The trick: Have just one wave Trade The Wave (e.g. "wave nearest the caller (in each square)"-Trade The Wave), then call All-Recycle. Keep calling quickly so dancers don't figure out it is no longer asymmetric. Surprise them with a standard get-out. If you call Bend The Line a few times, dancers previously exposed to asymmetric choreography may be fooled into thinking that this was how you got everyone symmetric again.
For variety, use a 'true zero' that is compatible with one L-H and one R-H wave. Call it after the one-wave Trade The Wave and before the Recycle.
Some example 'true zeros' (very difficult) . . .
--A8Cir "2 spots" "put your crash helmets on!" --ReDcy (this is the fun one with Partner Trades down the center)You can also call to everyone (i.e. to both groups starting in the waves), any number of 4 person calls that either preserve the handedness of the original waves or change it in both waves. Example: Centers-Cross Run changes the handedness - the R-H wave becomes a L-H wave and the L-H wave becomes a R-H wave. After calling a while, end in waves. You do not need to restore the original handedness, arrangement or sequence - those kinds of symmetry were maintained by calling only symmetric 4 person calls. Be very carefull! - Many calls can lose the handedness (Example: Explode The Wave).
Before calling the restoring Recycle, verify the dancer's success by checking for a R-H and L-H wave.
Call any number of symmetric 4 dancer calls to everyone (i.e. to both waves). Note there is no restriction on preserving the handedness (as in the Trade The Wave - Recycle trick above) since both waves have the same handedness, arrangement, and relationship. Feel free to use the full range of 4 dancer calls. This is fun, and slightly disorienting, because the formations are always T-bone to each other. Calls with Cast Off 3/4 in their definition are particularly difficult.
End with the dancers in waves. (R-H or L-H doesn't matter, orientation doesn't matter) Have the 'Spin The Top Wave' Spin The Top, and the other wave Swing Thru. (ending in a [TW] is fun) Dancers are now symmetric! Resolve Normally.
From the same sex lines facing out, call Bend The Line or Tag The Line Face In to get the dancers working together. Call any number of symmetric calls, even 8 dancer calls. Just call to everyone. (i.e. to both the boys and the girls) The square has symmetry, just a different kind - heads are opposite heads and sides are opposite sides. When you call with the dancers this way, you are preserving this symmetry.
H> S> <H <S S> H> <S <HIf you called symmetric material all along, this should take no more than a Centers-Trade to accomplish this. You may alternately use Swing Thru, it does the same as Centers-Trade.
Now call: All 8 Circulate Boys-Run (Right) <pause for flow> Bend The Line. The square is once again symmetric.
See Asymmetric Resolve Techniques for more explanation.