
B   comment: DivTh "...somebody make an arch"  (if you notice crashing heads)
B   comment: FltWh "OO-guh-chock-a"  RvFlt "ah-kah-chuh-GOO"
B   comment: H-"reverse"-Pr1/2  (if problems)  "trouble in reverse-city"  (sounds like River City)
B   comment: RLT "and you never look back"  -Mike DeSisto
B   comment: RLT: "turn 'em on around and go"
B   comment: SqTh4 "...here we go, here we go, here we go, here we go"
B   comment: SwThr "alright, who's left?"
B   comment: SwThr "and go"  (for timing)
B   comment: WWThar "back up the star"
B   correct dancer mistakes: FltWh "those that did a RvFlt, do a RLT"  -or-  RvFlt "those that did a FltWh, do a RLT"
B   cue 1/2Tg: "stop when you meet someone"
B   cue AL: [Th]/[L.W] "you have your cnr - use em'!" AL
B   cue ALTAT: "with a R then a L hang on..."
B   cue AThar: "its a R pull by, L arm to the next, hang on, turn half, puts the B in the middle of an AThar"
B   cue BxGnt:  "hang on!"  (especially helpfull if there is an unexpected delay before delivering next call)
B   cue C-Run: "out around the end one"
B   cue ChDTL: "G are holding hands" ChDTL
B   cue ChDTL: "G touch R" ChDTL
B   cue Cpl.C: "up one"
B   cue CtsyT: "her boys"
B   cue DivTh: "insides arch outsides under"
B   cue DivTh: "insides high outsides low"
B   cue DivTh: DivTh "with an arch in the middle"  (gradual way to wean class from cueing)
B   cue DoSaD: "no hands" DoSaD 1-1/2  (cue helps prevent highland fling)
B   cue Ext: Ext "to R-H"  (use after centers do a bunch of calls that end in [Q])
B   cue Fwd2: "R 1, L 2 hang on the B wheel in" AThar
B   cue G-Run: [LO]/[F]/etc. "G in front of him" G-Run
B   cue HSash: "just put her on the other side"
B   cue HSash: "that's a call!" (if they stand there not knowing what to do)
B   cue LeadR: [0L] "think about being at home in a squared up set" A-LeadR [0T]
B   cue LeadR: [SS] H-LeadR "and that's all"
B   cue LRG: "L and R Grand" "forward L... and R..."
B   cue LRG: "L and R Grand" "straight ahead GO! L, R, L, R"
B   cue LSqTh: "start with the L-H, do a regular Square Thru"
B   cue LSwTh: [W] "where's your L hand?" LSwTh  -Eric Henerlau
B   cue LSwTh: [W] LSwTh "L in the middle, all R"
B   cue LyIMS: [SS] 4LChn LyIMS LyIMS (or RollA Twice) "everyone between ptr and cnr?"
B   cue RearB: "to couples"
B   cue RLT: "(the one you're facing) shake R hands" RLT
B   cue RLT: "shake R hands" RLT
B   cue RLT: "turn that G right next to you"  (esp. from [TW])
B   cue Scoot: "L arm" Shoot
B   cue SlipC: [Th] "keep your star" SlipC
B   cue Splt2: "go between 'em"
B   cue SqTh2: SqThr "TWO!"  -Michael Kellogg
B   cue StrTh: "B use your R, G use your L"-StrTh  -Tom Miller   (lead up to T1/4 and LT1/4)
B   cue SwThr: "in a wave"-SwThr  (to wean dancers from StepW)
B   cue SwThr: "think about a wave"-SwThr  (to wean dancers from StepW)
B   cue SwThr: [L.W] "ready with a R" SwThr
B   cue SwThr: [L.W] "where's your R hand?" SwThr   -Eric Henerlau
B   cue TrdBy: "forward" TrdBy  --Seth Levine
B   cue WhlAr: "as a couple go L, L, L"
B   cue WhlAr: "go L"  ("go L as couples")
B   cue WhlAr: "wheel L like a CtsyT"
B   cue WhlAr: "with your ptr"
B   cue WWGrd: "R-H" WWGrd  (play on right and wrong)
B   cue WWGrd: "wrong way go R and L grand"  (easier to understand)
B   cue Zoom: "front to back" Zoom  (especially from columns, diamond points, etc.)
B   cue Zoom: [M] "notice the wall you're facing" Zoom ("a FULL Zoom")  ("still facing that wall?")
B   cue/teach: [LO] B-Trd  "B step forward, Trade, step in, find a wave!"
B   cue: [0B] DoSaD ToWav "go ALL the way around till we have G in the middle"  (if highland fling styling)
B   cue: [0B] DoSaD ToWav "w G in the middle"  (especially if highland fling styling)
B   cue: [0F]/[0LO]: B-Run "in front of your ptr, she'll slide out for you, looking for a wave"
B   cue: [0L] RLT-1/4Mr "G meet in the middle"
B   cue: [0LO]/[0F]/etc.: "G in front of him" G-Run
B   cue: [5D] B-SwThr, G-Circ "around the Bs"
B   cue: [C]/[L.C] "most of you are facing someone's back"  (use to help 3 out of 4 dancers find their place in a column)
B   cue: [L]/[B] Circulate "walk by"
B   cue: G-"stick your tongues out" (to help dancers in same sex groups identify each other)  -Bill Eyler
B   cue: Gay Weave: (& 5 & 6 & 7 & 8) "slap THIGHS, clap HANDS, lean BACK, kick WHOOP!"
B   cue: VeerL "and Veer back to the R"  (the word 'back' provides reassurance)
B   equiv: "Reverse" WhlAr = "Un-WhlAr" = "wrong way" WhlAr = "right" WhlAr
B   equiv: [0B] DoSaD ToWav A8Cir = PasTh TrdBy
B   equiv: [0B] StrTh = RLT RollA StrTh CalTw
B   equiv: [0B] StrTh: VeerL ChDTL
B   equiv: [0LO] RollA UTurn = CtsyT
B   equiv: [0P] C-"make an arch, back up over two" = Zoom  -Bill Eyler
B   equiv: [B] BxGnt MkWav C-Trd = SwThr
B   equiv: [B] RLT C-WhlAr = DivTh
B   equiv: DPT 1L.2R = Zoom DPT 1R.2L
B   equiv: H-LeadR = H-2LChn-RollA-StrTh
B   equiv: H-LeadR Cir2L = S-LeadR 4Cir3 (majority of flow and timing is identical)
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-2LChn LeadL
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-FltWh LeadR
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-FltWh Sweep PasTh
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-FltWh T1/4  WlkDg
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-HSash BxGnt SqTh2
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-MovIn FaceO
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-PasTh SepA1 ComIn RLT PasTh  -Heiner Fischle
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-Pr1/2 HSash StrTh
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-Pr1/2 PasTh SepA1 ComIn PasTh  -Heiner Fischle
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-RLT PasTh SepA1 ComIn PasTh  -Heiner Fischle
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-RollA RvPrm "that way, half way" MovIn "I say and then" StrTh "with the outside two..."
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-RvFlt LeadL
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-RvFlt Sweep PasTh
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-StrTh CalTw
B   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-StrTh SqTh3 (sets up L hand)
B   equiv: LBxGnt Chg.H = BxGnt
B   equiv: SqTh3 = RLT 1-1/2 ("once and a half")  -Bob Elling / Eric Henerlau
B   equiv: T1/4 WlkDg ChasR = T1/4 SpltC 3x  (good practice, better flow!)
B   equiv: WlkAC = "w cnr"-BxGnt PulBy
B   fig DIY: [0B] RLT FltWh Sweep
B   fig DIY: [0L] RLT FltWh RvFlt "keep her" Prom
B   fig DIY: [0L] StrTh StarR-1/2 G-UTurn Sw-Pr
B   fig DIY: C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr = C-SwThr Ext SwThr Sw-Pr  (multiple use of "swing")
B   fig DIY: H-SqTh4 = H-Pr1/2-DoSaD-StrTh-PasTh
B   fig DIY: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Trd B-Run BendL ...
B   fig DIY: PasTh = C-DoSaD PasTh
B   fig: 4LCh3 H-FwdBk S-LeadR RStar C-LStar DoSaD "reverse"-DoSaD A-VeerR Prom  -Bob Elling
B   fig: 4LCh3 H-FwdBk S-LeadR RStar C-LStar VeerL VeerR C-VeerR A-Prom  (call quickly so outside couples can keep moving)  -Bob Elling
B   fig: 4LCh3 H-FwdBk S-LeadR RStar C-LStar ZERO Sw-Pr
B   fig: 4LCh3 H-FwdBk S-SqTh4 RLT RollA PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: 4LCh3 H-LeadL VeerR Cpl.C Cpl.C Cpl.C BendL StrTh Sw-Pr   (also a stir)
B   fig: 4LCh3 H-Pr1/2 LeadR 4Cir3 StrTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: 4LCh3 H-Pr1/2-PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run B-Circ,G-Trd BendL StrTh Sw-Pr   (also a stir)
B   fig: 4LCh3 H-Pr1/2-SqTh4 SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: 4LCh3 H-SqTh4 BxGnt SqTh5 Sw-Pr  (practice sashayed SqThr)
B   fig: 4LChn H-FwdBk S-LeadR A-VeerL Cpl.C Cpl.C B-Circ A-BendL StrTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: 4LChn H-FwdBk S-LeadR Cir2L T1/4 Col.C B-Run PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 LeadR VeerL ChDTL FltWh RLT RollA Swing-"somebody new" Prom
B   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 StrTh PasTh Cir2L FwdBk PasTh WhlDl C-PasTh Sw-Pr   (also a stir)
B   fig: 4LChn H-RLT-RollA JoinH CirL (16 beats) G-PasTh "both go L in single file" B-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: A-Pr1/2 H-SqTh4 (pause) DivTh C-PasTh DivTh C-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-2LChn S-LeadR VeerL BendL PasTh WhlDl C-PasTh ZERO Sw-Pr  (full)
B   fig: H-2LChn S-LeadR VeerL ChDTL PasTh BendL StrTh DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (also a stir)
B   fig: H-2LChn S-LeadR VeerL Feris C-PasTh ZERO Sw-Pr  (3/4)
B   fig: H-DoSaD "face cnr" StrTh FwdBk PasTh WhlDl DPT 1L.2R StrTh SqTh3 AL Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-FwdBk S-LeadR RLT VeerL Cpl.C B-Circ BendL PasTh BendL StrTh Sw-Pr  (also a stir)
B   fig: H-FwdBk S-PasTh SepA1 A-FwdBk StrTh C-PasTh (C-"arch") DivTh "new"-C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (very easy)
B   fig: H-LeadR 4Cir3 PasTh BendL RLT PasTh BendL StrTh PasTh Sw-Pr  (RLT = StrTh StrTh = PasTh CalTw)
B   fig: H-LeadR 4Cir3 RLT PasTh BendL FwdBk SqTh4 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR 4Cir3 StrTh DivTh C-SqTh3 PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L FwdBk RLT FltWh Sweep SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L FwdBk RLT RLT T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr  (practice RLT)
B   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L RLT StrTh 4Cir2 VeerL ChDTL StrTh PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L StrTh 4Cir2 VeerL ChDTL StrTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR RLT VeerL Cpl.C BendL T1/4 Col.C B-Run ZERO Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR RLT VeerL Cpl.C Cpl.C B-Circ BendL PasTh BendL StrTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL ChDTL "turn that G and" FltWh FwdBk SqTh4 Sw-Pr  (use various equivs for SqTh4)
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL ChDTL FltWh RLT StrTh PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C B-Circ ChDTL PasTh WhlDl DPT LrTrd Sw-Pr  (also a stir)  (watch ChDTL timing)
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C B-Circ,G-Trd BendL RLT PasTh WhlDl C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (also a stir)
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C BendL PasTh BendL SqTh4 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C BendL RLT SqTh3 BendL SqTh4 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C BendL RLT SqTh4 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C ChDTL PasTh WhlDl C-PasTh RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C ChDTL FltWh StrTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (3/4)
B   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C ChDTL PasTh WhlDl C-PasTh StrTh RvFlt Sweep PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LSqTh "make a L-H wave" LSwTh G-RunL Feris C-LP.By "right" SwThr B-RunR Feris C-RP.By Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LSqTh LStar H-RStar LT1/4 B-RunL BxGnt PulBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LStar "pick up your cnr" StrPr CirL G-FwdBk G-SqTh4 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-PasTh SepA1 (FwdBk) A-StrTh C-PasTh (DoSaD) DivTh C-RLT C-PasTh Sw-Pr   (choose FwdBk or DoSaD, not great flow)
B   fig: H-PasTh SepA1 A-PasTh C-XRun "new"-C-XRun A-PasTh E-XFold Sw-Pr (or AL)
B   fig: H-PasTh SepA1 A-PasTh E-XRun "new"-E-XRun A-PasTh E-XFold Sw-Pr (or AL)  (E-XRun is harder)
B   fig: H-PasTh SepA1 A-PasTh WhlDl Zoom B-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-PasTh SepA1 A-StrTh C-PasTh DivTh C-SqTh3 A-PasTh AL Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-PasTh SepA1 ComIn SqTh3 (S-CalTw) Sp2A1 ComIn SqTh4 (S-CalTw) Sw-Pr  (both or neither optional CalTw)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 FwdBk S-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C ChDTL FltWh StrTh PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 FwdBk S-StrTh PasTh Swing AL Weave
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR Cir2L FwdBk RLT SqTh4 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR Cir2L RLT PasTh WhlDl C-SwThr BxGnt PulBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR VeerL B-Circ,G-Trd BendL PasTh WhlDl Zoom C-PasTh ZERO Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR VeerL Cpl.C B-Circ BendL PasTh BendL StrTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 LSqT4 LSqT3 TrdBy Sw-Pr  (H-RvPrm for variety)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 PasTh SepA1 A-StrTh C-SqTh3 (pause) C-Arch DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (hand use issue: C-Arch after SqTh3)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 PasTh SepA1 A-StrTh C-SqTh3 DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 PasTh SepA1 ComIn PasTh Splt2 SepA1 ComIn SqTh4 Sw-Pr  (dancers like it!)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 PasTh SepA1 ComIn SqTh3 Splt2 SepA1 ComIn StrTh PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 PasTh SepA1 FwdBk StrTh Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run Feris C-VeerL G-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 RLT "and back away" S-LeadR Cir2L (FwdBk) T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 RLT S-LeadR 4Cir3 FwdBk SqTh4 Sw-Pr  (substitute RLT StrTh PasTh for SqTh4)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 RLT S-SqTh4 RLT RollA Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 RLT S-SqTh4 Sp2A1 FwdBk StrTh CalTw Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 RLT,S-SqTh4 H-HSash SwThr C-Trd C-Run WhlDl SqTh- B-3,G-4 B-Clovr Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 RLT,S-SqTh4 H-HSash SwThr E-UTurn,C-Trd WhlDl SqTh- G-3,B-4 G-Clovr Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext Balnc A8Cir Balnc A8Cir Sw-Pr  (good after learning A8Cir)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-RLT H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C Cpl.C BendL StrTh PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav A8Cir G-Trd SwThr Swing AL Prom
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-StrTh-PasTh Cir2L FwdBk PasTh WhlDl Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh3 SepA1 A-StrTh C-PasTh C-Arch DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 (pause) StrTh StrTh DivTh C-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 Cir2L RLT PsOcn G-Trd Swing AL Prom  (3/4)  (* significant figure)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 DivTh C-SqTh3 DivTh C-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run Cpl.C ChDTL "keep her" Prom
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr SwThr A8Cir Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr-G-Circ SwThr-B-Circ Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 RLT HSash PasTh TrdBy BxGnt SqTh3 AL Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 RLT StrTh T1/4 Col.C B-Run PasTh Sw-Pr  (* significant figure)
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 RLT VeerL Cpl.C Cpl.T PtTrd B-Trd Prom
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 RLT VeerL Feris C-Arch C-CalTw Sw-Pr  -Bill Eyler
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 RLT VeerL Feris C-Sweep C-LeadR Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 SqTh3 TrdBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 StrTh T1/4 Col.C B-Run RLT BxGnt PulBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Cpl.C BendL RvFlt "keep her" Prom
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Cpl.C WhlDl DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 SwThr SwThr A8Cir + [W] ZERO Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 T1/4 G-Run BxGnt SqTh4 TrdBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr1/2,S-RLT-RollA A-CirL "he he she she" B-FwdBk-SqTh4 SwThr C-Trd Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr3/4 S-PasTh Cir2L FwdBk PasTh WhlDl DPT 1L.2R SqTh2 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-Pr3/4 S-RLT-PasTh Cir2L FwdBk RLT StrTh PasTh Swing LA Prom
B   fig: H-Pr3/4 S-SqTh3 4Cir3 SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run Ferris Zoom Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-RvFlt Sweep Zoom C-PasTh Cir2L RLT PasTh WhlDl DPT LrTrd Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh3 SepA1 A-StrTh C-SqTh3 (pause) C-Arch DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (hand use issue: C-Arch after SqTh3)
B   fig: H-SqTh3 SepA1 FwdBk A-StrTh C-SqTh3 DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh3 SepA2 FwdBk BxGnt RLT StrTh PasTh LA Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 'star fig' "pick up your cnr"-StrPr O-BkTrk "once around" Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 4Cir2 DivTh C-PasTh "reverse"-4Cir2 DivTh C-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 4Cir2 DivTh C-PasTh 4Cir2 DivTh C-PasTh Sw-Pr  (substitute RLT for either 4Cir2)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD 4Cir2 (or RLT) DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD 4Cir2 DivTh C-RLT-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD 4Cir2 DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (drop DoSaD for short "catch-up" figure)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD StrTh FwdBk PasTh CalTw StrTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD StrTh RvFlt Sweep LStar B-"reach back"-Prom
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run BendL RLT PasTh WhlDl Zoom C-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run ChDTL RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run Cpl.C Feris Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Trd B-Run BendL RLT FltWh RvFlt "keep her" Prom
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Trd SwThr G-Trd SwThr B-Trd Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd SwThr B-Run G-Trd Feris C-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT DivTh Zoom Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT SwThr B-Run G-Trd Feris C-PasTh SwThr Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL B-Circ,G-Trd BendL RLT SqTh4 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL Cpl.C BendL PasTh WhlDl Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr   (also a stir)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL Cpl.C Cpl.C BendL PasTh WhlDl C-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 RStar C-LStar "pick up your cnr" StrPr ... BkOut JoinH CirL "he,he,she,she" "B swing your cnr - better be a G!"
B   fig: H-SqTh4 S-RollA SwThr B-Run PasTh WhlDl Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SFGrSqr H-SepA1-ComIn-PasTh-SepA1-ComIn-SqTh3 Swing AL DoSaD Prom
B   fig: H-SqTh4 Sp2A1 FwdBk T1/4 B-Run RLT DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SqTh4 BendL SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (short figure after teaching SqThr)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SqTh4 BendL StrTh DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 StrTh T1/4 Col.C B-Run RLT DivTh C-SqTh3 AL Sw-Pr  (hand use SqTh4 StrTh)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run B-Circ,C-Trd BendL RLT T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run B-Circ,G-Trd BendL SqTh4 Sw-Pr  (* significant figure)
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Cpl.C BendL RvFlt HSash StrTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Feris C-PasTh StrTh RvFlt Sweep Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Feris C-RP.By LSwTh G-Run Feris C-LP.By Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Trd B-Run Feris C-PasTh StrTh RvFlt Sweep VeerR Prom
B   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr Twice G-Run BendL BxGnt SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: S-BxGnt H-Pr1/2 S-PasTh SepA1 FwdBk RLT FltWh Sweep PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr  (H can't cut through the middle)
B   fun: Memory Squares: Give dancers a complete short sequence including RLG Prom; signal start  -Nasser Shukayr
B   getin: [SS] ALIAS G-UTurn A-CirL
B   getin: [SS] H-LChn3 SBRollA SBRollA C6PasTh C6-"2 G work together, B work by yourself"-WhlDl
B   getin: [SS] H-LeadL "Reverse"-Cir2L [0L1p]  -Bill Eyler
B   getin: [SS] H-LeadL (or H-LSqTh) ("left" DoSaD) "left" PasTh "regular" TrdBy  (feels like weaving - call quickly!)
B   getin: [SS] H-RLT HG-"on the diagonal"-PasTh H-Ca3/4 [0Q]  (equiv LeadR)
B   getin: [SS] H-SqTh3 S-Face-PasTh [5LO]
B   getin: [SS] H-WhlAr (SepA1 etc.)
B   getin: A-PromH H-HSash
B   getin: H-BxGnt-"let go"-BkAwy
B   getin: H-LeadR Sp2A1 ComIn RLT
B   getin: H-PasTh, S-RollA, H-SepA1 "sqeeze in!" [5L]  (call quickly)
B   getin: H-RStar "pick up your cnr" StrPr
B   getin: H-SqTh4, S-RollA DivTh C-SwThr [0Q]  (the other legal arrangement for DivTh)
B   getin: HGLeadR ("step in there and") "you 3" SwThr
B   getin: HLCh3 "lines of 3" FwdBk HBT1/4 B-Ext "to that center B"  ???
B   getout idea: (WWGrd) BxGnt Prom  -Lee Kopman
B   getout idea: [0F] (Cpl.C) G-Circ A-WhlAr Prom
B   getout idea: [0F] G-Run LA  (say like: G-Run-"left" ... "allemande")
B   getout idea: [0L] E-BxGnt, C-PasTh A-RLG
B   getout idea: [0S] A-RollA B-StarR AL
B   getout idea: [0W] A8Cir BxGnt
B   getout idea: [0W] B-Run B-LStar "to your ptr" StrPr (or Prom)
B   getout idea: [0W] G-XRun AL
B   getout idea: [0W] SwThr PasTh RLG   (setup: DixiG lines + PsOcn)
B   getout idea: [1B] StrTh Prom
B   getout idea: [1P] G-RStar "pickup your ptr (or cnr)" StrPr
B   getout idea: [2L] C-PsOcn RLG
B   getout idea: [2P] B-T1/4 -Box.C (-Twice) AL
B   getout idea: [5B] AL FullT RLG
B   getout idea: [5B] ring (AL style) paring in seq: TrnTh TrdBy AL
B   getout idea: [5L] FltWh LyIMS A-CirL AL
B   getout idea: [5L] PasTh BendL (C-Roll) RLG
B   getout idea: [5P] "C start"-RLG "keep goin' L, R, ..."
B   getout idea: [5W] B-Circ (check to see if in sequence - if yes...) G-Circ A8Cir 1-1/2 RLG  -Deborah Carrol
B   getout idea: [5W] G-Run WhlDl RLG
B   getout idea: [C] 1/2of Zoom AL
B   getout idea: [F.C] "original H"-Run RLG
B   getout idea: [L.0F] B-Run AL
B   getout idea: [L.0W] B-Run HSash (or "Roll him Away") Prom  -Seth Levine
B   getout idea: [L.5W] LP.By RLG
B   getout idea: [L.C] 1/2of Zoom RLG
B   getout idea: [L] or [LO]: 1/2of-RollA RLG
B   getout idea: [Llo] C-Run AL
B   getout idea: [Lri] E-Run AL  (end's L-H comes into the C with new E facing in)
B   getout idea: [M] 1/2of Zoom "face ptr" RLG
B   getout idea: [P] 3/4-Zoom AL  (self correcting)
B   getout idea: [P] C-Sweep-T1/4-GUTurn ("that G make a U Turn Back") AL
B   getout idea: [TL] (C-Cpl.T) "each line of 4" WhlDl Prom
B   getout idea: B-RStar StrPr B-Arch G-RunR "through the arch" AL
B   getout idea: Col.C-1-1/2 G-UTurn AL  -Barry Clasper
B   getout idea: DixiS B-Trd SlipC LA
B   getout idea: RLG "take the 4th" RolPr
B   getout idea: SFGrSqr "6 steps" AL  -Steve Turner
B   getout idea: SwThr G-XFold RLG
B   getout idea: thar fig... Shoot Fwd3 RLG
B   getout: [0L1p] PasTh WhlDl C-VeerR A-Prom
B   getout: [0L](Wheel-and-Dixi line) T1/4 Col.C 1-1/2 G-Trd G-UTurn AL
B   getout: [0M](s-in): 1L.2R (CirL) AL
B   getout: [0P](C-SqTh3 to cnr): C-SqT@3-SqTh3 AL  (nice way to correct wrong resolve)
B   getout: [0P](C-SqTh3 to cnr): C-T1/4-Box.C-Twice AL
B   getout: [0P](s-out): DPT 1R.2L AL
B   getout: [5L2p] BxGnt-"drop hands"-&Roll RLG
B   getout: [5W2p] B-Run Feris C-Sweep AL (or CirL)  -Gero Teufert
B   getout: [5W2p] B-XRun ChDTL [0L1p]  (same as C-XRun ChDTL)
B   getout: [B1c] Sp2A1 A-RLG
B   getout: [B1c] Sp2A1 AL
B   getout: [B1c] Sp2A1 RLG
B   getout: [B1c] StrTh CirL RollA CirL AL RLG
B   getout: [B1c] StrTh PasTh Tag FaceI C-Twice RLG
B   getout: [B1c] StrTh PsOcn G-Trd B-XRun "G slide out" AL  -Don Wood
B   getout: [B1c] StrTh RLT E-T1/4, C-LT1/4, F-AL A-RLG
B   getout: [B1c] U-Turn "bump buns with cnr" RLG
B   getout: [B1c](all facing cnr): RLT HSash DoSaD 1-1/2 RLG
B   getout: [B1c](facing cnr): C-Sp2A1 A-T1/4 B-Run AL
B-  getout: [B1c] WlkAC (DoPas etc.)  (catch 'em off guard)
B   getout: [B1p] "there she is" StrTh "face her" RLG
B   getout: [B1p] "use a R hand" WWGrd
B   getout: [B1p] "with the R do a" WWGrd
B   getout: [B1p] AL "with the honey, hang on!" RolPr
B   getout: [B1p] BxGnt-1-1/2 Prom
B   getout: [B1p] SqT@3 SqTh3 AL  (nice way to correct wrong resolve)
B   getout: [B2p] BxGnt SwThr B-Run B-Trd Prom
B   getout: [B2p] DivTh C-LSqT3 BxGnt RLG
B   getout: [B2r] RLT SCirW A8Cir 1-1/2 RLG
B   getout: [B2r] RLT(or equiv) AL RLG@3 Prom
B   getout: [B2r] StrTh PsOcn A8Cir (W1c)
B   getout: [B2r] StrTh RvFlt Prom
B   getout: [B2r] SwThr SwThr A8Cir (W1c)
B   getout: [B2r](across the street) LSwTh LSwTh A8Cir LA   (gimmick: A8Cir = "L circulate")
B   getout: [B2r](across the street): "L-H ready" LSqTh3 TrdBy AL
B   getout: [B3r] PasTh TrdBy PasTh Trd ... AL
B   getout: [B3r] RLT G-"shake hands"-PulBy-"on the diagonal" G-Run RLG
B   getout: [B3r](s-out): DoSaD ToWav LSwTh RLG
B   getout: [B4c] DivTh DPT 1L.2R (C-Roll) AL
B   getout: [B4c] StrTh PasTh WhlDl [P1p] C-L.PBy BxGnt RLG
B   getout: [B4c] SwThr G-Run G-Trd B-XRun Prom
B   getout: [B4c] T1/4 SpltC FaceR (or Face ptr) RLG
B   getout: [F1p] G-XRun B-Trd BendL PsOcn RLG
B   getout: [F1p](all w ptr in seq) G-Trd A-RollA B-Trd BendL PsOcn RLG
B   getout: [F1p](all with ptr in seq) Feris C-VeerL-VeerR A-VeerR Prom
B   getout: [F1p](in seq) G-XRun B-Trd BendL PsOcn RLG
B   getout: [L.F1p] 1/2of-RollA RLG
B   getout: [L.F](in seq): Feris A-WhlAr 1L.2L Prom  (excessive L flow for fun)
B   getout: [L1p] "carefull here" RLG
B   getout: [L1p] A-BxGnt "L hand"-PulBy RLG
B   getout: [L1p] BxGnt PsOcn RLG
B   getout: [L1p] CirL AL
B   getout: [L1p] E-AL RLG
B   getout: [L1p] PasTh "face your ptr" PasTh UTurn PasTh "face your ptr" PasTh ("face your ptr") RLG
B   getout: [L1p] Prom
B   getout: [L2p] "no hands" SqTh2 AL  (mimics CrossTrailThru for old-style getout)  -Clark Baker
B   getout: [L2p] RLT "keep turning" Prom
B   getout: [L2p] StrTh DoSaD PasTh AL  (nice flow)
B   getout: [P1c] C-"hug thru" (pause) "to the cnr" AL  (hugging original ptr)
B   getout: [P1c] C-RLT FullT AL  (watch overflow)
B   getout: [P2r](C-SqTh3 to the cnr): "leads"-Trd AL
B   getout: [P](C-SqTh3 to Cnr): C-SwThr-SwThr Ext DoSaD (brief pause) AL  (catch those that MakWv)
B   getout: [P](s-in): C-SwThr "everyone!"-RLG  (if H in center and S in S position, S-Face RLG)
B   getout: [W1p] "just a tiny"-PasTh AL
B   getout: [W1p] A8Cir G-Run Cpl.C BendL LyIMS CirL AL  (call BendL LyIMS CirL quickly for flow)
B   getout: [W1p] SwThr B-Run CalTw B-Trd Prom
B   getout: A-Prom DontS H-WhlAr A-RollA [5L2p] PsOcn RLG
B   getout: B-"stand still, but work with the G"-RLG
B   getout: Prom (out of seq): S-DontS H-"when you get home"-FwdBk "let the S go behind you!"  -Bob Elling
B   getout: Prom DontS "H are leaders"-Feris "ends w S in front of H"
B   getout: Prom DontS "original"-H-CalTw "make me a line" FwdBk
B   getout: Prom DontS (out of seq): CirR ("RIGHT!") ... H-FwdBk S-FwdBk H-StrTh-PasTh AL
B   getout: Prom DontS (out of seq): H-WhlAr G-"diagonally PasTh" SHing C-Trd RLG (or TrnTh AL, etc.)
B   getout: Prom DontS A-WhlAr 4LChn
B   getout: Prom DontS A-WhlAr 4LyChn CirL LyIMS CirL LyIMS AL
B   getout: Prom DontS CirL H-RStar "HALF WAY to cnr" AL
B   getout: Prom DontS CirR "who are the heads?" H-RollA B-FwdBk  (nice flow for H B)
B   getout: Prom DontS H-CalTw H-Arch S-DivTh "H finish the call" A-Prom
B   getout: Prom out-of-seqence: H-WhlAr PasTh S-WhlAr A-Prom
B   getout: replace RLG with Weave during patter  (do it when timing just happens to work out perfectly)  -Steve Turner
B   getout: RLG 1-1/2  (6 hands, use like RLG@3)
B   gimmick: ! "Un-T1/4"  (SwThr "Un-T1/4" AL)  (intersting flow)
B   gimmick: "4 heads"-PromI  (use when dancers are expecting PromI)
B   gimmick: "4 prettiest ones watch the others"-PromI
B   gimmick: "highland fling" in place of DoSaD  -Vic Ceder
B   gimmick: "R and L allemande" (from [B1c] (cnr line) StrTh + RLT)
B   gimmick: "rotten L thru"
B   gimmick: "Un Sashay" to set up flow
B   gimmick: 4BPromI "the wrong way 'round, get back and" Swing (B may not want to reverse direction)
B   gimmick: 4LCh0 ("zero quarters") "you owe me a CtsyT" (especially afer 4LCh4 earlier)  -Paul Waters
B   gimmick: [1F] B-XFold "behind the far G" "straight ahead"-A-DPT G-"don't move", B-Run [C]
B   gimmick: [5W] B-Trd C-Run  (use inflection as if the two were different)
B   gimmick: [circle facing out] 1/2of-"Now!"
B   gimmick: [P] DPT "First L, next VEER RIGHT!" Cpl.C [F]  (call very quickly)
B   gimmick: [SS] H-SqTh4 "and with the S make a R-H wave" (SwThr, etc...)  (sounds like "make a R-H star")  -John Jones
B   gimmick: [SS] H-T1/4-Arch, S-"duck through" (E-Trd)
B   gimmick: CirR "reverse Now!" CirL  (caution, may be interpreted as Reverse circling direction followed by Now!)
B   gimmick: Cpl#1 "step in and Swing" O-JoinH CirL    (6 dancers circling the 2 in the center who are swinging)
B   gimmick: 4GPromI "counter clockwise"
B   gimmick: H-FwdBk RLG "everybody"
B   gimmick: H-PasTh SepA1-"and 1/3" "squeeze in, make lines" [0L]  (warning: not tested)
B   opener: [SS] H-SqTh4 Sp2A1 A-JoinH CirL AL
B   sequence: [0F] G-Circ ChDTL
B   patter chant: 4LPromI "run on back and give your good man a Swing"
B   patter chant: [SS] H-LeadR Cir2L "keep your motion" PsOcn
B   patter chant: [SS] H-SqTh "in the middle ... and when you get up to 4..."
B   patter chant: [SS] H-SqTh4 "now get out there and go"
B   ring: [SS] "with cnr"-StrTh CirL
B   ring: [SS] 4LCh3 CirL ALTAT SlipC UTurn RLG  -Tommy P Larsen
B   ring: [SS] 4LChn 4L-"Star half" "to the ptr" StrTh Prom
B   ring: [SS] 4LChn ALIAS B-Run "all facing out" CirL "B, take G on your R" RollA "new G on your R" CalTw CirL AL
B   ring: [SS] AL "hang on" FullT "B-center" AThar (Shoot RLG)
B   ring: [SS] AL BxGnt G-LStar StrPr "G back out" CirL LyIMS AL
B   ring: [SS] AL Fwd2 AThar Shoot Fwd3 AThar ("G wheel in") Shoot RearB RLG  -Kennita Watson
B   ring: [SS] CirR SF.Pr B-BkTrk "meet ptr" T1/4 Alamo LSwTh LSwTh AL
B   ring: [SS] G-RStar StrPr G-Run SlipC AL
B   ring: [SS] JoinH CirL LyIMS "ladies in"-RStar "star Gs once around to your cnr!" AL FullT RLG
B   ring: AL DoSaD AL Sw-Pr (dancers expecting Weave - do this if 16 beats behind the music)
B   ring: AL DoSaD DoSaD "your ptr!" Prom  (catch 'em if they don't end facing after DoSaD)
B   ring: AL FullT "B wheel in" AThar Shoot RLG
B   ring: AL TPtrR FullT B-LStar BxGnt G-LStar TPtrR FullT AL
B   ring: ALIAS Balnc SwThr "all circle to the B's L" "now circle to the G's R" SwThr RLG
B   ring: ALIAS SwThr "keep all hands joined and Circle to the Bs L" LyIMS LyIMS AL  (cute gimmick)
B   ring: ALIAS SwThr B-RunR (facing out) CirL "Ladies center, men keep circling" CirL "Ladies in, men keep circling" CalTw CirR AL
B   ring: ALIAS SwThr SwThr TrnTh B-RvPrm G-CirL "find your own, Sneaky Yellow Rock"
B   ring: ALIAS SwThr SwThr TrnTh G-StarL "pick up your ptr" StrPr
B   ring: ALTAT "B keep your star" SlipC "keep your Thar, B back up" SlipC (pause) Shoot RLG
B   ring: ALTAT Shoot Fwd2 AL FullT RLG
B   ring: ALTAT Shoot-3/4 (or L-H Ca3/4) Alamo SwThr Sw-Pr
B   ring: CirL "dance up to the middle" CirL "real tight" ... CalTw B-RunR AL
B   ring: CirL "face your cnr" PasTh StrTh "with the next" CirL
B   ring: CirL AL TPtrR G-StarL BxGnt RLG
B   ring: CirL CirR SF.Pr B-BkTrk "2nd time you see your ptr, Fold in behind" SF.Pr...  -Ron Nelson
B   ring: CirL LyIMS ALTAT SlipC UTurn RLG  -Tommy P Larsen
B   ring: CirL LyIMS LyIMS AL RLG@3 BxGnt (WWGrd) PulBy AL
B   ring: CirL LyIMS LyIMS CirL 4LChn RolPr  (4LChn while circling)
B   ring: CirR G-LStar "with your cnr" AR LRG
B   ring: CirR SFPrm B-"turn in"-RStar AL
B   ring: CirR SFPrm B-BkTrk TPtrR FullT AL  (if it breaks down, call YelRk so they remember their cnr)
B   ring: H-FltWh-PasTh S-FltWh-PasTh CirR "show other squares what you've got!" B-RunR LSwTh AL RLG  -Vic Ceder
B   ring: H-PasTh S-PasTh "all back up a bit" JoinH CirL "ladies OUT and the men sashay" (Twice) LyIMS (Twice) "face ptr" PasTh AL
B   ring: H-Pr1/2 H-RollA,S-PasTh-UTurn A-JoinH CirL LyIMS CirL AL  (call quickly)
B   ring: H-RollA A-CirL (GGBB Circle) CirR Pr.SF G-BkTrk "ptr" DoSaD ...
B   ring: JoinH CirL G-RStar "to your cnr" (only 3/4) AL (FullT) RLG  (harder as middle break of singing call)  -George Knox
B   ring: LyCtr Bk2Bk, B-PromO "meet ptr" LArmT "B swing in" AThar SlipC AL
B   ring: Prom A-WhlAr 4LChn ...
B   ring: R.PBy "the first one" CtsyT "the next one" Prom
B   ring: RollA "B in G sashay"  (= RollA twice)
B   ring: Shoot Alamo  ("Shoot The Star To An Alamo Wave")
B   sequence: [L.W] SwThr Twice  (starts in the middle)
B   singing call ZERO: [0L] RLT FltWh RvFlt "keep her" Prom
B   singing call ZERO: [B] StrTh RvFlt Sweep Sw-Pr  (= StrTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr)
B   singing call ZERO: RLT RollA Sw-Pr
B   singing call ZERO: RLT T1/4 SpltC Twice Sw-Pr
B   singing call ZERO: SwThr B-Trd SwThr G-Trd (SwThr B-Trd) Sw-Pr
B   singing call ZERO: SwThr B-XRun G-Trd G-XRun Sw-Pr  -Scot Byars
B   singing call: [0B] SqT@3 Sw-Pr
B   singing call: [0L] RLT RollA B-WalkA Sw-Pr
B   singing call: [2B] PasTh AL "with same sex!" Sw-Pr
B   singing call: [2W] G-SpltC, B-UTurn Sw-Pr  (unexpected crash)
B   singing call: [B] 4Cir2 = RLT  (use figures you know earlier in class)
B   singing call: [P] C-RLT-CalTw Sw-Pr = C-RLT-WhlAr Sw-Pr = C-PasTh Sw-Pr
B   singing call: A-Prom H-"half way", S-"ALL the way", H-...
B   singing call: AL "come back" Sw-Pr
B   singing call: AL TPtrR = AL DoSaD
B   singing call: C-PasTh equiv: C-RLT-RollA-UTurn  (UTurn not toward ptr)
B   singing call: CirR = CirL if timed a full 8 or 16 beats
B   singing call: FwdBk after PromH for delay to get back on beat with the music
B   singing call: H-FwdBk to add 8 count delay to short figure
B   singing call: H-Pr1/2 = A-Pr1/2 S-RLT  (takes longer, watch timing)
B   singing call: H-Pr1/2 = H-PasTh SepA1 ComIn StrTh
B   singing call: H-SqThr A-CalTw (long pause for people to rethink what they did) CalTw Sw-Pr  -Bill Eyler
B   singing call: last 16 beats: H-SqTh4 "bow to your cnr"
B   singing call: RLT PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr = StrTh PsOcn A8Cir Sw-Pr
B   variety: [SS]+H-SqTh4: "touch your cnr ..err.. QUARTER!"  (fun for nudist tip)
B   stir idea: ??? RLT DivTh DPT 1L.2R BendL RLT PasTh WhlDl C-PasTh RLT RollA "bow cnr" PasTh "bow ptr"
B   stir: 1-LeadR (4Cir4) DivTh 2-LeadR (4Cir4) DivTh 3-LeadR (4Cir4) DivTh 4-LeadR "anyone facing out"-CalTw  -Vic Ceder
B   stir: 12-FltWh 23-RvFlt 34-FltWh 41-RvFlt 13-FltWh 24-RvFlt  -Vic Ceder
B   stir: 2-LeadR DivTh 3-LeadR-Cir2L 1-MovIn-"and with cpl 2"-Cir2L "end cpls only"-BendL
B   stir: 4LChn AL RLG@3 "bow ptr"
B   stir: 4LChn ALIAS G-UTurn  -Vic Ceder
B   stir: 4LChn H-RollA H-StrTh DivTh C-SqTh3 "bow Cnr"
B   stir: 4LChn RollA GrSqr "8 steps" also works if GrSqr "...reverse, then 8 more steps"
B   stir: H-2LChn S-LeadR RLT "bow to cnr"
B   stir: H-2LChn S-LeadR VeerL Feris C-StrTh
B   stir: H-LeadR Cir2L PasTh WhlDl C-Sweep AL BxGnt WWGrd "meet your ptr" "no hands"-StrTh
B   stir: JoinH CirL "exactly half way" A-Sweep
B   teach "Come Down The Middle" with Prom 1/4 (and 3/4) (after H-Prom 1/2 come down the middle)
B   teach 1/2 Square Thru
B   teach 1L.2R: "first couple wheel L, next couple wheel R"
B   teach [0F] WhlDl: "take a look at the other couple in your line" WhlDl "to face the other couple"
B   teach [Q] Ext: "C Wave hands: both busy before, both busy after; one free before, one free after"
B   teach [Q] Ext: "middles stay middles"  (VC of wave should aim for C of outside couple)
B   teach [W]: SwThr "all R, some L"  [L.W]: SwThr "SOME R, all L"
B   teach A8Cir: "let go and go"  -Harlan Kerr
B   teach A8Cir: [W] C-Circ A8Cir  (helps C see their path)
B   teach A8Cir: have students (who are having trouble) watch angels doing circulates
B   teach Alamo: "wave with no begining and no end"
B   teach AThar: "box star = pack-saddle grip"
B   teach Balnc: "forward-touch-back-touch"
B   teach BendL: "C let go, C back up"
B   teach BendL: "The two haves of the line bend to face each other"
B   teach BendL: * "each couple turn and face the C of the line" * "each couple turn and face the other couple in the line" * "each couple turn by having the C back up and E walk fwd"
B   teach BxGnt "this call is hard because you get disoriented and need to find your place in the new formation"
B   teach BxGnt: "G put your R shoulder under the arch"
B   teach BxGnt: like a trade with the person you're facing. all shake R hands. you take each other's place and facing direction.  -Michael Kellogg
B   teach BxGnt: what's hard? ending formation is unclear because dancers are focused on hands and stance
B   teach CalTw: "face your ptr StrTh"
B   teach CalTw: (after StrTh) "keep your ptr's hand, face them and StrTh"
B   teach ChDTL: "G, you'll walk behind the other G" ChDTL "to the other guy, he'll turn you"
B   teach ChDTL: "The formation is the line. See the other cpl in your line? The CtsyT will leave you facing them"
B   teach ChDTL: [0F] "all turn and face down the line, this may help visualize this call"
B   teach ChDTL: BendL "think about 2LChn - think about where you will end" now un-BendL and ChDTL
B   teach Circ: "visualize two train tracks. stay on your own track and stop at the next station"
B   teach Circulates: use outsides and insides before using centers and ends
B   teach ComIn: [SS] H-StrTh-PasTh Sp2A1 ComIn "look toward original home" RLT
B   teach CtsyT: "keep hips together"
B   teach CtsyT: "turn as far as necessary to face the couple you were working with"
B   teach DoSaD: "forward sideward backward"  (helps remind angels in class situation)  -Ron Masker
B   teach DPT: "you'll eventually pass thru two people"
B   teach Ext: "C's stay C's, E's stay E's"
B   teach Feris: VC hand slap enforces proper dance flow and timing
B   teach FltWh: "G are going to make a round trip completely back to where you're standing now"
B   teach FltWh: (do it R!) "R-H dancer goes in with the R arm, pick up the other dancer by their R hand"
B   teach GrSqr: "face the one you walked with"
B   teach GrSqr: "Turn a quarter to face your ptr.  If they're close to you, back away.  If they're far away, walk forward"
B   teach highland swing: [SS] H-MovIn- DoSaD- BkAwy S-MovIn- DoSaD-- BkAwy ...repeat...
B   teach HSash: HSash Twice (build up to HSash 1-1/2)
B   teach MkWav: hold hands like pigeon wings and do 1/2 PasTh
B   teach PasTh: "take hands on the other side"
B   teach PsOcn: work up to sashayed positions: [2L] PsOcn (Cs most prone to mistakes but have normal part and help original Es)  -Bob Elling
B   teach PtTrd: "face your ptr; pass R shouders"...
B   teach PtTrd: "in the couple, R-H side (usually G) is 'little arc side', L-H side (usually B) is 'big arc side'"
B   teach PtTrd: "no hands" CalTw - now do it in slow motion... notice you pass R shoulders 1/2 way through
B   teach PtTrd: "throw the hand back"
B   teach PtTrd: (from sashayed) G is going to make a wide arc out around the B
B   teach PtTrd: [0L] PasTh "hand goes up"-CalTw PasTh "hand goes down"-PtTrd "otherwise same as CalTw"
B   teach RLG: "give a R to your ptr" RLG "R pull by, L to the next, R to the next, L to the next" "always 4 hands"
B   teach RLT: "try the CtsyT without looking down at your hands"
B   teach RLT: [0L] "everybody shake R hands" RP.By (CtsyT)
B   teach RStar,LStar: "stars automatically turn in square dancing"  -Andy Shore
B   teach Run "drop hands"
B   teach Run: B-Run "G-slide over ... because you got the run around"
B   teach Run: B-Run B-Run "again ... right back to where you were"
B   teach Run: demonstrate by "running" (quickly!) 'round and 'round a standing dancer
B   teach SqrTh: SqThr "and don't look back"
B   teach SqT@2 etc.: H-SqTh "but on 2 STOP in a L-H wave"
B   teach SqThr/LSqTh: (practice Pull By) [LO] RPlBy BendL LPlBy BendL etc.
B   teach SqThr: "shake hands" (instictively the R-H so no need to say 'right')
B   teach SqThr: "walk the (4) edges of your box"   (especially for sashayed arrangement)
B   teach SqThr: "Which hand is holding ptr? Always turn toward this direction" (esp. when sashayed)
B   teach SqThr: "you never touch the person in your box on a diagonal"
B   teach SqThr: (normal arrangement) G's last hand of SqTh4 needed again to hold her ptr (two L hands in a row)
B   teach SqThr: shake R-H PasTh, turn in, shake L-H now L shoulder do a L PasTh etc.
B   teach SqThr: teach WWGrd first then make a comparison between SqThr and "a mini WWGrd"
B   teach Star Fig: [0B] "BEFORE you make a RStar, make a mental snapshot of exactly where you are..."  -Bob Kansefsky
B   teach StrTh: "this call is hard because you must first let go of ptr and then use that same hand"
B   teach SwThr: "Half R LET GO! then Half L"
B   teach SwThr: "Repeat after me: SwThr always starts with the R-H"  -Andy Shore
B   teach UTurn: "turn back"
B   teach waves: "center hand" / "ptr hand"  (before doing trades, etc.)
B   teach Weave styling: timing works better (easier) after SlipC AL (as typically called)
B   teach Weave: (gay styling) associate each action with a count to beat of music. shoulder pass is 2 beats.
B   teach Weave: RLG "with no hands, let's weave. R, weave L, weave R L and" Sw-Pr
B   teach WhlAr: "as a couple in place - your handhold stays centered over the same spot"  ("keep the handhold rotating over the same spot")
B   teach WhlDl: "all you need for WhlDl is one line of 4" (helpful when teaching from [TL]/[TF])
B   teach WhlDl: "cosy up to the ptr beside you and stay like this through the call" (helps with odd arrangements)
B   teach WhlDl: "there's a couple on the R and a couple on the L" (procede to explain what each does)
B   teach WhlDl: teach WhlAr first then talk about R-H couple WhlAr then the others "deal in behind"
B   teach XRun: talk about where all the genders are before explaining what to do
B   teach Zoom: "Exchanging places front to back"
B   teach Zoom: "Leaders will loop out completely around to face their own back"
B   teach Zoom: "leaders will rejoin hands behind the trailers"
B   teach Zoom: (designated) Zoom
B   teach/comment WhlDl: "right in front"
B   teach: "leaders"="front people" ; "trailers"="back people"
B   teach: "when you meet in the same spot, share with a R-H"  -Mike Kellogg
B   teach: how do you know when you have a L-H wave? "you have a L-H with ptr(neighbor)" "ends have L-H with centers"
B   teach: sahayed cpls "every B has a G on the wrong side"
B   timing: 1   .   2   .   3   .   4   .   5 Star Thru and Doubl . Pass . Thru .   2   .   3   .   4
B   variety: GrSqr: "Grand Slide" on the parts where dancers come together do slide-close-slide-close instead "with style!" (cue-able)
B   variety: "When!"  (in place of Now! when dancers are expecting it)
B   variety: [SS] CirL... "bow ptr" CirR... "bow cnr" AL ...
B   variety: "2 and 4"-FwdBk S-...
B   variety: [SS] "all 4 chain your ladies"
B   variety: [SS] 4BPromI "counter clockwise"  -Anne Uebelacker
B   variety: [SS] name a single B dancer (e.g. #4 B) to step into the center, others CirL "CB find two G and back out between them"  (fun with mixed gender squares)
B   variety: [Th] C/E/G/B-Circ  (like SlipC)
B   variety: [W] HG and SG Trd  (same as G-Trd)  -Tom Miler
B   variety: PulBy = "pull thru"
B   ZERO: [0B] PasTh 1/2of-Zoom Sw-Pr
B   ZERO: [0L] FltWh Sweep VeerL ChDTL [0L]  (say it fast enough and the G can hang on)
B   ZERO: [0L] RLT "put the lady in the lead" DPT G-UTurn Sw-Pr
B   ZERO: [0L] StrTh 4Cir2 VeerL ChDTL

B   stir: 1-LeadR RLT "original SB (front to back)"-Zoom "those who can"-DivTh ...
      "original cpl 1"-LeadR Cir2L "line of 4"-MovIn-BendL, O-Sep-StrTh  -inspired by Vic Ceder
B   stir: Cpl3&4-RLT "new" Cpl1&3-RLT "new" Cpl2&3-RLT  -Vic Ceder
       (start with any cpl position, that position RLT with cpl on R, then with cpl across, then with cpl on L)
B   (totally broken down) A-JoinH-CirL HB-FwdBk HB-LStar "ptr"-StrPr "her cnr"-StrPr "3 by 3"
      "his ptr"-StrPr "back out to lines" FwdBk  [L1p]
B   teach T1/4: "with the one you're facing ... end(land) in their footprints. Note you're NOT facing
      the direction they're facing, you turn R 1/4. Once again the name of the call is T1/4"
B   timing: "Heads - Up to the Middle & C'mon Back  S - SqTh4  Go!"  (S start SqThr on beat 1)
    Count:    1  -  2    -     3   -   4  -  5  -  6 - 7 - 8 - 1
B   "all join hands and you make a big ring, circle to the L till you hear me sing it...
       ...AL with the cnr and weave the ring
B   singing call: BxGnt + WWGrd in place of Weave (equiv timing,
      interesting as ptrs come together the other way for Sw-Pr)
B   singing call: AL "hang on! keep her"-RolPr = Sw-Pr
      (nice if figure has excessive R-ward flow)
B   stir: 4LChn "face this cnr" RLT (cue: R.PBy CtsyT "your ptr right there")
      (or cue only / no RLT)
B   teach A8Cir: Difficult because you must visualize the entire square, look around and find everyone in your square
       There are several kinds of circulates in square dancing, all circulates have varous paths to follow.
       Slot car track with 2 lanes: inside lane and outside lane. The track has strait-a-ways and bank turns top and bottom
       "front row" around the cnr, "back row" step directly forward to the "front row" to stand in their spots
       Difficult because name sounds like circles. but always think straight ahead first, around the cnr if you need to
       Cpl.C: C must let go of hands, you'll get somebody new
B   teach Circulates: difficult because you have to be aware of the entire square. before calling Cir, describe the
       formation, note position as "front row" or "back row". after doing Cir, tell dancers to note the path
B   teach Ext: "outside couples notice there are two of you and two backs in the wave front of you - one for each of you.
       follow the back in front of you one step forward to find a new wave"
B   teach StrTh "Let go of your ptr. With that same hand, with the person you are facing, make a 2 person Star"
       cue: "with the one you're facning, ptr hand, STAR ... THRU - she goes under, you're a couple - they're now your (temporary) ptr"
B   teach WhlDl: demo to a single dancer standing next to you (facing the same way / looking over your shoulder)
       using your hands palm up in front of you, flop R-H over palm down, then flop L-H over on top
B   [SS] AL DoSaD B-LStar StrPr "keep your G, B back out A FULL TURN AROUND together" CirL LyIMS
       AL "walk by one" Sw-Pr "your hun'"
B   [SS] 4LChn H-2LChn "while" S-FltWh "all at the same time go!" S-"bring him back with you"
        (call 2LChn early so FltWh comes at the right time, cues are reassuring)
B   [SS] HG-FwdBk HG-"face your cnr"-StrTh "same 4"-FwdBk-SqTh4 "meet someone"-StrTh
       [0L1p] (at 45 deg)  -Jim Osborne
B   [W] Discover arrangement knowing only ptrs are opposite cnrs of same box
      (e.g. A-A or B-B etc. in diagram below)
        A^ Bv C^ Dv
        B^ Av D^ Cv
      C-Trd B-Run  -or-  SwThr B-Run  (either way produces normal couples)
B   gimmick: "#1 Lady"-PromI, O-JoinH CirL 2B-"make an arch" CG-"dive thru the arch and look for another square
      look for an arch and dive in. find that spot again back out" CirL AL Prom
      (do this again with #1 B and have him look for the square with his orginal ptr)
B   ^ v
    v v
    ^ ^
    ^ v  "there's a C part and an E part" A-TrdBy  (gimmick)
B   ^ ^
    v v  TrdBy
B    v
    v v
    ^ ^
     ^   Zoom
Compare next 2 figures
B   fig: S-BxGnt-PasTh SepA1 FwdBk PasTh WhlDl DPT LrTrd T1/4 SpltC Sw-Pr  -David Cox
B   fig: S-BxGnt-PasTh SepA1 FwdBk PasTh WhlDl DPT LrUTurn SwThr Sw-Pr  -David Cox
Compare next 2 figures
B   fig: H-FwdBk-CrossTrailThru Arnd2 "make a line" FwdBk PasTh JoinH C-Arch E-TrnIn DPT Clovr C-TrnTh Sw-Pr (from Old Pine Tree)
B   fig: H-SqTh2 "arch in the middle" DivTh O-Sep "make a line" FwdBk A-PasTh E-Fold,C-Arch DivTh DPT Clovr C-LTrnT BxGnt Sw-Pr
Compare next 2 figures
B   fig: H-PasTh-HSash SepA2 "make a line" FwdBk PasTh C-Arch E-TrnIn DPT Clovr C-TrnTh Sw-Pr (from Old Pine Tree)
B   fig: H-SqTh2 "arch in the middle" DivTh O-Sep "make a line" FwdBk A-PasTh E-Fold,C-Arch DivTh DPT Clovr C-LTrnT BxGnt Sw-Pr
Compare next 2 figures
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD T1/4 WlkDg PtTrd RLT PsOcn Recyc Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run 1/2Tg WlkDg PtTrd PsOcn Recyc Sw-Pr
Compare next 5 getouts:
B   getout: [L1p] RLG
B   getout: [L1p] AL RLG
B   getout: [L1p] C-AL RLG
B   getout: [L1p] E-AL RLG
B   getout: [L1p] A-"with the one you're facing"-AL A-RLG
Compare next 5 figures:
B   fig: H-Pr1/2-RLT S-LeadR Cir2L T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr   (note: SB all flow to the R)
B   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L RLT RLT T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L T1/4 Col.C B-Run RLT DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR RLT DivTh C-SqTh3 Cir2L T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr
B   fig: H-LeadR 4Cir2 RLT Cir2L T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr   (tricky for those like to Slide To A Line)

B   ! 4GPromI "Swing your CORNER"  (short-cut figure if they're running behind)
B   ! [0B] RLT LeadL WhlAr FltWh [0L]
B   ! [1LO] BendL E-Run C-Trd [0L]
B   ! [I.L] C-Run WhlDl (WhlDl from facing [L]
B   ! [L.TW] SwThr  (not grand)
B   ! [SS] H-SqT@4 MakWv SwThr "R!" [L.Q]
B   ! AL BxGnt H-Roll GrSqr  (unusual)
B   ! fig: H-SqTh2 A-SqTh2 WhlDl C-LSwTh-LTrnT A-SwThr-TrnTh TrdBy SwThr TrnTh Sw-Pr
B   ! getout: [0P](C-SqTh3 to cnr) C-DoSaD CalTw AL
B   ! getout: [L2p] StrTh DoSaD A8Cir AL "with your CORNER!"  (catch those that DoSaD ToWav)
B   ! GGBB circle: "H in S sashay" (still in a GGBB circle)
B   ! GrSqr (after 8 beats) "reverse it HERE!" (requires precise timing: caller and dancers)
B   ! SlipC "hang on make an" AThar "GIRLS wheel in to make a star"  (call very quickly for success)

Callerlab Basic but not SSD

B-  [SS] (CirL) G-StarR SeSaw
B-  [SS] CirL "walk all around the big 'ol ring" CirL  (dancers think WlkAC and do it anyway)  -Steve Minken
B-  [SS] G-LStar "to your cnr" TCnrR DoPas CirL "after the CtsyT of course!"
B-  [SS] WlkAC "L and R Grand" "with ptr" AL "HANG ON, keep her" Prom  (timing is critical)
B-  [SS] WlkAC "L and R Grand" DoPas  (also after TrnTh or AR, etc.)
B-  [SS] WlkAC "L and R Grand" TPtrL (FullT) 4LChn  (or a very careful pause in place of FullT)
B-  [SS] WlkAC "stack the wood" DoPas  (chance to remember then forget)
B-  [SS] WlkAC DoPas (TPtrL) 4LChn
B-  [SS] WlkAC SeSaw CirL...
B-  break: (call 12 beats early) H-SqTh4 AR Alamo Balnc LSwTh Balnc LSwTh DoPas AThar Slip AL Sw-Pr  (use shortened fig before this)
B-  break: 4LChn CirL RollA "weave by one" SeSaw "the next" LA Weave Sw-Pr
B-  break: 4LChn RollA CirL WlkAC DoPas TPtrL FullT "R-H lady"-Sw-Pr
B-  break: G-Bk2Bk B-Prom DoPas TPtrL FullT B-Bk2Bk G-Prom Sw-Pr
B-  break: WlkAC SeSaw CirL ... LyIMS CirL LyIMS CirL AL RLG@3 Sw-Pr  (AL w orig cnr if middle break)
B-  break: WlkAC SeSaw DoSaD-"cnr" G-StarL TPtrR FullT AL Weave
B-  break: WlkAC TPtrL 4LCh3 CirL RollA Weave Sw-Pr
B-  cue DoPas: "ptr by the L, lookin' for the cnr, cnr by the R..."
B-  fig: H-RLT A-RollA H-SqTh4 A-SqTh3 DoPas "cnr" Sw-Pr
B-  ring: WlkAC DoPas "L and R Grand" TPtrL AThar SlipC AL  -Bill Eyler
B-  ring: WlkAC TPtrL (FullT) G-StarR DoPas
B-  ring: WlkAC TPtrL B-StarR TPtrL G-StarR DoPas
B-  ring: WlkAC TPtrL FullT "G center" AThar "back it up Gs!" ... DoPas
B-  ring: WlkAC TPtrL TCnrR "B swing in" WWThr "G push, B back up" SlipC RLG
B-  ring: [SS] WlkAC TPtrL G-StarR DoPas
B-  teach WlkAC / SeSaw  "turn them with your eyes"  (some folks over do this: "watch the high-beams")

B-  LA BxGnt WWGrd "Hand over hand it could be worse do a" DoPas "but in reverse"
     Turn the ptr R
     R-H lady with the L-H round
     Back to the ptr R for a WWThr Shoot LA   -Andrew DonDero

Callerlab Mainstream (may include SSD-safe material)

M   [0B] "everyone shake R-H and wait until I say go." C-SqTh3, E-8Chn4 "GO!" [0P]
M   [0B] 8Chn6 (wait till the 3rd hand then start counting random numbers to confuse dancers)  -Steve Minken
M   [0B] LT1/4 Scoot-"left" G-Run-"left" "and we're left in lines" [L0]  -Vic Ceder
M   [0B] T1/4 C-Trd C-Run (or "traders"-Run) 1/2Tg [5W] C-Trd C-Run [0F]
M   [0B] T1/4 G-Fold DPT FaceR [0F]
M   [0C] "each side"-WlkDg C-VeerR  (call qucikly for flow)  -Vic Ceder
M   [0C] Hinge Recyc [0L]
M   [0D] VCRun G-1/2Tg A-1/2Tg  (VCRun "1/2 Tag The Line then Tag The Line 1/2")
M   [0F] C-WlkDg-Clovr, O-"slide together"-SHing [2Q]
M   [0F] Cpl.H B-Run  [5TW]
M   [0F] Tag "G go L, B go R"
M   [0F] Tag G-PeelO, B-Trd
M   [0F] Tag G-UTurn "and scream!"  (drop music volume)  -Paul Waters
M   [0F] Tag.I PasTh G-Fold [2B]  -Tim Mariner
M   [0F] Tag.I T1/4 Col.C B-Run [0P]
M   [0L] "put the lady in the lead and STOP!" [1P] "G make a wave" [1Q]
M   [0L] 1/2of-BW.GD  [2Q]  (B in wave)
M   [0L] B-FwdBk A-PasTh B-Trd LHing [L.0W]  (flow like DixiS)
M   [0L] B-Walk A-StrTh  [0F]  (natural flow into new formation)
M   [0L] BW.GD WlkDg G-Run "and the B dodge" B-Run [0L]
M   [0L] DixiS 3/4Tg G-SwThr, B-FaceR  (carefull not to sound like ChasR)
M   [0L] DixiS B-Scoot A-Scoot ChDTL [0L]
M   [0L] DixiS B-Trd G-Run (G-Trd)
M   [0L] DixiS B-Trd LSwTh CtsyT [0L]
M   [0L] DixiS B-Trd SHing B-Trd [0L]
M   [0L] DixiS B-XFold "looking at a live one" A-StrTh  -Ann Uebelacker
M   [0L] DixiS B-XFold A-StrTh [0L]  (distorted formation may upset challenge dancers)
M   [0L] DixiS B-XRun G-UTurn ChDTL  (exciting for Gs)
M   [0L] DixiS G-Zoom B-... (give calls to the B while the G figure out what to do)
M   [0L] FltWh BW.GD C-Trd SwThr B-Run RvFlt GW.BD C-Trd LSwTh G-Run (repeat)  -Bob Elling
M   [0L] FltWh SldTh  (simple nice flow)
M   [0L] G-FwdBk A-PasTh G-Trd SHing [0W]  (helpful for mixed-gender squares)
M   [0L] G-Walk A-StrTh  [L.0F]  (natural flow into new formation)
M   [0L] RLT DixiS B-Trd B-Run B-Fold "face her directly" StrTh "adjust! lines..." FwdBk [0L]  (ZERO)
M   [0L] RLT DixiS B-Trd G-Run ChDTL [0L]
M   [0L] RLT G-"on a diagonal shake R-H"-PulBy Scoot B-Run B-"diagonal L-H"-PulBy "everybody L-H"-Scoot G-RunL "around 1 guy" [0L]
M   [0L] RLT G-W.B-D WlkDg HSash WhlAr [0L]
M   [0L] RLT G-W.B-D WlkDg WhlAr HSash [0L]
M   [0L] RLT GW.BD Ca3/4 ChDTL  (lot of leftward flow)
M   [0LO] Tag "your choice: face L or R" Tag.I [0L]
M   [0LO] Tag A-UTurn C-SwThr [0Q]
M   [0LO] Tag Zoom FaceI "make a line"  [0L]  (call A-FaceI immediately after Zoom for flow)
M   [0LO] Tag.O WhlDl [0P]  -Buddy Weaver
M   [0LO] WhlDl C-LSwTh-LTrnT A-SwThr-TrnTh TrdBy SldTh "lines!" [0L]
M   [0M] A-"do the last part of SldTh" [1L]
M   [0M] CtrIn B-"only"-Ca3/4 G-BendL  (same as A-Ca3/4)
M   [0M] CtrIn B-"only"-WhlAr Cpl.C  [L.1F]  -Jerry Justin
M   [0M] CtrIn Ca3/4 C-HSash [0L]  -Vic Ceder
M   [0M] CtrIn Tag CtrIn Tag (different parts each time)
M   [0P] "Bs you're on the L" A-DPT CtrIn B-Ca3/4, G-BendL  (same as A-Ca3/4)
M   [0P] "Bs you're on the L" A-DPT CtrIn B-WhlAr [L.2F] Cpl.C (etc.)
M   [0P] C-SqTh3,E-CalTw CtrIn Ca3/4  [1L]
M   [0P] if C-StrTh = at home, but outsides are paired and out of seq: DPT LrClovr, O-CalTw
M   [0Q] C-Recyc DPT 1L.2R [0L]  (balanced flow)
M   [0Q] C-SpTop -BRun Tag Splt2 GL.BR Arnd1 [1L]
M   [0TW] B-XFold G-"step back" RvFlt
M   [0TW] B-XFold RLT
M   [0W] CG-"stand still, everone else"-Recyc (may also work from 3-1 line)
M   [0W] Recyc Cir2L
M   [0W] Recyc VeerL ChDTL
M   [0W] SHing C-Hinge VCHinge CGUTurn [HG]  (fun to figure out who the C G are)
M   [0W] WlkDg UTurn [4L]  (a way into this arrangement)
M   [0W]/[5W] A8Cir SHing A8Cir SHing  (changes seq, maintains arrangement)
M   [0W]/[5W] SHing A8Cir SHing A8Cir  (changes seq, maintains arrangement)
M   [0W]/[5W] SHing C-Trd SHing SpltC  (changes seq and arrangement?)
M   [0W]/[5W] SHing SpltC SHing C-Trd  (changes seq, maintains arrangement)
M   [1B] DoSaD ToWav B-Fold [2B]  (B squeeze "buns" into the middle - fun for nude tip)
M   [1B] DoSaD ToWav G-Fold [2P]
M   [1B] SqThr- B-3, G-4, B-Clovr  -Lee Kopman
M   [1F] B-1/2Tg, G-Feris-SwThr [0D]
M   [1L] E-PasTh-"and"-XFold [0P]
M   [1LO] C-Trd, E-XFold [0P]  (like XFire)
M   [1LO] E-XFold (or C-XFold) [0B]
M   [1P] G-T1/4 -Scoot (-SpltC) "B find a G"-CtsyT
M   [1Q] "Double Track"-DixiS
M   [1Q] DTrak DixiS [L.0W]  (nice after G-SwThr)
M   [1Q] G-Recyc-Sweep, B-LeadR [2B]  (B in center)
M   [1Q] Scoot B-FaceR
M   [1W] 1/2of-WlkDg B-Ca3/4,G-FaceL  [L.0W]   (similar to FYNbr)
M   [1W] B-Scoot, G-Dodge "into his spot"
M   [1W] C-Run Tag.I
M   [1W] Scoot "and" SwThr "try the other way" SwThr "and" Scoot [2W] B-Run [0L]
M   [1W] Scoot SwThr Scoot SwThr Scoot [2W] B-Run [0L]   (some keep doing the same part)
M   [1W] WlkDg B-Fold A-VeerL [2F]
M   [2B] "listen carefully..." A-PasTh G-SqTh3 "split the B, go between 'em, around 1 B, hook on the end" A-SHing B-Fold [1P]
M   [2B] SqThr- G-3, B-4, G-Clovr  -Lee Kopman
M   [2L] C-SqTh3, E-TrnTh A-CstyT  [0L]
M   [2P] B-LSwTh LTrnT StrTh [L.0F]  (nice hand use)
M   [2P] B-SldTh (R-H box of B in the center)
M   [2W] FaceR RLT [0B]  (instead of calling B-Run after Scoot)
M   [2W] G-Fold B-Scoot [2B]
M   [3C] "G are in the middle, yes?" G-Scoot
M   [3F]/[4F] E-Fold A-StrTh Cpl.C BendL [0L]
M   [3LO] Tag.R [0F]
M   [3Lro] B-Recyc, G-Feris [1P]
M   [3TW]/[4TW] G-Ca3/4,B-SHing [3C]/[4C]
M   [3W]/[4W] G-Ca3/4,B-SHing [4W]/[3W]
M   [4Lro] G-Recyc, B-Feris [2P]
M   [5C] B-Fold 2LChn [0B]  (a bit tight)
M   [5F] B-Circ A-HSash G-Circ A-Ca3/4 ("to your L, G forward,B backing up") [0L]  (or A-WhlAr [L.0F])
M   [5F] C-WlkDg-Clovr, O-"slide together"-ChDTL [0L]  (almost legal!)
M   [5F] Cpl.C BendL G-Ext-SwThr-TrnTh StrTh B-Trd [L.0F]
M   [5F] E-Fold StrTh [0L] PasTh WhlDl [0P]  (offset makes natural shoulder pass)
M   [5F] Tag "put ladies in"
M   [5F]/[L.5F] E-Fold SldTh [0L]
M   [5L] C-PasTh A-Tag [0M]
M   [5L] E-PasTh-"and"-Fold [0P]
M   [5L] HSash "she leads"-DixiS
M   [5Q] Ext SpTop
M   [5TW] A-Fold RLT
M   [B] (RLT) DixiS GrSwt ChDTL ("chain down each line") [B]
M   [B] CtrIn C-Run E-Fold  (a ZERO)
M   [B] PsOcn SpTop = SwThr
M   [B] PsTTC PasTh "in the center"  (similar sound)
M   [C] C-WlkDg CtrIn A-Ca3/4 C-PsOcn [D]
M   [C] C-WlkDg Splt2 SepA1 [3-1 line]
M   [Clo] ?-StrTh O-CtrIn- -Ca3/4 [L]
M   [F.3C] F-SldTh, O-FaceI [1L]
M   [F] C-Circ A-HSash A-WhlAr (or Ca3/4)  [L]
M   [F] Ca3/4 "go L"
M   [F] E-Fold Sw-Pr  (nice hand-hold transiion)
M   [F]/[L.F] Ca3/4 Sweep  (bogus?)
M   [F]/[LO] 1/2Tg SwThr  (nice pattern to use often. helps dancers conceptualize formation after 1/2Tg)
M   [I.L] E-Fold "to face a back"
M   [L.0C] LHing ChDTL ("chain down each line")
M   [L.0D] B-LSwTh -LTrnT, G-FaceI A-StrTh  (carefull timing makes this flow well)
M   [L.0F] B-Run Recyc [0B]
M   [L.0F] G-Fold A-T1/4 B-Fold [1P]
M   [L.0W] B-XRun Recyc
M   [L.1Q] Ext G-Fold (doesn't matter if Ext to L hand)
M   [L.F] C-Fold Sw-Pr  (nice hand-hold transiion)
M   [L.F] Cpl.T HSash E-Fold
M   [L.F] LrWhlAr DixiS (or other flowing call like FltWh, etc.)
M   [L.Q] Ext "L-H"
M   [L.TW] C6-TrnTh
M   [L.W] "left" Scoot LA
M   [L] E-PasTh C-PasTh Ca3/4  (makes Ca3/4 intuitive - flows nicely after [LO] BendL)
M   [L] E-PasTh E-Fold [P] (nice after BendL)
M   [Lir] C-Hinge RLG
M   [LO] BendL "NEW line"-1/2Tg
M   [LO] BendL BendL Ca3/4  "just keep going!"
M   [LO] BendL E-PasTh C-PasTh Ca3/4
M   [LO] C-Fold SldTh [0L] (far apart)  (unusual, fun)
M   [LO] WhlDl C-HSash Zoom DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 [0L]
M   [LO]/[F] Tag FaceR (pause) FaceR "again"  (harder than UTurn)  -Anne Uebelacker
M   [LO]/[F] Tag G-R,B-L (without the word Face)
M   [Lxi] C-PasTh A-Tag (FaceI)
M   [P] DPT 1/2of-Zoom (SHing) F-PasTh [0LO]  (use C or E instead of F facing)        (also Ca3/4 in place of SHing)
M   [SS] "just"-HG-TrnTh-StrTh-Pr1/2 = H-Pr1/2 + 8 beats
M   [SS] 4LChn H-DixiS S-RollA H-SwThr Ext ChDTL  (call quickly)
M   [SS] CirL AL DoSaD B-StarL TrnTh AL
M   [SS] CirL AL TPtrR FullT B-StarL TrnTh AL
M   [SS] H-DixiS F-BxGnt VCTrd C-LSwTh Ext G-RunL [0L1p]
M   [SS] H-LeadR BW.GD [5C]
M   [SS] H-LeadR CtrIn  -Bronc Wise
M   [SS] H-LeadR VeerL Tag.I T1/4 Col.C Twice H-Run "around the S" [1P]  -Jerry Justin
M   [SS] H-LSpTop / LSwThr / LTrnT (great way to introduce/practice hard calls)
M   [SS] H-LT1/4 WlkDg Cir2L
M   [SS] H-PasTh -Clovr "squeeze in make a line"  -Bill Eyler
M   [SS] H-PsOcn VC-Trd "all"-B-Ext A-Recyc A-VeerL C-Tag.L A-SwThr C-Trd RLG (or TrnTh AL)  -inspired by John Jones
M   [SS] H-RLT VeerL Tag Splt2 GL.BR Arnd1 [1L]  -Rob French
M   [SS] H-SqTh4 S-HSash-UTurn CtrIn [1LO]
M   [SS] H-SqTh4 S-WhlAr CtrIn [1LO]
M   [SS] H-T1/4 "G you're facing"-PasTh C-PasTh "B and G facing"-PasTh G-Clovr, B-Hinge (VC-Trd) [2Q]
M   [SS] H-TrnTh C-Fold, O-StrTh [0P]
M   [SS] HGTrnTh StrTh Pr1/2 (singing call)
M   [TD] C6Hinge
M   [TD] VCHinge
M   [Th] B-Fold A-Prom "congo style" G-BkTrk (etc...)
M   [Th] Shoot Alamo = Ca3/4 Alamo
M   [Th] Shoot RLG = Ca3/4 RLG
M   [TW] A-Fold [L]  (like SingleWheel)
M   [W] (SHing C-Trd) 3x  (restores arrangement - teaches seeing the new wave)
M   [W] 1/2of-WlkDg  [M]
M   [W] E-Trd = SHing SpltC SHing
M   [W] Recyc "sweep 1/2"
M   [W] Recyc Sweep "swing who you swept with"  -Bob Knowels
M   [W] SpTop VC-Trd [TW]  (helps develop understanding of side-by-side formations)
M   RLG TrnTh Fwd2 "with a L and a R hang on, B wheel in"-WWThr
M   RLT DixiS = RLT G-W,B-D SHing
M   RollA TrnTh = SqTh3 (nice before AL)
M   TrnTh is somewhat similar to WlkAC

M   2 couple: "Put Trailers In" Ca3/4
M   asymmetric: [0 lines facing one wall] E-Fold [5B] + symmetric
M   at home idea: (e.g. after Feris) C-GW.BD-FaceI / C-BW.GD-FaceI  (according to flow)
M   at home: C-Spit2- Clovr "while the others bow to the ptr"
M   at home: Feris (if C-Sweep 3x is home, then...) C-LT1/4-WlkDg-WhlAr
M   at home: [0P](C-SldTh at home) C-PasTh A-PasTh E-Clovr  -Buddy Weaver
M   at home: [5LO] E-Fold, C-FaceI  -Tim Mariner
M   at home: [B1c](at home) A-PasTh E-Clovr C-"back up"
M   at home: [SS] S-PasTh SepA1 A-PasTh Tag A-CalTw C-FaceI
M   break: 4BPromI BxGnt WWGrd BxGnt Weave Sw-Pr
M   break: H-SqTh4 Sp2A1 A-CirL AL Weave
M   comment [0B] L-T1/4 WlkDg WhlAr: "wheel her around"  -Deborah Carrol
M   comment singing call: Scoot "go Jack" Scoot "go Jill" Sw-Pr "promenade her down the hill"
M   comment: "B Walk, everybody else Dodge"
M   comment: [0L] DixiS "..to a wave or two"  -Deborah Carrol
M   comment: [0TW] GrSwT GrSwT "here's the hard call" RLT
M   comment: [1W] WlkDg "dodge into HIS hole"
M   comment: [2W] Scoot "you go G!"  (especially for gay crowd)
M   comment: [LO] (e.g. after [5B] SldTh) "Bun-side in - bump to the middle and back"
M   comment: B-Fold "G don't"
M   comment: Ca3/4 "well if you go that way, make it 5/4"  (if some go the wrong way)  -Mike Jacobs
M   comment: DixiS "and make a nice wave"
M   comment: DixiS "to a L-H wave"
M   comment: E-Fold "C don't"
M   comment: G-Fold "to face the B's behind"
M   comment: prior to unusual SldTh "do we know our gender?"  (mixed gender group)
M   contrast: SpChT from facing couples; 8ChTh from waves
M   cue 1/2Tg: [LO]/[L] "look to the middle" 1/2Tg
M   cue [0TW] RLT: "G wait, he'll turn you"
M   cue Ca3/4: "C forward" A-Ca3/4 "E backing up" "C forward"
M   cue Ca3/4: "Cs forward, Es are backing up"
M   cue Ca3/4: "L hand" (or "R hand") Ca3/4
M   cue Ca3/4: (count "1...2...3" to keep dancers from rushing)
M   cue Ca3/4: (from [LO]/[F]/[L.F]): "who are the centers"-Ca3/4 "centers forward"
M   cue Ca3/4: (push cast) Ca3/4 "C push forward around the E"
M   cue Ca3/4: [1W] Ca3/4 "till we have 2 G in the middle"
M   cue Ca3/4: [1W] Ca3/4 "until the G touch"
M   cue Ca3/4: [F] "out to your L" A-Ca3/4
M   cue Ca3/4: [F] C-Circ A-"Cast L 3/4"
M   cue Ca3/4: CtrIn Ca3/4 "notice centers forward"  (a few times from [0M], then from [1LO])
M   cue DixiS: "B give a L to the G, swing in, touch R"
M   cue DixiS: [5L] "he goes" DixiS [L.5W]
M   cue DixiS: [SS] 4LDixiS "..to an AThar with the B in the middle of the Thar and the B back up!"
M   cue DixiS: [SS] 4LDixiS "..to an ocean wave, it'll look like a Thar"  -Deborah Carrol
M   cue Recyc: "C turn back and go with the end"
M   cue Recyc: "go with the end B (or G)"
M   cue Recyc: [5W] "G are on the ends" Recyc
M   cue Recyc: [5W] Recyc "G Recyc the B, even though he REALLY doesn't want to go that way with you"
M   cue Recyc: [5W] Recyc "G take a B"  -Michael Kellogg
M   cue Scoot: "look for your box of 4" Scoot  (good second way to cue L-H Scoot)
M   cue Scoot: [W] "straight ahead" Scoot  (when Scoot comes not after T1/4 or SHing)
M   cue Scoot: [W] Balnc Scoot "straight ahead"  (especially useful for unusual arrangements)
M   cue SldTh: "with a WHOOSH!"  (helps memory recall after teach, makes it fun)
M   cue SpChT: (easy progression) [0W] SpChT-"G clap" [5W] SpChT-"B clap" [0W] SpChT-G-UTurn-Circ1-"don't touch the Bs" [L.0F]
M   cue SpTop: "half, 3/4, and the ends move up"  -Ron Masker
M   cue SpTop: "R-H!" SpTop
M   cue SwThr: [0L] "send her" DixiS "to a L-H wave, think R" SwThr
M   cue SwThr: [0L] DixiS "B squeeze R hands" SwThr
M   cue SwThr: [L.0W] (after DixiS) SwThr "B start it!"  -Deborah Carrol
M   cue TrnTh: [W] "R arm" TrnTh
M   cue TrnTh: [W] "with an arm" TrnTh
M   cue TrnTh: say who to work with "the one in your R arm"
M   cue WlkDg: [L.W] WlkDg "left"
M   cue: after SHing or T1/4 or 1/2Tg: "centers!...." (to focus dancers' attention for C-Trd etc.)
M   equiv: [5C] A-FaceI SldTh = B-Run
M   equiv: [F] BendL T1/4  = XFire
M   equiv: [Thar] "left"-Ca3/4 = Shoot
M   equiv: [W] "Eskimo Sashay" = &Sprd  (sliding nose to nose)  -Rick Hampton
M   equiv: [W] SHing SpltC = C-Run 1/2Tg
M   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-BxGnt SqT@2 LTrnT
M   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-HSash SqT@4 LTrnT
M   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-PasTh SepA2 (to a line) E-Fold
M   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-RStar "find your cnr" "left"-DoSaD  -Heiner Fischle
M   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-RvFlt LT1/4 WlkDg (setup for R-H next call)
M   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-T1/4  G-Run LTrnT
M   equiv: H-SqTh4 = S-Face A-BxGnt SldTh
M   equiv: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run BendL = H-SqTh4 PsOcn Recyc
M   equiv: PasTh = RLT RollA TrnTh
M   equiv: PasTh = SwThr C-Trd TrnTh
M   equiv: PsOcn = SldTh DoSaD ToWav
M   equiv: Recyc SwThr = A-Trd
M   equiv: RLT = PsOcn SHing G-UTurn (but with R-ward flow)
M   equiv: SldTh PasTh TrdBy = RollA StrTh TrdBy
M   equiv: SpChT = E-Circ A-Trd
M   equiv: WWGrd = 8Chn4 (use WWGrd from [B] in singing call)
M   fig DIY: SpTop PasTh BendL SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: 1/2Tg WlkDg CalTw RvFlt SldTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: 4LCh3 H-Pr1/2-LeadR DoSaD SwThr B-Run Tag.I SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: 4LCh3 H-Pr1/2-T1/4-WlkDg SwThr B-Run Tag (delay, e.g. "B tap her shoulder") G-UTurn Sw-Pr
M   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 LeadR Cir2L PsOcn SpChT G-Circ2 Sw-Pr
M   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 SldTh PasTh DoSaD 8Chn6 Sw-Pr  (also a stir)
M   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run 1/2Tg Sw-Pr
M   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 RLT T1/4 Scoot Sw-Pr
M   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/4 SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run 1/2Tg Sw-Pr
M   fig: A4Pr1/2 H-LeadR Cir2L RLT SldTh 8Chn5 Sw-Pr
M   fig: G-"into the C"-TrnTh "back to the ptr" StrTh VCB-Trd-WhlDl Zoom DPT LrTrd T1/4 Scoot B-Run SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-4Cir3 VeerL VeerR LT1/4 WlkDg WhlAr FltWh Sweep PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-FltWh S-FltWh H-SqTh4 SpChT TrnTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-FwdBk S-LeadR Cir2L FwdBk RLT DixiS B-XFold A-PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L FwdBk PasTh Tag.I T1/4 B-Run 8Chn5 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L FwdBk PasTh WhlDl DPT 1L.2R RLT SldTh PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L FwdBk PasTh WhlDl DPT 1L.2R SldTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L FwdBk RLT DixiS B-XFold A-PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L FwdBk RLT StrTh DoSaD SwThr B-Trd TrnTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L PasTh WhlDl DPT 1R.2L BendL SldTh PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L RLT FltWh RvFlt SldTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L RLT FwdBk PasTh WhlDl C-DoSaD-SpTop-StrTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR VeerL B-Circ,C-Trd Feris DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 C-SqTh4,E-SldTh Sw-Pr  (also a stir)
M   fig: H-LeadR VeerL BendL RvFlt DixiS B-Trd G-Run ChDTL SqTh4 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C BendL PasTh WhlDl DPT 1L.2R StrTh PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C BendL PsOcn SpChT G-Circ2 (TrnTh AL) Sw-Pr  (omit optional calls for shorter figure after teach)
M   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C BendL RLT T1/4 Col.C B-Run 8Chn4 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C ChDTL FltWh Sweep (DoSaD) SwThr TrnTh Sw-Pr (3/4)
M   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C ChDTL FltWhl SldTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-LSqTh4 LDoSaD LT1/4 WlkDg WhlAr FltWh SldTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-PasTh Clovr Zoom C-SqTh3 (or equiv) ZERO Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-PasTh SepA1 A-PasTh Tag Clovr C-SqTh3 8Chn4 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 BxGnt-SldTh Cir2L PasTh WhlDl DPT A-Trd C-PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR Cir2L FwdBk StrTh DoSaD SpChT G-Circ2 "lookin' for a man to swing" Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR Cir2L PsOcn SpChT G-Circ2 TrnTh AL Sw-Pr  (reverse progression)
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR Cir2L RLT 1/4Mr Cpl.C BendL SldTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR Cir2L RLT FltWh Sweep SwThr B-Trd TrnTh Sw-Pr  (needs more Mainstream calls)
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR Cir2L RLT PasTh WhlDl C-SwThr-TrnTh AL "keep her" RolPr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR DoSaD SwThr B-Run 1/2Tg WlkDg PtTrd T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR RLT SwThr B-Run BendL FwdBk SldTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR RLT T1/4 SpltC B-Fold G-DoSaD-SwThr-TrnTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR RStar LStar-"1/2 way" DoSaD SwThr TrnTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR VeerL B-Circ,G-Trd BendL FwdBk PasTh WhlDl Zoom C-PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 LT1/4-WlkDg Cir2L FwdBk T1/4 Col.C B-Run Sw-Pr   (note: SB all flow to the R)
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 PasTh-SepA1-ComIn-RLT-FullT T1/4 SpltC SHing B-XFold Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn B-Ext Recyc DPT LrTrd SwThr TrnTh AL Prom
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run BendL RLT DixiS G-Circ AL Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Trd SHing SpltC-2X B-Fold DPT G-UTurn Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SwThr SpTop SldTh RLT DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Recyc PasTh SwThr B-Run BendL RLT SldTh PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext SpChT G-Circ1 [5W] ZERO Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext SpChT G-Circ2 TrnTh Sw-Pr  (short figure for class)
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-RLT H-FltWh-Sweep-PasTh DoSaD 8Chn4 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-RLT-PsOcn B-"only"-Ext "each box"-WlkDg "finish"-Feris C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-RLT-PsOcn B-Ext "each box"-WlkDg "finish"-Feris C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-RLT-PsOcn Ext WlkDg WhlDl C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 SldTh-PasTh DoSaD StrTh RLT DixiS B-XFold Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh2 DoSaD SwThr B-Run 1/2Tg SwThr C-Trd B-Run SldTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd Recyc PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 RLT 8Chn2 T1/4 Scoot Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 SwThr SpTop RLT SqTh2 TrdBy Sw-Pr   (RLT SqTh2 easy to substitute)
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 T1/4 Scoot B-Run PsOcn A8Cir Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 StrTh DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 StrTh DPT A-CalTw C-PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr1/2 T1/4 WlkDg SwThr B-Run BendL RLT T1/4 Cpl.C B-Run Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Pr3/4,S-SwThr-TrnTh PasTh TrdBy SwThr B-Run Cpl.C 1/2Tg Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-Prom,S-RLT-FltWh-Sweep-PasTh DoSaD StrTh PasTh Tag LrUTurn Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-RLT HSash SldTh SwThr B-Trd B-Run Feris C-PasTh SwThr Sw-Pr  -David Cox
M   fig: H-RLT HSash SldTh SwThr B-Trd B-Run Feris C-PasTh T1/4 SpltC Sw-Pr  -David Cox
M   fig: H-SldTh PasTh Cir2L FwdBk PsThr WhlDl C-StrTh-PasTh-Clovr C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SldTh PasTh DoSaD SpChT G-Circ1 B-Run BendL SldTh PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh2 RLT VeerL Cpl.C 1/2Tg WlkDg CalTw RvFlr Sweep VeerR Prom
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD 8ChTh Sw-Pr  (use song w lots of lyrics)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SldTh RLT FltWh PsOcn SwThr Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run 1/2Tg Scoot-1-1/2 Feris C-PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run 1/2Tg WlkDg PtTrd RLT HSash B-WalkA Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run BendL PasTh WhlDl C-PasTh T1/4 Scoot Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run BendL RvFlt DixiS B-XFold Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run BendL RvFlt SldTh 8Chn1 AL Prom
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run G-Scoot Cpl.C Tag G-UTurn Sw-Pr (3/4)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run Tag Clovr G-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run Tag.L Feris C-PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Trd SpTop Recyc PsOcn A-Fold Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-XRun ChDTL PsOcn Recyc Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr G-Circ,B-Trd B-Run BendL SldTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr SpTop SHing Col.C B-Run RLT Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr SpTop SHing G-UTurn Sw-Pr  (short)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr SpTop SldTh RLT T1/4 SpltC Twice Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr SpTop SldTh RLT T1/4 WlkDg PtTrd G-WalkA Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD T1/4 C-Trd SwThr C-Run Tag LrUTurn Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD T1/4 SpltC SwThr C-Trd WlkDg B-Fold Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav C-Trd G-Run Tag.R BendL RvFlt SldTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd G-Run Tag Clovr "B in the lead" B-SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (compare to Clovr G-SqTh3 Sw-Pr)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd Recyc RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd SwThr B-Run BendL RLT DixiS B-Trd Recyc VeerR Prom
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd SwThr B-Run Tag Zoom B-UTurn Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd SwThr SpTop Recyc SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav Recyc RLT T1/4 WlkDg PtTrd SldTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 PsOcn SHing Col.C B-Run RLT PsTTC C-SqTh3 AL Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT DoSaD ToWav G-Trd G-Run Tag.R WhlDl RLT PasTh LA Prom
M   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT PasTh TrdBy T1/4 Scoot B-Run SldTh PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr  (full chicken plucker)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT RollA SwThr Recyc VeerL Feris C-PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT SpTop TrnTh CtsyT FltWh SldTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT SwThr A8Cir SpTop SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT SwThr B-Run BendL PsOcn SwThr Scoot Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT SwThr B-Run Tag Clovr Zoom B-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL Feris Zoom C-SqTh4-Clovr C-PasTh Sw-Pr  (emphasize 4 of SqTh4)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh PasTh 1/2Tg SwThr SpltC B-Run SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh PasTh BendL SldTh SldTh PasTh BendL SldTh Sw-Pr  (after teaching SldTh)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh PasTh WhlDl DPT 1L.2R StrTh DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh RLT FltWh Sweep DivTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh RvFlt DixiS SwThr ChDTL SldTh Sw-Pr  (long figure)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SpChT G-Circ2 SpChT B-Circ2 Sw-Pr  (3/4)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Cpl.C Feris DPT Clovr C-PasTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr Scoot G-Trd Recyc Sweep SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr SpChT B-Circ1 Recyc 8Chn2 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr SpChT B-Circ1 Recyc PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr  -Nasser Shukayr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr SpChT B-Circ2 Recyc PasTh TrdBy PasTh Sw-Pr  (sashayed SpChT)
M   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr SpTop Recyc RvFlt Sweep VeerR Prom
M   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 C-Trd SwThr C-Run Tag Clovr C-TrnTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 Scoot C-Trd SwThr B-Run PsOcn A8Cir Twice Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 Scoot WlkDg UTurn RLT DixiS TrdWv Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-SqTh4 TrnTh C-LTrnT CtrIn Ca3/4 SqTh3 Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-StrTh DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 C-PasTh-Clover,E-StrTh-PasTh DoSaD A8Cir StrTh SldTh Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-StrTh DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 PasTh BendL FwdBk StrTh C-PasTh + ZERO Sw-Pr
M   fig: H-StrTh DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 StrTh DPT LrTrd ZERO Sw-Pr
M   fun: S-LeadR RLT 8Chn-"your cpl number" "grand"-CtrIn "grand"-Ca3/4 A-SldTh "grand"-Clovr "into Venus & Mars: B-LStar,G-RStar keep it turning" B-StrPr-"ptr" PromH  -Debborah Carrol Jones
M   getin: [SS] H-BxGnt SldTh Twice "second time with your cnr... that's a clue!"
M   getin: [SS] H-PasTh SepA1 C-HSash A-Ca3/4 FwdBk [0L]
M   getin: [SS] H-Pr1/4 Zoom [0P]  -Mike DeSisto
M   getin: [SS] H-T1/4 G-PasTh C-BW.GD
M   getin: [SS] H-TrnTh-Clovr, S-LTrnT
M   getout idea: [0B] "everyone shake R-H, wait until I say go" C-SqTh4, E-8Chn4 "GO!" C-PtTrd (hard is last hand of C-SqThr)  -Bill Ponton
M   getout idea: [0B] out of order: T-1/4 SpltC B-Fold DPT G-FaceR, B-FaceL (ZigZag) RLG
M   getout idea: [0B] T1/4 Scoot B-Fold G-SwThr-TrnTh StrTh Prom
M   getout idea: [0F](key couples in BOX or TRAPAZOID pattern) 1/2Tg "8 Circulate" B-Run "around YOUR G"
M   getout idea: [0F] Feris C-VeerL Tag "G go L B go R" AL  (call quickly - don't let them make a formation)
M   getout idea: [0L] DixiS B-UTurn Prom  (B-"turn back")
M   getout idea: [0LO] C-Fold AL
M   getout idea: [0P] C-TrnTh, E-RollA RLG
M   getout idea: [0W] G-XFold AL
M   getout idea: [5Q] G-Ext RLG  -Kurt Gollhardt
M   getout idea: [5W??] Recyc RLG = A8Cir Recyc RLG
M   getout idea: [F] "Put Trailers In" Ca3/4 ("find your ptr") RLG
M   getout idea: [L]/[B] same sex SldTh F-PasTh AL
M   getout idea: [TW] C-SpTop RLG
M   getout idea: A-Prom DontS H-WhlAr G-"shake R-H"-PulBy (pause for hand use) SHing C-Trd A-TrnTh AL
M   getout idea: DixiS AL = 1/2of- DixiS AL FullT "for some" "lookin' for your ptr, ptr, ptr" RLG
M   getout idea: DixiS B-Trd Recyc VeerR Prom
M   getout idea: E-BxGnt A-PasTh 1/2Tg RLG
M   getout idea: F-SldTh A8Cir F-SldTh Prom  -Anne Uebelacker
M   getout idea: PasTh TrdBy TrnTh TrdBy RLG
M   getout idea: S-PasTh SepA1 A-PasTh Tag CalTw C-FaceI  (at home)
M   getout idea: SpTop SldTh SldTh = SpTop RLT
M   getout idea: Tag "Face ME!" (or "Face the music") (pause to say something) AL  -Mike DeSisto
M   getout: [0B](s-out): RLT GW.BD G-UTurn RLG
M   getout: [0L1p] PasTh Tag "G go L, B go R" AL
M   getout: [0L1p] PasTh Tag CtrIn ("face ptr") RLG
M   getout: [0L1p] PasTh Tag CtrIn C-Fold RLG (call quickly)
M   getout: [0P](C-SqTh3 to cnr): C-SqTh4 SepA2 E-Fold AL
M   getout: [0P](C-SqTh3 to cnr): C-SqTh4 SepA2 FwdBk C-Fold (far apart) A-PasTh RLG
M   getout: [0P](s-in) C-SldTh -T-1/4 -WlkDg AL  (nice flow)
M   getout: [5L1p] PasTh Tag "face ptr" (FwdBk) "face ptr" RLG
M   getout: [5W1p] C-Run "then" E-Fold RLG  (same dancers designated)
M   getout: [5W1p] C-Run E-Fold RLG  (same B each time)
M   getout: [5W1p] G-Run G-Fold RLG
M   getout: [5W2p] A-XFold RLG
M   getout: [5W2p] B-Run Tag G-"go L", B-"go R" AL  -Gero Teufert
M   getout: [5W2p] B-Trd, G-XFold RLG  (like XFire)
M   getout: [5W2p] C-Trd Recyc RLG  (Recyc w G on the end)  -Gero Teufert
M   getout: [5W2p] Scoot C-Scoot A-Scoot C-Scoot RLG  (same as SwThr Twice)
M   getout: [B1c] RLT VeerL Tag.R WhlDl BxGnt "change hands" AL
M   getout: [B1c] SldTh PasTh Tag C-UTurn RLG
M   getout: [B1c] SldTh PasTh Tag E-UTurn AL
M   getout: [B1c] SldTh T1/4 (Col.C once or twice) G-Run PasTh RLG
M   getout: [B1c] T1/4 Scoot "BUT"-AL  (gimmick)  -Dayle Hodge
M   getout: [B1c] TrnTh CtsyT (or Prom)
M   getout: [B1c](AL) SldTh RLT DixiS B-Trd AL
M   getout: [B1p] (all facing ptr in seq) T1/4 A8Cir SwThr C-Run 1/2Tg A8Cir RLG
M   getout: [B1p] facing ptr in seq: SwThr C-Trd "Traders"-Run "Runners"-Fold RLG  gimmick
M   getout: [B2r] (across the street): SldTh SqTh2 TrdBy AL  (SqTh2 = 1/2 SqThr)
M   getout: [B2r] SldTh StrTh DivTh (C-)PasTh AL  ("thru" theme - fun calls to stack)
M   getout: [B2r](across the street) SldTh PasTh BendL CirL LyIMS AL
M   getout: [B2r](across the street) PasTh TrdBy PsOcn SHing G-UTurn AL
M   getout: [B3r] LT1/4 WlkDg Prom
M   getout: [B3r](lead L box) T1/4 WlkDg UTurn PsOcn RLG  (balanced flow)
M   getout: [B4c] SldTh RLT GW.BD ("face her") RLG  (RLG from [L.W])
M   getout: [B4c](all paired in order) C-RLT -VeerL "couples"-Ext B-Fold RLG
M   getout: [F.C] F-TrnTh AL
M   getout: [F1p] B-Circ B-Fold PasTh RLG
M   getout: [F2p] Tag Clover G-TrnTh StrTh Prom
M   getout: [L1p] A-LTrnT RLG
M   getout: [L1p] PasTh Tag Clovr Zoom C-AL A-RLG
M   getout: [L1p] RLT GW.BD WlkDg "ptr" RLG
M   getout: [L1p] RLT PsOcn SwThr SpTop ExpWv AL  -Big Five
M   getout: [L1p] Tag CtrIn RLG
M   getout: [L2p] PsOcn Scoot TrnTh AL
M   getout: [P1c](C-PasTh to cnr): C-VeerL -1/2Tg AL  (nice hand use)
M   getout: [P4p](s-in) C-PsOcn-Recyc AL
M   getout: [P4p](s-in) C-SldTh-T1/4-WlkDg AL
M   getout: [W1p] "original H (or S)"-Hinge AL  (choose E facing out and adjacent C = outer-actives)
M   getout: [W1p] Recyc SwThr RLG
M   getout: [W2p] SqTh3 AL  (SqThr from waves)
M   getout: [W2p]/[L.W2p] A-XFold PasTh AL
M   gimmick: "Tag that Lion"  (esp. after "lions roar up to the middle and back")
M   gimmick: [0W] B-Fold "Put Trailers In" [L.0F]  (same as B-Run)
M   gimmick: [1LO] B-XFold (e.g. "to face your ptr") "G stand still" B-PasTh [1F]
M   gimmick: [5C] "Put Trailers In" [0F] Ca3/4 [0L]
M   gimmick: [L.5C] G-"stand still", B-Scoot A-Prom
M   gimmick: [L1p] "and a R and L ... THRU!"  (catch callers!)  -Mike DeSisto
M   gimmick: [M] CtrOu "on the end"  (not on the list)
M   gimmick: [P] "Put Trailers In" (same as-&Sprd)  (easy way to introduce Trailers In)
M   gimmick: [W] B-Circ, G-"quack!" (G don't do anything but say "quack" - catches Plus dancers)
M   gimmick: AL "5-6-7-8"  (only for gay Weave: correct timing for Weave without saying it)
M   gimmick: AL "and wee wee wee (all the way home)"  (in place of Weave in singing call)
M   gimmick: DPT (C-lots of calls) TrdBy  (catch E off-guard)  -Tim Mariner
M   ring: [SS] AL Fwd2 AThar Ca3/4 RLG
M   ring: [SS] AL Fwd2 AThar Shoot Fwd2 AThar Ca3/4 SwThr RLG
M   ring: [SS] H-2LChn H-DixiS VC-"BIG"-Arch S-2LChn S-DixiS Thar SlipC AL
M   ring: [Th] B-Fold (or G-Fold) SF.Pr
M   ring: AL DixiS "to an Alamo" SwThr RLG  -Vicky Woods
M   ring: ALTAT Ca3/4 SwThr RLG  -Saundra Bryant
M   ring: CirL ... "reverse" SF.Pr G-BkTrk "B-Fold behind your G, follow her" Pr.SF ... G-BkTrk "pass ptr" AL
M   sequence [5W2p] SpltC Hinge C-Trd A-Ca3/4 [5W1p]
M   sequence: [0LO] E-XFold SwThr G-Run [5L]  (potential PsOcn RLG if E paired and C paired)
M   sequence: [0W]/[5W] C-Trd Recyc [0B]/[5B]  changes sequence, preserves arrangement
M   singing call equiv: [P] C-SqTh3 = C-SldTh-PsOcn-Ext
M   singing call equiv: [P] C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr = C-SldTh-SqTh2 BxGnt Prom
M   singing call ZERO: [B1c](facing cnr): SwThr SwThr G-Run Tag G-UTurn Sw-Pr
M   singing call ZERO: [B1c](facing cnr): T1/4 C-Trd SwThr C-Run Tag LrUTurn Sw-Pr
M   singing call ZERO: [B1c](facing cnr): T1/4 C-Trd-Twice (A-Scoot) Sw-Pr
M   Singing call ZERO: RLT T1/4 WlkDg PtTrd RvFlt Prom  (nice after Star Fig)
M   singing call: 2LChn FltWh SldTh Sw-Pr
M   singing call: 8Chn5 AL Prom = 8Chn4 Sw-Pr
M   singing call: [0L] "just the B (straight ahead)"-Scoot Sw-Pr  -Mike DeSisto
M   singing call: [0L] B-Circ = B-"walk across"
M   singing call: [0L] B-Fold Sw-Pr
M   singing call: [0L] SqT@3 SldTh Sw-Pr
M   singing call: [1W2p] B-Fold DPT G-UTurn Sw-Pr
M   singing call: [LO] B-Fold Sw-Pr
M   singing call: PsOcn B-XFold Sw-Pr = PsOcn Recyc Sw-Pr
M   singing call: PsOcn B-XRun Sw-Pr = PsOcn Recyc Sw-Pr
M   singing call: SpTop RLT: FltWh BW.GD (or B-WalkA) Sw-Pr
M   singing call: SpTop T1/4 Scoot B-Run Sw-Pr
M   star fig: RLT T1/4 WlkDg CalTw RvFlt Prom
M   stir: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.H C-Cpl.H A-BendL  (nice after several Cpl.H, Cpl.T calls used before)
M   stir: H-PsOcn "think about Recyc" VCArch S-PsOcn "at the same time" A-Recyc
M   stir: H-T1/4-WlkDg-Arch DivTh C-PsOcn-Recyc
M   teach 1/2Tg: "tagging the line half way down"
M   teach 8ChnT: "this is a fun call 'cause you get to count"  (use Dracula voice)  -Andy Shore
M   teach Ca3/4: "think CAST AWAY, Ca3/4 is always AWAY from the center"
M   teach Ca3/4: "those familliar with contra dance may want to think: Ends Cast The Centers"
M   teach Ca3/4: [0F] "Stop and let's think about Ca3/4.  Think about BendL, now go the other way" A-Ca3/4 "go!..1..2..3"
M   teach Ca3/4: [LO] "before we Ca3/4, think about BendL, now go the other way" A-Ca3/4
M   teach Ca3/4: [M] CtrIn Ca3/4  (start easy [0M], then repeat from every arrangement)
M   teach Ca3/4: start easy - first time, call from [C]
M   teach Clovr: "on the L goes L, on the R goes R" "walk the edge of a leaf of a 4 leaf clover"
M   teach Clovr: "stay in your quadrant like GrSqr. Stay in the same order - one behind the other"
M   teach DixiS: "when you hear 'Dixie', think R, L, R" ... "R pull, L turn, R touch (in the center)"
M   teach DixiS: "work only with people lined up in front of you, single file"-DixiS
M   teach DixiS: B-"slide behind the G" DixiS
M   teach Fold: "its like a Run around the other person, but the other person doesn't move"
M   teach Fold: [F] E-Fold "fold the paper"  (then StrTh CalTw "adjust" FwdBk)  -Ron Masker
M   teach Recyc: "C take your inside hand and place into your end's hand - go with him"-Recyc
M   teach Recyc: "C turn around toward the E and give the E your other hand"
M   teach Recyc: "this is where you'll end, but not how you'll get there..." E-XFold "to face the far center in your wave", C-BakUp
M   teach Recyc: Fold, Follow, Face
M   teach RLT from [0TW]: [0L] "Do the first 1/4 of RLT, tidal wave!, now do the last 3/4"
M   teach RLT from [TW]: SpTop RLT "lower the hand in preparation for RLT - do not make wave handhold"
M   teach Scoot: "forward, turn, forward"
M   teach Scoot: "identify box of 4, take outside hand (outside with respect to box) and place it behind your back during this call. think Scoot Back = hand back"
M   teach Scoot: [TW] "6 steps total: 2 steps forward, 2 steps to the R turn around, 2 steps forward into a wave"  -Bob Elling
M   teach Scoot: Ext Trd Ext
M   teach Scoot: first part is a step directly forward (then have everyone step back to see it again)
M   teach Scoot: Trailers Ext "engauge an arm" Trd "drop the arm" Ext
M   teach SHing: "See your wave?" SHing "See your box?" SHing (alternate randomly)
M   teach SHing: [W] A-Trd (R-H Trd) C-Trd "SHing is half of a Trd. When I say SHing, everyone crisply do exactly 1/2 of a Trd" SHing "look for waves"
M   teach SldTh: "spread your arms and make a whooosh sound like Star Trek doors"  -Neal Heather
M   teach SpChT: "every action should be with another person"
M   teach SpChT: [W] SwThr C-"go 1/4 more" ... Twice  -Bob Elling
M   teach SpChT: teach a non-call "Spin" first: Trade by the outside hand, new centers Ca3/4 "like SpTop, but no tops so no one moves up"
M   teach SpTop: "2nd part: ends part is like 1/2 E-Trd"
M   teach SpTop: names for wave handholds: "ptr hand" "C's hand"
M   teach styling SldTh: "Jackie Gleason ...and awaaay we go!"
M   teach SwThr TrnTh: SwThr "who do you TrnTh with? ... the one you have R arms with!" TrnTh
M   teach Tag: "Tag the line in", "tag the line R" (without the word Face)
M   teach TrnTh: like PasTh with a turn (half) in the middle
M   teach TrnTh: Seperate the applications  ([P] C-SwThr-TrnTh before [W] SwThr-TrnTh)
M   teach WlkDg: "in your box of 4, walk if you can, dodge otherwise.
M   teach WlkDg: "same box, same wall"
M   teach WlkDg: focus on the words "Walk" and "Dodge" (demo these individually)
M   teach WlkDg: teach from facing cpls first (BW.GD / GW.BD) to avoid turning-around problem  -Bob Elling
M   teach WlkDg: walk first if you can (just like Circulates - always straight ahead if you can)
M   variety: 1/2Tg = "half way tag the line" = "tag the line half way"
M   ZERO: [0B]/[0W] SwThr B-Trd B-Run B-Trd B-Run B-Trd B-Run B-Fold Sw-Pr
M   ZERO: [B] SldTh PsOcn G-Trd Recyc
M   ZERO: SwThr B-Run Tag.L Feris C-PasTh   (for singing call)

M   teach BW.GD: B-FwdBk B-"point straight ahead" G-"let go of your ptr and place that hand on his shoulder"
      "B are going to walk, G are going to dodge over into his spot" BW.GD  GO!
M   teach Recyc [L.0W](G as ends): "Bs, while the G walks forward,
      think about following her and courtesy turning her"  -Bob Elling
M   teach WlkDg "like dodging a bullet from behind, leaders will sidestep out of the way"
      "Perhaps it should have been called Walk Or Sidestep"
M   teach Clovr: [SS] H-PasTh-"Seperate go stand behind" A-Zoom C-SldTh-PasTh
      H-"think: Separate go stand behind"-Clovr "it's a 3/4 loop thing"
M   teach Clovr: "think of yourself on a freeway, some of you in England (on the wrong side)
      everyone will follow the path of a cloverleaf exit ramp to end on a new freeway.
      If the freeway you are on now goes from head wall to head wall, the new freeway you'll end on
      will go from side wall to side wall. Exit ramps have only one lane so NO PASSING! If there is
      a person in front of you now, follow that person for the entire call. No crossing into another
      lane either. (lest you'll get a ticket)"
M   asymmetric "Move On": lines of same sex: A-PasTh "Move On" gives same sex squares
      "battle of the sexes"  (2 squares deep in Move On direction)  -Harlan Kerr
M   cue: Ca3/4 be very carefull if you cue or pre-cue this call - many things you might say can confuse the dancers
      from [F] or [L.F], the centers want to Ca3/4. if you make referenmce to "couples" or "ptr" they may want to AsCouples-Ca3/4
M   v v v v . .
    . . ^ ^ ^ ^   VE-Fold [L]

M   ! 1/2Tg Balnc 1/2Tg Balnc
M   ! [0B] T1/4 Scoot B-Fold A-VeerL [1F] (unusual nice flow)
M   ! [0F]/[0W]/[L.5F]/[L.5W] B-Circ B-Zoom
M   ! [1L] C-SwThr A-RLT  (nice after CtrIn Ca3/4) (saying 'center 4' is more clear)
M   ! [1P] A8-DixiS  (gimmick)
M   ! [5W1p] E-Run C-Fold RLG (same as above only harder)
M   ! [B] T1/4 WlkDg B-Trd B-Run WhlAr HSash [L]  (nice setup flow for FltWh if they didn't break down)
M   ! [TL] C-Cpl.H "Center Couples Un-hinge" A-WhlDl  (interesting flow)
M   ! [W] PsTTC
M   ! AL BxGnt H-SqTh4 (S-TrnTh gives [1LO])  (unusual)
M   ! fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C Feris C-SwThr-TrnTh A-LSwTh-LTrnT TrdBy SwThr A8Cir Sw-Pr
M   ! fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run Cpl.C WhlDl SwThr B-Trd TrnTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
M   ! fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run G-Trd A-Ca3/4 FltWh RvFlt Prom
M   ! fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL Tag.R BendL RvFlt StrTh AL Sw-Pr
M   ! fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 G-Fold DPT B-Trd StrTh B-Trd A-Ca3/4 B-WalkA Sw-Pr
M   ! fig: H-T1/4-WlkDg DoSaD ToWav Recyc VeerL Feris C-SwThr-Twice, O-HSash A-Scoot Sw-Pr  (Scoot from [Q])
M   ! getout idea: [1W] G-Hinge AL  (only if G are outer-actives)

Callerlab Plus

P   [0B] Cir2L "reverse"-SCirW "start with a R" GrSwT  [L.5TW]
P   [0B] PsTTC-&Roll C-StrTh [5L]
P   [0B] RLT VeerR ("RIGHT!") AcDcy BendL 2LChn  (fun(?!) overflow for B)
P   [0B] SldTh PasTh BendL LoadB  (A resolve ZERO. Twice in a row gives all dancers C and E parts of LoadB)
P   [0B] T1/4 FYNbr G-Run G-Hinge D.Cir  [5D]
P   [0B]/[0L] cue: "G think about your L hand" FanTp
P   [0B]/[0W] SwThr-&Sprd ChDTL [0L]
P   [0C] A-Trd-&Roll RvFlt
P   [0C] Col.C 1-1/2 VCTrd-&Sprd B-FaceI, G-WlkDg "B facing a couple of G"-PsTTC VCT1/4 B-Ext B-SHing [2Q]
P   [0C] Coord "but G don't trade" [0F]
P   [0C] Coord "but G only do half of your trade" [0D]
P   [0C] Coord "but G hang on for an extra Hinge" [0D]
P   [0C] SHing-&Roll RvFlt [0L]
P   [0C]/[5C] SHing-&Roll StrTh [0TF]/[L.0TF]
P   [0D] B-"big box!"-Circ [0D]
P   [0D] G-SwThr Twice, "B, I'm going to want you to D.Cir", G-PingP "GO!"  (timing makes this work)
P   [0F] (B-Circ) G-WlkDg AcDcy G-PsOcn [0D]
P   [0F] 1/2Tg C-Trd SwThr Ca3/4 Expl& RLT
P   [0F] 3/4Tg A-FaceR "B are you facing directly?!" B-T1/4 "I see diamonds" [5D]
P   [0F] 3/4Tg C6Trd-&Roll C6GrSwT C-D.Cir, O-SHing, C-FlipD, OBRun [0Q]
P   [0F] AcDcy 1-1/2 G-SwThr B-"big"-D.Cir "middle"-D.Cir G-"center facing"-D.Cir B-BendL G-Cut.D [1Q]
P   [0F] Cpl.C AcDcy B-Run AcDcy [5W]
P   [0F] E-Fold A-StrTh-&Roll [0B]  (with offset)
P   [0F] G-Trd A-RollA B-Hinge [5D]
P   [0F] G-Trd B-Run AcDcy  (call quicly for best flow)
P   [0F] Tag (pause) FaceR- B-Twice "B, since you're facing" B-SwThr [5D]
P   [0F] WhlDl C-ChasR
P   [0F] WhlDl-&Sprd C-PasTh  [1LO]  (is this legal?)
P   [0F] XFire G-UTurn [0B]  -Wade Driver
P   [0F]/[1LO] 3/4Tg C6Trd  [Q]
P   [0F]/[L.5F] CouplesHinge-&Roll DixiS [L.0TW]
P   [0L.C] (pause for flow) FaceR ChasR  (enunciate very clearly)
P   [0L.W] B-Hinge Cut.D G-Roll G-SwThr [0D]
P   [0L] DixiS AcDcy-&Sprd  [0W]
P   [0L] DixiS B-Hinge Cut.D B-Run  (G "cut" from one end to the other)
P   [0L] DixiS B-Trd-&Sprd = B-XRun
P   [0L] DixiS B-XRun-&Roll G-Ca3/4 [1Q]
P   [0L] DixiS ExpWv [0LO]  (call ExpWv before C touch)
P   [0L] DixiS SpTop-&Sprd [5TW]
P   [0L] DixiS SwThr E-Roll, C-Hinge [1Q]
P   [0L] E-LoadB C-StrTh-CalTw [0P]  (fun if C are having trouble)
P   [0L] E-PasTh "E carefully count shoulder passes" A-LoadB "go! ... 1 - 2 - 3" "C are looking at nobody" C-Clovr [0P]
P   [0L] E-PasTh E-Fold-&Roll, C-SldTh [5LO] (BendL, WhlDl, etc. for nice flow)
P   [0L] G-FwdBk G-Ext "to L-H wave" G-TrdWv Ext [1W]
P   [0L] RLT-&Roll Col.C Trd-&Roll  [0L]  -Howard Richman
P   [0L] RollA PasTh PtTrd (-&Roll)  (nice balanced flow)
P   [0L] RvFlt-&Roll [5C]
P   [0L] SldTh AL = RLT DixiS AcDcy Recyc VeerR Prom  (nice flow)
P   [0L] T1/4 Col.C-&Roll-Twice C-WlkDg [0M]  (only 2 dancers can Roll)
P   [0L](wheel and Dixi line out seq): RLT DixiS B-Trd G-XFold AL
P   [0LO] 3/4Tg "all"-B-Run C6Col.C "all"-B-Run A-Scoot C-SpTop, O-Clovr [0Q]
P   [0LO] 3/4Tg "all"-B-Run C6Col.C "all"-B-Run Ext C-Trd "all"-B-Run [0L]
P   [0LO] Tag CtrIn "that's all I want" Tag CtrIn ChasR
P   [0LO] WhlDl-&Sprd B-WhlAr  (near overflow)
P   [0M] 1L.2R-&Roll-&Sprd  [0L]  (-&Roll-&Sprd = BendL)
P   [0M] A-PeelO B-BendL (pinwheel formation)
P   [0M] CalTw-&Roll (or FaceI) [2L]
P   [0M] CalTw-&Sprd [1L] StrTh-&Sprd [1L]  -inspired by Vic Ceder
P   [0M] G-PeelO, B-CtrIn [1F] C-Trd [3F]  (call quickly so trailing B can enjoy flow)
P   [0M] G-PeelO, B-FaceR (pinwheel formation) Cpl.C A8BendL A8Feris [1S] (G-FwdBk etc...)
P   [0M] PeelO LoadB (SwThr B-Run [0L])
P   [0M] PeelO Tag PeelO Tag ...  (different parts the second time)
P   [0M] PeelO-&Roll-&Sprd
P   [0P] C-BxGnt A-DPT PeelO [0L]
P   [0P] C-PsOcn Ca3/4-&Sprd,O-PsOcn D.Cir Cut.D-&Roll [0P]
P   [0P] C-RLT-&Sprd
P   [0P] C-T1/4 FYNbr-&Sprd [0Q]  (easy)
P   [0P] DPT B-Trak2, G-UTurn- StepA "make a box of G" G-SHing [0D]
P   [0Q] Ext AcDcy, G-1-1/2  (or: "G add a Hinge and look for diamonds")
P   [0Q] Ext TrnTh Clovr "or" FanTp "whatever makes sense for you"
P   [0Q] PingP B-Twice, CG-Trd  -Don Beck
P   [0Q] PingP-&Roll C-LnCyc [5L]
P   [0Q]+VCHinge: B-PingP  -Vic Ceder
P   [0QF] VCHinge C-D.Cir G-"on a slight diagonal"-PasTh C-Cut.D, O-Trd-&Roll, C-LnCyc [L]  -Darryl Lipscomb
P   [0R] C-SwThr "all"-B-Run C6Col.C VCTrd B-BendL, G-Trd -&Roll A-PsOcn B-Run [0L]
P   [0TW] C4TrdWv "there's a cpl, that cpl Run R around 1 dancer" [0TL] (cpl is normal)
P   [0TW] FanTp C-Roll C-MakWv "its a diamond! Circulate" (D.Cir)  (nice flow and hand change)
P   [0TW] GrSwT SwThr [0TW]  (contrast these two calls)
P   [0TW] GrSwT-1-1/4 [5C]  -Rob French
P   [0TW] SqThr (after GrSwT)
P   [0TW]/[0L] GrSwT C-SwTh-&Sprd-ChDTL-&Sprd, O-Expl& "join the others in a line" [0L]
P   [0W] "just the ends, your part"-XFire  (same as Recyc in a singing call)
P   [0W] B-Fold A-Zoom B-Trd (pause for flow) PeelT
P   [0W] B-Fold A-Zoom PeelT
P   [0W] B-Run B-Hinge [L.0D]
P   [0W] B-Run B-Trd CalTw AcDcy [0F]
P   [0W] Ext C-TrnTh CtrIn Ca3/4 [0L]
P   [0W] FanTp-&Roll "single" DPT C-DixiS, O-FaceR C6GrSwT G-BendL, B-LHing- -WlkDg T1/4 [0W]
P   [0W] LnCyc G-"stop in a wave" (B-"finish") [1Q]
P   [0W] SHing G-Roll-Twice [0L]  (call very quickly)
P   [0W] SwThr ... Roll-Twice [L.0W]
P   [0W] SwThr B-LHing ("B add a L hinge") [F.D]
P   [0W] SwThr G-Circ B-Run G-Hinge  (call quickly for best flow)
P   [0W] SwThr SwThr-&Roll "single file"-DixiS
P   [0W]/[0TW] SpTop-&Sprd ChDTL
P   [1B] StrTh AcDcy
P   [1B]/[2B] RLT StrTh  (same sex RLT: nice flow + sex identity challenge)
P   [1F] Cpl.C "and if you can" Roll "Bs" ... G-1/2Tg, B-Col.C ("forward one, look for waves") [5W]
P   [1F]/[2F] C-Hinge D.Cir O6Cir (VC-Trd) [0D]/[5D]
P   [1L] C-PasTh Expl& LoadB
P   [1L] C4SwThr A-RLT
P   [1L] PasTh WhlDl-&Sprd 3x 'magic zero'
P   [1L]/[5L] C-RLT WhlAr-&Sprd [I.L]
P   [1LO] 3/4Tg TrdBy DivTh  (call so fast they don't see it till its over)
P   [1LO] Tag PeelO Tag [0W] (Trak2)
P   [1Q] Ext AcDcy B-Run [0L]
P   [1Q] G-TrdWv Ext ("left") Ca3/4 ChDTL
P   [1Q]+G-SpTop: G-ExpWv StrTh [L.0F]  (nice hand use)
P   [1W] 1/2of-WlkDg (B-SwThr) [2R]
P   [1W] 1/2of-WlkDg G-FaceR [5D]  (or G-FaceL for [X.0D])
P   [1W] Ca3/4 Expl&-RLT [0L]  (balanced flow)
P   [1W] FanTp VC-Ca3/4,O-"R"-SpTop VC-&Sprd-UTurn-Ext [0W]  -inspired by Nasser Shukayr
P   [1W] FYNbr ExpWv   (self correcting if dancers accidently Sprd)
P   [1W] FYNbr-&Sprd FanTp [0TW]
P   [1W] FYNbr-&Sprd G-XRun [5W]
P   [1W] FYNbr-&Sprd LSwTh TrdWv  (nice flow)
P   [1W] G-TrdWv [0L]  (easier than G-Trd)
P   [1W] Scoot TrdWv "use a L" FYNbr-&Sprd ChDTL
P   [1W] SpltC 1-1/2-&Roll [1Q]
P   [1W] SpltC Ext [1R]
P   [1W] SwThr-&Roll [0P]
P   [2C] B-Run-&Sprd
P   [2C] B-Trak2, G-"step ahead make a box" Cpl.C [0F]  -Kris Jensen
P   [2C] B-Trd-"and spread apart" G-Hinge VC-Trd [0D]  -Scot Byars
P   [2F]/[1LO] 3/4Tg C-Recyc TrdBy  (call quickly for timing)
P   [2L] LT1/4 B-"on a slight diagonal, w the other Bs"-DPT [0M] A-Trak2
P   [2L] T1/4-&Roll [1L]
P   [2P] StrTh G-Hinge [0D]
P   [2Q] B-TrdWv Ext ("left") Hinge ChDTL
P   [2Q] VCRun VCHinge G-"work through the B diamond"-T1/4 C6Col.C ...
P   [2W1p] FYNbr "just the G"-&Sprd RLG  (far apart) (not standard positions)
P   [2W] 1/2of- B-Run G-SwThr [0D]
P   [2W] 1/2of- B-Run G-T1/4 [0F]
P   [2W] B-Fold-&Roll, G-T1/4 [L.5W]
P   [2W] B-FoldRoll G-T1/4 LSwTh
P   [2W] Ext B-"big step forward"-ChasR "stay in front of the G", G-TrdWv, C6-Col.C ...
P   [3B]/[4B] B-DoSaD-ToWav, G-SCirW
P   [3LO]/[4LO] BendL-&Roll
P   [3W] Ext SpTop "or" Clovr "whichever makes sense to you"
P   [3W] Recyc-&Roll B-Circ ChDTL
P   [4L] B-"in the C"-SqTh2, B-"in the C"-ChasR, G-T1/4 "column" Col.C B-Run [0P]
P   [4LO](GBBG) LChas ChDTL [0L]
P   [4W] Expl& SldTh [0P]
P   [4W] Recyc-&Roll-&Sprd [0W]
P   [4W]([5B]+T1/4+C-Trd) LnCyc-"skip the last part" Trak2 [0W]
P   [5B] BxGnt MakWv [0W]  (hand use for AcDcy, FanTp, ExpWv, etc.)
P   [5D] D.Cir G-&Roll G-SCirW ("single circle make an ocean LINE") Cpl.C
P   [5D] VCTrd, O6Cir Cut.D-&Roll [0P]
P   [5F] Feris C-Roll-Twice DivTh C-SwThr [0Q]
P   [5F] G-Run FanTp
P   [5L.C] "each box"-WlkDg E-WhlAr, C-T1/4-FYNbr-&Sprd [0Q] (E have a while to figure it out)
P   [5L2p] SldTh-&Roll-Twice RLG
P   [5L] BxGnt LoadB (lead up to LoadB from W}
P   [5L] BxGnt PsOcn  [0W]   (good practice before calling BxGnt FanTp)
P   [5LO] E-Fold, C-Trd [0P] -&Sprd [1L]
P   [5P]/[5W] DixiG-on3rd-Prom
P   [5TD] B-Trd- -&Sprd, G-D.Cir "G I'm going to ask you to D.Cir, but let the B Trd-&Sprd first"
P   [5TD] G-"see your diamond" B-Trd-&Sprd, G-D.Cir [0F]
P   [5TW] A-Fold LoadB
P   [5TW] Expl& Roll [0L]
P   [5TW] GrSwT G-Roll G-SCirW [0TD]
P   [5TW] GrSwT-&Roll VCPasTh DixiS
P   [5W2p] Expl&BxGnt GrSwT TurnT AL
P   [5W] A8Cir G-Fold PeelT
P   [5W] G-Fold Zoom "B behind the G" G-Trd-&Sprd B-StepA [L.0F]
P   [5W] SpTop-&Roll "single file" DPT
P   [5W] SwThr B-Fold Zoom PeelT
P   [5W]/[5TW] FanTp-&Sprd ChDTL
P   [B1c] SCirW A8Cir Twice "and a half" RLG
P   [B1c] SldTh PasTh ChasR FaceR AL
P   [B1p] T1/4 Scoot G-Roll B-Run-1-1/2 Prom
P   [B4c] SldTh RLT GW.BD "L-H" Trd-&Roll RLG  (nice hand change)
P   [B] "reverse"-SCirW ("to a L-H wave") [L.W]
P   [B] 4Cir2-&Roll
P   [B] DoSaD ToWav C-Hinge A-Cut.D
P   [B] LeadR ChasR
P   [B] PsOcn PsOcn [W]  (PsOcn from [TW])
P   [B] SCirW C-Hinge A-Cut.D
P   [C] Col.C 1-1/2-&Roll, C6-Col.C-1-1/2-&Roll C4-Trd-"and spread apart", O-DixiS [F.D]
P   [D] C-ExpWv SepA1 ComIn SwThr [D]
P   [D] C-Hinge-&Roll-Twice A-Ca3/4  (near overflow)
P   [D] C-LnCyc [Lri]
P   [D] Cut.D-&Roll-&Sprd  [L]  (C of diamonds end in the C of resulting lines, use gender for cueing)  (not good flow)
P   [D] ExpWv -ChasR
P   [D] FlipD-&Roll RLG (or AL)
P   [D] VCTrd C-Trd   (work up to AcDcy from [D])
P   [D] VCTrd SwThr "in the wave"
P   [E-Fold PeelT] 4x (= ZERO)
P   [F.D](C in a [L.W]) D.Cir E-Roll [Q]
P   [F.D]/[X.D]+same sex facing: "just the B"-D.Cir "pass by"  (C2 call: Funny Diamond Circulate)
P   [F1p] BendL-&Roll SFPrm
P   [F] WhlDl C-ChasR (WlkDg)
P   [F] WhlDl-&Roll-&Sprd
P   [F]/[L.F] C-Trd-&Roll-Twice A-Ca3/4
P   [I.L]/[O.L] TrdWv
P   [L.0C] "L-H" Trd-&Roll RLT  (change hands, self correcting)
P   [L.0D] FlipD ChDTL
P   [L.0F] G-Fold A-PasTh B-PeelO, G-SHing [0D]
P   [L.0F] HSash-1-1/2 [L.0C]  -Sandie Bryant
P   [L.0F] WhlDl C-WhlAr-&Sprd [1L]
P   [L.0TF] G-Fold A-PasTh B-"only"-PeelT [0D]
P   [L.0W] (after DixiS) B-Ca3/4, G-PeelO-"go to your L"-G-BendL [2Q]
P   [L.0W] B-Trd A-&Sprd [0W]  (flow for FanTp, etc.)
P   [L.0W] B-Trd G-Run G-Hinge [0D]  (very nice flow)
P   [L.0W] C-Scoot-&Sprd [0W]  -Bob Knowels
P   [L.0W] Expl& DixiS  -Linda Kendall
P   [L.0W] G-Run G-Hinge [0D]
P   [L.0W] LHing B-Fold-&Roll G-"make a L-H wave"-TrdWv [0D]
P   [L.0W] SwThr B-Roll,C-Hinge [1Q]
P   [L.0W] SwThr B-Roll-Twice,C-Hinge [0D]
P   [L.0W] TrdWv G-Roll G-SwThr [0D]  (nice hand change for G)
P   [L.2W] B-Fold-&Roll (pause) G-SwThr
P   [L.5C] equiv: G-PeelOff = 1/2of-Zoom
P   [L.5D] D.Cir-B-&Roll B-SCirW LSwTh
P   [L.5F] B-Hinge, G-"slide together and we have gears. turn the gears 3/4. exchange the gears"  (not tested)
P   [L.5F] Feris RollA  (fun after several Feris-&Roll)
P   [L.5F] Feris-&Roll Feris-&Roll [0F]  (same sex after the first one)
P   [L.5TW] ChDTL [0B]
P   [L.C] FaceR ChasR  (hard to set up flow)
P   [L.D] C-Hinge PtTrd [F]
P   [L.F] Cpl.C-&Roll "the couple"-BendL DixiS  (DixiS from couple facing a tandem)
P   [L.Q] Ext Twice [L.R]  (test L-H awareness)
P   [L.TF] BendL-&Roll [W]
P   [L.TF] WhlDl-"make a line"-&Roll "here's our column"  (timing is critical)
P   [L.W] "L-H" Trd-&Roll VeerL Cpl.C [F]
P   [L.W] &Sprd FanTp
P   [L.W] ("C start") SwThr TrdWv  (nice flow)
P   [L.W] Expl& FltWh  (original centers have to back out)
P   [L.W] LSwTh-&Sprd
P   [L1p] PasTh LChas "L-H" Trd-&Roll RLG
P   [L1p] SldTh-&Roll LoadB RLG  (sashayed LoadB)
P   [L1p] StrTh-&Roll PsOcn RLG  (nice hand use)
P   [L1p] T1/4 Col.C SHing Expl& AL
P   [L2p] PasTh PtTrd..-&Roll-3x AL  (fun excess flow)
P   [L] DixiS Expl&-T1/4
P   [L] E-LoadB, C-LeadR
P   [L] RLT DixiS = RLT GW.BD LHing
P   [L] T-1/4 C-Roll C-PasTh-SepA1 [3-1]
P   [L] T1/4 FYNbr (&Sprd)
P   [Lir](C = G) Coord [F.0D]
P   [Lir]/[Lil] E-LoadB, C-Ca3/4 (or C-FYNbr)
P   [LO] "G don't move!" B-ChasR  (fun for B to wind around G)  "B don't move" G-ChasR  (G get even!)
P   [LO] BendL-&Roll-&Sprd  = RLT  (same as BendL Twice)
P   [LO] C-WhlAr-&Sprd [I.L]
P   [LO] Ca3/4-&Roll "have we completed?"
P   [LO] DixiS "new"-E-Roll, "new"-C-Hinge  [Q]  (good timing makes for nice flow)
P   [LO] LChas CtsyT  (maybe ambiguous?)
P   [M] ! AcDcy
P   [M] A-Trd "and Leaders Roll (in the center!)"  (fun after [M] LrTrd-&Roll)
P   [M] A-WhlAr-&Sprd
P   [M] AcDcy  (same as A-Trd)
P   [M] PeelO CirL
P   [P] C-PsOcn-Expl&-Sprd  ("explode and spread")
P   [P] C-SldTh-PsOcn PingP  (perhaps unexpected [Q] formation)
P   [P] C-T1/4-&Roll -L.PBy SwThr
P   [P] DPT C-ChasR, O-Trd-&Roll-"and"-T1/4 [0C]  (almost overflow for ends)
P   [P] StrTh "double"  (with no C designator - use before DixiG)
P   [P] Zoom-&Sprd [L]
P   [P]/[L.W] "Left"-DixiG Prom  -Vic Ceder
P   [Q] "Split" PingP  (use after several SpltC)
P   [Q] C-TrdWv (column of 6)
P   [Q] PingP-&Roll E-PasTh Cut.D (points slide in and PtTrd)
P   [Q],[D],etc.: VC-Run  (rather than CB-... or CG-...)
P   [QB] C-"box"-PeelO [QF]
P   [R] A-Trd-&Roll  (gives waves of 3)  -John Sybalsky
P   [R] C-"R-H" A-AcDcy
P   [R]/[T] C-..., O-PeelO  (should end in lines)
P   [SS] AL A8SpT A-Recyc CirL ...  -Howard Richman
P   [SS] AL A8SpT A8SpT Recyc LyIMS
P   [SS] AL A8SpT WWGrd "meet her" A8SpT RLG  -Steve Minkin
P   [SS] AL A8SpT-&Sprd SlipC AL
P   [SS] BeerMugChain is a mirror TeaCC
P   [SS] H-FltWh-Sweep-&Sprd [1L]
P   [SS] H-LSqTh LStar "H leady lead exchange the gears"  -Bob Elling
P   [SS] H-LSwTh-&Roll-DPT "G lead" DixiS [L.TW]  (DixiS from couple facing a tandem)
P   [SS] H-PasTh C-Fold-&Roll [1L]
P   [SS] H-PasTh S-PsOcn H-Clovr-ComIn-RLT, S-FanTp [0Q]  (call first 3 fast!)
P   [SS] H-PasTh-ChasR-SHing [0Q]
P   [SS] H-PsOcn PingP "S ladies"-Trd
P   [SS] H-SldTh-&Sprd Ca3/4 (FwdBk) [2L]  (medium difficulty, build up to harder)
P   [SS] H-SpTop-&Sprd ChDTL
P   [SS] H-StrTh-&Sprd S-RollA
P   [SS] H-T1/4 G-T1/4 "G-split, B-column"-Circ "box of B in the middle" B-SHing B-FanTp [5D]
P   [SS] H-T1/4-&Sprd A-Ca3/4 C-PsOcn [D]
P   [SS] H-T1/4-&Sprd S-PsOcn D.Cir (C-SwThr D.Cir)(any number of times) Cut.D-&Roll [0P]
P   [SS] H-T1/4-WlkDg-&Sprd Ca3/4 C-Trd [2L]
P   [SS] H-T1/4-WlkDg-&Sprd Ca3/4 E-PasTh [2LO] WhlDl [2P] (B in the middle)
P   [SS] H-T1/4-WlkDg-&Sprd SHing C-Trd [1L]
P   [SS] H-T1/4-WlkDg-&Sprd SHing E-PasTh [1LO] WhlDl [1P] (G in the middle)
P   [TD] "hand holds"-Box.C
P   [TD] C6Trd
P   [Th] Shoot-&Roll StrTh Prom  (Shoot is JUST an arm turn)
P   [TL] C6BendL-T1/4  (after a lot of breathing: [F] in center)
P   [TW] "center wave"-E-Trd
P   [TW] cue: "do C of each side have L hands?" FanTp
P   [TW] FanTp E-Run  (nice flow)
P   [TW] SwThr "then" GrSwT  (helps VC before they make the mistake)
P   [TW]/[QC] "all L hands"-Trd
P   [TW]/[TF]/[TL]: VE-Run
P   [W] &Sprd "half way"
P   [W] A-Trd-&Roll A-VeerL
P   [W] AcDcy Twice  (watch overflow)
P   [W] Balnc-&Sprd AL
P   [W] before calling SpChG, call SpChX a few times
P   [W] E-AcDcy  (= E-Circ)
P   [W] Expl& RvFlt  (original centers have to back out)
P   [W] Expl& TrnTh
P   [W] Ext TrdBy
P   [W] SpChX (AcDcy) SpChG SpChT  (this order helps dancers recall the correct movement)
P   [W] SwThr ... Roll-Twice-&Sprd  (unusual nice flow)  (very slight pause after SwThr)
P   [W] SwThr-&Roll-&Sprd  (unusual double suffix)
P   [W] SwThr-&Sprd AcDcy
P   [W] Trd TrdWv Trd (use in succession like Advanced calls Slip, Slide, etc.) (also with C-Trd, SHing)
P   [W]/[L.W] C-Hinge D.Cir C-Hinge = TrdWv
P   "L and R Grand" TPtrL DixiG "meet ptr" SldTh (CirL, at home, etc.)
P   DixiG LT1/4 Alamo SwThr TrnTh AL
P   DixiG "last hand" TrnTh (or BxGnt+PasTh) AL

P   asymmetric: "couples 1 and 2 are designated" PtTrd-"designated"-Roll
P   asymmetric: [W] "if you're facing the back of the hall"-TrdWv (all facing the front)
P   at home idea: 1/2of-Zoom-&Roll C-BkAwy (or C-RLT)
P   at home idea: [0P] C-CalTw-&Roll
P   at home idea: [3M](trailing cpl sashayed) DPT A-PtTrd C-Roll (if out of sequence C-RLT)  (amazing either way)
P   at home idea: [L.W] Ext A-CtsyT
P   at home idea: [LO] BendL E-Roll
P   at home idea: FanTp-&Roll C-FanTp-&Roll-"finish a HSash"
P   at home idea: SldTh-&Sprd "bow Ptr" - Kenny Carroll
P   at home: [0B] C-ChasR C-FaceI  -Andy Shore
P   at home: [0L] E-LoadB C-BxGnt (-RLT)
P   at home: [0L] SldTh C-Roll-"and back away"
P   at home: [0TW] Expl& C-Roll
P   at home: [0W] Expl& E-Roll
P   at home: [1L] E-LoadB C-RLT
P   at home: A8SpT "meet here and freeze" Expl& Roll
P   at home: C-FanTp -Recyc
P   at home: C-SqTh2 SepA2-&Roll
P   at home: DixiG "make the last hand" SldTh
P   at home: if C-SwThr-BRun-BendL is wrong then C-SwThr-TrdWv-GRun-BendL
P   at home: L.DixiG SldTh  (instead of AL across from home)
P   biggie: H-LeadR Cir2L BxGnt LoadB RLG  (sashayed LoadB)
P   break: 4LChn CirL AL A8SpT SHing LSwTh LA RLG Sw-Pr
P   break: 4LChn RollA RollA AL A8SpT (A8SpT) Sw-Pr
P   break: H-SqTh4 TurnT DoPas H-TeaCC  (call H-SqTh4 leading up to beat 1 to time correctly)
P   break: WlkAC SeSaw WlkAr TPtrL H-TeaCC  (shorter figure for newer or older dancers)
P   break: WlkAC TPtrL TeaCC Prom
P   break: WWGrd "meet her" SldTh "sides Roll" GrdSq  (with precise timing could be singing call break)
P   comment: "C/G/B will start" FanTp
P   comment: "everything"-Roll  -Clark Baker
P   comment: "steer from the rear" (leader on SpChX needs help)
P   comment: "take a leak" TrdWv  (fun Freudian slip)  -Bill Eyler
P   comment: [0B] "sinfull circle to a wave"
P   comment: [5D] "G give Bs the finger"
P   comment: [5D] "G make your point"
P   comment: [D] "flip a diamond circulate" (parsing fun)
P   comment: [D] C-Ca3/4 (or other calls for C) "pick up some points" Cpl.C
P   comment: [SS] H-SldTh-&Sprd "join-'em-in-a-line"  -Bronc Wise
P   comment: [TW] "it's a big one"
P   comment: [TW] GrSwT SwThr "big one, little one"
P   comment: A8SpT "if you can find one"
P   comment: A8SpT "G say I'm a star!"  (makes the call more successful)
P   comment: A8SpT "if you can find one!"
P   comment: AcDcy ("acey goose-ie")
P   comment: ChasR "behind you there"
P   comment: Coord "with a little whoopee"
P   comment: FYNbr "a little spread, a lot of Swing"
P   comment: Great-GrSwT
P   comment: ReDcy "...go movin' on down the line..."
P   comment: SpChG "no X games"
P   comment: SpChX: "if they're not sure, stear from the rear"
P   correct dancer mistake: [SS] LeadR Cir2L if dancers accidentally did SCirW, have them SHing-&Roll "and try again" Cir2L
P   cue &Sprd: [P] &Sprd "outsides in"
P   cue 3/4Tg: [0F] 3/4Tg "B in a wave"
P   cue [D] Cut.D-&Roll "centers say hi"
P   cue Coord: [0C] Coord "B are moving up"
P   cue DixiG: "ends get to play too" DixiG
P   cue DixiG: [0M] "leaders start" DixiG
P   cue ExpWv: "peek and pull"  ("peek and pull by")
P   cue ExpWv: "step, face, pull"
P   cue ExpWv: "step-in-pull"
P   cue FanTp: "3/4 in the middle, ends are movin' up"
P   cue FanTp: "G 3, B up" ("center 3, end up")
P   cue FanTp: "G find each other" A-FanTp  (esp. after Ca3/4)
P   cue FanTp: "G hang on" A-FanTp
P   cue FanTp: "G L hand" FanTp "everybody"
P   cue FanTp: "G with a L" A-FanTp
P   cue FanTp: "G's L hand"-FanTp (...3/4 and he moves up)
P   cue FanTp: "Gs 3, Bs are movin' up"  (Bs/Gs centers/ends as per arrangement)
P   cue FanTp: "hang on centers"
P   cue FanTp: "hang on G" FanTp "G count 3 and the B move up"  (or use C and E rather than G and B)
P   cue FanTp: "ready in the center" A-FanTp
P   cue FanTp: [5C] "G get your L hand ready for the second call..." SHing FanTp
P   cue FYNbr: "B R arm 3/4"
P   cue PeelO: "make a line"
P   cue PeelO: [0C] "there's a G in front of every B" A-PeelO "to your L"
P   cue PeelO: [5W] G-Fold "this is the other one!" PeelO
P   cue PeelO: [C] "from the top of the column, leader trailer leader trailer" PeelO
P   cue PeelO: [C] "work with a dancer ahead or behind you" PeelO
P   cue TeaCC: "H lady C, S lady R to a H man go"
P   equiv: [Ba'']/[Wa''] WWGrn "on 4" AL  = DixiG AL
P   equiv: [SS] H-HSash -"center's part"-LoadB  = H-SqTh4
P   equiv: [W] 1/2of-WlkDg  = Ext
P   equiv: [W] Expl& RLT  = LnCyc
P   equiv: [W] SHing AcDcy SHing AcDcy = A8Cir Twice  (preserves sequence and arrangement)
P   equiv: BxGnt FanTp = SpTop
P   equiv: Cut.D = DCir + C-Hinge
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-FanTp Recyc PasTh
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-Fold-&Roll PasTh
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-MovIn PtTrd(CalTw)-&Roll PasTh
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-MovIn UTurn-&Roll (do the bump!!)
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-RLT   HSash PasTh UTurn-&Roll (balances usual B and G turning direction)
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-RollA "centers part"-LoadB
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-SCirW Expl& TrnTh
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-T1/4-&Roll SldTh
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = H-T1/4-&Roll StrTh
P   equiv: H-SqTh4 = S-Face  A-SCirW Expl&
P   equiv: LnCyc = SwThr-&Sprd ChDTL
P   equiv: Mix = C-XRun C-Trd = C-Trd E-XRun = C-Hinge Cut.D = C-Hinge D.Cir C-Hinge
P   equiv: RLT = SCirW B-Trd SwThr
P   equiv: SwThr-"3 hands" FanTp = SwThr SpTop
P   equiv: TrdWv = A-XRun
P   fig DIY: [0B]/[0P] SqTh3 = PsOcn ExpWv
P   fig DIY: FYNbr-&Sprd B-Run Prom
P   fig: "H G remember who you are" H-SldTh-SqTh3 LStar "HG lead, Exchange The Gears" G-Trd Expl& LoadB Sw-Pr  -Bob Elling
P   fig: ... BxGnt DixiG AL FullT Sw-Pr
P   fig: 4LCh3 H-StrTh DPT LrTrd DoSaD ?? SwThr C-Run 3/4Tg Sw-Pr ?? T1/4 C-Trd C-Run 3/4Tg Sw-Pr ??
P   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext ReDcy A8Cir Sw-Pr  (3/4)
P   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SHing FYNbr 1/2-of-&Sprd 8Chn6 Sw-Pr  (balanced flow, also a stir)
P   fig: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 S-StrTh DoSaD-ToWav PingP Ext SwThr B-UTurn B-Trd Prom
P   fig: DoSaD + 8Chn4 = ReDcy
P   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L RLT T1/4 Coord BendL PsOcn A8Cir Sw-Pr  -Buddy Weaver
P   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L RLT T1/4 Coord BendL SldTh PsThr TrdBy Sw-Pr  -Buddy Weaver
P   fig: H-LeadR Cir2L T1/4 Coord C-Hinge D.Cir Cut.D Feris C-PasTh Sw-Pr  (excessive R flow)
P   fig: H-LeadR T1/4 AcDcy B-Run SldTh RLT DivTh C-SqTh3 Swing AL Prom  (needs more Plus calls)
P   fig: H-LeadR VeerL BendL PsOcn SpChX ExpWv WhlDl C-PasTh Sw-Pr  (also a stir)
P   fig: H-LeadR VeerL ChDTL PsOcn SpChX SpltC-2x Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-LeadR VeerL Cpl.C "2 times" BendL LoadB T1/4 FYNbr-&Sprd Ext Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-LeadR VeerL XFire Coord BendL RLT PasTh ChasR SHing A8Cir Sw-Pr  (enforces crisp dancing)
P   fig: H-LeadR VeerL XFire Coord BendL RLT SqTh4 TrdBy Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 -T1/4 -WlkDg RLT SldTh T1/4 Coord Feris DPT Trak2 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 H-FwdBk S-SldTh DPT Trak2 (8 beat ZERO) Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR Cir2L T1/4 Coord BendL StrTh PasTh TrdBy Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR DoSaD T1/4 WlkDg ChasR B-Run SldTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR RLT VeerL Cpl.C ChDTL PsOcn AcDcy B-Run Prom  (needs more Plus calls)
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 LeadR VeerL XFire Col.C B-Run ZERO Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext Expl&-RLT FltWh PsOcn SwThr Sw-Pr  (needs more Plus calls)
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext LnCyc RLT PasTh ChasR Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SHing SpltC SHing FanTp RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run Feris-&Sprd StrTh C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (easy)
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run G-Trd BendL LoadB Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SwThr B-Run Tag Clovr G-SqTh3 L.BxGnt (Swat The Flea)-&Roll A-Prom  -Bob Elling
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn PingP Ext SpChG ... "make a good lookin' wave" A8Cir Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn PingP PingP Ext ReDcy Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext ReDcy (SHing FYNbr-&Sprd) Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 S-PsOcn Ext ReDcy ZERO Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 SldTh DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 C-PasTh-Clovr E-"slide together"-PtTrd-&Roll-"to face and"-PasTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 SldTh DPT Trak2 LnCyc LoadB Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 T1/4 FYNbr TrdWv A8Cir Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr1/2, S-SqTh2 DoSaD ReDcy Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-Pr3/4,S-RLT-PasTh BxGnt FanTp TrnTh CtsyT SldTh SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-PsOcn Ext AcDcy SpChX Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-PsOcn PingP Ext LnCyc RLT LoadB SldTh-&Roll Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-PsOcn VCTrd PingP Ext SpChX A8Cir Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SldTh-&Sprd A-PasTh Tag Trak2 SpChX SwThr Ext Sw-Pr  (3/4)
P   fig: H-SldTh-&Sprd A-SldTh DPT Trak2 SpChX SwThr G-Circ Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SldTh-&Sprd PasTh Tag Trak2 ExpWv BendL LoadB Sw-Pr  -Eric Henerlau
P   fig: H-SldTh-&Sprd PsOcn SpltC LnCyc SldTh PsTTC C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh3 SepA1 FwdBk A-StrTh DPT Trak2 A8Cir Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh3 SepA1 StrTh DPT Trak2 SHing FYNbr-&Sprd A8Cir Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 (DoSaD) SwThr B-Run BendL RLT DixiS B-Hinge Cut.D B-Run B-Hinge Cut.D Cpl.C HSash Prom
P   fig: H-SqTh4 (DoSaD?) ReDcy LnCyc SldTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD FanTp RLT DixiS TrdWv SwThr B-Trd Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SpChT G-Circ2 SpChT B-Circ2 B-Run Prom
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run Cpl.C WhlDl DixiG LA Prom
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run Feris DPT Trak2 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run G-Hinge D.Cir Cut.D WhlDl Sweep SldTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr B-Run Tag.I G-LoadB B-SqTh4 Sw-Pr  -Paul Waters
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr G-Fold PeelT SldTh RLT PsOcn ExpWv AL Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr SwThr LnCyc SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd LnCyc RLT DixiS-&Roll Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd LnCyc RvFlt SldTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD ToWav G-Trd SwThr B-Run XFire A-Scoot B-Run Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 LoadB SldTh LoadB Sw-Pr  (all dancers get inside and outside parts)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 PsOcn LnCyc RLT T1/4 FYNbr TrdWv Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 ReDcy LnCyc LoadB Sw-Pr  (lots of big easy plus calls)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT StrTh RvFlt DixiS TrdWv Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT SwThr B-Run 1/2Tg FYNbr (&Sprd) ExpWv ChasR Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT T1/4 FYNbr TrdWv (ZERO) Sw-Pr  (move ZERO, or add delay anywhere to stetch it out)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT T1/4 SlitC B-Run RLT DixiS TrdWv Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL G-Hinge D.Cir Cut.D WhlDl Sweep SldTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL G-SHing D.Cir FlipD FanTp RLT SldTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 RLT VeerL G-SHing D.Cir-3X FlipD FanTp RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SCirW B-Trd SwThr LnCyc PasTh ChasR Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SCirW B-Trd SwThr Recyc RLT T1/4 WlkDg PtTrd-&Roll Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SCirW LSwTh FanTp RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh PasTh Tag PeelO RLT LoadB Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run BendL RvFlt DixiS SwThr-&Roll Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run G-Hinge D.Cir Cut.D BendL SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run G-Hinge D.Cir Cut.D Cpl.T BendL SldTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run G-SHing D.Cir FlipD FanTp LnCyc Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SwThr G-Fold PeelT RLT RollA PasTh ChasR Sw-Pr  (G chases B)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 FYNbr (&Sprd) ExpWv BendL LoadB Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 FYNbr TrdWv ExpWv ChasR B-Run SldTh Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 Scoot B-Run RLT DixiS FanTp LSqT3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 SlitC-3x B-Run RLT DixiS TrdWv Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-T1/4 -GRun DPT PeelO BendL LoadB ZERO Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-T1/4 -GRun DPT PeelO LoadB 8Chn4 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-T1/4 -GRun DPT PeelO LoadB ReDcy (or SpGhG, DoSaD+8Chn4, etc.) Sw-Pr  (timing not tested)
P   fig: H-T1/4 G-PasTh C-RLT, O-Trd-&Roll, C-SldTh, A-PasTh Tag LrTrd SwThr Sw-Pr
P   fig: S-2LChn H-PsOcn PingP Ext SpChX [ZERO] Sw-Pr
P   fig; H-Pr1/2-PsOcn PingP Ext SwThr B-Run Feris Zoom C-PsOcn-ExpWv Sw-Pr
P   fun: holiday theme call "Ho Ho Ho" = SCirW + StrTh (interesting, a little hard/disorienting, fun!)  -Eric Hennerleau
P   getin: [SS] "S face"-&Roll (SepA1 etc...)
P   getin: [SS] 4LChn H-RollA,S-LeadL PsTTC DPT PeelO  [0L]
P   getin: [SS] H-BxGnt-&Roll [3B] (&Sprd) [O.L]
P   getin: [SS] H-PsOcn F-PasTh "everyone to your L"-Ca3/4 B-PsOcn (interlocking diamonds, S in [D], H in [L.D])
P   getin: [SS] H-RollA StrTh-&Sprd  [O.L]
P   getin: [SS] S-"up to the middle and step way back" H-SwThr S-Face GrSwT [0TW]
P   getin: [SS] S-PasTh-Clovr,H-RollA DPT PeelO [0L]
P   getin: H-RollA, S-StrTh-&Sprd [0L]
P   getin: H-SCirW VC-Trd VC-Run C-Tag Splt2 "G go L, B go R" Arnd1  [0L]
P   getin: H-T1/4-WlkDg-&Sprd E-Run [0L]
P   getout idea: [0F] Tag.I SldTh DixiG  (SldTh = B-T1/4, G-LT1/4)
P   getout idea: [0TW] B-Run "think about the definition of FanTp" FanTp PromH
P   getout idea: [0W] AcDcy E-Run Prom
P   getout idea: [0W] SpChX "do not make a wave, keep turning the star" B-UTurn RLG  (near perfect timing required!)
P   getout idea: [0W] Trak2-&Sprd AL
P   getout idea: [2B](all facing ptr, set up so H will be the ones stepping to L-H) CtrIn A-Ca3/4 H-Roll RLG  ("Hs will roll")
P   getout idea: [3P](lead cpl sahsayed) DPT LrTrd-&Roll DixiG  -Michael Kellogg
P   getout idea: [4B] PsTTC-&Roll RLG  -Michael Levy
P   getout idea: [5.TW] Expl& RLG
P   getout idea: [5TW] LnCyc RLG
P   getout idea: [B] (BxGnt) "shake R hands" R.PBy L.DixiG (= WWGrd)  (fun to say with rhythm)
P   getout idea: [B] FltWh-&Roll AL
P   getout idea: [D] FlipD-&Roll AL
P   getout idea: [F.HG]/[X.HG] RLG (or AL)
P   getout idea: [L.5W] AcDcy CtsyT Prom
P   getout idea: [L.Q] PingP 1-1/2 AL
P   getout idea: [L.TW] GLSwT LTrnT RLG
P   getout idea: [L.W] 1/2Tg Trd-&Roll (AL or RLG) ??
P   getout idea: [L.W] LHing B-Roll Prom (sounds like RolPr and that's ok)
P   getout idea: [L.W] SwThr-&Roll RLG
P   getout idea: [L1p] GrSwT Ca3/4-&Roll CirL AL
P   getout idea: [L] DixiS-&Roll RLG
P   getout idea: [L] E-Circ-1-1/2 RLG  -John Kenny
P   getout idea: [L] LoadB "centers only 3 parts" DixiG
P   getout idea: [LO] "Reverse"-UTurn-&Roll AL  -Bob Elling
P   getout idea: [LO] ChasR RLG
P   getout idea: [LO] UTurn C-Roll RLG
P   getout idea: [M] E-Trd-&Roll DixiG
P   getout idea: [M] PeelO C-Roll RLG (or AL)
P   getout idea: [O.L] E-XFold-&Roll RLG
P   getout idea: [P1c] DPT Trak2 [W1c]?
P   getout idea: [TW] 1/2of-TrdWv RLG  (= Expl&-RLG)
P   getout idea: [W] FYNbr-&Sprd LSwTh RLG
P   getout idea: [W] LrFold DixiG  -Andy Shore
P   getout idea: [W] LSwTh-&Roll AL
P   getout idea: [W] Trd-&Roll RLG = Ca3/4 RLG
P   getout idea: [W]/[B] SwThr-&Roll "C R hand" DixiG
P   getout idea: AcDcy-&Sprd AL
P   getout idea: FlipD-&Roll RLG
P   getout idea: FYNbr-&Roll AL  -Ett McAtee
P   getout idea: PasTh UTurn-&Roll AL (or RLG)
P   getout idea: PeelO C-Roll RLG
P   getout idea: RLG "3 hands" = DixiG (if everyone can start)
P   getout idea: SwThr-&Roll "C R hand" DixiG
P   getout idea: T1/4 SpltC 1-1/2 FlipD RLG
P   getout: [0B] s-out: T1/4 FYNbr LSwTh 1/2of-&Sprd RLG
P   getout: [0B] s-out: T1/4 FYNbr LSwTh-&Sprd RLG  (Sprd is fresh in mind making it successful in this unusual usage)
P   getout: [0F2p] G-Trd G-RunL B-Trd Ext "to a LEFT!" LA
P   getout: [0L](Wheel and DixiG out of seq) PsOcn SwThr Ext RLG
P   getout: [0P] s-in: DPT 1L.2R-&Roll C-AL A-RLG
P   getout: [0P] s-out: DPT FaceR (or FaceL) "no styling" Feris-&Roll Prom  (WWPrm if FaceL)
P   getout: [0P](C-SqTh3 to cnr): C-MkWav TrdWv Ext LA
P   getout: [0P](C-SqTh3 to cnr): C-SqTh4 Clovr DixiG  (if you say only SqThr, dancers tend to assume 3, say SqThr "all the way!")
P   getout: [1B](all facing ptr out of seq) RLT-&Roll RLG
P   getout: [5B1c](all facing cnr) T1/4-&Roll AL  (nice flow and hand use)
P   getout: [5B1p] PsOcn LnCyc RLG (a ZERO, sashayed LnCyc)
P   getout: [5L1p] LT1/4 G-&Sprd B-"start" PromH
P   getout: [5L2p] SldTh-&Roll-&Roll RLG
P   getout: [5W1p] "R-H"-Trd-&Roll StrTh Prom
P   getout: [5W1p] B-Run 1-1/2-&Roll RLG
P   getout: [5W1p] Expl& Roll PasTh (or R.PBy) AL
P   getout: [5W2p] "infacers"-Run ChasR RLG  -Gero Teufert
P   getout: [5W2p] ("Yes, I mean this...") XFire RLG  (gimmick)
P   getout: [5W2p] [Ca3/4 FanTp VC-Ca3/4-&Sprd-UTurn-Ext, O-"R"-SpTop] 2x RLG  (different parts 2nd time)
P   getout: [5W2p] AcDcy Recyc PasTh RLG
P   getout: [5W2p] Expl&-BxGnt-&Roll RLG  -Gero Teufert
P   getout: [5W2p] Expl&-LoadB RLG  -Gero Teufert
P   getout: [5W2p] Expl&-Roll SqTh3 AL  -Gero Teufert
P   getout: [5W2p] Expl&-SldTh AL  -Gero Teufert
P   getout: [5W2p] G-Run (Cpl.C) Feris-&Roll Feris-&Roll Prom  -Gero Teufert
P   getout: [5W2p] Scoot TrdWv Ext AL
P   getout: [5W2p] SHing TrdWv "L-H" Trd-&Roll RLG  (superb flow)
P   getout: [5W2p] SHing TrdWv SHing Ext LA  (re-enforces extend to L hand)
P   getout: [5W2p] SwThr-&Sprd AcDcy AL  -Gero Teufert
P   getout: [5W2p] TrdWv G-Run Prom
P   getout: [B1c] PsOcn LnCyc AL  (a ZERO)
P   getout: [B1c] SldTh PsOcn ExpWv AL
P   getout: [B1c] SldTh PsOcn TrdWv (or equiv) AL
P   getout: [B1c] SwThr SpTop GrSwT Expl& RLG  -Big Five
P   getout: [B1c](all facing cnr) "is this your cnr?!" L.PBy DixiG  (expecting LA)
P   getout: [B1c](all facing cnr) LT1/4 ExpWv LChas LA
P   getout: [B1c](all facing cnr) LT1/4 FYNbr-&Sprd AL  (not-so-easy ZERO)
P   getout: [B1c](all facing cnr) PasTh TrdBy LT1/4 Scoot Scoot LSwTh-&Roll DixiG AL
P   getout: [B1c](all facing cnr) PasTh TrdBy T1/4 Scoot Scoot SwThr-&Roll DixiG AL
P   getout: [B1c](all facing cnr) T1/4 Scoot Scoot Hinge Ext RLG  (a R-H AL in 5 pieces)
P   getout: [B1c](all facing cnr) T1/4 Scoot Trd-&Roll AL  (nice flow)
P   getout: [B1p] DixiG StrTh
P   getout: [B2p] DivTh C-SqTh3 LT1/4-&Roll RLG
P   getout: [B2r] DoSaD ToWav TrdWv A8Cir AL
P   getout: [B2r] SldTh PasTh PtTrd-&Roll PasTh TrdBy PasTh RLG
P   getout: [B2r](across the street) DoSaD ToWav LSwThr AcDcy A8Cir RLG
P   getout: [B2r](across the street) DoSaD ToWav TrdWv A8Cir AL
P   getout: [B2r](across the street) LSwTh G-Run Feris C-WhlAr T14-&Roll "change hands" L.PBy RLG
P   getout: [B2r](across the street) PasTh TrdBy SldTh LoadB AL
P   getout: [B2r](across the street) PasTh TrdBy SpTop SpTop-&Sprd AL
P   getout: [B2r](across the street) PasTh TrdBy SwThr "then" SwThr-&Sprd AL
P   getout: [B2r](across the street) SldTh LoadB PasTh TrdBy AL
P   getout: [B2r](across the street) SpTop SpTop A8Cir-&Sprd AL
P   getout: [B2r](across the street) SpTop SpTop-&Sprd A8Cir AL
P   getout: [B4c] SwThr SHing-&Roll 8Chn1 AL (also 8Chn5 AL)
P   getout: [B4c] T1/4 SlitC SHing-&Roll StrTh Prom
P   getout: [B4c] T1/4 SlitC Trd-&Roll RLG
P   getout: [B4c](H-LeadR box) SpChG SwThr A8Cir RLG
P   getout: [B4c](H-LeadR box) SpChX 1/2of-A8Cir TrnTh AL
P   getout: [F1o]/[5F1o] Tag.I SldTh DixiG  -Bob Elling
P   getout: [F1p] G-Hinge D.Cir B-Hinge BendL PsOcn RLG
P   getout: [F1p] Tag.R B-Hinge D.Cir FlipD RLG  -Big Five
P   getout: [F2p] AcDcy Feris DixiG
P   getout: [F2p] G-Hinge Cut.D-&Roll-&Roll Prom
P   getout: [F2p] XFire (Col.C-Twice) PeelO Prom
P   getout: [L.5W2p] TrdWv RLG
P   getout: [L1p] GrSwT Ca3/4 SFPrm "wrong way home"  (or Col.C __ times to "very close to home")
P   getout: [L1p] GrSwT SHing Col.C G-Run RLG
P   getout: [L1p] GrSwT TrnTh AL
P   getout: [L1p] LoadB FaceI LoadB RLG
P   getout: [L1p] LoadB FaceI PasTh RLG
P   getout: [L1p] PasTh BendL E-TrnTh C-"identify yourselves" A-XFire RLG
P   getout: [L1p] PasTh ChasR FaceR PasTh AL  (enunciate clearly!)
P   getout: [L1p] PsOcn TrdWv Ext LA
P   getout: [L1p] RLT DixiS B-Trd "...and with a L" RolPr  (unusual)
P   getout: [L1p] SldTh T1/4 SpltC-1-1/2 FlipD RLG
P   getout: [L1p] SldTh-&Roll PsOcn RLG
P   getout: [L1p] T-1/4 (Col.C Twice) A-Trd-&Roll AL
P   getout: [L1p] Tag PeelO CirL AL
P   getout: [L1r](getout is CirL LyIMS AL): GrSwT Expl&-RLG
P   getout: [L2p] T1/4 Col.C 1-1/2 G-Trd-&Sprd B-D.Cir B-FlipD A-FlipD Expl& SldTh AL  -Ed Renauld
P   getout: [Llo](B in the center): B-ChasR, G-Circ AL  -Steve Turner
P   getout: [P1c](C-PasTh to cnr): DPT Trak2-&Sprd AL
P   getout: [P1c]/[P2r]: if C-SqTh3=AL then Zoom DixiG AL; if C-PasTh=AL then DPT (Clovr) DixiG AL
P   getout: [W1c] SwThr TrdWv LSwTh LTrnT RLG
P   getout: [W1p] A8Cir SpChT G-Circ2 Ext RLG
P   getout: [W1p] SpChT Ext RLG
P   getout: [W1p](in seq) TrdWv "left"-Scoot TrdWv RLG  (= Scoot RLG)
P   getout: [W2p](out seq) TrdWv-&Roll-Twice RLG
P   getout: DixiG AL RLG = DixiG @3-BxGnt RLG
P   getout: if WhlDl DixiG would be out of seq, call WhlDl-&Sprd StrTh DixiG to correct seq.
P   gimmick: "Follow Thy Neighbor, Thou Shalt Not Spread"  -Bob Kanefsky
P   gimmick: "Reverse order" TrdWv  (TrdWv then "peek")
P   gimmick: "table tennis circulate" in place of PingP  -Vic Ceder
P   gimmick: "take a peek" SwThr TrdWv
P   gimmick: [4LO] "B are going to step forward" BW.GD A-Trd-&Roll PasTh GW.BD  (unusual usage, everyone gets both parts)
P   gimmick: [L.W] "take a peek" LSwTh TrdWv "without peeking"
P   gimmick: [W] A8Cir DoSaD "if you can"-Roll AL  (highland fling styling - still flows)
P   gimmick: L8ChTh
P   gimmick: YelRk-&Roll
P   opener: [SS] H-PsOcn PingP PingP C-TrdWv (PingP PingP) Ext AL
P   opener: AL TrnTh "cnr by the L" A8SpT A8SpT AL
P   opener: H-SqTh4 SpChX AcDcy SpChX AcDcy-&Sprd AL
P   original C facing out starts the relay (run forward around the outside track)
P   pairing: [0L] with ptrs as ends and/or ptrs as centers: GrSwT Twice Recyc [0L]
P   pairing: WhlDl-&Sprd StrTh (C-PasTh)
P   ring: 4LCh3 ALIAS SwThr-&Roll WWGrd  -Frank Figge
P   ring: 4LCh3 CirL SFPrm G-UTurn DixiG AL
P   ring: 4LCh3 CirR SFPrm B-UTurn DixiG AL
P   ring: 4LChn ALIAS SwThr-&Roll DixiG  -Frank Figge
P   ring: 4LChn H-RollA A-CirL CirR SF.Pr B-UTurn DixiG AL
P   ring: [SS] AL SCirW WWThr  ("single circle to a wrong way thar")
P   ring: [SS] WlkAC L.A8SpT A-Recyc CirR (maybe not that hard with good timing)
P   ring: A8SpT BxGnt (WWGrd) PulBy AL
P   ring: A8SpT BxGnt RLG
P   ring: A8SpT G-Run Prom DontS H-WhlAr (sashayed)
P   ring: AL A8SpT Hinge AL RLG
P   ring: AL A8SpT H-Trd "all"-B-Run "lookin' for a line" FwdBk
P   ring: AL A8SpT Twice Ca3/4 AL
P   ring: AL A8SpT-&Sprd G-Circ (or SlipC) AL
P   ring: AL A8SpT-&Sprd SlipC LA RLG
P   ring: ALTAT Shoot BxGnt DixiG AL
P   ring: WlkAC "with a L"-A8SpT ("B star ... meet your ptr") Recyc ("push Gs") A-CirR
P   ring: WWGrd@3 DixiG AL
P   sequence: [0B] all paired in order: SldTh PasTh WhlDl DPT Trak2 [0W1p]  "when you meet your ptr"-SldTh (or ExpWv) [0L1p]
P   sequence: [0P] all paired: DPT Trak2 C-Trd [0W] all paired  (changes sequence)
P   sequence: [SS] H-2LCh3 "G as a cpl" DixiS B-Ext-Hinge EB-Run VC-Hinge G-BendL G-"through the diamond"-RLT-&Roll RLG  -Bob Elling
P   sequence: [SS] H-SqTh4 RLT T1/4 FYNbr LSwTh ReDcy LSwTh LTrnT RLG
P   sequence: [W] SpChG keeps sequence, advances everyone 1/4 CW (CCW if [L.W])
P   sequence: [W](ptrs are opposite corners of same box) SwThr-&Sprd G-Run  -or-  TrdWv-&Roll C-PasTh A-StrTh
P   sequence: SpChX AcDcy changes sequence, keeps everyone paired (SpChX changes E's, AcDcy changes C's)
P   singing call equiv: SpChX Sw-Pr = SpChX DontS SFPrm G-UTurn Sw-Pr
P   singing call ZERO: [0B] SldTh PasTh BendL LoadB
P   singing call ZERO: [B1c](facing cnr to swing): T1/4 ExpWv ChasR Sw-Pr  (non-standard ChasR)
P   singing call ZERO: FYNbr LHing-&Roll Sw-Pr
P   singing call ZERO: PsOcn TrdWv Sw-Pr (flows if Swing is called early enough)
P   singing call ZERO: SHing AcDcy SHing AcDcy ReDcy
P   singing call: [0B] SCirW LSwTh FanTp = SwThr SpTop [0TW]  -Michael Kellogg
P   singing call: [0L] RollA SCirW RearB SldTh Sw-Pr
P   singing call: [0P] C-SqTh3 = C-VeerL-XFire-WlkDg Sw-Pr
P   singing call: ChasR Sw-Pr "swing your chaser"
P   singing call: DixiS XFire Sw-Pr   (XFire = TrdWv)
P   singing call: DPT LrTrd Sw-Pr = DixiG Sw-Pr
P   singing call: FanTp SHing FYNbr-&Sprd Sw-Pr
P   singing call: FYNbr "with a L-H"-Hinge-&Roll "and"-Sw-Pr
P   spice: (call in dull vioce...) WlkAC DoPas (then get excited...) TeaCC!!
P   stir idea: (H-RLT?) H-DixiS VC-Arch S-DixiS "with the R" A8SwThr Twice B-D.Cir G-D.Cir (Twice?) SHing OFUTurn  -Debora Parnell
P   stir: 4LChn H-Pr1/2 S-SldTh DixiG "make the last hand"-SldTh
P   stir: 4LChn H-PsOcn Ext SwThr-Twice Expl&-Roll "bow to cnr" PasTh "bow to ptr"
P   stir: 4LChn H-SqTh2 T1/4 FYNbr LSwTh LSwTh LA "bow"
P   stir: 4LCh3 ALTAT (about 4 beats until ptrs are across from stirred) Shoot FullT DixiG T1/4 B-Run
P   stir: [1L] E-LoadB (C-RLT or FwdBk, etc.)
P   stir: AL (RLG) A8SpT "meet ptr"-SldTh  (use to stir if AL RLG would have ended at home)
P   stir: ALIAS SwThr SwThr A-Ca3/4 G-LStar-1/2 "wave of H, wave of S" [WWTh] A-"your part"-PingP
P   stir: H-LeadR Cir2L GrSwT RearB "and bow!"
P   stir: H-LeadR Cir2L GrSwT SHing-&Roll FwdBk A-SldTh C-Roll
P   stir: H-LeadR Cir2L SCirW 6-"L-H"-Trd GrSwT VETrd C6-"L-H"-Hinge C6-Col.C Twice "1..2.." C6-UTurn VETrd C6-"R-H"-Col.C 1-1/2 VEB-"take your G"-BendL, C-Trd-&Roll "and bow!"
P   stir: H-LeadR Cir2L T1/4 Col.C SHing Expl& "bow cnr"
P   stir: H-LeadR Cir2L T1/4 Coord BendL SqTh3 AL "bow ptr"
P   stir: H-LeadR Cir2L T1/4 Coord C-Hinge D.Cir Cut.D Feris C-PasTh "bow cnr"
P   stir: H-LeadR DoSaDo SpChX ReDcy 1/2of-A8Cir Expl& "bow ptr"
P   stir: H-LeadR VeerL AcDcy Feris DPT CtrIn Ca3/4 E-StrTh
P   stir: H-LT1/4 B-PasTh C-SCirW "look for column of 6" C6Col.C A-SHing C6Col.C E-SHing B-"outside facing diamond"-D.Cir A-BendL "H position"-HSash
P   stir: H-LT1/4-WlkDg DoSaD ToWav AcDcy DixiG "meet ptr" SldTh  (R-H wave after L WlkDg)
P   stir: H-PsOcn-SwThr "carefully" PingP ("new outsides")-&Roll C-SwThr-SHing-&Roll A-SldTh
P   stir: H-SqTh2 T1/4 A8Cir "R hand" Trd-&Roll "bow cnr" PasTh "bow ptr"
P   stir: H-SqTh2 T1/4 A8Cir "where's your cnr?" YelRk (they may not recognize the formation here) "where's your ptr?" StakW
P   stir: H-SqTh2 T1/4 A8Cir Balnc FaceR AL "bow ptr"
P   stir: H-SqTh3 Clovr DPT 1L.2R T1/4 Col.C 1-1/2 VC-Trd-&Sprd G-Box.C-1-1/2,B-D.Cir-Twice "find a friend" A-BendL  -end by George Knox
P   stir: H-SqTh4 SCir3 C-Trd Ca3/4 C-Trd Ca3/4 C-Trd Expl&Roll "bow cnr" PasTh "bow ptr"
P   stir: H-SqTh4 T1/4 FYNBr [SHing C-Trd]3x AL "bow ptr"  (practice L-H Hinge)
P   stir: H-T1/4-&Sprd A-Ca3/4 E-T1/4,C-LHing C6Col.C C-TrdWv F-PasTh VCXRun E-Trd C-BendL  (keep it moving)
P   t-bone: [0L] LoadB, E-"skip your last face in" A-SpltC TrdBy
P   teach &Roll: "stay on the same tile on the floor" -Dick Henschel
P   teach &Roll: demonstrate Roll 4 times
P   teach &Sprd: C-"slide out", E-"move in"  (useful but NOT 100% accurate)
P   teach [F.D] D.Cir: "keep the same shoulder into your diamond"
P   teach [TW] RLT "you've got the handshake" PasTh CtsyT (after several [L] "shake R hands" PasTh CtsyT)
P   teach Ca3/4: "cast something out, not in" "cast away" "cast out 3/4"
P   teach Coord: 3 'sections' (not parts) in this call: "Circulates", "Trades", "Move-ups"
P   teach Coord: last part is technically an Hourglass Circulate
P   teach Coord: pre-teach multiple Col.C - notice you pass one person with each circulate
P   teach Cut.D / FlipD: "point hand is also cut hand" "outside hand is flip hand"  -Geoff Clarke
P   teach D.Cir: [0F] C-Hinge D.Cir VCB-Trd "he's in a new diamond" D.Cir VCG-Trd "she's in a new diamond" (4x total)
P   teach D.Cir: If holding hands "clap and point"; if pointing: "clap and take hands"  -Stewart Kramer
P   teach Expl& long before ExpWv
P   teach ExpWv: "Peek and Pull" "Peek and Pull By"
P   teach ExpWv: "step-in-pull" "take a peek" pull-by with your once-removed ptr in your ocean wave
P   teach ExpWv: "take a peek" ExpWv
P   teach Facing Circulates: [0L] G-UTurn "B Where do you circulate? Remember this" G-UTurn "B do you remember?"
P   teach FanTp / second part of SpTop: "E move up and around the C" or "E make a 1/4 orbit around the C"
P   teach FanTp: "center blades of a fan and an outer frame around the blades"
P   teach FanTp: "ends part is like 1/2 E-Trd"
P   teach FanTp: [B] BxGnt MkWav C-Trd  (lead up to teaching FanTp from facing couples)
P   teach FanTp: difference between SpTop and FanTp: "spin out" (outer hand works first) / "fan inside" (inside hand works first)
P   teach FYNbr: "if you face the wall to your L, that's the wall you'll be facing after FYNbr"
P   teach FYNbr: "if you're facing out stay out there"
P   teach FYNbr: "leaders stay put, just trailers do your part. Leaders picture orientation of the ending wave"
P   teach FYNbr: "out-facers only - others don't move!" OF-Fold-&Roll "same ones"-Fold-&Roll
P   teach FYNbr: "outfacers, your part is half a Run and U-Turn"
P   teach FYNbr: 1/2of SpltC E-UTurn, C-Ca3/4
P   teach FYNbr: Ext A-Ca3/4 "with magic hand"  -Fen Tamanaha
P   teach FYNbr: have outfacers do their part, then go back to where they started and do it again.
P   teach FYNbr: leaders know which way to go because they follow their neighbor (esp. [L.W])  -Peggy Shumway
P   teach LoadB: "box PassOut and Trade"
P   teach LoadB: "C notice where you're standing. PassOut and Trade - Same spot?! - then PasTh"
P   teach LoadB: "Centers are loading the boat while sharks swim around outside - keep it tight in the center!"
P   teach LoadB: "Centers want a GOOD look at those sharks!: PasTh (have a look) Face Out (have another look!)
P   teach LoadB: "The one you're facing is your LoadB buddy. You'll help each other LoadB"
P   teach LoadB: C-PassOut and stop. touch hands. Trd. PasTh. Montra: 'Pass Out Trade Pass'
P   teach LoadB: C-StrTh-CalTw-PasTh, then C-SldTh-PtTrd-PasTh (THEN explain it's not sex dependent...)
P   teach LoadB: ends have Velcro on your third shoulder - stick together and make a couple"
P   teach Peel: (designated) PeelO
P   teach Peel: Peel (direction) (not on the list)
P   teach PeelO: 1/2-Zoom C-UTurn
P   teach PeelO: [C] "Count off from the top of the column: Leader, Trailer, Leader, Trailer"
P   teach PeelT: after LrPeelO "look for a momentary wave" FanTp
P   teach PingP (esp. from [L.Q]) "end of the wave has the l-o-n-g path out around the center of the wave"
P   teach PingP: "C have a squishy box - C take 1/2 step forward, see the box? - now step back"
P   teach ReDcy: "C look at the other C, the call ends when you get them again"  -Bob Elling
P   teach ReDcy: "if you're facing in, you'll get on the center wave, if you're facing out, you'll be walking around the outside"  -Paul
P   teach ReDcy: 3 sections: SpTop SwThr SpTop
P   teach ReDcy: call A-Trd C-Ca3/4 then start teaching what to do next  -Michael Kellogg
P   teach ReDcy: have ends practice half circulates  -Harlan Kerr
P   teach Scoot "outfacers Run to the R around nobody"
P   teach SpChG "points Run to the R around nobody"
P   teach SpChG: "after first arm turn half, G take two steps forward, turn around, take 2 steps back to join the star"  -Bob Elling
P   teach SpChG: "if you're not in the wave FLIP IN ...gears turn... if you're not in the wave FLIP OUT"
P   teach SpChG: "its a SpChT with gears"
P   teach SpChG: SpChX ... "STOP! OOPS! I meant SpChG (no exchange) - let's look at what's different"
P   teach SpChT: "the purpose of that wave down the middle is to chain the very center two dancers across"
P   teach SpChT: use SpTop after teaching SpChT to practive differentiating the similar call names
P   teach SpChX: "after first arm turn half, G take two steps forward, turn around, take 2 steps back to join the star"  -Bob Elling
P   teach SpChX: ZERO: SpChX AcDcy SpChX AcDcy (from [0W] gives everyone all standard positions parts)
P   teach TeaCC: "Bs whisper to the Gs where they should go next (in to the center or off to a Head man)"
P   teach TeaCC: "don't do anybody you've already done till you get your ptr at the end"
P   teach TeaCC: (talk H and S ladies completely thru their parts seperately)
P   teach TeaCC: H men whisper: "into the C", S men whisper: "around to the H man" or "go to the heads"
P   teach TrdWv "like everyone XRun"
P   teach TrdWv: "don't peak" TrdWv  (after using "take a peek" for learning)
P   teach TrdWv: "Lean forward and look for the other person in your wave looking back at you. Trade places with them"
P   teach TrdWv: Take a tiny step forward, reach and touch once-removed ptr, do a PtTrd, step into new wave
P   teach TrdWv: TrdWv = A-XRun
P   teach XFire: "face me up here and watch closely I'll demo Ext" (take one step forward with a straight face)  -Andy Shore
P   variety: SpChX "make a congo line - exchange ... DUN dun dun dun DUN .. dun" (congo rhythm)  -Mike DeSisto
P   what's the difference?: [B] SpTop-&Sprd -or- LSpTop
P   ZERO (180deg) [L] PasTh WhlDl-&Sprd PasTh WhlDl-&Sprd PasTh WhlDl-&Sprd

P   teach LoadB: (have ends do it) C-"take tiny steps!" C-PasTh, Face the outsides, ...
      later: C-PasTh "face the invisible people", ...  -Mike DeSisto
P   DixiG: method to visualize "in sequence"...
     Step 1 - See paird couple in the center ("1" in this example)
      2> 1>  <  <2
       > 1>  <  <
     Step 2 - Mentally send them way forward (based on their facing direction)
      2>  .  <  <2   1
       >  .  <  <    1
     Step 3 - Evaluate if 1's relative to 2's are in the correct sequence
           2 2
         '  .  1
         '     1   ...in sequence!
           ' '
P   stir: HG-LeadR "circle up 3 break out make a line of 3"-FwdBk (HB-DoSaD) "lines of 3"-T1/4 Ext Col.C
      "with the R-H"-Trd-&Roll "and bow .... to ptr and cnr too"
P   teach TeaCC: "visualize you're standing on home plate (everyone is) off to your R visulize 1st base,
      directly across is 2nd base, to your L is 3rd base and back to home"
      (use bases while cueing e.g. "...into the center R-H Star - aim for 1st base - turn him by the L..."
P   teach TrdWv: If dancers are used to standard positions, once-removed "normal" is easier
      Do many sashayed PtTrd before calling TrdWv once-removed "sashayed"
P     <   <
    ^      v
      >   > ...(B in the center diamond)... AL
P   [3W]/[4W] Ext B-Run (or G-Run) gives column of 6 and outside 6, both can Cir
       example choreo: 6x2AceyDeucy, C6Col.C, O6Cir, C6Trd (TripleTrade), C-XRun, C6Hing (or Ca3/4)
P   teach PingP: "big PasTh, outsides Trd" (repeat) "that's not the definition,
      there's an inside path and an outside path" B-"only"-PingP (repeat) G-"only"-PingP (repeat)
P   teach ReDcy:
      * "the first 'half' is important - make it a crisp 1/2 and see the new wave"
      * "working down the big wave - make each half a crisp 1/2 like a GrSwT"
      * "get on and off the big wave only at the ends, never in the middle and ALWAYS w the dancer next to you at the begining of the call"
      * "the E looking out has tendency to overshoot the end of the call, especially if Cs get behind"
P   card: H-LeadR SCirW B-Trd B-Run BendL RLT PsOcn TrdWv G-Roll B-TrdRoll DPT FaceL Cpl.C G-Hinge G-TrdWv...
      ...G-Hinge B-Run B-Hinge B-TrdWv B-Hinge B-Run G-Hinge G-TrdWv G-Hinge B-Run PromH
P   teach LnCyc: goal of being a couple at the other end of the wave
     "who folds after the Hinge? the one who needs to turn around to get to the other end of the wave"
P   teach [0L] LoadB: C-StrTh then undo that (go back to where you started) -
     this is the direction you'll turn on your PasTh and FaceO - C-SldTh, undo that - again this is how it should feel
P   teach ReDcy: "those looking out of the wave have the hard parts"
     E looking out: "your part is hard because the call ends before you think it should"
     C looking out: "ypur part is hard because you don't get to play in the big wave in the middle - keep walking around the outside"
     "never get into the big wave in the middle - always walk all the way down to the end of the big wave"
     pre cue: "notice who your ptr is, ready?!" ReDcy
Compare next 2 figures:
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD T1/4 C-Trd SwThr Expl& LoadB Sw-Pr  (1/2) (B in the middle LoadB)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SCir3 C-Trd SwThr Expl& LoadB Sw-Pr  (1/2) (G in the middle LoadB)
Compare next 4 figures:  (Bob Elling idea)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD SwThr SpTop RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SCirW SwThr SpTop RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (sashayed RLT)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 SldTh-&Roll SwThr SpTop RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (sashayed RLT)
P   fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 Scoot SwThr SpTop RLT SqTh3 Sw-Pr  (one of each sashayed)
Compare next 4 getouts:
P   getout: [5W2p](out of seq) SpltC SHing LSwTh-&Roll RLG
C1  getout: [5W2p] SpltC SwingTheFractions RLG
A1  getout: [5W2p] B-Run 1/2Tg 1/4Thru TrnTh AL
C1  getout: [5W2p] B-Run 1/2Tg SwingTheFractions-&Roll RLG  (close to overflow)
Compare the next 8 figures (note L vs R):
P   4LChn H-HSash A-CirR "drop hands" PrmSF B-UTurn DixiG
P   4LChn H-HSash A-CirL "drop hands" PrmSF G-UTurn DixiG
P   4LCh3 A-CirR "drop hands" PrmSF B-UTurn DixiG
P   4LCh3 A-CirL "drop hands" PrmSF G-UTurn DixiG
P   4LChn S-2LCh3 "G as a cpl" H-TeaCC A-CirR "drop hands" PrmSF B-UTurn DixiG  -Bob Elling
P   4LChn S-2LCh3 "G as a cpl" H-TeaCC A-CirL "drop hands" PrmSF G-UTurn DixiG  -Bob Elling
P   4LChn H-2LCh3 "G as a cpl" SFGrSq A-CirR "drop hands" PrmSF B-UTurn DixiG  -Bob Elling
P   4LChn H-2LCh3 "G as a cpl" SFGrSq A-CirL "drop hands" PrmSF G-UTurn DixiG  -Bob Elling

P   ! [0F] 1/2Tg "find your wave" SwThr-&Roll-&Sprd [1L]  (typical arrangement for Sprd)
P   ! [0L] DixiS C-Trd LHing SwThr-&Roll SwThr B-Run [0L]
P   ! [0L] DixiS SwThr-&Roll SwThr-&Roll DPT [0M]
P   ! [0L] DixiS-&Roll SCirW  (nice flow and hand change but easy to get disoriented)
P   ! [0L] GrLSwT
P   ! [0M] G-PeelO B-Trak2 G-Feris G-SpTop [0D]  -Bronc Wise
P   ! [0P] CalTw-&Sprd Ca3/4 [I.L]  (feels like CtrIn)
P   ! [0TW] GrSwT G-XFold A-PasTh PeelT [0F]
P   ! [0W] B-Fold, G-Trd-&Sprd "put the B in" Ca3/4
P   ! [1W] B-FYNbr-&Sprd, G-A8Cir-1-1/2 [0D]
P   ! [1W] Scoot Scoot-&Roll (or B-Roll) "B use a lefty" FYNbr [L.0D]  (t-bone)
P   ! [1W]/[2W] SwThr "do your part" B-SpTop, G-FanTp
P   ! [2L] SldTh-&Roll "and" 1/2Tg [5W]  -Rob French
P   ! [3F] WhlDl-&Roll ChDTL [0L]  (hard but self-correcting if they don't Feris)
P   ! [3W] Recyc-&Roll ChDTL [0L]
P   ! [5LO] C-WhlAr-&Sprd "new'-C-WhlAr [0L]  (unusual, something like Mix, keeps ptr pairing)
P   ! [5LO] Tag CtrIn ChasR  (ChasR from standard arrangement)
P   ! [5TW] SpChG  (extended applications - may be improper)
P   ! [5W1p] FYNbr FYNbr RLG  (a ZERO)
P   ! [5W] SpltC TrdWv-&Roll [0P]
P   ! [C] C-PeelO F-PasTh  (easier if C same gender)
P   ! [F]/[TF] VeerR ChasR [5C]  (unusual nice flow)
P   ! [I.L] XFire [W]  (4 dancer call)
P   ! [L.0C] Col.C C-FaceR-ChasR, E-FaceL-LoadB, C-Hinge [0Q]  (enunciate VERY carefully)
P   ! [L.0TF] "B w L-H, you'll be casting 3" FanTp BendL [0L]  (hard but nice flow)
P   ! [L.0TW] "left" LoadB
P   ! [L.3F] Feris-&Roll ChDTL [0L]  (self-correcting)
P   ! [L.D] D.Cir C-Roll A-SwThr  (facing dancers start)  -Clark Baker
P   ! [L.TW] C4LSwTh A-LSwTh C6LSwTh
P   ! [L.W] C-FYNbr [X.D]
P   ! [L.W] C6GrSwT  (tempting for VE to get involved)
P   ! [L.W] SwThr-&Roll VeerL
P   ! [L2p] PasTh WhlDl-&Sprd PasTh XFire Ext SwThr TrnTh AL  (possible controversy: Ext after XFire)
P   ! [L] 3/4-LoadB Twice
P   ! [L] FltWh ... Sweep-&Roll ... FaceR "and" ChasR  (overflow fun)
P   ! [L] LoadB "half way"  -Ed Foote
P   ! [L] PasTh BendL-&Roll "and" Zoom  (unusual combination with nice albeit excessive flow)
P   ! [Lir] Coord [D]
P   ! [P] 1/2of-Zoom XFire
P   ! [Q] PingP-&Roll LoadB
P   ! [R] AcDcy
P   ! [R] C6Trd
P   ! [SS] 4LChn H-TeaCC CirL LyIMS CirL LyIMS AL  (TeaCC hard because you don't end with ptr)
P   ! [SS] H-LeadR A-LeadR A-ChasR
P   ! [SS] H-LSwTh-&Roll-DPT DixiS  (tandem facing a couple for the DixiS)
P   ! [SS] H-LT1/4 B-T1/4 A-FYNbr [L.D]
P   ! [SS] H-PsOcn-SpTop, S-PtTrd-1-1/2 (G-"with L-H"-Trd)  [0TW]  -Vic Ceder
P   ! [T] "on the count of 4" AcDcy "think about it 1-2-3-4" (use to resolve)  -Wade Driver
P   ! [TW] E-TrnTh A-LoadB [t-bone]
P   ! [W] Expl&-TrnTh  (nice hand use)
P   ! fig: H-SqTh4 DoSaD BxGnt FanTp StepT HSash CtsyT PsOcn SwThr Sw-Pr
P   ! fig: H-SqTh4 RLT T1/4 FYNbr-&Sprd B-Fold PeelT G-Fold PeelT Sw-Pr
P   ! getout: [0P] s-in: B-Zoom (or if s-out: G-Zoom) DPT PeelO SldTh-&Roll 1/2Tg RLG
P   ! getout: [5W1p] Expl& Trd-&Roll RLG  (disorienting - equiv to RearB)
P   ! getout: [B1c](all facing cnr) LSwTh-&Roll C-SwThr-PasTh StrTh Prom
P   ! ring: WlkAC SeSaw A8SpT "B star, meet your cnr"-&Sprd AL FullT RLG
P   ! SpTop-&Sprd FanTp-&Sprd  -Rob French
P   ! stir: S-Face GrSwT GrSwT G-XFold A-PasTh "G do not let go!" PeelT 1/2Tg A-Trd-&Roll "bow cnr"

Callerlab Advanced 1

A1  [0B] B-"your part"-LeadR  (getin to t-bone)
A1  [0F]/[5F]/[L.0F]/[L.5F] G-CrossOverCirculate, B-&Sprd  -Bob Knowels
A1  [0L] DixiS 1/4Thru-4X  "starts in the middle... starts in the middle..."  (everyone gets all parts)
A1  [0L] ExplodeTheLine [5LO]  (standard <-> sashayed)
A1  [0M] G-"only"-CtrIn-Ca3/4 TransferAnd... (centers [L.F])
A1  [0Q] ChainReaction "but when the B meet, do not cast, G finish normally"  -Harlen Kerr
A1  [0W]/[5W] SpltC Remake  (changes seq, maintains arrangement - moves everyone as they are to the other wave)
A1  [1B]/[2B] AsCouples-BxGnt VeerL
A1  [2F]/[L.1F] AsCouples-B-Cross
A1  [2TF](GGBBBBGG): "B work AsCouples"-Run "around ONE G"
A1  [3-1] A-Trd  (converts to/from CycleAndWheel lines)  -Vic Ceder
A1  [3-1] C-Hinge Cut.D (=Mix)  (converts ends-facing-same-way 3-1 lines for Cycle&Wheel)
A1  [3-1] TurnAndDeal
A1  [3B]/[4B] BraceThru-&Roll [3-1]  ([4B] (E sashayed) gives CycleAndWheel lines)
A1  [3W] B-Expl& ("G start")-Split...
A1  [4P] TripleStarThru PartnerHinge [W]
A1  [??] Clovr-&Roll StepAndSlide
A1  [B] "legal" DoSaD 1-1/4 LSwTh  -Rob French
A1  [B] LWheelThru A-WhlAr [L]  (setup flow for FltWh, DixiS, etc.)
A1  [B] SwapAround CrossCloverAnd...  (nice flow for outsides)
A1  [C] C-PartnerTag-SepA1 [3-1]
A1  [C] PartnerTag PartnerTag PartnerTag  (easy then progressively harder)
A1  [C] SpltC-1-1/2 TripleTrade  [TD]
A1  [C]/[W]/[L.C]/[L.W] SplitCounterRotate AndCross
A1  [D] + C-SwitchTheWave: C-"go 1/2"-62AcDcy [HG]
A1  [D] 62AcDcy "then" AcDcy
A1  [D] C-Recyc-Sweep [Lri]  (3-1 line setup)
A1  [D]/[F.D]/[HG] "points"-1/4In-&Roll
A1  [F] BendL SwapAround
A1  [F] C-Circ-1/4Thru,E-PeelO-BendL  [1F]->[0Q]
A1  [F] Cpl.H TripleTrade Beaus-Run TripleTrade  [TW]
A1  [F] CrossoverCirculate (E-Circ) 1/4Thru "in the middle"
A1  [F] E-Circ-Twice,C-ScootAndDodge [3-1]
A1  [F] Feris Leads-RightRollToAWave
A1  [F] TurnAndDeal C-RightRollToAWave [Q]
A1  [F] TurnAndDeal SwapAround
A1  [F] WhlDl C-RightRollToAWave
A1  [F]/[L.F] CastAShadow TrdWv C-Run  (sets everyone up for same part again)  -Fen Tamanaha
A1  [F]/[L.F] Cpl.C-("those who can")-&Roll-Twice StepAndSlide
A1  [F]/[L.F] Feris AsCouples-Roll "then individually"-&Roll  (all single file, backs to center of the set)
A1  [F]/[L.F] XFire AndCross
A1  [H] O6-1/2of-Circ [HG]  (or 6-2 "H-ee" Deucy, Outside 6 go 1-1/2)
A1  [HG] "B have a diamond without the G"
A1  [L.0D] C-Hinge A-PartnerHinge C-Hinge C-TrdWv [0D]  (frantic tiny calls. arrangement makes PartnerHinge 'normal')
A1  [L.0F] Mix-&Roll DixiS "single file style" (fun to say as well as dance)
A1  [L.0F] StepAndSlide "G hold tight" PeelT [0TW]
A1  [L.0F](in seq) AsCouples[Trade-&Sprd ("apart")] Zoom Prom  (use for "at home" getout when home is behind)
A1  [L.C] "who are the leaders?" RightRollToAWave
A1  [L.F] CastAShadow 1/4Thru "in the C" [D]
A1  [L.F] CrossOverCirculate "to your L" A-WhlAr CrossOverCirculate [F]
A1  [L.F] CrossOverCirculate C-1/2-Circ [L.HG]  (nice flow after belle crosses in front)
A1  [L.F] L1/2Tg "R" SwThr  (fun to say and helpful)
A1  [L.F] Mix Prom
A1  [L.QF]/[L.RF] C-Mix-&Roll DixiS (converts C line to wave for those-facing-directly calls)
A1  [L.W] -&Cross AsCouples-RightRollToAWave
A1  [L.W] -AndCross "and" Mix [L]  (Mix from [LO] with flow to guide C belle to XRun first)
A1  [L.W] C-RunL CrossOverCirculate
A1  [L] C-LSqT4 "E start"-Split...
A1  [L] C-PasTh A-1/4Out HorseshoeTurn  (flows if 1/4Out done correctly, self-correcting if not)
A1  [L] C-PsOcn, E-PasTh A-Cut.D CycleAndWheel
A1  [L] C-PsOcn-Hinge [3-1]  (nice after [LO] BendL Twice or after [P] &Sprd)
A1  [L] C-PsOcn-Hinge,E-PasTh-E-Run [3-1]  (timed well makes for nice flow)
A1  [L] CrossTrailThru WhlAr  (nice flow)
A1  [L] DixiS C-Circ A-TurnAndDeal [C]  (flow to help difficult TurnAndDeal from waves)
A1  [L] DixiS 1/4In PassAndRoll
A1  [L] E-PassIn Split...
A1  [L] FltWh AsCouples-RvFlt FltWh
A1  [L] HSash Belles-Cross
A1  [L] PassTheSea Mix
A1  [L] PasTh BendL AsCouples-Roll
A1  [L] RLT BellesCross AndCross Belles-Trd
A1  [L]/[B] SqTh3 RightRollToAWave  (nice hand use)
A1  [L]/[B] SwapAround 1/4In  (equiv: 4CirR 1/4)
A1  [L]/[B] T1/4 LeadsRightRoll
A1  [Lir] C-PtTag Split...  (nice hand use)
A1  [Lir]/[Lil] E-PasTh E-Run A8Cir CycleAndWheel
A1  [LO] AsCouples-1/4Out E-Bend Split...  -Vic Ceder
A1  [LO] BendL E-Bend Split...
A1  [LO] Ca3/4 PasTh TurnAndDeal  (balanced flow)
A1  [LO] Cpl.T  (I think not proper at Mainstream.  Compare to As Couples Trade which uses the As Couples concept)
A1  [LO] HSash 1/4In Left...
A1  [LO] 1/4In ("new") PartnerTag
A1  [LO] StepAndSlide C-HSash (Trak2, etc.)  (hard to say quick enough)
A1  [LO] StepAndSlide PeelAndTrail (TrailOff)
A1  [Lor] C-Cross A-Mix [L]  (guides C Belle to XRun first)
A1  [Lor]/[Lol] A8Cir-&Sprd (CycleAndWheel)
A1  [Lor]/[Lol] C-Hinge Cut.D (or FlipD) CycleAndWheel
A1  [Lro]/[Llo] ExplodeTheLine [LO]
A1  [Lro]/[Llo] StepAndSlide CloverAnd-(Left)QuarterThru (etc.) [Q]/[L.Q]
A1  [M] CloverAnd ChasR C-Hinge  [Q]
A1  [M] CrossCloverAnd CloverAnd ...
A1  [M] CtrIn Mix BendL
A1  [M] PartnerHinge TripleTrade [TW]
A1  [M] UTurn-&Roll StepAndSlide
A1  [O.L]/[I.L] StepAndSlide  [T]
A1  [P] C-DoSaD "EVREYBODY"-RightRollToAWave  (self correcting)
A1  [P] C-PassIn-PassOut-&Roll Split...
A1  [P] MkWav ChainReaction
A1  [P] SwapAround "as many times as you can"  -John Marshall
A1  [Q] C-Expl& Split...
A1  [QC] (optional F-PasTh) A-Hinge-Lockit
A1  [QC] C-Hinge-Lockit
A1  [QC] F-PassIn, O-1/4In [L]
A1  [QF] F-PasTh 62AcDcy
A1  [R] C-Lockit, E-PartnerHinge
A1  [SS] All8-AsCouples-TrnTh PtTrd  (at home)
A1  [SS] H-HSash H-StrTh-&Sprd S-PasTh Mix  (easiest setup for Mix from [LO])
A1  [SS] H-PassIn-&Sprd AsCouples PsOcn (refocus attention)
A1  [SS] H-PassOut A-1/4In [2L]  (nice flow setup for LoadB)
A1  [SS] H-PassOut PassIn PassIn TripleStarThru
A1  [SS] H-PassOut SquareChainThru WhlDl TripleStarThru-&Roll AL  -Vic Ceder
A1  [SS] H-PasTh "as a couple to your R"-Clovr
A1  [SS] H-PasTh A-SpltC -&Roll DixiG
A1  [SS] H-PasTh A-SpltC-&Roll [0P]
A1  [SS] H-PasTh CloverAnd-HSash Zoom TripleStarThru
A1  [SS] H-SqTh3 "Step & Step"
A1  [SS] H-SqTh3 PartnerHinge ChainReaction
A1  [SS] H-SquareChainThru S-CalTw
A1  [SS] H-SwThr, S-PartnerHinge [TW]  (Lockit, etc...)
A1  [SS] H-T1/4 "EVERYBODY"-QuarterRight  [3-1]
A1  [SS] H-T1/4-AndCross Beaus-Cross [L.C] (like TripleCross)
A1  [SS] H-WheelThru B "only" WheelThru-&Roll  -Michael Levy
A1  [SS] H-WheelThru HB-Roll HB-WheelThru-"again"
A1  [SS] H-WheelThru T1/4 SpltC PartnerTag AL  -Vic Ceder
A1  [SS] S-SqTh3, H-Seperate Split...  (nice hand use)
A1  [t-bone] 1/4In Split...
A1  [T3-1] CycleAndWheel
A1  [T] C-PsOcn, E-PartnerHinge [TW]
A1  [T] CrossCloverAnd-T1/4-AndCross (R-H available)
A1  [T] HorseshoeTurn C-Twice A-StepAndStep HorseshoeTurn C-Twice [B]  (watch ending formation as C can get confused)
A1  [T]/[M] HorseshoeTurn 1/4Out (Step&Slide or ExplodeTheLine, etc.)
A1  [T]/[M] HorseshoeTurn-C-2-1/2 [Q]  -Randy Dibble
A1  [TF] AsCouples TrnTh
A1  [TF] Cpl.H AsCouples-Leads-RightRollToAWave
A1  [TF] Cpl.H Leads-RightRollToAWave
A1  [TF]/[L.TF] AsCouples-Lockit "not as couples"-Lockit
A1  [TW] PassIn (Out etc.)
A1  [TW] PassIn [P]  (nice contrast after ExpWv from [TW])
A1  [TW] Recyc AsCouples-Sweep ("individualy")-Sweep (or RvFlt or Recyc)
A1  [TW] TripleTrade-&Sprd TripleTrade
A1  [TW]/[L.TW] Expl&-SwapAround (or ReverseSwapAround) [T]
A1  [W] 1/4Thru-3x "unstirs" (CW), [L.W] L1/4Thru-3x "stirs" (CCW)  (maintains arrangement)
A1  [W] Mix "and" Swing  -Todd Fellegy
A1  [W] PsTTC
A1  [W] Recyc Sweep AsCouples-Sweep ("individually" Sweep)
A1  [W] TradeCirculate AndCross
A1  [W]/[C]/[L.C]/[L.W] SpltC AndCross
A1  [W]/[F] C-AndCross [3-1]
A1  [W]/[F] E-CastAShadow, C-(Left)1/4Thru [D]
A1  [W]/[L.W] A8Cir (or SpltC or Scoot or TransferTheColumn) AndCross
A1  [W]/[L.W] C-ScootAndDodge-&Sprd  coverts 3-1 lines for CycleAndWheel
A1  [W]/[L.W] SplitCounterRotate AndCross
A1  [W]/[TW]/[LO] 1/4In-&Roll  (same as U-Turn)
A1  [X.C]/[F.C] "any hand"-1/4Thru [TL]
A1  "legal" DoSaD 1-1/4 LSwTh  -Rob French
A1  "Those who can"-1/4In
A1  "where's your R hand?" 1/4Thru (Remake, etc.)  -Eric Henerlau
A1  &Roll "as couples, then individually"  (timing absoultely critical)
A1  (anything) AndCross "then" Belles(or Beaus)-UTurn ("turn back")  (also works if belles or beaus cross)
A1  Prom DontS H-RightRollToAWave  [TW]

A1  asymmetric: A8Cir some crash and take R-H to make 5-3 lines
A1  at home: [LO] BendL E-Bend
A1  at home: [W] A8Cir-1-1/4 A-1/4In  -Bob Knowels
A1  comment: (3-1 lines with C all facing in) CastAShadow "lot of whoopers"
A1  comment: (3-1 lines with C all facing out) CastAShadow "lot of shade"
A1  cue CrossoverCirculate: (while teaching) [0F] CrossoverCirculate "G are on the E" CrossoverCirculate "are B on the E"
A1  cue DoubleStarThr/TripleStarThru: "G goes in front, G goes in front, (G goes in front)"
A1  cue Expl&-Roll: [LO] "your line" Expl&-Roll [P]
A1  cue: t-bone "straight ahead" A8Cir
A1  equiv: [LO] CrossOverCirculate = Tag.I
A1  equiv: HSash = AsCouples SCirW + TurnAndDeal = PartnerHinge Expl&
A1  fig: ?? ChainReaction C-Run Feris DPT Trak2
A1  fig: H-PassIn DPT B-Run TransferTheColumn B-Run [0L] ZERO Sw-Pr (3/4)  -Vic Ceder
A1  fig: H-Pr1/2 H-WheelThru VeerL AcDcy Feris-&Sprd T1/4 TransferTheColumn Sw-Pr  -Vic Ceder
A1  fig: H-Pr1/2-PassIn DPT Trak2 ExpWv ExplodeTheLine G-Fold Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn ChainReaction B-Run Feris Zoom DixiG Sw-Pr
A1  fig: H-PsOcn ChainReaction B-Run Feris DPT Trak2 Sw-Pr  (1/2)  -Harlan Kerr
A1  fig: H-PsOcn ChainReaction SpTop "to a" LoadB Sw-Pr  -Wil Stans
A1  fig: H-PsOcn ChainReaction SpTop RLT DixiS Mix Recyc Sw-Pr  (1/2)  -Wil Stans
A1  fig: H-PsOcn ChainReaction Star1/2 B-Run PasTh TurnAndDeal SwapAround ("she flips!") Sw-Pr  (1/2)  -Lloyd Lewis
A1  fig: H-PsOcn Ext AcDcy CastAShadow G-L1/4Thru FlipD AcDcy Recyc Sw-Pr  -Lloyd Lewis
A1  fig: H-PsOcn PingP ChainReaction B-Run Feris Zoom C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr  -Vic Ceder
A1  fig: H-SqTh4 [PasTh HorseshoeTurn]4x Sw-Pr  (every time different part)  -Vic Ceder
A1  fig: H-SquareChainThru A-SquareChainThru WhlDl C-ReverseSwapAround Sw-Pr
A1  fig: H-SwapAround CloverAnd-DoubleStarThru PassIn-G-Roll (G begin) SplitSqTh4 1/4Out Sw-Pr  -Lloyd Lewis
A1  fig: H-WheelThru PassIn PsOcn Motivate B-Run SldTh Sw-Pr  (1/2)  -Harlan Kerr
A1  fig: H-WheelThru T1/4 SpltC-1-1/2 G-SwThr D.Cir 62AcDcy FlipD 1/4Thru Sw-Pr  -Vic Ceder
A1  getout idea: 1/4Tg Scoot Sw-Pr
A1  getout idea: [5F] AsCouples-TrnTh RLG  (be sure they end in [5T] before RLG)
A1  getout idea: [L.F] Mix Prom
A1  getout idea: [P] C-SqTh2 A-"do your part"-SpltC RLG  (T-bone SpltC, Mainstream calls)
A1  getout idea: [P] C-SqTh2 A-SpltC RLG
A1  getout idea: [T.F] AsCouples E-Fold A-Prom
A1  getout idea: [W] 1/4In AL  -John Kenny
A1  getout idea: CloverAnd AL (2 possible setups for C: cnr beside / cnr in front)
A1  getout idea: PassTheSea AL
A1  getout idea: SplitSquareThru1 AL  -Howard Richman
A1  getout idea: SquareChainThru "don't forget the AL" RLG
A1  getout idea: t-bone ([P] + C-SqTh2): C-Run AL (or RLG)  -Andy Shore
A1  getout: [0B] s-in: SwapAround AL
A1  getout: [0B] s-in: WheelThru PtTrd-&Roll RLG
A1  getout: [0B] s-out: LeftWheelThru PtTrd-&Roll RLG
A1  getout: [0B] s-out: ReverseSwapAround AL
A1  getout: [0P] s-out: C-StepW ChainReaction RLG  -Vic Ceder
A1  getout: [0P] s-out: Zoom SwapAround AL
A1  getout: [0P](C-SqTh3 to cnr) DPT HorseshoeTurn AL
A1  getout: [5B2p] SplitCouterRotate (or SpltC) Twice RLG
A1  getout: [5W1p] AcDcy CastAShadow Prom
A1  getout: [5W2p] B-Run Feris C-Touch ChainReaction RLG
A1  getout: [5W2p] B-Trd (or Slip) C-Run TurnAndDeal RLG  -Gero Teufert
A1  getout: [5W2p] ExpWv 1/4Out AL (or 1/4In RLG)  -Gero Teufert
A1  getout: [5W2p] Mix Ext AL  -Gero Teufert
A1  getout: [5W2p] ScootAndDodge ChasR RLG  -Gero Teufert
A1  getout: [5W2p] SHing FanTp B-Run AsCouples-StepAndSlide Prom
A1  getout: [5W2p] SHing SpltC 1/4Thru RLG
A1  getout: [B1c](all facing cnr): RLT DoubleStrTh RLG
A1  getout: [F2p](out of seq) Feris C-Touch ChainReaction RLG
A1  getout: [L1p] PasTh ChasR PartnerTag AL
A1  getout: [L2p] A-PasTh Hinge-Twice-&Roll "once" RLG
A1  getout: [L2p] PassTheSea Expl&Roll RLG
A1  getout: [L2p] PasTh PtTag AL
A1  getout: [P3r](out of order) C-Touch ChainReaction RLG
A1  opener: [SS] AL A8SpT 1/2Top 3/4Top 1/4Top RLG
A1  singing call: H-SqTh4 = H-PassIn LSqTh3
A1  teach 1/4In: divide the square into "quarters" and face in to your quarter.
A1  teach 3/4Thru: those facing out will meet in the middle for the trade  -Harlen Kerr
A1  teach ChainReaction: [Q] ChainReaction C-Run Feris C-Touch  (sets everyone up for same part again)  -Fen Tamanaha
A1  teach CrossOverCircualte: [3F]/[4F] "just B"-CrossOverCirculate" ... "just G"-CrossOverCirculate"
A1  teach PairOff (especially from [B]): if you notice the common mistake: "not PASS off, PAIR off!"
A1  teach PartnerHinge "face 'em touch em'"
A1  teach Single Wheel <-> Partner Trade
A1  teach TrailOff: first teach made-up call Trail = L shoulder PtTrd. Use several times from [M] and [LO] (emphasizes belle first)
A1  teach TurnAndDeal: "think about the wall behind you" 1/2Tg "face it!"
A1  teach CrossTrailThru: historical use was with crossing paths like SqTh2 without hands
A1  teach: key skills at A include quick changes of focus and crisply casting 3/4  -Fen Tamanaha
A1  ZERO: [B] T1/4 ScootAndDodge 1/4In

A1  [C] TransferAndCross  (should there be two And's?: TransferAnd-AndCross?)
     then either:
       StepAndStep (TrdBy)
       SplitCounterRotate E-Roll [L] "and we have lines!"  (corrects any mistakes)
       SpltC C-SqTh3 E-"start"-Split...  (nice timing and hand use)
A1  teach CrossoverCirculate: teach HSash first in [F]. [0F] describe: "B steps back, G slides over, B steps forward"
      [5F] describe: "G steps back, B slides over, G steps forward", then "L-H dancer steps back, R-H slides over, step forward"
Compare next 3 lines:
A1  t-bone: [1L]/[2L]/[1B]/[2B] SqThr-G3,B4 A8Cir (or SpltC) Split...  (or B3,G4) (start facing cpls, ptrs same sex)
A1  t-bone: [3L]/[4L] (facing same sex) SqThr-G2,B3 A8Cir (or SpltC) Split...  (or B2,G3)
A1  t-bone: [3B]/[4B] (facing same sex) SqThr-G2,B3 Split...  (or B2,G3)  (no circulate w this setup)

A1  ! [B] SpltC 1-1/2 TripleTrade
A1  ! [B] WheelThru Mix [L]  (flow helps C belle cross in front)
A1  ! [F]/[L.F] Feris-&Roll "then" AsCouples-Roll  [LO]
A1  ! [SS] H-WheelThru A-WheelThru Mix [5L2p] PsOcn RLG  (nice opener)  (remind SB he will be a belle for the Mix)
A1  ! [TD] 62AcDcy  (make sure dancers have time to see where they'll go)
A1  ! [W] AndCross WhlAr-&Roll AndCross [T]  (also works with 2 cpl dancing)
A1  ! gimmick: Left-ChainReaction  (only difference is first shoulder pass)  (fair game at C1)
A1  ! SqT@3 SquareChainThru (counting is hard) (good for 2-couple choreo)

Callerlab Advanced 2

A2  [0D] D.Cir Twice SpinTheWindmill-"backward" "G are normal (B turn back and go)"
A2  [0F] 3/4Tg G-Zig [5D]
A2  [0F] E-Circ A-SingleWheel [L.5C]
A2  [0LO] "prefer the B"-OutRollCirculate  (or G)  [0L]  (handy for pairing for resolve)
A2  [0L] DixiS Slither [L.0F] CastAShadow [5W]
A2  [0L] DixiS SwThr "and" Slither [0F]
A2  [0L] DixiS-&Roll PassAndRoll  (fun L hand to R shoulder pass)
A2  [0W] C-Hinge VCG-Hinge, "other Gs"-UTurn [HG]
A2  [0W] ScootAndWeave 3x is a stir-the-bucket zero
A2  [1F]/[2F] B-"only"-TrdCirculate
A2  [1LO]/[2LO] A-PtTrd G-Roll (or B-Roll) "and start a"-Split...
A2  [1W] B-Run [0LO] Beaus-Trd G-Run [0L]
A2  [1W] B-Run [0LO] SingleWheel
A2  [3W]/[4W] B-Swing
A2  [5L2p] PasTh SingleWheel-&Roll Ext LA
A2  [5W2p] Recyc Recyc SingleWheel RLG  (pushing overflow)
A2  [5W] B-Run Slither [0W]
A2  [5W] SplitCounterRotate G-Roll B-Trak2,G-1/2of-TrdCirculate [0D]
A2  [5W] SplitCounterRotate G-Roll B-Trak2,G-Feris- [0D]
A2  [B] (facing) Recyc Slither [F]
A2  [B] 4Cir2 Recyc  (unexpected facing Recyc setup)
A2  [B] LTrnT SpinTheWindmill
A2  [B] PassAndRoll PartnerTag  (nice flow)
A2  [B] RLT ZigZag
A2  [B] Recyc Slither BendL  (center keeps backing up)
A2  [B] SC3/4 Slither [F]
A2  [B] SCir3 Slither [F]
A2  [B] SingleCircle3/4 Slither [F]
A2  [B] SplitCounterRotate  [L]  (ending in lines corrects mistakes)
A2  [B] SwapAround CrossCloverAnd...
A2  [B] VeerL ZigZag [C]  (breathing issue: far apart)
A2  [B] VeerL ZigZig [P]
A2  [C] CheckMateTheColumn ZagZig CheckMateTheColumn  (different part and L handed second time)
A2  [C] SplitCounterRotate-&Roll "facing" Recyc  [TW]
A2  [C] TrailOff AsCouplesTrailOff AsCouplesXFire XFire  (pushing overflow)
A2  [C] TransferAnd Hinge "and" Expl& Split...
A2  [C] TransferAnd Hinge "and" Expl&-Roll "and" DPT
A2  [C] TransferAnd PeelAndTrail  teaches clear visualization of leaders and trailers in C box
A2  [C] TransferAnd ScootAndDodge StepAndStep (or CloverAnd...)
A2  [C] TransferAnd-(Box)Circulate-AndCross "and" CloverAnd-SquareChainThru [B]  (and..and..and.. tricky)
A2  [C] TransferAnd-3/4Thru
A2  [C] TransferAnd-FYNbr (&Sprd)  [L.Q]/[Q]
A2  [C] TransferAnd-Hinge-"and"-Mix
A2  [C] TransferAnd-PartnerTag [B]
A2  [C] TransferAnd-ScootAndWeave 3x
A2  [C] Zoom SplitTransfer
A2  [D] 62AcDcy AcDcy ("ALL C trading")  [D]
A2  [D] D.Cir (Twice) C-Zig-"and"-ZagZig [F.D] E-Zig [L.Q]
A2  [D] D.Cir Twice SpinTheWindmillBackward ("points turning around and go (promenade direction)... two spots")  [L.W]
A2  [D] D.Cir-Twice-"points"-&Roll SpinTheWindmillRight (timing critical)
A2  [D] Expl& Expl& [L]
A2  [D] VC-SingleWheel-&Roll [HG]
A2  [D] VCHinge "those who can"-HourglassCirculate
A2  [F.D]/[X.D] O-1/2Of-Zoom [Th]
A2  [F.D]/[X.D] VCHinge C-FlipD VCHinge [HG]  (unusual flip)
A2  [F2p](out of seq) G-XRun Slither [5W] RLG
A2  [F] E-Circ, C-ScootAndWeave [D]
A2  [F] Feris C-Recyc
A2  [F] InRollCirculate C-SwapAround A-Ca3/4
A2  [F] OutRollCirculate AnyHand...
A2  [F] VeerR ZagZig [L.W]  (unusual flow) (nice for 2 couple dancing)
A2  [F] VeerR ZigZag (= 1/2Tg) [W]  (for 2 couple dancing)
A2  [F]/[L.W] C-Remake, E-Circ
A2  [GGBB circle] AsCouplesLadiesInMenSashay
A2  [HG] "there's a diamond somewhere, flip it"
A2  [HG] C-Cut.D-BendL CycleAndWheel
A2  [HG] HourglassCirculate 4x  (good practice, not boring. Add VC-Trd between each for better flow)
A2  [HG] HourglassCirculate Twice  (must visulize formation for 2 spots)
A2  [I.L]/[O.L] Belles-Trd (or Beaus-Trd)
A2  [L.0F] C-Circ A-SingleWheel [0C]
A2  [L.F1p] WhlDl ReverseSwapAround AL  (mild overflow)
A2  [L.F] Cpl.C AsCouples-ZigZag ZigZag [C]  (flows beautifully - must be VERY clear!)
A2  [L.W] Ca3/4-&Cross PartnerHinge  (+ Slip = TrdWv)
A2  [L.W] SwingAndMix RLG  -Todd Felligy
A2  [L] E-LoadB,C-SquareChainThru [B]
A2  [L] E-PasTh Cycle&Wheel-&Sprd
A2  [L] LoadB-&Roll-("only some people can") Split...
A2  [L] SplitCounterRotate 1/4In  [L]  (ending in lines corrects mistakes)
A2  [L]/[B] FltWh Recyc  (nice flow, not expected)
A2  [Lir]/[Lil] C-CounterRotate, E-T1/4  ([C] or [F.C])
A2  [Lir]/[Lor]/[Lil]/[Lol] C-BoxCounterRotate WlkDg Split...
A2  [Lir]/[Lor]/[Lil]/[Lol] C-BoxCounterRotate-AndCross Split...
A2  [LO] 3/4Tg HorseshoeTurn O6-"circle up 3 break to a line" C-"column"-DixiS, O-T1/4 "col of 6"-...
A2  [LO] BendL E-PassIn C-Split...
A2  [LO] Expl& Roll  [P]
A2  [LO] SingleWheel-&Roll C-SingleWheel-&Roll [D]
A2  [LO] SingleWheel-&Roll-&Cross
A2  [LO] StepAndSlide ZigZag
A2  [LO] WhlDl (or TurnAndDeal or SingleWheel) ZagZig  (same as &Roll)
A2  [LO] ZigZag ZigZig [L]
A2  [LO]/[T] RightRoll-&Roll PassAndRoll
A2  [Lri] "miniwave dancers"-Trd-&Roll  Split...  (better if miniwave dancers are same gender) -Michael Levy
A2  [Lri] C-RLT-1/4Mr VCHinge  [HG]
A2  [M] CloverAnd-SingleWheel-DixiS [L.Q]
A2  [M] LdRightRollToAWave SplitCounterRotate  (not easy to see quickly)
A2  [M] RightRoll SplitCounterRotate  (rapid change of focus)
A2  [M] RightRollToAWave SplitCounterRotate [C]  (easy to loose track of the formation)
A2  [M] ZigZag-&Roll  (self correcting)
A2  [MC]/[F.C]/[X.C]  C-BoxCounterRotate A-SplitCounterRotate-&Roll Split... (SquareChainThru, etc.)
A2  [P] C-SwThr-TrnTh A-LSwTh-LTrnT SpinTheWindmillLeft
A2  [P] C-TrnTh A-LTrnT SpinTheWindmill
A2  [P] DPT AsCouples ZigZag
A2  [Q] A-Scoot SpinTheWindmill
A2  [Q] PingP SpinTheWindmillIn (C-BoxCounterRotate, E-T1/4 [C])
A2  [Q] Scoot SpinTheWindmillRight
A2  [Q] ScootChainThru SpinTheWindmillRight  (nice flow)
A2  [R] "in the wave"-Slip A-Swing "and Promenade"
A2  [R] 1/3 and 2/3 SpinTheWindmill [D]  (earlier, call SpinTheWindmill "3/3 - 3 parts for everybody, right?")
A2  [R] C-FanTp, E-PartnerHinge "on each side"-Slip
A2  [R] SpinTheWindmill-"either way (be sure to circulate 2)" Mix CycleAndWheel  (self correcting)
A2  [S] A4-PairOff (nice for getout) (reenforces ending formation rule)
A2  [SC] A8-DPT A8-ZigZag
A2  [SS] A4-RLT A-RollA A8-T1/4 A8-Scoot A8-PartnerTag(!) "bow to ptr (at home)"  (good for end of tip)
A2  [SS] A4-RLT A8-DixiS A8-Mix A8-SwThr RLG
A2  [SS] A4-SquareThru3 A8SingleWheel-&Roll A8SpT A8SpT DoPas
A2  [SS] A4-SwThr RLG  -Vic Ceder
A2  [SS] A4-T1/4 -ScootAndDodge -SingleWheel -DixiS SlipC AL
A2  [SS] ALIAS SwThr SwThr Ca3/4 A8-FanTp RLG
A2  [SS] all facing out: A8-SingleWheel A8-DPT ZigZag (RLG)
A2  [SS] H-PasTh A-StepAndStep HorshoeTurn C-Twice [B]
A2  [SS] H-PasTh A-StepAndStep HorshoeTurn-&Roll StepAndSlide (Trd-&Roll = [0L])
A2  [SS] H-PasTh SingleWheel-&Roll [L.Q]
A2  [SS] H-PasTh StepAndStep CloverAnd Recyc [Q]
A2  [SS] H-Recyc Hinge AndCross  (deliver all 3 at once then let the dancers take their time) [B]
A2  [SS] H-SqT@3 Split...
A2  [SS] H-SqT@3 SplitSquareThru@3 SquareChainThru...
A2  [SS] H-T1/4 F-PasTh SpinTheWindmillRight (= SpinTheWindmillIn)
A2  [SS] H-WheelThru BeauWalkBelleDodge [C]
A2  [SS] H-WheelThru SwThr (CastAShadow TradeCirculate)4x RLG
A2  [SS] S-SwThr A-SpinTheWindmillLeft C-BoxCounterRotate  [F]
A2  [SS] S-SwThr A-SpinTheWindmillLeft SplitCounterRotate-&Roll Split...
A2  [SS] WlkAC SeSaw A4-RLT  -Michael Maltenfort
A2  [t-bone] 1/4In Split...
A2  [TL]/[L.TL] TripleTrade Swing TripleTrade
A2  [TL]/[TF]/]TW] "each line/wave of 4, prefer the very center OutRollCirculate
A2  [TW] Hinge-SplitCounterRotate-Hinge Ext [R] CloverAnd-Hinge-BoxCounterRotate-Hinge Ext [W]
A2  [TW] Swing / Slip / Slide / Slither  (also w/ TripleTrade, SwThr GrSwT, especially from [L.TW])
A2  [L.TW] SwThr-&Roll (or A-1/4In) Pass&Roll  (not grand)
A2  [TW]/[TF]/[TL] 1/4In PassAndRoll  (watch flow)
A2  [W] 1/2of-Slip "new wave" 1/2of-Slip "points of the diamond"-UTurn [HG]
A2  [W] 1/2of-Slip [F.D] (Mix, TrdWv, etc.) [D]
A2  [W] Ca3/4-&Roll C-RightRollToAWave [Q]  (pushing overflow)
A2  [W] Remake "and" Slither [F]  -Todd Fellegy
A2  [W] Remake Slither Remake HSash Remake  (emphasizes C starting it)
A2  [W] SingleWheel C-RightRollToAWave [Q]
A2  [W] Slither CrossOverCircualte  (nice flow)
A2  [W] SwitchTheWave = Swing Slither
A2  [W](ptrs opposite cnrs of same box) Slip Expl& BraceThru  -or-  Slip Slide G-Run
A2  [W]/[F] C-CounterRotate-&Roll [3-1]
A2  [W]/[F] E-Run "and" Slither
A2  [W]/[F]/[L.W]/[L.F] Slither and Slip  (non-intuitive, flow ok)  -Vic Ceder
A2  [W]/[F]/[L.W]/[L.W] [CastAShadow TradeCirculate] 4x
A2  [W]/[L.W] Slide Slither CastAShadow
A2  [W]/[L.W] Slide Slither-&Sprd (one dancer slides all the way across)
A2  [W]/[L.W] SwitchTheWave Mix
A2  (2 couple asymmetric) [1L] E-Bend Split..  now symmetric

A2  at home: C-SwapAround 1/4In
A2  checker cheat Motivate: InnerActives-DiagonalBoxCirculate
A2  cue SingleWheel: "with your ptr" SingleWheel
A2  cue TrailOff: [M] "think about a HSash" A-TrailOff  (enforces 'L shoulder pass'. Be very clear in speaking)
A2  equiv: [F] XFire = 1/2Tg SplitCounterRotate
A2  equiv: Facing Recyc = VeerL E-Run
A2  equiv: FYNbr = SingleWheel-&Roll  (call both for a ZERO)
A2  fig: A4-RLT H-PsOcn ChainReaction B-Run Feris C-PasTh Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-PairOff T1/4 ScootAndWeave SplitCounterRotate TransferTheColumn AcDcy 1/4Thru TrnTh Sw-Pr  -David Cox
A2  fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext SingleWheel PassAndRoll ScootAndWeave Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-Pr1/2 PsOcn Ext Swing Slip C-Run Cpl.C Slip BendL PassTheSea TradeCirculate Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-Pr1/2-PasIn-PasTh SCirW LSwTh Motivate PtTag Sw-Pr  -Bob Elling
A2  fig: H-PsOcn ChainReaction TradeCirculate ExpWv TurnAndDeal C-PasTh T1/4 ScootAndDodge B-Fold Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-PsOcn Ext 1/4Thru Remake SplitCounterRotate TransferTheColumn Expl&Roll Sw-Pr  -David Cox
A2  fig: H-PsOcn Ext Motivate SplitCounterRotate-&Roll RLT PasTh PartnerTag Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-PsOcn Ext Swing Slip SwitchToADiamond D.Cir DiamondChainThru B-Circ Feris C-PasTh StrTh RvFlt Prom  -David Cox
A2  fig: H-PsOcn SwThr ScootChainThru SpinTheWindmillLeft TradeCirculate Sw-Pr  -David Cox
A2  fig: H-SqTh4 T1/4 ScootChainThru ScootChainThru Sw-Pr   (B then G get C part)
A2  fig: H-SquareChainThru SqTh3 RightRollToAWave Motivate Sw-Pr  (sashayed Motivate)  -Bob Elling
A2  fig: H-SquareChainThru,S-HSash A-BraceThru-1-1/2 RightRollToAWave Motivate Sw-Pr  (sashayed Motivate)  -Bob Elling
A2  fig: H-WheelThru VeerL Cpl.C TradeCirculate CastAShadow TradeCirculate CastAShadow TradeCirculate Cpl.C Prom  (change BOTH col.C to TradeCirculate)
A2  fig: H-WheelThru VeerL G-Hinge Cut.D G-Run Motivate OutRollCirculate Sw-Pr
A2  fig: H-WheelThru VeerL Tag.R G-Run Motivate A8Cir ScootAndWeave Sw-Pr  -Bob Elling
A2  fig: H-WheelThru VeerL Tag.R G-Run Motivate OutRollCirculate Sw-Pr
A2  getout idea: [W] "point! bow to your ptr" (end of the tip)
A2  getout idea: DiamondChainThru G-Roll-Twice AL
A2  getout idea: SpinTheWindmillIn RLG  -Alan Hurst
A2  getout idea: SpinTheWindmillLeft AL
A2  getout: [0P] s-out: C-PasTh A-Recyc RLG  -Vic Ceder
A2  getout: [0P] s-out: C-Recyc A-RLG  -Vic Ceder
A2  getout: [5W1p] A8Cir ExpWv WhlDl C-Sweep-BkAwy A4-"start"-RLG  (ptr is across the set)
A2  getout: [5W1p] Slip Slide Swing Slither Prom  (rough!)
A2  getout: [5W2p] A8Cir ExpWv WhlDl C-Sweep-BkAwy A4-RLT A4-"start"-RLG  (ptr is across the set)
A2  getout: [5W2p] B-Run TradeCirculate Prom
A2  getout: [5W2p] B-Run WhlDl Recyc RLG
A2  getout: [5W2p] InRollCirculate-Twice SingleWheel RLG
A2  getout: [5W2p] OutRollCirculate-Twice SingleWheel RLG
A2  getout: [5W2p] Recyc Recyc SingleWheel RLG
A2  getout: [5W2p] Slip G-XFold RLG  (like XFire)
A2  getout: [5W2p] Slip Recyc RLG
A2  getout: [5W2p] Swing Slip Slide Slither Prom
A2  getout: [B1c] PassOut SingleWheel-&Roll AL
A2  getout: [B1c] T1/4 FYNbr SingleWheel-&Roll SingleWheel-&Roll AL
A2  getout: [B1c] T1/4 ScootAndDodge SingleWheel-&Roll SingleWheel "and" PasTh RLG
A2  getout: [F1p] WhlDl SwapAround AL  (some may question flow)
A2  getout: [L1p] PsOcn Recyc Twice RLG
A2  getout: [L1p] RLT DixiS Slither Prom
A2  getout: [L1p] RLT FltWh "its facing"-Recyc Expl&-RLG
A2  getout: [L1p] T1/4 (Col.C Twice) TrailOff-&Roll-&Roll Prom
A2  getout: [L2p] "each box, your part"-SplitCounterRotate PasTh AL
A2  getout: [L2p] PassTheSea SingleWheel RLG  (fun hand change)
A2  getout: [P2r] C-T1/4-BoxCounterRotate AL  (instead of C-SqTh3 AL)
A2  opener: [SS] A4-RLT RollA A4-BraceThru
A2  opener: [SS] A4-SqT@3-RLT  (at home)
A2  opener: [SS] AL A8SpT 3/4Top 1/2Top 1/4Top SingleWheel DixiG AL
A2  opener: [SS] AL A8SpT 3/4Top SingleWheel AL  (fun hand change)
A2  ring: [SS] ALTAT Left1/4Thru LA
A2  stir: A4-RLT HSash A8-"belles (B) lead"-DixiS "this might be hard"-A8-SingeWheel
A2  stir: A4-SwapAround A-ClovrAnd "you're stirred!"
A2  teach BoxCounterRotate from [B]/[L]: "pretend your ptr does a UTurn" (or have certain dancers UTurn briefly)
A2  teach Checkmate from [P] then [M] (APD) before columns
A2  teach Checkmate: "leaders Trak2 + one step FaceI"
A2  teach CheckmateTheColumn from [P] to help with couples facing in PasTh portion of the definition  -Harlan Kerr
A2  teach Facing Recyc: while VeerL, have Beaus-Run  (VeerL E-Run)
A2  teach In/OutRollCirculate: good practice to have same person active by alternating InRoll.. OutRoll..  -Harlan Kerr
A2  teach In/OutRollCirculate: good practice to repeat it 4 times  -Harlan Kerr
A2  teach Motivate: "everyone wants to Cir 1-1/2, but only the E do"  -Harlen Kerr
A2  teach PeelAndTrail: teach "Trail" as a L shoulder trade. e.g. [L] A-PasTh A-"Trail"
A2  teach SingleWheel: "after SingleWheel you're single"
A2  teach SingleWheel: "L is loose, R is tight" (describing which path dancers get)
A2  teach SingleWheel: "start to Trd, and Roll"
A2  teach SingleWheel: describe path of L-H and R-H dancers: "L is loose, R is tight"
A2  teach SpinTheWindmillRight from [R] have E-FaceR only, then C-Hinge helps E see their 2 circulates  -Harlan Kerr
A2  teach SplitTransfer: same as Scoot+SplitCouterRotate (Scoot+'Sweep 1/4') (helps understand traffic flow)
A2  teach ZigZag: "hear the word "Zig" and think; new R-H formation"

A2  teach Checkmate: "3 & 4 Circulate until you are 1 & 2" FaceI Circulate "across";
     "1 & 2 circulate around the cnr to the top of the column - until you're 1 & 2" FaceI
A2  teach Motivate: practice doing only the first part (A8Cir) by calling "Motivate, first part only"
      after a while, follow with FanTp GrSwThr for a little of the feel.
A2  teach SwitchToADiamond: (from [W]) have C-Hinge "ends note the diamond spots where the centers are
     standing, that's where you're heading" C-Hinge again (ready to SwitchToADiamond)  -Harlan Kerr

A2  ! [SS] A4-SqTh3 A8-SingleWheel "hope she's in front" A8-C-PasTh (star) A8-SCirW A8-RightRollToAWave
      (RLG) Ca3/4 G-Roll-Twice (stir)
A2  ! [0L] DixiS B-DoSaD (G-Circ "3 spots") (B are facing) B-PassAndRoll  [L.0W]  "hurry up Bs, Gs are waiting"
A2  ! [B] DoSaD ZagZig (more interesting starting from [W])
A2  ! [F] XFire "same 4" Zoom "and" PeelAndTrail  (nice for 2 couple)
A2  ! [L] DixiS 1/4Tg SpinTheWindmillLeft
A2  ! [LO] SingleWheel AsCouples-Roll
A2  ! [M] A-"your part"-TransferTheColumn [0L]  (this is probably C4)
A2  ! [SS] 4LCh3 A8-DixiS [TH] A8-SwThr ("RIGHT!") A8-FanTp AL FullT RLG
A2  ! [TF]/[TL] SingleWheel
A2  ! [W] C-CounterRotate A-Motivate  (good for Motivate workshop)
A2  ! fig: H-SqTh4 CtrIn Ca3/4 XFire SwThr Swing Slip B-Run Prom  -Bob Elling

Motivate getins that reduce overflow for outfacing center...
A2  [C] SplitCounterRotate Motivate
A2  [3W] OutRollCirculate Motivate  (not InRollCirculate!)  -Randy Dibble
A2  [5W] Recyc Recyc Motivate  -Randy Dibble
A2  [5B] SCirW Motivate  -Bob Elling
A2  [4W] SpltC Motivate  -Bob Elling
A2  [0Q] PingP Ext Motivate
A2  [5D] FlipD Motivate
A2  [5HG] FlipTheHourglass Motivate
A2  [0B] FYNbr-&Sprd Motivate  (PassAndRollYourNeighbor-&Sprd, etc.)
A2  [L.0W] "point" TradeCirculate Motivate
A2  [5W] Scoot Motivate
A2  [0B] DoSaD ToWav Motivate
A2  [0B] SqT@3 (MakWv) Motivate  (8Ch@3, SplitSquareThru@3, etc.)
A2  [5B] SqTh3 RightRollToAWave Motivate
A2  [SS] H-PassIn-&Sprd PsOcn ScootChainThru Motivate
A2  [2F] BendL BeauWalkBelleDodge Motivate  -Bob Elling


C1  DoSaD-"7/8 check blocks"  -Andy Shore
C1  Jay FltWh
C1  Jay TrnTh
C1  StretchRemake-&Roll  -Richard Tuck
C1  SwingTheFractions ChainThru
C1  TrasferAnd BoxTransfer "and"-TripleCross
C1  [0W] SpChT G-Circ1-1/2  [G]
C1  [0W]/[5W] SplitCounterRotate G-Roll (or B-Roll) Siamese...
C1  [B] CircleBy 1/4 By TripleTrade
C1  [D] C-"go 1/2"-32AcDcy [HG]
C1  [D] Outside Triangle Chain Thru  -Michael Levy
C1  [F] Feris A-Sweep "look for TripleBoxes"
C1  [LO] Belles-Trd "now who's a beau?" Beaus-Fold [B]  (everyone)
C1  [LO] Belles-Trd Beaus-Trd  (everyone is a beau for Beaus-Trd)
C1  [L]/[B] FinalyAsCouples PsOcn
C1  [SS] All8-Finish PsOcn (RLG)  -Puck
C1  [SS] H-PsOcn A8-Recyc Concetric-Recyc
C1  [SS] H-WheelThru PasTh TripleBoxSwThr RLG
C1  [TW] 3/4Crazy SwThr
C1  [Th] A8Cir  (after other All8 calls)
C1  [W] E-TandemFold
C1  [W] Expl& Beaus-Cross Belles-Trd  (everyone trades by the L)
C1  [W] Tandem-AhSo  -Kurt Gollhardt
C1  [W]/[F] E-SwitchToAnHourglass TripleTrade VC-&Sprd [G]

C1  getout idea: [1B] (all facing cnr in seq) "reverse order" PsOcn RLG
C1  teach ShakeDown: "leads RightRoll but not to a wave. Box of 4 CirL 1/4"
C1  teach Truck:  "get sexier - men move more toward the mans side, women move toward woman side  -Ken Sale

C1  teach TallyHo: "look at the dancers you would TradeCirculate with - you'll meet them with R
     hands.  Do 1/2of-A8Cir meet them ..."  -Harlan Kerr
C1  teach ChaseYourNeighbor: (from [0LO]) "Bs take a look over your R shoulder - you'll meet
     each other with the R in a moment"  -Harlan Kerr

C1  ! [L]/[B]/[L.W] "initially L"-PsOcn [W]
C1  ! getout: [5W1p] H-SHing Phantom Motivate (a zero, everyone in the star "as couples") RLG  -inspired by Michael Levy

C2  3/4ReverseCrazy B-Run  (from almost any 2x4)
C2  [3-1] "Sock"-Fold "work Siamese"
C2  [L.W] TheK Prom
C2  [P] CrossConcentric StrTh
C2  [W] ReverseSwapTheWave
C2  OffsetColumn Trak2
C2  S-Truck GrSqr  -Ken Sale
C2  Rotary PerkUp  (parsing challenge)

C2  ! [L] GrandCrossTradeAndWheel  -Vic Ceder

3A  (Split)CounterCoupleUp G-Roll Siamese...  -Del Powell
3A  [B] BeauHop Along "Cassidy"
3A  [F] Feris (or Stretch-Recyc, etc.) TouchBy...
3A  [HG /w one t-bone] Release Recyc (at home)
3A  BigBlock 1/2Tg
3A  BigBlock CroosoverCirculate
3A  Catch-SldTh-3
3A  CrossInvert1/2 KeepBusy

3A  comment: SpinThePully "but there is no but"

C3  comment: ReverseTheTop Along "Cassidy"
C3  [1W] "I mean this!" G-RandomOneHalf-Remake [W]  ([2W] B could do it)
C3  [Q] J-ReverseThePass  (feels like TrdWv for the trades)
C3  [W] Mirror SwapTheWave
C3  [Z] Boomerang
C3  CrossOverCirculate GeeWhiz
C3  SpinThePullyBut-"and it's a stretched But"-StretchedBox...
C3  SwThr-&Sprd WithConfidence  -Del Powel

C4  "work 4 by 0 / 0 by 4"...  -Sue Curtis

NOL From a circle: Take the lady on your L twirl her in front of        you and Swing (she twirls CCW under your raised L arm)
NOL Grand Slide: Stable Grand Square
NOL OverloadTheBoat [1L] E-"go 4 shoulders then face in", C-PassOut & Trade, PassOut & Trade & PasTh [0B]
NOL StarChainAndCirculate [0B] RStar 1/2+ till G line up in a wave, B-&Sprd and Circ, VC-Trd C-Ca3/4  -Bob Elling
NOL teach RipAndSnort [SS] "face your ptr and make an arch - both go under your own arch"  -Bill Eyler
NOL WeaveBack - Leaders Scoot while Trailers Cross Extend; Trade; Cross Extend (what beginers want to do on Scoot Back)

NOL CircleInASquare (like Grand Square 32 beat figure):  Author: Rich Reel
     As called: "Heads Prominade Circle In A Square"  At the same time...
       H-Pr1/2 H-CirR "exactly 1/2 way" H-UTurn H-Pr1/2 (sashayed) H-CirR "exactly 1/2 way" H-UTurn (at home)
        while (at the same time)...
       S-CirR "exactly 1/2 way" S-UTurn S-Pr1/2 (sashayed) S-CirR "exactly 1/2 way" S-UTurn S-Pr1/2 (at home)
     Variation: LStar 1/2 instead of CirR 1/2 ("Star In A Square"?)
     Variation: Heads Reverse Prominade CircleInASqaure: All Prominades are Reverse, CirL 1/2 in the center (or StarR 1/2)
       balance flow - add this variation after the regular for a balanced 64 beat figure
NOL new call: [W] SpinChainAndRevolveTheGears - same as SpChX but at the point of exchange
      each dancer that reaches the very center do a VC-Trd and exchange toward the VC handhold, back to the same wave they were in
      variation: [W] SpChX "just the B revolve it"


Other Sorted Ideas

Caller School:

Have new and newer callers call easy opener: CirL AL RLG
Have new and newer callers call easy patter to work memory, timing, and call delivery...
 * H-SqTh4 SwThr B-Run Feris C-PasTh AL
 * H-SqTh4 RLT PasTh TrdBy RLT PasTh TrdBy AL  (chicken plucker)
Singing call: practice easy group singing call then have students fit a standard figure...
 * H-Pr1/2 SqTh4 RLT VeerL Feris C-SqTh3 Sw-Pr
have students try above with their favorite singing call
have caller say what it is they're focusing on this time at the mic
buddy system: pair each newer caller with another (older/newer?) with different strengths
plan nightly dances with real dancers
plan a meal together
record each caller onto his own tape
exercise: call only calls that keep dancers in [L] and [B] formations only (short memorized call sequence ok)
tracking exercise: all face wall and hold up hand. when you loose formation and arrangement, drop hand
have key couples wear matching colored hats, place a lei (or scarf, etc.) around the 2 key cnrs
Ask the experts: "How has your approach to calling changed over the years?"
Ask the experts: "What is the most stressful thing about calling?"


ALTAT -> AL (Fwd2) AThar
ALIAS -> AL Alamo
bad link: gol2p.htm "golf1p"
error: arrngdia.htm "go!f2p"
<font face Arial>
Fix wrong use of WWThr
Conversion Modules
PsTTC =? PasTC Pas2C PsCtr
getouts: C-Scoot = C-Trd
definitions: "Styling Ideas"
note about finding modules to change sequence via get-out conversions
the following neutralize hand use: SqTh0  -Mike DeSisto
picture "Read choreography like this"
The Best Calendar
Square Dance Ideas "this web site is all about ideas"
Alamo formations: [AF] [ALO] [AC] [L.AC] [AP] [AB]
HTML <p justify> tag
Dance Definitions: Section: Notes On Timing And Flow
Prefer "arrangement" to "sexes"
B and G in one quadrant means a B and G in all quadrants
"Description for Setup"
discover arrangement: [LO] "the real Gs"-Fold
list of hardest abbreviations near the top
show 4 key dancers in a row (dots on cnrs)
(how to resolve) "Get standard arrangement, Click for help" findsex.htm
Organize articles list
Arm turn flow:  www.linet.org/folw.html
[TP] [TB] etc.
level of difficulty: "change of focus"
"point of rotation" defines flow (Lynette's Guide to nice flow)
Cir -> Circ
SqT@3 -> On-3-
how to read and learn a level
Foreword to ALL8.com
Teaching points under definitions
Teaching points linked from abbreviations
use of the word "module" in ALL8.com
conversion to [1W] and [2W] getouts
"everyone facing cnr in sequence"
change "bricks" to "quadrant" pairing.htm
keycpl.htm "cnr sheet"
{designated} -> (named dancers)
Pr.SF -> SF.Pr
ALL8.com derivative works page
Was this article helpfull?, "send this choice" button
use of the words "True Zero"
change "beau couple" to "L-H couple"
formations: [SO] [SF]
notation: S1p = SIO = Static Square = At Home
notation: L1p = 1p2p = Zero Line = Heads Lead Right and Circle to a Line
notation: B1c = Box 1-4 = Zero Box = Heads Square Thru Four
notation: L1c = Corner Line = B1c + Star Thru
notation: B2r = Box 3-2 = Heads Square Thru 2


styling: while H-Pr1/2 if S-DoSaD highland fling style: S go in and turn your back to the DoSaD person going around with them while they hug your backside
"Work like you don't need the money, love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one is watching"  -Author unknown
"...back home swing the one you left behind"
"get back home and you swing there with your own"
when singing high note, sing a little louder and pull mic away
diagram: point to your cnrs
If wrong RPM, lift the needle before changing record speed
flow: SHing / T1/4 have loose grip - another reason why casting with the same hand on the next call is bad
controversial? [TW] GrSwT C-Trd
intro: DoSaD Prom flow?
TPtrR B-StarL w/ or w/o FullT ?
a good dancer: take the distortion out if *anyone* wants it taken out
"glad handing" is part of showmanship
Book: "Ted's Triple Dances" (contra)
"cue sweetly"  -Nathan Williams
Never cue a cheat definition.  Avoid cuing when there is a common cheat.
music trivia (unconfirmed) song "Glory Of Love" appeared in "Beaches" (Bette Midler) and "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" (Spencer Tracy)
square dance hall of fame in Albuquerque  Bob Brundage?
for a birthday: "Happy Birthday ____, s/he's 21 today!  (of course we all know s/he's much older!)
[TW] VC-"you're it!" "have it"-Trd- "let it"-RunR "let it"-RunL "the couples have it" "if you haven't got it, get with it and"-BendL
"I'm new too, so its ok to make mistakes together"
"magnetic hands" describes the tendancy to wander in square dancing
"little steps make little mistakes"  (need credit)
square dance "Courtesy calls"
"bow to your ptr, s/he'll bow to you"
"stir the bucket for a song"  (cheap stir)
"Flow is your friend" - but only if the dancers are atuned to flow
Sound volume: Setting the volume louder makes mic control more sensitive
If near the end of the record at end of tip, go ahead and let music finish at regular volume
theme: skirt night
"its all about having fun while learning to dance"
Callerlab teach tapes
record reset: "change feet, pickup the beat"
Let folks in the square offer suggestions for teaching
Oh Lonesome Me: yodel
Rip&Snort: #1 split #3. #1 break their handhold but hold all other hands while
  they separate from each other to join again outside. last couple dishrag
  so all end facing in.
Rip&Snort w/ no dishrag - final thank you of the evening
[5B] CuliQ to a star: just move 2 handholds together to make a star
Check definition of Veer
Jim Diffi  great Mainstream calling
Steven Munion - sd in New England area
Tom Rinker e-mail: tomrinker@juno.com
Bay Path Barn: http://home.att.net/~soller-ross/barn.html
Piper Rain Plus  rainbow dancers sticker
note to self: Article about ECR singing call
website: resolving in the negative  -Wayne Morvant  (wmorvant_at_aol.com)
parade: go out and greet the crowd
parade: Grand Dive Thru: [file of promenading couples] 1st couple face and make an arch.
  one by one, trailing coupes promenade under the arch(s), face, and make an arch till
  all are arching, then one by one, trailing couples promenade under arches till all
  are promenading.  -Debora Parnell
Grand Dive Thru variation: first couple CalTw and arch while others, one by one, promenade
  under, CalTw, and Arch. Then first couple CalTw a 2nd time to Prom under the other's arches
  one by one till all are promenading again
parade: Grand Wheel: [file of promenading couples] 1st L, next R, next L, etc.
  till all are promenading toward reverse line-of-dance in 2 files of promenading couples.
  then all do a WhlDl action to fold all back into a single file of promenading couples.
recruiting: "This is it! Square Dancing - Learn with us starting this September


Index to ideas on other pages at ALL8.com

Choreography Ideas
    Intro/ONS   Basic   Mainstream   Plus   Advanced   Challenge
Resolve/Get-out Ideas
    Intro/ONS   Basic   Mainstream   Plus   Advanced   Challenge
    Intro/ONS   Basic   Mainstream   Plus   Advanced   Challenge
Singing-Call Ideas
    Intro/ONS   Basic   Mainstream   Plus   Advanced   Challenge
Teaching Ideas
    Glossary Items   Basic   Mainstream   Plus   Advanced   Challenge


See the rest of ALL8.com for even more ideas!   Richard Reel   Hayward California USA