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Basic Bucket Stirs
Rich Reel   24 Sep 2000

How do I read this?   In the list below, each line going across has a complete bucket stir.   When a line appears indented, calls are shared in common with a line above it.   Use the first call(s) from the nearest line(s) above it that have calls starting from the left hand side.   More information on Indented Call Sharing   Abbreviations Explained

"Cheap" Stirs

 ...PromH --1/4Mr
  A-LeadR --CalTw
  --JoinH --CirR  --1/4
  --JoinH --CirR "R, R, R..." --FwdBk "say WHOA!"  (timing is critical)
  --JoinH --CirL "exactly" --3/4
  H-LeadR --VeerL --Feris C-Sweep
  --4LCh3 4BLeadR A-StrTh (pause for flow) --BendL

"Somewhat Higher Priced" Stirs

  H-LeadR --DivTh C-SwThr -BRun    -BendL
          --Cir2L --T1/4  --Col.C B-Run   --RLT   --DivTh C-SldTh- -3X
  H-StrTh --DPT   LrTrd   --StrTh --RvFlt --PasTh --WhlDl C-StrTh
                  --FLNR  --BendL --RLT   --PasTh --WhlDl C-StrTh
  H-SqTh4 --StrTh --RLT   --FlutW --PasTh --WhlDl --Zoom  C-StrTh
          --SwThr B-Run   --BendL --RLT   --PasTh --WhlDl --Zoom  C-StrTh
  H-RLT   S-Pr1/2 H-LeadL A-VeerR --Feris C-Sweep  (timing affects difficulty)

  H-RLT-   -1/4Mr G-PasTh G-Run   B-PasTh B-Run   C-BendL
  H-BxGnt- -SqTh4,S-RollA --PasTh --TrdBy --T1/4  --A8Cir G-Run   E-BendL
                                                                  --1/2of- -BendL
  --4LChn 4LFlutW A-Sweep
          S-RollA,H-PasTh --SepA1 C-PasTh,E-StrTh A-CalTw
                                  A-StrTh C-Twice,E-CalTw
    For variety: 4LChn = H-2LChn + S-2LChn = 4LCh3 + 4LCh3
           also: 2LChn = RvFlt
! H-RLT-  --LeadL --PasTh S-RLT   S-LeadL "all facing out" A-CalTw
  "couples 1&2"-RLT   "couples 3&4"-RLT   "S at the H position"-RLT

Reverse Stirs

 Convert Reverse Stirs to Normal Stirs with any of these beforehand...
  H-RLT-   -BkAwy S-RLT-
                         -BkAwy H-...
  A-JoinH --CirL-"exactly half way"
  --4LChn H-FlutW S-FlutW
 Convert Reverse Stirs to Normal Stirs with any of these afterward...
  --AL    --RLG   "meet her there"
  --AL    --BxGnt --WWGrd --StrTh
  A-RLT "centers FIRST!, they BkAwy, then the ends   (gimmick)

Clever Stirs

  4LPromI "go HALF WAY meet opposite guy" DoSaD "make Alamo Wave" SwThr G-UTurn

  4LChn  All move in close.  Think about a StrTh with your original parnter
    whom you are facing.  Reach through the square and touch those inside hands,
    boy's hands over the girl's hands, get ready for a StrTh.  See the basket?!
    Slowly, all StrTh.


  - Add excitment after a stir: "All dance up to the middle say WHOA!"  -or-
  - Lower voice and music after stir - let them discover it
  - If stir turns out wrong, say: "I guess it's shaken not stirred"