OVERVIEW    B  C  D  F   I   L  LO  M  P  Q  QB  QF  R  RB  RF  S  T  TF  TL  TW   W     NOTATION
  R-H       L-H  
Choreo Bits from
[L.W] L-H Wave
Rich Reel   23 Sep 2000

 Formation     ------------------  Arrangement  ------------------
   [L.W]       0         5         1         2         3         4
  v ^ v ^   g B B g   B g g B   B g B g   g B g B   g g B B   B B g g

  v ^ v ^   g B B g   B g g B   g B g B   B g B g   B B g g   g g B B

     Note: Arrangements for [L.W] not specified by Callerlab
           Arrangement derived from [B] after StpLW

[L.W] L-H Wave - any arrangement

    --LSwTh  E-Cir
    E-Cir,   C-Trd
    --LHing  C-Trd  --SpltC  C-Trd  (Zero - formation rotated C.C.W. 1/4)
    LrRunL  [L]  (same as "Outfacers Run")
  ! E-Zoom,  C-Trd
    C-Scoot [L.W]
   Plus - - - - - - - - -
    --AcDcy [L.W]
    C-FYNbr [D]

Cue for [L.W] any arrangement

    To help with follow-up L-H call say
      "think left and..."
      "start with the outside hand and..."

[L.0W] Normal L-H Wave (GBBG)   flow after DixiS   (see also flow after C-Trd)

    B-Trd   [L.0W]  (see L-H Waves flow after C-Trd)
    B-Cir   [L.0W]  (surprise: B-Trd expected - helps B's see box of B's)
    B-Scoot [L.0W]
    B-XRun  [0W]
             G-Trd   [0W]  "say meeow" (as in the Advanced call Mix)
             --FanTp [0TW]
    --A8Cir  (any of above)
    "hang on"--LSwTh [L.5W]
                     G-RunL  [L.0F]
    "B start"--SwThr "finish with the girls" [L.5W]
    --SwThr  --ChDTL [0L]
  !          G-XRun  [5W]
  ! --Tag   [1M]  "Boys in the lead"
  ! --1/2Tg [2W]
  ! G-UTurn, B-Hinge [5L]    (C1 call: Dixie Diamond)
  ! --FanTp [L.0TW]          (C4 call: Dixie Spin)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --TrdWv [0W]
    --AcDcy [L.0W]
             G-RunL   --ChDTL [0L]
  !          --&Sprd [0W]
    B-XRun   --AcDcy [0W]
             G-LHing  G-TrdWv [0D]
    G-Roll,  B-Hinge [2Q]
             B-Cir--1-1/2  B-D.Cir  G-SqTh2  B-FlipD  A-Cut.D  C-PsOcn [0D]
    G-Fold,  B-Trd-   --&Sprd  G-T1/4  [0D]  (gimmick)
                      G-StepA [0F]  (gimmick)
    --ExpWv [0LO]
    B-Hinge  --Cut.D [0W]
  ! --SwThr  --&Roll  "to face" [1B]
                      "change hands"--T1/4  [5W]
  !          --AcDcy  --ChDTL [0L]
  ! --3/4Tg [1R]
             G-SwThr, B-FaceR [0D]

[L.0W] Normal L-H Wave (GBBG)   flow after C-Trd   (see also flow after DixiS)

    --LSwTh  G-RunL  [L.0F]
                      --BendL [0L]
                      "lead couple"-WhlAr [0L]  (belle-forward flow)
             B-UTurn [0F]  (call quickly)
             B-CtsyT "this G" [0L]  (call quickly)
    B-RunL   --BendL [5L]
    G-RunL  [0F]
             --ChDTL [0L]
             G-Trd    --Cpl.C [0F]
    --Recyc [0B]
    --LHing  B-UTurn [0L]  (belle-forward flow)
             B-TrdDL [0L]
  !          --Wk&Dg  --WhlAr [0L]  (rare nice flow after Wk&Dg)
    --SpTop [L.5TW]  (mirror image with B on the ends)
  !          --Recyc [5L]  (mirror image with B on the ends)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --TrdWv [0W]
             --&Roll [1P]
             G-Roll   G-SwThr [0D]
    --LSwTh  --&Sprd [5W]
                      B-XRun   --ChDTL [0L]
  !          --&Roll [1P]  (G now have R-H ready)
  !                   B-Twice  G-SwThr [0D]  (watch timing)
  ! --LnCyc [0L]
  ! --LHing  --SwThr  B-Roll   B-T1/4   C-Trd   [0L]
                      --SwThr  --&Roll [0B]

[L.5W] Sash L-H Wave (BGGB)

    G-Run   [L.0F]
    --ChDTL [0L]
    --A8Cir  --ChDTL [0L]
    --LHing  G-RunL  [0L]  (belle-forward flow)
    --Recyc [5B]  (L-H version with B on the ends)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --LSwTh  --&Sprd [0W]  (neutral flow)
                      --ExpWv [0LO]

[L.1W] L-H Wave - G facing out

    G-RunL  [0L]
    --LHing [L.0W]  (same flow as after DixiS)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --TrdWv [2W]
             B-Run   [0L]
    "take a peek" "same sexes"-Trd  (gimmick - same as TrdWv)

[L.2W] L-H Wave - B facing out

    B-RunL  [5L]
  !          --&Roll, G-StepW- --SwThr [0D]  (t-bone mush into diamonds)
    --Wk&Dg  --CtsyT [0L]
             --WhlAr [0L]
             --RollA [5LO]
             G-Fold  [2B]
                      --StrTh [0F]
             --1/2of-  -RollA [2B]  (gimmick)
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    --LSwTh  --&Roll [0P]
    --TrdWv [1W]
    "take a peek" "same sexes"-Trd  (gimmick - same as TrdWv)

[L.3W] L-H Wave - inner actives are G

    --SpltC [L.0W]  (similar flow as after DixiS)

[L.4W] L-H Wave - inner actives are B

    --LHing "right" --SwThr  G-Run   [0L]  (belle-forward flow)