OVERVIEW    B  C  D  F   I   L  LO  M  P  Q  QB  QF  R   RB   RF  S  T  TF  TL  TW  W    NOTATION
  R-H       L-H  
Choreo Bits from
[RB] R-H Three Quarter Box Formation
Rich Reel   23 Sep 2000

 Formation     ------------------  Arrangement  ------------------
    [RB]       0         5         1         2         3         4
    ^ ^       B g       g B       B B       g g       B g       g B

    ^ v       g B       B g       g g       B B       B g       g B

    ^ v       B g       g B       g g       B B       g B       B g

    v v       g B       B g       B B       g g       g B       B g

     Note: Arrangements for [RB] not specified by Callerlab
           Arrangement derived from [T] after center belles UTurn

[0RB] Norm 3/4 Box Circulate

    A-FaceI [0L]
    C-Wk&Dg [0M]
    A-Trd   [3QB]
   Plus - - - - - - - -
    A-Trd    C-Roll  [0S]
             --&Roll [5L]
  ! --AcDcy  "think of the definition, who are C, who are E?" [3QB]
             C-Roll  [0S]

[5RB] Sash 3/4 Box Circulate

   Plus - - - - - - - -
    A-Trd    --&Roll  [0L]

[1RB] 3/4 Box Circulate - box of G in center

   Plus - - - - - - - -
    A-Trd    G-Sprd,  B-PsOcn [5D]

[2RB] 3/4 Box Circulate - box of B in center

   Plus - - - - - - - -
    A-Trd    B-Sprd,  G-PsOcn [0D]

[3RB] 3/4 Box - norm couple

    EBRun   [0C]

[4RB] 3/4 Box - sash couple